Turning Point: BBW Motorcycle Club Erotic Romance (10 page)

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Authors: Harmony Raines

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Turning Point: BBW Motorcycle Club Erotic Romance
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The man in front of them laughed. “So, she got herself a groupie tattoo, so what?”

“A groupie tattoo. No. Listen, Snake gave it to her, last night.”

“And why’s he gonna do that? She ain’t his type.”

Faith saw her opening now. “Yeah, Rob. Why would he tattoo me? What would give him reason to?”

Rob paled, he realised that if he let on what had really happened, he would have to take back his bragging about who put the Castaway’s colours in the very heart of the Dread Cult. At a guess, she imagined they would take back his Prospect badge. Lying would not be tolerated. His plan was backfiring. Badly.

“Now you take your woman and go.” He took his hand off the gun, but he remained menacing. “Or you might not be welcome here no more. You’re messing in things you are not qualified to mess with. Understand.”

“Like hell! I’m telling you this is their woman.”

“And I’m telling you to get lost. If I wake the others up, they’ll likely skin you alive. Respect has to be earned around here. You only just got in. If you know what’s good for you you’d keep your head down for a few weeks.”

Rob opened his mouth to speak, and then thought better of it. He got back on his bike, and started the engine. “Wait until Don finds out you missed this opportunity, and then it’ll be you he skins alive.” His voice had risen so it could be heard over the sound of his engine.

The guy kicked Rob’s bike, and Rob reacted by giving him the finger before speeding off. Building bridges was certainly not Rob’s thing.

Faith clung onto him, not feeling sure if she would have been safer getting off the bike at the Castaway’s hang out or not. Rob was a loose cannon now, and she knew she was his only Ace. He must have been banking on taking her to the Castaways and gaining some kind of promotion, and respect.

Maybe she should tell him she was running from Snake. He might then try to trade her back. It might be her best hope yet, but while he was travelling at this speed, she had no opportunity to tell him, so she simply hung on for dear life.

There seemed to be no sense in where he took her, and she soon realised he was driving around, killing time while he figured out what to do next. This might work in her favour after all. Although with Rob, it was hard to know what he was thinking and how unpredictable his behaviour might be.

In her head, Faith formulated a plan. It would mean going back to Snake, but that surely was the worse of the two evils. All she needed to do was to get Rob to stop the damn bike.

The only thing she could think of was getting the bike to tip over. If she shifted her weight enough when they went around a corner, it might work. Her chance came quickly, and she tipped her body so the bike began to overbalance. However, at the last minute she chickened out. The tarmac rushed towards her and she had the horrific vision of her skin being scraped off as they slid along the ground. She was a coward.

Rob righted the bike, his head swinging around to catch sight of what his passenger was doing. Faith turned her head, and sat still, her actions cementing something in Rob’s mind, because he took a new direction and set off with purpose. Wherever he planned to take her she would soon know, and then she would have to make her play for freedom, one way or another.

The houses disappeared behind them, and Faith thought he was taking her home. Not to her apartment, no to the trailer she had grown up in. Her mom still lived there, and Stan often dossed down there when he had nowhere else to stay. Rob had lived a short distance away in one of the shabby apartment blocks on the wrong side of town. The place she had spent her whole life trying to escape from, now she wouldn’t mind at all if it was where they ended up.

The sights once so familiar to her passed them by. The pond they used to sit by, Rob and Stan jumping in while Faith sat on the edge not wanting to reveal an inch more of her flesh than she had to. The apple trees they would pick the fruit from in autumn. All these memories made her begin to relax. The Rob she knew wouldn't hurt her, he was a jerk, but he would never intentionally do her harm.

Or so she believed.

They passed the entrance to the trailer park, and kept on going. Instead, he turned off the road further along, following a dirt track. Faith could not remember this place, or where it led to. Only that it was hidden away, and she was vulnerable here. If she couldn’t reason with him, there was no one around to hear her call for help. Or scream in pain.

She silenced that voice immediately. It would do no good to think along those lines, not yet. In her heart she still held on to the hope she would be able to speak to Rob, and at the worst, get him to trade her back to Snake. For what? What would Snake give him that was worth anything? She hadn’t thought about that.

