Twice Bitten Not Shy [Vampires of Eternity] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (12 page)

BOOK: Twice Bitten Not Shy [Vampires of Eternity] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“No, you are vrong. She is evil. She is vampire. She could have saved him but killed him. Left him to lie there in the forest like an animal.”

“Okay, so say this is all true, why the other vampires, if they even do exist.”

“You know they do. I can see it in your mind. You think you love them, but they are the animals. They need to be destroyed.”

Roger sharply looked at Gwen. “You knew and argued with me? Why would you do that?”

“Roger, please. Calm down. You can’t possibly believe this crazy woman.”

“Yes, and you know it’s true. They will suck you dry and leave you dead after they make you their whore.”

“No, you’re wrong. I think you are as crazy as she is.”

“Silly voman, you have no idea what they vill do to you. You need to listen to your man. Let us help you.”

“First off, he is not my man anymore. And secondly, I don’t need your help.”

Gwen had sat through more than enough. She needed time to think. The opening was on Friday. She was already confused by everything, and this was only making it worse. She had to leave. Now.

She stood up and brushed off Roger’s hand. “Listen to me, both of you. You are wrong. Sebastian and Christian are nothing like you are saying. They are decent men just trying to make a living. I don’t want to hear any more.”

“But, Gwen, honey, please. You have to listen.”

“No, Roger. I’m done listening. This is over now. I don’t want to discuss this ever again.”

“Gvendolyn, you are making a big mistake…you vill be very sorry. I promise you.”

Gwen turned at the front door. “That may be so, but I have a feeling not as sorry as you both will be if you try to interfere with their lives. Roger, I think it best if you stay away from me for a while.”

Chapter 17


Gwen pulled the door shut behind her and made her way to her car. But where should she go? Should she warn the guys or just go home and try to forget all of this? She backed out of the driveway and drove, not sure what she was going to do after all she had learned this evening. But for tonight she needed safety, the solace of her own bed, and her teddy bear, something familiar to hold on to. The nightmares of her childhood appeared to be her real life now. Her life had turned into a romance novel. She could only hope now that it had a happy ending.

Finally she was home, but apparently she had company.
What the fuck? Haven’t I had enough tonight already?
Apparently not, since there was a black car parked in her driveway, which left no room for her car, so she parked at the curb. Before she had even gotten all the way out of the car, she knew who her visitors were.
Hmm, I wonder if the tales are true. If I don’t invite them in, can they still come in?

She heard a very recognizable deep voice in her head.
No, that is not true. We can come and go anywhere we want.

“Just great.” Gwen remarked.

But we will respect your wishes,
Sebastian continued.
If you don’t wish us to enter, we will not.

She walked up the driveway to her front door as they got out of their car. Upon closer inspection, it was a black Jaguar.
Big surprise there.

Christian laughed. “You don’t approve of our car?”

“No, it’s not that. It just fits you, sleek, black, and expensive. What else would you two drive, a hearse?” Gwen giggled at her own joke, but the vampires looked at her like she had lost her mind.
After tonight, maybe I am.

“Gwendolyn.” Sebastian stepped forward to take her hand, but she pulled back from him. “What is wrong?”

“Nothing, everything. Damn, I’m not sure of anything right now. Why are you both here?”

They looked at each other, and Christian spoke first. “There was trouble in the Force?”


“Okay, bad joke.” Sebastian interrupted him with a look.

“We could tell you were upset. Your emotions were coming across loud and clear. But we couldn’t tell what it was. Something was blocking us.”

“Really? Huh, that is interesting.”

“We were worried for you, so we came, hoping you were here.”

“I see. Well, as you can see, I’m just fine. So you both can go back home and not worry about me.”

“But, Gwendolyn, something is wrong. We can sense it.”

“Sebastian, I am sorry that you can feel my emotions. Apparently now I can feel some of yours as well. I don’t think I like it, either. I need some time to think, which means I need alone time.”

Christian stepped forward and reached out. Gwendolyn sidestepped and avoided his touch. She didn’t want to know what would happen if they laid hands on her again. Especially with all that had happened tonight.

“Please, respect my wishes on this. I promise I will call you in the morning if I have questions. But for now I’m going inside. Alone. Good night.”

She turned her back on them and walked the rest of the way to the front door. She expected to feel their presence behind her, but as she turned the key in the lock, she heard their doors slam and the car start up.

She released the breath she hadn’t realized she was holding and walked into the comfort of her home. Gwen flipped on all of the lights as she walked from room to room. She needed to ward off the darkness in her mind as well as her house.
What have I gotten myself into? The old gypsy was right. I am at least half in love with them.
Just seeing them tonight made her want to run into their arms for comfort.

“Dammit. What the hell am I going to do?” There was no answer. No one was there, which was what she needed. Silence. Time to think. She was tired. So very, very tired. She ambled in to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water then headed for the bedroom. The lights would stay on tonight and hopefully keep out the nightmares.


* * * *


The black car slid through the darkness unnoticed, just like they liked it. Their unease made the tension in the car so thick it could have been cut with a knife. Neither had said anything out loud, but they knew their thoughts were following the same path.

Bloody hell.

Christian was startled. Sebastian’s infamous control had been slipping a lot lately. This was another indication of their quickly deteriorating condition.

Whatever happened tonight really spooked her.

That is an understatement. Did you notice how she wouldn’t let either of us touch her?

Yes, of course I noticed.

