To Fall (The To Fall Trilogy Book 1) (30 page)

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Authors: Donna AnnMarie Smith

BOOK: To Fall (The To Fall Trilogy Book 1)
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Xander’s face was stricken with horror and he grabbed my shoulders. “Who else are you dreaming of, Abby?”

Xander was freaking me out and I couldn’t answer him. The worried look that exchanged between Caleb and Xander was even worse. Caleb’s hand landed on Xander’s shoulder and he released me, but his piercing stare remained.

Caleb coaxed me gently, but his blue eyes were a sharp aquamarine, “Abby, what exactly are you dreaming?”

“The nightmare is almost the same every night, something evil chases me, Xander saves me, then it finds me again, and I wake up. But one night it was…different.”

Xander tensed. “How?”

“It was just one dream. It’s not important.”

Caleb’s voice laced with panic. “Abby, let us decide if it’s important.”

Calista handed me a glass of water, and I didn’t realize I was shaking until the water rippled in the glass. After drawing a sip, I set it down.

“Tell us,” Calista encouraged.

Glancing to Xander, I squirmed. “It was before school started. I woke up and felt something evil with me in my room. He didn’t have a face. Just eyes. Black eyes.”

Xander paced and tufts of hair sprung between his fingers.

“And what happened?” Hannah moved to the edge of her seat.

I shook my head again. I didn’t want to do this. I didn’t want to discuss it. The dream was too personal.

“Abby?” Caleb urged.

Xander stood over me. They stared, waiting for this horrible story.

My voice caught in my throat. Studying my ring, I twisted it around. “I couldn’t scream or move. I tried, but I couldn’t. He kissed me and…touched me.” The last part was a whisper, but I knew they heard it. Super-hearing.

“Sweet angel light, Abby. Why didn’t you tell me this?” Xander’s jaw clenched.

My brows knitted. “I didn’t think to tell you. It was a dream, months ago. The night before I hurt my ankle.”

He growled, “Where did it touch you?”

“Alexander. Not now,” Caleb cautioned him.

Xander’s face screwed up and put his hands behind his neck as though he was trying to stop himself from striking out at someone.

Hannah warned him, “Alexander.”

I stood. “It was a dream. Right?” No answer. My voice shook. “Xander?” It felt like my heart would beat right out of my chest. “In the morning, my curtains were moved and my window was unlocked, but it was a dream. My clothes were…it was a dream! It had to be!” I looked to Xander panic-stricken, panting.

He flew over to me and held my wrists with scorching hands.

“It touched me! It kissed me! It was real?” I screamed at him.

Xander grimaced. “Yes.”

“Do you know who it is?” My voice was shrill.

“Yes.” And no more.

“That’s it? Yes?” No answer. “Is it coming back?” No answer. I pushed Xander off me.

“Abby.” He reached for me, but I jerked away from him.

“Can I have a minute, please?” I could barely say the words. I didn’t remember grabbing the handle, but the front door opened and the late morning sun burned my skin.

How was I this stupid? There was a monster in my bedroom who had his hands and lips all over me, stripped me naked, put his fingers... He could have hurt my sisters, Margaret, or Mom. Why did it never occur to me he might be real like Xander turned out to be?

My heart pounded and I tried to take deep breaths to calm down. I put my hands on my knees to steady myself. It wasn’t working.

Shoving off, I walked from the house. Fine dust created brown clouds around my feet without a clue where I was going. My thoughts were like those dirt clouds. Vaguely, I was aware my chest hurt. My stomach twisted and the ground moved under me.

Images invaded my mind of the monster in the dark, pulling at my clothes, touching my bare body, his cold lips on my breasts, fingers sliding inside me. Another stomach churn and I fell to my hands and knees, heaving in the dirt.

Someone touched me and tucked my hair back. I might have stood—the ground was farther away.

Everything blurred, the world slanted to one side. Someone touched me again and I recoiled. Hands came at me and I pushed them away. My chest was ready to explode. I fell down hard onto my side.

Xander flashed in my mind: the first time we met, holding hands, his eyes, dancing, shaking my dad’s hand, telling me he loved me, his lips, an angel, and Xander’s glorious wings stretched out.

It switched to my nightmare. He was after me, the running, black eyes, icy skin, pulling at my clothes, touching me, sinking inside me. I screamed.

I was back in the white room with the rose petals. Xander, my sweet Xander kissed me, the candles flickered around us, our bodies cast a melded shadow onto the wall, and we became one.




As if pushed over by an unseen force, Abby collapsed.

“Abby!” Her skin felt cold despite the sheen of sweat covering her.

Calista skidded in the dirt. “Is she all right?” Her hands joined mine on Abby.

Pushing wet hair off Abby’s face, I said, “I think she’s in shock.” Hell, I was in shock, too. The things she said began to line up with Cresil’s words from the other day. I needed answers.

I picked her up and Hannah brushed the dirt off her. Once in my bedroom, Caleb turned my bed down and the girls took her sneakers off. Abby began twitching and her fists clenched. Her nightmare. It pained me knowing Cresil was there inside her mind, with her right now, torturing her.

Exploding out of her was a scream full of pain and fear that struck me in the heart. Flinging my hands to her head, I took her into my thoughts again.

Hannah said, “Brother, we should eat after this morning, you’ll weaken.”

My fingers were shaking at Abby’s temple; she had seen it before I realized. I nodded, knowing she was right. I wouldn’t be any good to Abby if I let my energy deplete further. I’d eat, calm down, and then ask Abby what I needed to know.

We assembled sandwiches and ate in the dining room so we could hear Abby better.

Calista piled potato chips onto her plate. “Damn Cresil. He’s been in her room? I thought he had just gotten to her at school and the parties.”