If she were a commodity, then she would be expected to earn her keep. If she were traded for anything of value, then she would be expected to earn it back. There was only one thing she was capable of it that department. Sex.

It seemed to Faith that was all she was good for. She had never considered herself good at that until Snake, but perhaps he had been faking it all. Having a laugh behind her back while Crag was gathering information.

She doubted Rob was taking her somewhere quiet only to let her go. Rob would either force himself on her, or trade her back to the Dread Cult to be one of their whores. Great life choices.

The bike slowed to a crawl, and she should have run. However she did not know where to. Rob would easily outstrip her, and run her down. She would have to use her wits, or hit him with something. There you go. Self preservation started to kick in. Damn if she was going to lie down and take this from any of them.

First, she wanted to try talking to him, one last chance to convince Rob to do the right thing.

That time was now. An old run down shack came into view and Rob slowed the bike before stopping and turning off the engine.

He got off the bike quickly, obviously expecting her to make a run for it because he caught hold of her arm, and held her roughly. His fingertips dug into her sensitive flesh, and when she struggled and tried to get loose, he simply held her tighter until tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

“Please, Rob. You’re hurting me.”

“Not as much as I’m gonna.” He dragged her towards the shack.

“Can’t we talk about this? I know you don’t want to hurt me.” Isn’t that the thing they said in the movies, while trying to reason with the good person buried deep inside.

He turned, squaring up to her, his chest a hard knot of muscle in front of her. She knew that if it were down to strength, he would beat her easily. If she had to use force, she would have to take him by surprise.

“Is that what you think, that I don’t want to hurt you?” His voice sounded cold and hard. “I like hurting things, Faith. Why do you think I wanted to join the Castaways?” He waited for her to answer, when she remained quiet he answered for her. “Because they like hurting. I’ve seen them, people, animals, you name it. And that’s what I want to be like.”

“Why? You and Stan have never been into that kind of thing.”

“Stan! That’s a laugh. I only got him involved so you’d do our bidding. I don’t give a fuck about him. He’s a loser, always has been. Now it’s time to move on. He would never have cut it in the Castaways.”

“But you’ve always been friends.”

“And look where it’s got me. I’m a nobody, just like you. Well that’s all gonna change.”

“Let me go, Rob. Please.” Faith had lost all confidence in being able to persuade Rob to free her, but she had to have one last try. “You don’t need to hurt me.”

“Yes, I do Faith. It will give me notoriety with the Castaways; make that jerk on the gate pay for not letting me in with you. I suppose you should thank him, what I do to you is better than what the Castaways would have. They would have taken it in turns, I’ve seen them with women, I know what they can do.”

Faith felt her knees go weak under her. Rob dragged her forward, opening what was left of the door into the shack, and forcing her in. She scrambled to hold onto the door frame, but he struck her across the face and she let go. The pain hit her, clouding her thoughts, and before she had time to gather her wits he was wrapping her wrists with some old rope, and tying her to an old crossbeam.

Pulling against the rope, she was consumed by how hopeless the situation was. The rope didn’t budge, and she was sure Rob wouldn’t either. He had nothing to gain by freeing her, and she had everything to lose by being his captive.

Rob shoved the door back to. Then he came to her, his face a sickening grin. “Don’t you remember when you would have done anything to be fucked by me? You were gagging for it. Well, now I’m gonna make you so happy, I can keep you here and fuck you whenever I like. Then I might sell you on to the highest bidder.”

He dipped his head and kissed her neck, she tried to shove him off but it was useless while her hands were tied. “That gives me such a great idea. I won’t need to join any other Motorcycle club. I’ll make one of my own. You can be the first of many women I can whore around. First though, I think it’s time to teach you all the ways a man likes to be pleasured.”

He forced her to her knees, and unzipped his pants. Faith looked at his big erect cock, and knew what he wanted her to do. But she couldn’t, this was wrong; it was not how her life was supposed to turn out. She hated Rob, hated everything about him.