It was bad enough the other night and now this. We need to find out what is going on here. Why couldn’t we read her tonight?

Do you think it’s Demetria?

At first, yes, but that wouldn’t make sense. She would want us to succeed with Gwendolyn.

True. So who or what then?

That’s what we need to find out. Soon. Before she is terrified of us, and we lose all chance of the completion of the bond.

I agree. But we are in no condition right now.

Sebastian looked at Christian sharply. He was not usually the voice of reason. It was always him.
What’s going on?


Bloody hell. I can feel you shielding from me.

I’m starting to have the same symptoms as you. So we are both weakening faster, apparently.

We have to try to reach Demetria. Maybe she can explain what is going on.


We should not be losing our strength to this extent yet. It is much too soon.

How do we stop it? I thought once the process had begun, only the completion of the bond would reverse this.

We need to reach Demetria. The last thing I wanted was her here, but I don’t believe we have a choice now.

I have to say I agree. But, Sebastian, how do you think Gwendolyn will react when she meets her?

I’m hoping we can avoid it.
Sebastian’s hands gripped the steering wheel so tightly he could feel his knuckles crack. He needed to relax, or he would drain more energy and never be able to figure this out. He was worried, and so was Christian. This was the nightmare they had hoped to avoid. But if it was between them surviving or Gwendolyn being hurt, he would rather see them both perish.

Chapter 18


As Sebastian and Christian entered Eternity, they felt her. Christian looked at Sebastian and wondered if his friend was going to be strong enough for this. Did they have a choice?

“Well, I guess we got our wish.” A grim smirk passed across Sebastian’s face. Christian felt the same way. Demetria being here was like having a land mine in the middle of one’s path. She could go off at any time. They never knew how she would react. Their vampire queen was very temperamental. All they could do was hope for the best but expect the worst.

So it was no surprise for them to find her sitting at their desk as they entered their office. They hadn’t seen her in at least fifty years, and she had not changed at all, a vampiric version of Aphrodite. Considering Zeus created her, it was entirely possible that was who she was modeled after. It was easy to see why men flocked to her. Christian knew they both remembered it all too well.

She had been standing in the pub with long blonde hair halfway down her back, flawless, milky-white skin, and the most alluring gold eyes either of them had ever seen. She always wore her hair down no matter what was in style. Only her clothing changed.

Christian walked over to the desk first and kissed his maker on her ice-cold cheek. Her eyes always burned with blue fire, but her body was as cold as a block of ice. She was not cursed as they were. She had been created by the Greek gods and placed on the earth. They must have done it for a reason, but she never shared that information. But not even the gods could have saved her from being cursed by the gypsy.

“Hullo, boys.” Her voice was husky with a slight British accent, much like theirs, and almost indistinguishable. Her scent, however, they would know that anywhere, even from six feet under.

Sebastian stooped to kiss her cheek. “Demetria. Interesting that you should show up. We were going to contact you this morning.”

“Did you think I don’t know what is going on here?”

“Of that we had no doubt.” Christian gave her his wry smile. He hoped to keep this conversation as light as possible for as long he could.

“Ah, Christian, you always were the playful one. I have missed you both. But I see you think you are saved now?”

Sebastian exchanged a glance with him. Christian couldn’t read him now. They were both blocking as hard as possible to keep her out of their minds. It was Sebastian who answered her.

“We do think we have found her, yes.”

“But all is not rosy, is it?”

“You already knew that, or you wouldn’t be here.”

“That is true. But there is another reason as well.”

They could feel her fear which was very unlike Demetria, unheard of even. Christian dropped down into one of the chairs in front of the desk. Sebastian paced back and forth in front of the bookshelves.

It was Christian who broke the silence. “Are you going to tell us what the other reason is?”

“It is that damned gypsy.”

“The gypsy?”

“Have you both grown so weak you haven’t felt her presence?”

They looked at each other. They realized then that the gypsy was most likely the cause of their weakening and issues with Gwendolyn earlier.


“I thought so.” She quirked one perfectly formed eyebrow. “Probably the reason you were going to contact me today.”

Christian had always thought she knew too much for her own good, but maybe this time it was for the best. At least it was less for them to have to explain.

He leaned forward in his chair. “So, will you be able to help us?”

“Yes, but this gypsy is tricky. Very dangerous, or she wouldn’t have been able to curse me. I am about to start losing many of my children if she is not stopped. But I will need your assistance. I have learned she has help in this community.”

Sebastian momentarily stopped his pacing. Christian could practically see the wheels as they turned in his head. “She does? Who is it?”

“I don’t know. That is what I need your help with, and I was hoping you’d agree willingly.”

“Bloody hell, Demetria. You haven’t had to force us to do your bidding in hundreds of years.”

“True enough, my pet, but, well, this is different.”

The two men looked at each other. This didn’t sound good, not at all.

“Demetria, stop dancing around the issue.”

Demetria laughed without a drop of joy. They knew she had wanted them to stay with her. After awakening as vampires, they hadn’t wanted anything to do with her. As soon as they had learned how to survive, they had left to make their own way. It had been years after that before they’d learned they were “cursed”.

“Very well, Sebastian. Do sit down. Your infernal pacing is making me insane.”

After a brief hesitation, Sebastian sat down in the other chair in front of the desk. He sat stiffly, as if bracing himself for the worst. Christian wondered if he had an inkling of what was coming. He felt totally clueless. But if the tension that radiated around the room was any indication, this was going to be akin to World War III.

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