Twice Bitten Not Shy [Vampires of Eternity] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (9 page)

BOOK: Twice Bitten Not Shy [Vampires of Eternity] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Sebastian could feel the wonder in Christian. Neither of them had imagined it would be like this. After all the years they had searched for her, it was simply amazing that this petite spitfire was the key to their eternity.

Gwendolyn was lying between the two vampires, still quivering from her release. All she could seem to say was, “Wow.”

Sebastian smiled. Their Gwendolyn appeared to be almost speechless.

Christian laughed. “I guess it is safe to say that you enjoyed yourself?”

They didn’t need her to answer. Her cheeks were still rosy from the intensity of her orgasms, and her heartbeat hadn’t returned to normal.

“Oh yes,” Gwen murmured, “hell yes.”

Sebastian knew he would have to explain to her why they bit her without permission, but they had to know. If she wasn’t the one then it didn’t matter. But now they were sure, they couldn’t waste a moment. They had to tell her everything. They would also have to be vigilant that nothing happened to her before their bond was completed.

Sebastian was waiting to see if she would say anything more. “How do you feel, Gwen? May we get you anything?”

“Mmm, no, I’m just fine, thank you.” She stretched and practically purred with contentment. “I have to tell you,” Gwen, still red-faced, went on, “I have always fantasized about this, I mean, being with two men. I just never figured it would happen.”

Sebastian looked at her closely. “And now that you have, how do you feel about it?”

Gwen laughed. “I thought I made that clear with my ‘hell yes’.”

“I had hoped so, but the last thing either Christian or I want is hurt you in any way.”

“Please, don’t worry about me. I may be small, but I’m tough.”

That was just what Sebastian and Christian were counting on. She had no idea what was coming, but they did, and she’d need to be strong to make the decisions she was going to be faced with.

Christian leaned forward to kiss her gently on the lips. “Gwendolyn, you are an amazing woman. Everything we could have asked for.”

“Oh, please, I’m just me, nothing special…except that I am an excellent planner. And, speaking of which, I still have work to do this evening.”

“Yes, but tomorrow is another day. We’re not ready to let you out of our bed yet, are we, Sebastian?”

“Indeed, we are not.”

Chapter 12


Gwen couldn’t believe she was actually living her fantasy and more. She was a vampire sandwich, and just thinking about it made her want to giggle and jump up and down, and wow. She knew her brain was on overload, but it all was so incredible. She wanted more, as much as they would give her. Since she had no idea how long they would want her, she wanted as much as she could get.

“Well, if we’re not going to work, then…” Her words trailed off at the look in Christian’s eyes. They were no longer molten chocolate but fathomless black. She could tell he wanted her again. They both did, and they were vampires, so what exactly did that mean? Could they lose control and suck her dry? Did she really care? Her train of thought was derailed as soon as their lips touched her body.

“Oh, my goddess, you are going to be the death of me.” Hmmm, she thought, maybe that wasn’t the best thing to have said?

“It’s okay”—Sebastian lifted his mouth from her nipple—“we won’t do anything to you that you don’t want.”

But she did notice the glance the two vampires exchanged when Sebastian said that. She wondered fleetingly what it was about, but she was quickly distracted by pleasure to worry for long. Just like her dreams, it felt like there were hands and mouths all over her, nibbling, licking, caressing, and teasing. Every touch left her wanting more. Christian was lying next to her, suckling her breasts, and she reached for his hard cock. When her hand closed around him, he shuddered slightly. Gwen had a moment of satisfaction swirl through her that she was able to make him feel like she did.

Sebastian was between her legs, and she could feel his lips and tongue moving closer and closer to her pussy. It was her turn to shiver with arousal, and she felt Sebastian chuckle against her. Trying to regain a little control, she concentrated on stroking Christian’s marble-like cock. It was so hard and hot, and she wanted to taste it.

