Turning Point: BBW Motorcycle Club Erotic Romance (9 page)

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Authors: Harmony Raines

Tags: #General Fiction

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Switching off the shower, knowing she had been in there far too long, she put a robe on and went to the kitchen. Making some tea, she then piled several cookies on her plate, and went to sit in her rather dingy lounge.

All she could think of was getting away from everything, going somewhere and starting again. If she worked her notice for Bernard, he would give her a good reference, and there was nothing else holding her back. These thoughts were freeing, she could go anywhere, and do anything, but would that be enough, could she put enough miles between her and Snake.

There was only one way to find out.

With her mind set, and a creeping excitement in her body, she went to clean her teeth, and try to get some sleep. As she put the toothpaste on her brush, she heard someone knock the door. Who could it be at this hour; the sun would be up over the horizon soon, most people would be in bed.

It struck her then that perhaps Snake had come here for her. He obviously knew where she lived, because he had brought her home the night before. That had never crossed her mind until now, he knew exactly where to find her, and she had no defence against him. If he wanted to, he could kick the door in, him and his brothers.

The knock turned into an incessant banging. This would wake her neighbours up, making her really popular, but she couldn’t answer it to him. Perhaps the police would be a better idea. Not that she wanted to involve them, but she had to keep herself safe. So she decided to shout a warning first.

Going quietly to the door she stood and listened, trying to figure out how many of them were out there. It was hard above the racket they were making, but she made out a couple of different voices, and then realised they were both familiar.

Pulling the door open, Rob nearly fell in.

“What the hell are you doing here?” she hissed at them.

“Tracking you down. Where have you been?” Stan asked, his face showing a little concern. “We’ve been trying to get hold of you all day.”

“I was at work.” Her temper already rising.

“So what happened?”

“I got left to take the heat from that stunt you pulled.” Faith turned her glare on Rob.

“I bet you enjoyed being centre of attention. Of course, if you’d been more careful they would never have caught you.” Rob had that superior sneer on his face again.

Faith felt insulted by him, he didn’t give a damn about her, never had. “You’ll be glad to know you’ve won. I won’t be hanging around any more. I’ve learned my lesson, and I’m leaving.”

“What?” Stan said in disbelief.

“Running away,” Rob said, and Faith had never had such an urge to punch someone.

“I don’t want a scene, so why don’t you leave. You got what you wanted, didn’t you?” Faith asked.

“Yeah. Word soon got out that me and Stan put the Castaway’s colours right in the heart of the Dread Cult’s territory.”

“But you didn’t. I did, and I took the punishment for it too. So enjoy your glory, and I hope you like living with a lie.”

“No one will know. Because you will keep your mouth shut, right.” Rob came towards her, and Faith felt the edge of danger in his voice cutting through her anger.

“Back off, Rob,” Stan said, placing his hand on his friend’s chest.

“Why? Your sister has been desperate for me to fuck her again. I’ll make it her going away present.”

“Get out, Rob,” Faith said firmly, but it did nothing to stop him coming towards her and grabbing her arm.

“I don’t think so. I’m going to give you a lasting reminder of me. It’ll be good, I promise.”

“No, it won’t,” she said. “Get out.”

He grinned at her now. “Oh, it’s going to be good for me.”

Stan stood still, rooted to the spot while Rob grabbed her and tipped her onto the sofa. His hands took her robe and tore it off her. For a moment, he simply stared at her, the tattoo plainly visible.

Then he laughed. “They branded you. Even better. Now I can tell the Castaways I took the Dread Cult’s property too. Tell me, Faith, did they claim you properly, like a real woman. Or did they have to force one of the poor suckers to do you.”


“What?” Rob said, turning to Stan. “Go wait outside if you don’t want to watch me nailing your sister.”

Suddenly Stan dived at Rob, pulling him off Faith, who quickly covered herself up. The sound of a fist hitting flesh made her look up, and Stan had laid Rob out on the floor. As Rob struggled to stand, Stan told him to get out.

