Turning Point: BBW Motorcycle Club Erotic Romance (11 page)

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Authors: Harmony Raines

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Turning Point: BBW Motorcycle Club Erotic Romance
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The room around her was dark and through the fog in her brain, she tried to figure out where Rob was. Had he left her alone? What had he done to her while she was unconscious?

Her head thumped, and she felt sick, the built up pressure of him trying to strangle her still affecting her. Trying to move she was shocked to find she was no longer tied up, she could move her hands freely. So he had decided to do the right thing after all. Thank goodness, he had come to his senses.

“Hey, you’re awake?”

The voice sounded too familiar, and kind, not a tone she had ever heard from him before. Opening her eyes, she saw her brother standing in front of her. Then she realised she was home, in her bed, safe in her apartment.

“Stan! What happened? How did I get here?” Her voice was very croaky and hoarse.

“Long story. Let me get you a warm drink first, it will help soothe your throat.” He disappeared out to the kitchen, and she propped herself painfully up on the pillow. She ached, as if she had gone ten rounds in a boxing ring. Every part of her hurt, but especially her face, and when she put her hand up she flinched at the swelling on her cheek.

“It doesn’t look too bad,” Stan said reappearing with some hot tea.

She took it from him and sipped it tentatively. It did help a little, but talking was still not easy. All she managed to get out was, “Tell me what happened.”

“Faith. First I want to say I had no idea what he planned to do to you.”

“It doesn’t matter,” she whispered, too tired to hear his sorry excuses. “Just tell me what happened. How did you find me?”

“Luck. I suppose. I went with Snake to the Cult Castaways’ hangout. Snake told me to go in and see if you were there or if there was word of anything going down. The guard wasn’t too happy to see me, told me Rob had been by and if I had any ideas to forget it.”

She took a sip of her tea while waiting for him to continue.

“I said I had no idea what he was on about, that I hadn’t seen Rob. He told me what had happened, and I laughed and said Rob must be trying to pull a trick on them, that they should forget about what he says, he’s mental.”

He paused, and then continued, sounding pleased with himself and the part he had played. “The guard agreed. We shared a cigarette, and then I got out of there as soon as I could without making him suspicious. When I told Snake, he called his brothers, they all came out to help track Rob down. I really thought they were going to kill him when they found him.”

“Did they?”

Stan shook his head. “He got away, I don’t think he’ll stop running for days. If he knows what’s good for him he won’t anyway, I think some of them followed him.”

“I still don’t see how they found us.”

“Like I said, Snake made a call. I told him what Rob’s bike looked like, and they were all out looking for you. Someone spotted him heading towards the trailer park, and then I figured where he was going. Me and Rob used to go there and smoke pot when we were younger.”

“Thanks. For helping.” She couldn’t remember him ever doing anything for her before, that didn’t in some way help his own cause. Things hadn’t changed, Stan finished off his little speech, telling her, “No problem, At least now you can put a good word in for me with Snake. I can’t go back to the Castaways, thanks to you and Rob, so I thought I would join the Dread Cult instead.” He smiled at her. “Is there anything else I can get you?”

“No. I just want you to leave.”

Stan looked up, shocked. “No. I said I’d stay here and look after you.”

“Get out Stan. I want to be alone.”

“I promised Snake. It won’t look good if I disobey him.”

“I don’t care. You’ve done your bit, you helped find me, I’m grateful for that, but I don’t want to see you again.”

“No. Please.”

“If you don’t go I’ll call the police.”

Stan got up; she knew what buttons to press to get him to do what she wanted. “Tell Snake I didn’t break my promise.”

She didn’t even reply, sagging back against the pillow as she heard the front door shut behind him.

Looking at the clock, she saw it was nearly eleven; she would have to phone Bernard and tell him she wouldn’t be in. While she was at it, she would let him know she planned to leave. Her mind was made up, this part of her life needed to end; she wanted a fresh start somewhere else.

“You shouldn’t be so hasty about your brother.” The voice was inside her apartment, and a shadow fell across her bedroom floor.