Christian straddled her upper body, and she took him into her mouth.
Mmmm, definitely an advantage to having your mind read.

Christian sucked in a breath as she licked him from base to head and back again. “Yes, a definite advantage.”

Gwen continued to tease Christian’s cock with her tongue, alternating between licking and sucking. She caressed his balls with one hand and continued sucking on his throbbing cock. She nibbled around the head and licked down the shaft over and over again, relishing in each of his indrawn breaths. Concentrating as she was, she almost bit him when his tongue joined Sebastian’s on her clit and pussy. They were alternating licking and sucking on her hard nub. She felt fingers in her pussy and pressure at her rear. She couldn’t think, only savor the sensations.

Christian moved off of her, probably afraid she was going to bite him, and Sebastian slowly pushed his cock into her ass. She hadn’t touched him yet, but he felt huge. She arched her back and tried to take him deeper, wanting to have all of him.

“Bloody hell, she’s tight, Christian. I don’t want to hurt her.”

“Please don’t stop. It feels incredible. Please, Sebastian.” Gwen implored him with her eyes as well as her words, looking into eyes which were no longer as blue as the ocean but black as pools at midnight. “I want this.”

“As you wish, but I will not hurt you. You only have to think it, and I will know.”

“Yes, I understand. Please, I want all of you, all of both of you.”

Christian leaned down and kissed her, taking her breath away. She wanted this and had dreamed about it and fantasized about it for years.

“We will be happy to fulfill your every fantasy, Gwendolyn,” Christian whispered against her lips as he kissed her.

Sebastian was fully embedded in her with one more thrust, and he looked down at her. Gwen smiled up at him, her gaze filled with passion. Slowly, he pulled partly out and thrust back in, building a steady rhythm. Christian sucked on her breasts and teased her nipples with his tongue and teeth, while his fingers pinched and rubbed her hard clit.

“Oh, my goddess…” Gwen could barely put two words together. Every nerve in her body was singing in ecstasy. With every touch and every thrust, her excitement grew until it reached the crescendo, and she screamed out her release.

As Gwen worked to catch her breath, Sebastian and Christian moved to either side of her. She wanted more and wanted to feel Christian inside her, but they all knew she needed time to recover. They caressed her with firm, cool hands. The soft pads of their fingers slowly massaged down her long, shapely legs and across her shoulders and then down her smooth back, easing her tight muscles. Her body still tingled all the way down to her toes, but she was on cloud nine. It was unlike anything she had experienced before, and being at the center of so much attention was incredible, and much better than anything she had ever imagined.

“Would you like something to drink, Gwendolyn? You must be parched.” Sebastian hadn’t waited for a response. He was already heading toward the bedroom door. It was then she realized that he looked much better.

“Wait, Sebastian.”


“You were ill earlier, weren’t you?”

“I was.”

“But how, especially with all the exercise you just had?”

“Let me get you something to drink. When I get back, I’ll explain.”

Christian leaned over and gave her a kiss. “Don’t worry, we’ll explain, and it will all make sense.”

Gwen nodded as she watched Christian follow Sebastian out of the room. She hopped up and headed to the bathroom to clean herself up a little. She was glad she kept a toothbrush and some makeup in her bag. One look in the mirror told her she had seen better days. It was then that she noticed.

“What the hell?” Gwen was dumped from pure bliss to extremely pissed off as soon as she saw the bruising around her nipples. Both breasts had the same little puncture marks in the same exact place. “They freakin’ bit me?”
They promised not to, but they bit me anyway? Am I going to be a vampire now?

Chapter 13


“Bloody hell,” Sebastian sighed. Both of them knew as soon as she noticed the bite marks. Now that they had some of her blood, they would have to work hard to block her thoughts and feelings. However, now wasn’t the time for that. They needed to know what she thought and felt, especially now. The bond could be completed if she would just agree. They couldn’t lose her now. Sebastian quickly poured a glass of ice water, and they headed for the bedroom.