“Think what you’re doing,” Rob said.

“There’s nothing to think about.” Stan stood squarely looking at him, fists at his sides, ready to hit him again if he had to. “She’s my sister.”

“Right! Now she’s your sister. After all the years I’ve had to listen to you going on about how embarrassing she is to you.”

“Shut up, Rob!”

“Make me.” Rob got to his feet, ready for a fight.

Faith took a step forward and stood between them. “Get out! Both of you.”

“Get out the way, Faith,” said Stan, his face filled with rage.

“No. This is my apartment, and I want you both out of it.”

Neither of them moved, her frustration making tears prick her eyes. She hated this, they had never grown up, a couple of big kids, and she wanted them out of her apartment and out of her life. Deep down she knew this was just some quarrel that would pass, and they would be friends again in no time. She supposed she should be grateful to Stan for sticking up for her, but he had taken so long, and put her through such crap before, she couldn’t find any part of her that took him seriously.

Stan turned to reason with her. It was then that Rob took a swipe at him, and hit him so hard he went down. Faith stood looking appalled. Her brother might not have been doing this for the right reasons, but he had been her only defence against what Rob intended to do to her, and now he was out cold.

Looking up at Rob, she knew she was in trouble. Turning she dived into her room, but before she could shut the door he pushed his way in.

“Please Rob, let me go. You don’t want to do this.”

“No. I don’t. But you know what, now Stan is not going to stop me I think it might be a good idea if you and me took a little ride. I think the Castaways would be very happy if I gave you to them.”

“Why would they want me? Like you said, I’m nothing.”

“I know that, you know that. But now you carry the mark of the Dread Cult, so to them you are something. Get dressed.”


“Then I’ll take you like that, save them ripping your clothes off. Your choice.”

“Rob, you wouldn’t.”

He came close to her again, his breath warm on her skin. Whereas once she would have felt a stirring of desire for him, now she felt repulsed. He was a mean bully, and he didn’t care what happened to her.

“I’ll get dressed.”

“Good girl.” He leaned against the door, blocking her escape.

“Aren’t you going to give me some privacy?”


Faith felt a surge of hatred for him. As she dressed, her thoughts turned to Snake. He was her only hope, but he would have no idea what was happening. Even if he did, would she be any better off. She didn't know if he cared for her at all. Or would he simply leave her to her fate, after all she was the one who had run from him.

Pulling on the first clothes she came to, Faith gave in to her fate. Whatever happened it no longer mattered, she felt despondent. Her life was not her own, somehow she had gone from being a nobody, to being a thing that was traded around, all because of Rob, and her brother. However, she also had to blame Snake, for putting that damn tattoo on her.



He had gone through such a range of emotions it was a struggle to understand how he felt right now. When he had found her missing he had felt betrayed, was Faith who she said she was? Or had he given his heart to a woman who wanted only to manipulate him and the command he had over his men.

The real questions hammering in his brain were complex and many. Who exactly was Faith, what were her intentions, and what did she want from him?

She was not in the house, and when he found the door unlocked, he didn’t need to be Sherlock Holmes to know she had left him. No one else would go out and leave the door wide open, she had run, and he intended to hunt her down and get the answers he needed from her once and for all.

He was riled now. She had crossed him on more levels than he cared to think about. This needed to end, or he would lose the trust of his men. God, but he wanted her, the feeling of having her beside him, of being inside her, she had captured him in a way no other woman ever had. Part of him hated her for it, she had changed him. This was not the man he was, the man he needed to be.

The President of the Dread Cult was stronger than this. Maybe he was getting old, or just tired.

His got on his bike, kicking the engine into life. He didn’t care who he woke or who saw him leave. This was his business, and he intended to sort it out tonight. Whatever the outcome.

Heading back to town, he kept an eye out for her. Nothing. Leading him to the conclusion that someone had been waiting for her, the same someone who had persuaded her to come into his office. That meant someone from the Castaways.

Well, if they wanted war, he would give it to them. This had gone far enough. It was one thing to trespass on the Dread Cult’s territory; it was another to trespass on his heart.

