Turning Point: BBW Motorcycle Club Erotic Romance (13 page)

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Authors: Harmony Raines

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Turning Point: BBW Motorcycle Club Erotic Romance
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“What the hell's going on?” he asked, his voice tinged with anger. “Why did you bring her here, Crag?”

“Hey, steady there. I didn’t go looking for her, she came looking for you.”


“My brother called, said the Cult Castaways were coming for him, and me. Said they wanted a war.”

The very fact that Faith was here, standing in front of him when he thought he had lost her, gave him courage unlike he had ever felt. She was his woman, and if the Castaways were after her, he had to defend her. So he took a deep breath and issued his war cry. “A war!” Snake yelled. “They want one, let’s give them one.”

Chapter Eleven

Like the rallying call of any good commander, a loud cheer of agreement filled the air. These men lived a different life to those of most ordinary people. They lived on the edge, where life and death mattered, where it rode with them as pillion every day. Faith now saw a glimpse of why this had been so attractive to Rob. To be a Prospect, to have to earn their respect in order to be accepted by them, that was a thrill in itself. It meant you were someone.

Faith felt her own courage rise when Snake shouted out his orders. She didn’t know what to do, and ended up standing still in front of him, as though waiting to be judged by him. The action was frantic all around her, but she stood quietly, waiting for him to see her. Desperately needing to know if he was still hers or if she had done too much damage to their relationship by ordering him to go away.

At last, everyone was busy, Snake had spoken quietly to Crag, and then he looked at her directly for the first time, before saying, “Tell me what you know.”

He came towards her and put a strong arm around her waist, pulling her close and guiding her through his men. With heat, growing inside her she allowed him to take her wherever he wanted. There was only one place quiet and empty, his office, the place where this had all began.

Snake shut the door behind them.

Faith began to speak, “I’m sorry,” was all she managed before his mouth cut off all further need for words.

His hands groped at her jeans, and undid them, tugging them down roughly. He moved her back towards the desk and sat her down on the edge before lifting her thighs to wrap around him. In a swift movement, borne out of desperate need he opened his pants and dropped them to the floor, the tip of his cock pressing against her wet outer lips.

In her head she screamed, he was not using any protection, but her own reply was that it no longer mattered. By coming here today she had given herself to him, she did belong to him, the tattoo only a visible sign, this was another kind of ownership. He was free to put a baby in her belly; he was free to do whatever he wanted. She was his old lady, and for the first time that knowledge sat easy with Faith.

She never knew it would make a difference to their lovemaking, but it did. Having no barrier between them seemed to excite him, it was so much more raw than before. He thrust hard and fast, his hands lifting her shirt and dragging her bra cup down so he could touch her. Frantically he plunged into her, and her arousal built, inflamed by the primal surge within him.

One hand covered her bottom, holding her tight against him so he could impale her hard and fast with his magnificent cock.

She gripped his vest, the leather folded in her hands as she clung to him for dear life. Her clit throbbed with need, but both his hands were busy, so she did something she found so daring. While he fucked her, she slid her hand down between their bodies, and rubbed the sensitive little bundle of nerves.

That was so good, Snake was inside her and all around her, and her own hand was touching her in just the way she liked. She whimpered softly, rocking her hips backwards and forward to change the angle of his cock.

His hands tore at her shirt, and then her bra, he needed more, to see her naked, to feel her bare skin, and then he took her nipple in his mouth and sucked in it hard. She howled, her whole body one mass of nerve endings demanding attention, and then she came, crying out his name, clinging to him while he filled her with his seed.

When he had finished he simply said, “Clean yourself up,” and left.

Stunned, Faith retrieved what was left of her clothes, and headed to the bathroom. She went into a cubicle and used tissue to wipe herself. She was so wet, a mixture of both their juices, but none of this registered with Faith. She didn’t understand what had happened. Where she thought things were OK, they obviously weren’t.

Once clean and sort of dressed, she went out to find him. Not hard when the others were buzzing around him. She walked straight up to him, not caring who was around.

