Trials of Passion (59 page)

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Authors: Lisa Appignanesi

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Caillaux, Joseph, 237, 238, 240, 241, 243-4, 247

ton Jo
' letter, 237-8

Calmette, Gaston, 237, 238, 239, 242, 243, 245, 247, 383

camera technology, 209

Canada, 369-70

Canterbury, Kent, 46, 125, 126

capital punishment
execution, judicial Capote, Truman,
In Cold Blood,

Carnegie, George Lauder, 263, 266

Cather, Willa,
My Mortal Enemy,

Central Criminal Court Act (Palmer's Act, 1856), 66

Chambige, Henri, 212-16, 217, 218

Chancery Lunatics, 83

Charcot, Jean-Martin, 46, 51, 194, 208-10, 211, 216, 225, 226, 227-8

charlatans, 208, 227

Chase, Robert H., 349

chastity, 53, 61, 139, 215-16, 264, 295, 326

Chenu, Maitre, 245

child custody and protection, 382


affects on of insanity in family, 42, 44, 45, 46

Anna Freud and, 382

of Chambige, 215

of Evelyn Nesbit, 271-2, 280

of Gabrielle Bompard, 222, 223, 225

of Henry Thaw, 284-5, 316, 319, 349, 350

hereditarian explanations of insanity, 42, 45-6, 81-2, 84, 86, 103-4, 111, 116, 119, 169, 183-4, 185, 204

implications for future mental health, 6, 7, 185-6, 284-5, 316, 319, 349, 350, 396

memory trials in the US (1990s), 229

rights of children, 163, 201

sexual abuse, 7, 8

Sigmund Freud on, 397

chocolate, 14-15, 40

Chocolate Cream Murders

arrest of Christiana Edmunds, 22-3

Borough of Brighton £20 reward notice, 13-14

Brighton Gazette's
reporting of, 13-14, 25

charge against Edmunds rises to murder, 32, 33, 35

Christiana Edmunds as ‘victim of poisoning', 15-16, 20, 21, 22, 31

Inspector Gibbs' investigation, 15, 16-17, 22-3, 27, 31, 74, 80

Maynard's (confectioner) and, 14, 15, 19, 27, 29, 32, 33, 35-6, 80, 104, 122

parcels received on 10 August, 13-14, 15, 16-17, 22, 28-9, 32, 33

preliminary hearings (August-September 1871), 25-34, 35-8

verdict and death sentence, 105-8, 115

see also
Barker, Sidney Albert, death of; Edmunds, Christiana; Old Bailey trial of Christiana Edmunds