However, when his hands grabbed her hair, and pulled painfully, she knew he would do as he said, and make her do whatever he wanted. She had never felt so powerless in all her life.


When his cell phone rang, he answered it quickly. It was Faith’s neighbour. Faith was home, and there was an argument going on in her apartment. The damn guy was complaining to Snake about it, telling him it had woken him up.

Snake was on his bike and heading in that direction before the neighbour had even finished talking. He would get to the bottom of this, and deal with it his way. Faith would wish she had never crossed him, and her accomplices would be lucky if they escaped with their lives. No one crossed the Dread Cult’s President.

He grinned at the irony. At this moment that was the last thing he thought he was. President, what did that even mean in the real world? He pulled the throttle back and roared through the early morning city, not caring who he woke. He was so mad; no one had ever made him feel this small and useless since high school. He had built his reputation, and this club, by instilling fear in those around him, and then earned their trust and respect.

Now a woman. That’s right a damn woman had come along and turned his world upside down.

When he reached her apartment, his anger was brimming over. Her door was ajar, so he kicked it open, expecting a fight. Instead, he found a guy on the floor, a Castaways’ vest on his back, and no Faith.

In one swift movement, he pulled the guy off the floor and flung him into a chair, causing it to nearly flip over backwards with the force. The guy’s head lolled from side to side, still not quite conscious, so he went to the sink and grabbed a glass of water, throwing it in his face.

A spluttering and then signs of consciousness, good enough. He gripped his chin ruthlessly and made him look Snake right in the face. When his expression cleared, it was definitely shock that registered.

“Wh...at. Where’s Faith?”

Snake landed a punch to the side of him, burying his fist into the back of the chair. “If you don’t want the next one to be on your head then you’d better tell me what’s going on.”

“I don’t know. Rob...he was going to ra...hurt her. I pulled him off but then he knocked me out.”

“What was he going to do to her?” Snake acknowledged the strange sensation of fear inside him. He couldn’t remember the last time he had experienced fear like this.

“He was angry, saw the tattoo on her and wanted to hurt her.”

“Where do they go?”

“I don’t know. To the Castaways? Rob wants to make a name for himself there.”

“Get up!” Snake grabbed him and pulled him from the chair. Dragging him buy the collar he took him outside and threw him at his bike. “Get on. And if this doesn't work out to my liking you will be hitting the road at 90 miles an hour...Without a bike under you.”

“I’ll help you if I can, but please don’t hurt me.” Stan begged, knowing how much danger he was in, this man had murder written across his face, and Stan did not intend to be the victim. This was no bluff. Stan knew who he was dealing with, and cursed Rob for getting wrapped up in this mess. He also blamed Faith for going along with the whole stupid plan of putting the vest into the hangout.

“You should’ve been a better brother.” Snake spat the words out as he started his engine, and took off down the street, Stan trailing in his wake.


Chapter Nine

“Please, Rob,” she begged one more time.

“This is what you always wanted, Faith. Me.”

“Not like this.” She wanted to say, ‘Not any more’, but didn’t want to push him too far. It was true she had spent years longing to be his girlfriend, but now she didn’t care if she never saw him again in her life.

“It isn’t much different to the first time. Only now, you're a little less willing. Now open your mouth.”


His hand slapped her face, his other hand still tangled in her hair so it pulled painfully as her head took the full force of his anger. She knew it would be easier to give in to him, but she couldn’t. To be able to live with herself, after this was over, meant putting up as much of a fight as she could. No matter the cost.

“Open your mouth you little whore.”

Tears streamed down her cheeks, but again she refused. He hit her again, and she tasted blood in her mouth, her tongue stung where she had bit it, but she still refused. His hand grabbed her around the throat, and she felt the air being choked off, this was it, he was going to kill her. Perhaps it would be better to do as he asked. Too late, she blacked out.


Coming around took a while. Her head hurt, and her breath was painful in her throat. It felt like the time she’d had tonsillitis, and found it impossible to swallow. For a moment she thought she was back in her own bed, hoping her mom would bring her ice cream. Then she remembered where she was, her eyes flew open, but something was not right.

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