“What the hell was that?”


“Sex,” she repeated. “Yes, I know what it was physically.”

“Good. Then we’re straight.”

“Straight. I could get pregnant.”

“Yep.” He turned, and there was a look of insolence on his face.

“Snake, please. What did I do wrong?”

“I don’t know. Where do you want me to start?”

He might as well have slapped her across in the cheek. Her face hurt, her throat hurt, and now her heart hurt too. Was this his idea of retribution for the way she behaved? “I’m sorry.” She knew she sounded desperate. “Can we please talk about this?”

“Sure.” He stopped what he was doing and looked at her.

Faith became aware that everyone else either had stopped, or were working quietly so their words could be heard. “Privately.”

“I’m busy.”

Crag came up then, and said to Snake. “She’s right, take it somewhere private.”

Snake slouched off, expecting her to trot along after him, which she did.

“What do you want Faith?” he asked as soon as they were out of earshot of the others.

“Isn’t that obvious?”

“No. You blow so hot and cold, I don’t know if tomorrow you’ll change your mind again.”

“I won’t. Not this time.”

“No? Are you sure you didn’t come here just for protection, and when this is over you’ll go running off again.”

“No. And if you thought that why didn’t you use a condom.”

“Maybe I hoped if I knocked you up you might hang around a bit longer.”

“That’s the dumbest reason I’ve ever heard.”

“I know. But then I am dumb for falling for the only woman who’s ever sent me away.”

“I’m sorry.”

His face softened. “Do you know what I have to be if I want to control all this?”


“Tough, I have to be ruthless. You make me feel weak. Vulnerable, and I can’t be like that. I need to know if you are staying for good, Faith. Before I go to meet the Castaways, I need to know if you are going to be here when I come back.”

“No. I won’t be here,” she said, watching his body tense and he straightened up, pulling away from her. She reached out and touched his arm. “Because I’m coming with you, Snake. I want to be by your side.”

It was probably the most shocking thing he had ever heard, judging from the expression on his face. “You can’t come with us.”

“Why not? They are coming after me; they think I belong to you. So why can’t I help?”

“Because it’s not what women do.”

“That is the most sexist comment I’ve ever heard.”

“You’re not coming.”

“Snake, let me help.”

“No. Please Faith. For your own safety you have to stay here.”

“But I’m not safe, am I?”

“You’ll be a damn sight safer here than in amongst men with guns. This isn’t a game; this is a no holds barred club war.”

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t come, and I’ll...”

His voice cut her off. “Because if you’re there, I’ll be too busy worrying about you. I’ll make mistakes.” He sighed, and placed his hand on her arm. “You do something to my judgement. And that might get someone killed.”

Faith couldn’t argue with that. She did not want to be responsible for the death, or injury, of anyone, least of all Snake. “OK. I’ll stay.”

“Thank you,” he said, moving into her space and kissing her. “I’ll be back before you know it.”


“Promise,” he said, moving away from her. “Make yourself at home; I’ll leave a couple of men here to protect you.”

“You don’t have to, I’ll look after myself.”

“Not risking it.”

“You’re going to need all the help you can get.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence; they don’t stand a chance against us.” He swung back towards her. “They are not as motivated as I am.”

She blushed, not feeling she deserved his flattery, but liking it all the same. Going to him, she wrapped her arms around him, wanting to feel his toned body pressed against her soft curves. “Come back to me in one piece.”

“I will Faith.”

She let him go, and watched him walk away, hoping it played out OK. This was his fight, and she needed him to be focused on it, not her. However, deep inside she wanted to go with him, to help protect him. Ridiculous since she had no idea how to fire a gun. That was one thing she would get him to teach her. She wanted to be part of his life, and that meant dealing with the threats that would be inevitable.

Going to his office, she went in and shut the door, listening to all the noise going on outside. A large number of motorbike engines were all starting up, and she pictured them all getting ready to leave, not knowing what they would meet and how many of them would come back.