Civil War, American, 312

Clare tie, Léo, 240

Clemenceau, Georges, 243

Clérambault, Gaëtan Gatian de, 8, 64, 171, 386, 387

Clifford, Jack, 371

Clovis-Hugues, Jeanne, 245

Cobb, Irvin S., 340

Cockburn, Alexander, 54, 60-1, 95-6, 97-9

Colas, Lucie (mistress of Gentien), 137, 156-7, 158

Cole, Mrs (greengrocer's wife), 29

Cole, Revd Thomas Henry, 82, 102

Collins, Joan, 258

Collins, Wilkie, 39

28, 75

The Woman in White, 71-2

Commission in Lunacy, New York State, 312, 331

Commissioners on Lunacy, Britain, 45

Complete Suffrage Association, 77

Comstock, Anthony, 258, 268-70, 274, 275, 287, 299, 351

Comstock's law, 268, 302

Concord, New Hampshire, 370

confidentiality, medical, 59, 349, 367, 383, 384, 385-6

Conservatoire in Paris, 138, 141, 175

Corn Laws, 97

Cornell University, 309, 312, 329

Cornier, Henriette, 168-9

County Asylums Act (1808), 92

Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes,

17- 18, 19, 50, 60-1

Court of Common Pleas, 93, 100

courtesans in
belle époque
France, 138-40

Courtis, Hélie, 169-70, 250-1

Crichton-Browne, J., 49-50

Crime Survey, British, 392

Criminal Lunatics Act (1800), 92, 120, 126

Criminal Lunatics Act (1884), 127

criminal responsibility, 5, 121-2, 375, 377

Baron Martin's summing up on, 104-5

in France, 171-2, 183, 184-5, 204, 210

hypnotic states and, 183, 210, 219

John Hinckley Jr case, 389-91

legal precedent and, 90-9, 102, 103

in Marie Bière case, 184-5

M'Naghten rules, 100-1, 105, 307, 333, 357, 388

use of neuro-images in court, 389-90

the criminally insane

asylums for, 92, 99, 117, 118, 120, 123, 125-33, 358-9, 360, 361, 363, 365, 366-7, 368, 369, 381