Faith felt the blood rush from her head, making her feel faint, the shock almost too much. Looking around for a way to defend herself, she came up with nothing. Hopelessness smothered her like a blanket, and then she breathed out in relief. It wasn’t Rob standing in her bedroom. It was Snake.

“I’ll tell you the same thing as I told him. Get out.”

He looked taken aback by her words. She guessed not many women spoken to him like that. Well she didn't care; she wanted nothing to do with any of them. He might have come to save her, but it was only because she was his property.

“I don’t understand,” Snake said coming towards her.

“I’ve had it with you all. Just because I’m not skinny and pretty does not mean you can treat me like trash.”

“Faith, I really thought there was a connection between us.”

She was unsure what he meant. In her head, she still believed he had planned to leave her in his whorehouse. “I heard what you said to Crag”

“What I said...? Oh. I thought you had set me up. Another way for the Castaways to do damage to my reputation.”

“No. I have nothing to do with them. I only put the jacket in your office because Rob and Stan asked me to. I had no idea what I was doing. What it meant.”

“I know, Stan confessed everything. The question is, would you do it all again, knowing the consequences of your actions?”

Her body, despite her pain, responded to that hidden meaning in his words. She was sure he was thinking back to that first night, when he had taken her so forcefully, so publicly. Her face flushed, her cheeks pink as she remembered the touch of his hands on her body. The way he had stretched her with his wonderful cock.

Did she regret it?

“It doesn’t matter,” she said, finding the strength from somewhere deep inside, to stay true to her decision to leave. “I am not willing to play games any more. To be used by you, or my brother.”

The pain on his face was clear; he made no attempt to hide his feelings. “Faith, this is not a game to me. None of it is. Even that first night, I had to prove myself worthy of being the President of the club. And if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have found out how much I want you.”

“And what happens when you tire of me? Will you act like the President then, or like a human being?”

“Being President doesn’t make me a bad person.”

“What about your whores? Is that what I’ll become when you tire of me?”

“So that’s what you think of me? No wonder you ran.”

“You left me.”

“I went to talk to Crag. To find out what news he had on whoever put you up to that stupid stunt. I needed to know if I could trust you. For all I knew you were playing me. The Cult Castaways are always trying to undermine us; they were once part of us. Now we’re enemies.”

“Do you think if they were trying to trap you in some way they would have sent someone like me?”

Snake dragged his hand through his hair, and for the first time she noticed how tired and haggard he looked. Was that through worry for her? She shook it off, knowing it would only weaken her resolve.

“Faith, please, what can I do to make you believe me?”

“Let me go.” The words left her mouth, but she didn’t believe in them, and she didn’t want him to ever let go of her again. She wanted him to fight for her. To want her so much that he would beg her to stay. Her feelings were so conflicting, it tore her up inside. So it was no relief when he answered.

“If that’s really what you want, then you have my word I won’t stop you.”

“Thank you,” Faith answered, her eyes devouring his image, trying to imprint it on her brain.

“Will you do one thing for me first though?”

“What?” Here it was, the catch.

“I want you. One last time.”

Faith swallowed nervously. It was kind of funny that he wanted his own lasting impression of her. The worse thing was that even though she knew she should say no, she couldn’t. The offer was too irresistible to her. Her need for him much too strong.

“One last time, and then you’ll let me go?”

He nodded, and was beside her on the bed before she had a chance to change her mind. His lips on hers drowned out any chance of her saying no, but she did not intend to do so anyway. She wanted this, with a burning desire she could never deny.

The knowledge that it would make leaving him harder did nothing to stop the flickering flame of arousal from building into an inferno, which promised to consume her completely. After this was over, when they were both spent, then she would begin to rebuild her resolve, but for now there was only passion.

Snake’s hand found its way under her nightshirt, and she wondered for the first time if it had been he who had undressed her and put her to bed. It wasn’t something her brother would do, god forbid. However, as he lifted her shirt and pulled it off over her head, she considered just how much he did care about her, and whether she was making the biggest mistake of her life by leaving him.