His first stop was her apartment. Yes, he knew exactly where to find her, she had happily told him last night when she was drunk. Stupidly he had fallen for her act, and branded her. His property, a damn ruse, no wonder she had agreed to it.

He accelerated, his bike taking him closer to the devil woman.

Pulling up outside, he found the place in darkness, and no sign of anyone being in. He hammered on the door enough to bring her neighbour out. Only to be told she had not come home as far as they knew. A quick bribe meant the neighbour would now tell him when she did return.

Heading back to his bike he kicked it into life again, and took off back to the place he had first met her. He needed a drink, and then to get his thoughts straight, or else tomorrow there would be hell to pay. His men would tolerate no weakness, not now they knew who had betrayed them.

He had to watch his back. Else, he would not be President for much longer.

Did that matter to him?

He stopped. The lights changed to red.

Perhaps not as much as he thought it would. Damn that woman for getting under his skin. For the first time in his life, he had thought about the future, she had seemed as damaged as he was. Betrayed and made worthless by family. In his mind he had pictured them settling down some place, and having a family.

He revved his engine, the lights changed and he set off at a breakneck speed.

Men like Snake never settled down, happy ever afters didn’t exist in this world.


Chapter Eight

Rob was pinching the sensitive skin on the inside of her arm as he led her out from her apartment. He took her down to where he had left his bike, and told her to get on.

“No helmet.” She thought this might stall them. Instead, he grabbed Stan’s from where he had left it with his bike and thrust it into her hands.

“Put it on,” he ordered, and Faith did as he said, one look at his face telling her he would make her, with whatever force he thought necessary, if he needed to. “If you run I will go back in there and stick a kitchen knife in your brother’s heart.”

With that, he got on his bike. Faith paused for a moment, wondering what to do. Of course, she had to protect Stan. No matter what she said in anger, he was still her family, and her mom would be heartbroken. Added to that, she knew if he died because of her, she would never be able to live with herself. Far better, the bad stuff happened to Faith, the person no one cared about.

She slipped onto the bike behind him, and cringed as she put her arms around him to stop herself from falling off. She hated everything about Rob, and hated herself for giving him power over her for all these years. He didn’t deserve it.

They wound their way through the early morning gloom. Faith tried to keep track of where they were going, in case she had the chance to escape. It would do her no good if she got away and didn’t know where to run to. She only hoped that if the chance came, Stan would have come round and got himself out of Rob’s way.

“Concentrate,” she told herself. She had protected him enough, now she had to think about saving her own skin.

The bike wound its way through narrow streets, and Faith had the feeling they were getting closer to their destination. Perhaps the President of the Cult Castaways would be better than Snake. Perhaps he would protect her. She doubted it.

Faith had grown up in the real world, one where men always let you down.

Rob slowed his bike, and then stopped outside a big warehouse. It seemed deserted from the outside, but the doors were soon pulled back and a mountain of a man came out to speak to them.

Well she assumed he intended to speak, because if she wasn’t mistaken he also carried a gun, not too well hidden, under his vest.

“What do you want?” the big guy asked, looking at Rob and the front of his vest.

“I have a gift for Don.”

The guy looked over Rob’s shoulder, his eyes resting on Faith. “He doesn't need another woman. Especially one like this.”

Rob grinned. “He’ll want this one. She belongs to the Dread Cult.”

“Right. I get you want to impress everyone, but don’t mess with me.” He went to walk away.

“Don’t be the fool here.”

“You’re the fool,” the big guy said, his hand going to his gun as he turned.

Faith felt numb with shock. Rob and his big mouth was going to get them killed. This was real, he had a gun and he looked like he knew exactly how to use it. His finger itched to use Rob as target practice, she could read it in his face.

Full of himself, Rob got off the bike. He turned to Faith, “Show him.” She sat still on the bike, mute. “I said show him.” This time Rob grabbed hold of her shirt and ripped it off her shoulder, revealing the tattoo.

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