Criminal Lunatics Act (1800), 92, 120, 126

Criminal Lunatics Act (1884), 127

execution of as immoral, 88, 89, 111-12, 121

legal definitions of, 3, 4, 8, 68, 81, 84, 85, 88-101, 102-3, 104-5, 121

legal precedent and, 90-9, 102, 103

sent into ‘care' of their families, 1, 92

Curtis, William, 15

cyber-world, 386, 392-3

Czolgosz, Leon, 312

Dadd, Richard, 118, 127

Darach, Mrs, 272

Darwin, Charles, 83, 161

Debes, Officer Anthony L., 262-3

Delafield, Lewis (‘the Traitor'), 302-3, 310, 329

delirium, 2, 8, 19, 36, 52, 169, 204, 367

Delmas, Delphin Michael

first Thaw trial and, 316, 317-19, 322, 324, 325-30, 336, 337, 352

reputation of, 303-4, 305, 316

second Thaw trial and, 348

Delorme, Mathilde, 138, 143, 189

delusion, 2, 5, 49, 57, 103, 106, 116-17, 124, 133, 398

Cockburn's views on, 97-9

crimes as way of attaining ‘justice', 3, 94-5, 305, 315, 323, 383

Edmunds' claims of pregnancy, 109, 110-11

erotomania, 5, 6, 8, 23, 61, 63-4, 65, 386-7, 393

Hadfield case, 91-2, 102, 103

hallucinative (lucid mania), 181

as at heart of monotheism, 313

John Bellingham case, 94-5

Kraepelin and, 332, 355

M'Naghten case, 95-6, 97, 98-9, 103

M'Naghten rules, 100-1, 105, 307, 333, 357, 388

need for prison programmes, 398

persecutory, 233, 303, 313, 320, 324, 386

rescue scenarios, 387, 389

stalking and, 387, 389, 390, 393-4

sudden/unexpected violence, 8, 18-19, 22, 106, 122

Thaw case and, 303, 305, 314, 315, 320, 321-3, 333, 337, 355, 362, 364

Thomas Erskine arguments on, 91-2, 93, 103

dementia praecox, 332

DeMille, Mrs, 282, 288, 290, 326

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental

Disorders (DSM), 347, 354, 389

Dickens, Charles, 69, 76

Dietz, Park, 389

Diffendorf, Allen Ross, 329

divorce, 4, 171, 201, 240

legislation in France (1884), 203

trials, 17-18, 19, 50, 60-1, 77

Dix, Dorothy, 341

Doctorow, E.L.,
(1975), 300, 373

doctors, medical

high status in Third Republic, 170-1

high status in US, 308

illicit passions for, 56-7, 59-61, 62, 65

see also
Beard, Dr Charles Izard; mind-doctors

domestic violence, 8, 114-15, 161-2, 187, 194, 341, 382, 392

Doré, Gustave, 73

Dover, Kent, 41-2

Dowling, Victor J., 348, 357-8

Dreyfus, Captain Alfred, 238, 242, 301

Drummond, Edward, 96

Drysdale, George, 52-3

The Elements of Social Science (1861), 52, 53-4

Drysdale, Mary, 60

du Maurier, George, 231

Dubourg, Madame, 200

duels, 242, 243, 244

Dumaire, Hélène, 201-2

Dumas fils, Alexandre, 174, 178-9, 197, 203

La Dame aux Camélias, 139, 140

La Princesse Georges (play, 1872), 200

L'Affaire Clemenceau (1867), 200

Les Femmes qui tuent et les femmes qui votent (essay, 1880), 200-1

(essay, 1872), 199-200

Earlswood Asylum in Reigate, 46, 81

Eddy, Mary Baker, 310

Edison, Thomas, 270

Edmunds, Ann Christiana (mother of Christiana), 16, 18, 20, 21, 31, 40, 44, 46, 47, 125

death of (1893), 48, 132

husband's insanity and, 42-3, 81

memorial to Home Secretary, 116

visits to Broadmoor, 128, 130

as witness at Old Bailey, 42, 57, 81-2

Edmunds, Arthur (brother of Christiana), 42, 44, 46

Edmunds, Christiana

amorous letters to Dr Beard, 18, 19, 20-2, 25, 28, 35-8, 45, 57, 64, 79, 107, 122

arrest of, 22-3

Baron Martin's letter to Home Secretary, 111-12, 116

Brighton Gazette and, 22, 25

at Broadmoor, 120, 123, 125-33

charge against rises to murder, 32, 33, 35

claim of pregnancy, 108-11, 123

cost of maintenance at Broadmoor, 125-6

death of (1907), 133

death penalty respited (24 January 1872), 119-21

demeanour and appearance during hearings and trial, 28, 32, 33, 34, 69-72, 80, 85, 105-6, 108

Dr Beard's attempts to cool relationship, 18, 20, 21-2, 26, 37

as Dr Beard's patient, 18, 57, 79, 110

erotomanic category and, 23, 64, 65

family background, 16, 39, 40-8, 81-2, 102, 111, 116, 119, 123

forces sweet into Emily Beard's mouth, 18-19, 20, 35, 36, 69, 74, 80, 95, 102, 106, 110, 122, 123, 382

health of at time of poisonings, 57-8, 81, 82

‘hysterical paralysis' (around 1853), 46, 49, 56-7, 81, 123

image of Victorian femininity and, 74-5, 122-3, 131

insanity of father, 42-5, 81, 111, 119

Inspector Gibbs' investigation and, 15, 16, 22-3, 31, 74, 80

letter to the Home Office from (October 1880), 131-2

medical appraisal of for Home Secretary, 117-19

memorials and petitions to Home Secretary, 43, 47, 116-17, 123-4

at Newgate prison, 66-7, 82, 109, 116

obsessive love for Beard, 18-19, 35, 37, 53-4, 57, 59, 78-9, 103, 105-7, 110-11, 116-17, 122, 249, 387

obtaining of poison by, 26-7, 29-31, 36, 74, 81, 104

preliminary hearings (August-September 1871), 25-34, 35-8

remanded in custody, 27, 66

sends chocolates for chemical examination, 15-16, 21, 35-6

at Sidney Barker inquest, 15, 20, 21, 25, 35, 36, 37-8, 104, 122

status and social class issues, 45, 54, 64, 66-8, 75, 128

as ‘suggestible', 229

as ‘victim of poisoning', 15-16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 31