Then his mouth claimed her nipple, his tongue rolling over it, and his teeth grazing the sensitive bud. Wrapping her arms around him she pulled him closer, cradling his head while his mouth drove her to distraction. Her sex ached to feel the fullness of him inside her. Part of her knew sex would never be this good again, that no man like Snake would ever want her in this way again.

Breaking off from her lush breasts, he moved down lower, his breath on her thighs as he parted them. Then she gasped, his mouth covered her mound, his tongue flicking out to lick her clit. She fisted his hair, unable to control herself, her knees lifting off the bed to leverage her bottom up so she could push harder into his face. Snake nipped her playfully, making her clit throb, her sex swollen and full with her arousal. His thick fingers pushed into her, plundering her sex while his mouth took her to new heights.

It was impossible to keep still, the touch of him almost agony. Her mind filled with the need for him to stop, coupled with the dread that he might not finish what he had started. Her orgasm was so close, he had driven her there quickly, his touch expertly in tune with her aroused body.

Then she came, the sensations sweeping over her. Her voice pained as she cried out his name. In that one moment she realised how much she was going to be giving up. Her courage was in danger of failing, but she had to stand firm. As her orgasm filled her body with tension, she battled herself to keep from telling him she was his forever. The words must never be spoken. She couldn’t belong to him. Not freely and without hesitation. Not yet.

Her body was still in the afterglow of her orgasm when he produced a condom, fitting it quickly. Then he mounted her, lifting her legs and pressing them down towards the bed, exposing her sex to him. He pushed a finger inside her, massaging her sex, finding the sweet spot inside her that made her go wild. All the time he watched her face, taking in everything about her. When he knew she was close to coming her stopped, and pressed his cock into her instead.

Once more, she was overtaken by the length and girth of him. Her back arched as she took him inside fully, in one swift movement he was buried to the hilt. Snake stopped, his body still, as it covered her, his weight on his elbows. Reaching up she kissed his chest, her tongue curling around his nipples, her hands sliding over his smooth shoulders. Tears pricked her eyes.

“Don’t go,” he whispered.

When she didn’t answer, he lowered his head and kissed her lips, his hand cupping her face. Gently he moved, his body finding that rhythm she loved so much, the one that took her soaring above the crap her life contained. Joined with him like this she was a different person, they were both different. The sum of their lives made more than when they were apart.

Yet Faith was a realist, and knew this was only the effect of his body inside hers, that in the cold light of day there was nothing for them. He was in command of the Dread Cult MC’s, and she was a girl who worked in a grocery store.

Slowly he took her, his hands stroking her body, savouring her flesh, his mouth tasting her. For the first time she felt as though she really did mean something to him, in a way his words had never before convinced her. Damn him for that.


He couldn't get enough of her, if this was the last time he would take her, then he wanted it to last forever. She must be some kind of witch to have cast this spell on him; no woman had ever done it before. As his lips kissed that tattoo he’d had put on her, he became resigned to the fact that she might be the one branded, but he was the one who was no longer free.

She didn’t even know it. Couldn’t see it for what it was, and he couldn’t blame her. In Faith’s eyes, all men used her and then cast her aside. If he could get his hands on that son of a bitch Rob, he would kill him with his bare hands.

His fists clenched, and the tenderness of the moment passed, he thrust hard into her, channelling his anger into making Faith come hard. He felt the first tremors pass through her, and took her swiftly to a knee trembling orgasm. Jerking into her, he filled the condom, and still he kept on, making her come again, and for a third time, if he wasn’t mistaken.

She would remember this for a long time. He took her so hard, in the grip of his wild orgasm; he knew she would feel it for days. A reminder of him, for every waking hour. Some vain hope it would be enough to make her stay.

Once his climax had passed, he pulled out of her. Without a word, he got up and left. He couldn’t say goodbye, and he couldn’t beg her to stay. His only consolation was the sound of her sobbing when he let himself out. It was the only thing that gave him hope. The only sign of weakness he had seen in her since she had decided to leave.

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