As the noise drifted away, there was a knock at the door. She jumped, unsure who it was, Snake had not come back to tell her who had been left behind, and she hoped whoever was out there was not a member of the Castaways who had snuck in. Only one way to find out.

“Come in,” she called, ready to defend herself if needed, although she had no weapon. Pretty poor defence then, she thought ironically.

The door opened and an older guy came in. “Hi, Snake sent me to keep you up to date with what was going on.” He held a radio up and waggled it about.

“Great, so you’ll know what’s happening.” She stood up and went to join the old guy. “I’m Faith, by the way. I don’t believe we’ve met.”

“Irish,” he held out his hand.

“Ahh, I thought I recognised the accent.”

“Not too original with names here,” he joked, and Faith immediately felt at ease.

“Sorry you have to baby sit me,” she said.

“I’m too old for these things; got a bad leg too, so I’m more of a liability, so don’t feel too bad about it.”

“Oh, sorry about that.”

“Don’t be. Not your fault, and I can still fire a gun, if that’s bothering you.” He lifted his vest and showed her a gun tucked away in a holster.

“No, that hadn’t crossed my mind actually. But thanks for the reassurance.”

“No problem. It’ll take them a while to get across town, so why don’t we go make some coffee, and I’ll introduce you to Smithy.”

“Let me guess, last name Smith?”

Irish turned and smiled, “You’ll fit in just fine around here, sweetheart.”

She smiled; this was not going to be so bad after all. Then the radio crackled into life and her nervousness returned.

“Hey, Irish, everything OK there?”

Her heart contracted at the sound of Snake’s voice, and now her fear had kicked back in completely. She had to stop herself from grabbing the radio and telling him to get his ass back here. That would be overstepping the boundaries of their relationship, and land him in some trouble with his brothers.

“Everything is great; we’re just going to get some coffee. Any sightings?”

“No. Not a thing, we’ll be at their compound in about five minutes. We’ve split up along the roads, but we’re going to regroup before we go in.” Snake’s voice was recognisable but not too clear over the radio; still it helped to know he was OK.

“Let us know before it starts. Don’t do anything reckless.”

“I won’t,” Snake laughed, “You taught me better than that, old man.”

Irish laughed. “I’ll have the coffee brewed and ready for when you return.”

“After this is over I think we’re all going to deserve something a little stronger than coffee.”

“I’ll see what I can rustle up.”

“OK. Crag is back, he went in to scout ahead.”

There was silence from the radio. Faith could hardly breathe, the thought of them all fighting, seemed so unreal. That sort of thing happened in movies, not in real life. She had seen her fair share of rough behaviour growing up in the trailer park, but never anything like this.

With nerves getting the better of her she began to chew her nails, something she hadn’t done for some time. The wait was unbearable, then the radio sparked to life again.

“Crag said it was really quiet, we’re wondering if they’ve gone out on a job. We’re gonna close in and check it out.”


Irish and Faith had reached the kitchen, and she saw Smithy. When he turned, she saw he was a Prospect, which was why he had been left behind, not ready yet to fight. As she looked, the badge on his vest exploded, red blood leaking out through the hole that had been put through him.

The sound had been loud, which meant it must be close. They now knew why it was so quiet at the Castaway’s compound. It was because they had decided to bring the war to the Dread Cult. Only trouble was, no one was at home to defend it. No one except her and the old man, Irish.

Irish only had a second to press the radio and whisper, “We’re under attack,” before he grabbed her hand and they ran for their lives.


Snake heard the gunshot through the radio, his heart stopped beating. The whole plan had backfired; the reason why there were no Castaways here was that they had gone to the Dread Cult hangout instead. They had the same idea, attack when least expected.

What was he supposed to do; he couldn’t be in two places at the same time. The pull to get to Faith was too much, he had put her in danger, and although he had left her with someone he trusted, they were no match for all of the Castaways.

However, he couldn’t very well ask his men to leave now, simply to rescue his woman. That was a new thought for Snake; Faith had caught him completely unaware, and taken his heart captive. She was the woman he wanted to become his old lady. First, he had to rescue her.

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