see also
Old Bailey trial of Christiana Edmunds

Edmunds, Louisa Agnes (sister of Christiana), 42, 47, 119

Edmunds, Mary (sister of Christiana), 42, 47-8, 129, 132

Edmunds, William (brother of Christiana), 42, 47, 128

Edmunds, William (father of Christiana), 16, 40, 41-5, 119

Education Act (1870), 68

Eickemeyer Jr, Rudolf, 278-9

Eiffel Tower, 219

electrotherapies, 56

Ellis, Ruth, 112, 379-80

Ellis, Sir William Charles, 43-4

erotomania, 5, 6, 8, 23, 61, 63-4, 65, 386-7, 393

Erskine, Thomas, 91-2, 93, 103

Escudier, Leon, 179

Esquirol, J.-E. D., 6, 98, 121, 168, 169, 170

Mental Maladies
(1838, 1845), 63-4, 65

eugenics, 310, 311

European Union, 395

Evans, Britton D., 311, 320-3, 324, 326-7, 329, 330-1, 332, 334, 344-6, 347, 354

evolutionary ideas, 83, 161, 310

execution, judicial

anxiety of liberal Victorians at, 113

appeal period after sentence, 113

death penalty eliminated for most property offences (1837), 113

electric chair, 270

in France, 232

of insane persons as immoral, 88, 89, 111-12, 121

of John Bellingham, 93

last in Britain (13 August 1964), 114

nineteenth-century statistics, 114

psychiatry and, 378, 397

public, 78, 113-14

reduction in number of capital offences, 113

for sheep-stealing, 121

suspension and abolition (1965, 1969), 113, 380

of women, 112, 113, 114, 380 exhibitionism, 169

expert psychiatric witnesses, 2, 3, 9, 10

calls for impartiality after Thaw trial, 344, 347, 377

at Christiana Edmunds trial, 82-7, 102, 103

difficulties of, 331-2, 375-8

at Eyraud-Bompard trial, 230-1

at Ferrers trial, 4

in French legal system, 168-9, 171-2, 181-8, 189, 224-7, 310

in Kitty Byron case, 249-50

at M'Naghten trial, 98-9

Ruth Ellis case and, 380

in US legal system, 307, 308-13, 314-16, 318-24, 326-7, 329-35, 337-8, 344-7, 348-9, 354, 363, 375, 380

Eyraud, Michel, 219-21, 222-3, 224, 227, 228, 232, 233

Fairfax, Beatrice, 340

family, 7

affects of madness in, 42, 44-7, 81-2, 102, 111, 116, 119, 123, 204, 311

domestic violence, 8, 114-15, 161-2, 187, 194, 341, 382, 392

hereditarian explanations of insanity, 42, 45-6, 81-2, 84, 86, 103-4, 111, 116, 119, 169, 183-4, 185, 204

idealized space of the home, 114-15, 251, 306, 336

see also
childhood; marriage

family courts, 381-2

Farnham, Frank, 395

Fatal Attraction
(Adrian Lyne, 1987), 394

Faure, President Félix, 162

La Fée des Bruyères
(The Briar Fairy) (comic opera), 145

FelidaX, 217-18

feminism, 53, 199, 236, 251

slippage between madness and, 200-1

Fenayrou, Madame, 228

Ferncliff (Astor estate), 257

Ferrers, 4th Earl, 3-4

Ferrie, Albert Warren, 329

first trial of Harry Kendall Thaw

‘brain storm' term, 322, 326-7, 329, 330-1, 334, 347, 357, 364

calls for impartial experts after, 344, 347, 377

commission of expert witnesses (‘sanity commission'), 310, 334-5

defence case, 305-6, 314-24, 327-8, 331-2, 336

‘dementia Americana' diagnosis, 336, 337, 388

Evelyn Nesbit's testimony, 279-80, 300, 301-2, 317-18, 325-6, 339, 341-3, 363

Evelyn's demeanour and appearance during, 302, 304, 317-18, 325-6, 339, 341, 343

expert psychiatric witnesses, 307, 308, 309-13, 314-16, 318-23, 324, 326-7, 329-35, 337-8, 363

‘honour' defence, 268, 292, 305-6, 336, 339 hypothetical questions during, 330, 331, 344-5, 377

jury fails to reach a verdict (12 April 1907), 338

jury sequestered by judge, 301

mother Mrs Thaw's testimony, 327-8, 350

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