But they never got there. Gwendolyn had managed to surprise them. Instead of being in bed, waiting, they found her fully dressed and in the living room on the leather sofa. The look on her face and the way she sat stiffly, with her legs and arms crossed, was not a good sign. They didn’t have to read her mind. It was obvious that they were in trouble.

Sebastian handed her the glass of water. “Here you go, my dear. But why are you out here? We expected…”

Gwen took the glass and slowly lifted it to the cherry-red lips they had kissed only moments ago. “Yes, well I didn’t expect to be bitten, either. Am I going to be a vampire now?”

“No,” Christian replied. They both hoped his voice would soothe the situation, at least enough for her to listen with an open mind.

“Well, thank the goddess for small favors. I trusted you not to bite me, at least not without asking first. You had promised. How could you?”

“It was not our intention, but we got carried away. There is so much more we have to tell you,” Sebastian said, trying to explain. But apparently, from the thoughts loud and clear in her head, she was not having any of it.

“Gwendolyn, please, let us try to explain.” Sebastian knew it was futile. She was not going to listen. She was too pissed off and scared. So much had happened this evening. It was a lot for her to have to process. It was amazing she hadn’t already run screaming from the building.

“Actually, I don’t think I can handle any more tonight. Honestly. The opening is only a few days away. I have a lot of work to do. So I think it is best if I go home now.” She stood and gathered her jacket and slung her purse over her shoulder.

“As you wish.” Neither of them wanted her to leave, but maybe it was for the best. She needed time to grasp the enormity of what she had learned tonight. To tell her the rest might scare her away permanently.

Christian stood up. “Let me walk you to your car at least. It’s late.”

“Fine.” She nodded and then turned her gaze one more time on Sebastian. “I’ll talk to you soon, Sebastian. I can honestly say that this was one fucked-up night.”

Sebastian took her hand, turned it over, and kissed her palm. “I can’t tell you how sorry we are, Gwendolyn, but it has been our pleasure to have you here. I hope you’ll grace our home again soon.”

“We’ll see. Good night,” she said as she extricated her hand from his and waited to follow Christian to her car.

Christian glanced at Sebastian, quirking an eyebrow. Sebastian just shrugged in return. He watched him lead Gwendolyn out of their apartment. Then he went to the library to see what, if anything else, he could find on the curse. He vaguely remembered Christian saying he found something before Gwendolyn had shown up this evening.

Sebastian found the tome that Christian had left on the desk. He was still reading through it when Christian returned.

“Well, that didn’t go as planned, did it?”

“Not exactly, but then we didn’t expect her to return this evening. Hells bells, I tell you. Just once in our existence I wish things would go as planned.”

Christian laughed. “Please, if we have learned nothing else, Sebastian, it is that nothing goes as planned. This is not like you.”

“I know, but that one taste of her blood was indescribable. I know you felt it as well.”

“True, it was amazing.”

“God’s blood it was. We know she’s the one. I just hope we haven’t done irreparable damage tonight.”

“Sebastian, it’s not like we had much choice. You were weakened, and she showed up here totally unexpectedly.”

“Yes, but we should have been stronger.”

Shaking his head, Christian walked over and sat in the other chair, stretching out his muscular, long legs. Gwendolyn was amazing, that much they both knew, and she was the one, but would she make the choice they needed her to make?

“I just wish I had been able to make love to her this evening as well. Her soft touch and sweet taste were hypnotic.” Sebastian just smiled at him. There was nothing to say.

Christian leaned forward to see what Sebastian was studying. “How much have you read from that passage?”

“Enough to know we’re pretty much fucked if Gwendolyn doesn’t decide to give her life for us.”

Sebastian was surprised by Christian’s choice of words. But then, they were under a lot of stress. “I suppose you could say that. But then, we always knew it was a possibility.”

“Agreed, but I figured we were both persuasive enough that this wouldn’t be an issue.”

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