“We all did,” I gritted out.

Caleb’s hand gestured toward the hall. “This is what it’s like for her every night?”

“Plus or minus the scream,” Hannah offered.

“I can’t… How did we not know this?” Caleb demanded. “How is it possible for her to dream of Alexander and Cresil?” he asked, rubbing his head, not one of us knowing the answer.

We heard a
in my bedroom and I tore down the hall.

Abby was in a lump on the floor and I had her scooped up in my arms in less than one of her heartbeats. “What happened?”

She blinked hard and shook her head. “I stood up too fast.”

“You scared me.” With one hand, I cupped her face.

“Which time?”

I pressed my lips to her forehead. “Every single time.”

“Did you do something to me?”

I sat us on the mattress. “You passed out and I brought you to bed. You had a nightmare. I couldn’t bear to leave you there, so I took you into my thoughts. I’m sorry.”

She rested her head on my shoulder and muttered, “Don’t be sorry. I’d rather be in your thoughts any day, especially

Shifting her, I put my palm to her temple and stupidly didn’t sense her headache and dizziness before; I relieved them.

My eyes caught a deep black mottling on her knee. Gasping, I knelt down to the swollen joint and knew there was more. I pulled her shorts and panties down from her hip to see the purple bruises and abrasions, and then lifted her shirt above her bra to reveal more contusions along her chest wall. My heart felt hollow.

“Abby,” I breathed out, fingering the dark blotches.

She shrugged. “Yeah, that’s normal. I should have been more careful.”

Putting my hands on her bruises, I watched her reaction. The purple blemishes faded and the wound on her knee vanished. Abby inspected my work. “Thank you.”

It sickened me that she was thanking me for putting her in this situation. Abby was incredibly fragile, even for a human. This was another reminder I didn’t want or need that Cresil could take her away from me so easily. I had to know. I had to press her. This one, I would not let go. As painful as it was to hear, as revolted as it made me, I needed to know how far he went.

With a deep breath in, I sat on the bed, my back to her. Gripping my hair, I said, “Abby, I’m sorry to put you through this now. It isn’t fair to you, but I have to know. The things you said…where did he touch you?”

“Xander, please. Don’t make me.” She put her hands on my back.

“Tell me.” My hands clenched at my neck.

Abby drew away from me. “Uh, he touched my face, my lips.”

“And?” My body shook so much it echoed in my voice.

She whispered her plea, “Xander.”

“Abby. Tell. Me,” I gritted out. I knew that wasn’t all. My muscles coiled, ready to explode out of this room and rip through the wall.

“He unbuttoned my nightgown and put his mouth and hands on me.”

“Where?” I growled.

Over the roar of blood in my ears, I heard her pants of breath. “All over my chest. He pu…pulled my underwear down, he touched me between my legs, and I woke up.”

My mind went blank and rage replaced all thought. Images ran through my head of that bastard in her room, touching her, violating her. My little Abby was a paralyzed victim to his sick, vile mind. I wasn’t there. When Abby needed me the most, I wasn’t there for her. Like Anne. I failed her mother.

I failed Abby.

Running down the hall, I ignored my sisters’ pleas to calm down and burst out the back door. I tore my shirt off and unfurled my wings. Two strong arms pinned them to my sides, tethering me to the ground, and he pleaded, “Brother, stop!”

I shoved Caleb off me and seethed, “Don’t get in my way.”

“Don’t do this. You’re not thinking clearly. Cresil’s in Hell, she’s safe.”

He put a hand on my shoulder, an act of a brother, but I couldn’t see him as that now. He was an obstacle, something blocking me from Cresil.

Without thought, my fist connected to his stomach. Caleb grunted, stumbled back, and flung his fist into my side. I braced myself for it, he hit me with incredible force, but I only felt a small degree of pain. I tackled him into the grass.

Caleb flipped and pinned me. “I know your thoughts, Brother. This is not happening.”

“She won’t be safe until he’s dead! You won’t stop me!” I kicked up and Caleb landed on his back.

My wings unfurled again and gained air, knowing he would come after me. Caleb landed on my back and I fell face first into the gravel. I spun and held Caleb down.

He wedged his knee between us and threw me off. “You can’t help her like this! You can’t kill him. You know the consequences.”

Putting my wings away, I jumped up and faced him. I swung at Caleb and missed. His elbow jammed into my side and I lurched to all fours. Caleb’s arm wrapped around my neck and held me down. Thrusting my legs up, we spun and his hold broke.

Caleb held up his hands. “Alexander, stop! You’re my brother and I won’t lose you like this. I promised you!”

I was inches from his face. “He got to her. In her own damned bed. He took her clothes off. He put his hands on her. His lips were on her body. He was so close, Caleb. He could have—” I choked up and my shoulders slumped. “He almost—”

“I know, Alexander. His punishment will come, you must have faith.” Caleb’s hand returned to my shoulder. “Have Abby stay the night. You need each other now.”

Pushing him away, I stormed back into the house, my mind a whirlwind of wrath. My muscles ached to tear into the skies and find the demon who dared threaten my love. Those words ran without end,
he touched me between my legs
. My single thought was vengeance.

I found Calista and Hannah in my room with Abby. “Give me your cell.”

She looked at me as if I had gone insane. It was possible. “It’s…in my bag there.”

Rifling through her bag, I found it, memorized Mel’s number, and handed the phone back to her. “Call your parents. Tell them you’re spending the night at Mel’s. I’m taking you home to pack an overnight bag. You’re spending the night here.” I grabbed a shirt and left to call Mel.

“Hello?” she answered.

It took what concentration I could muster to calm my voice. “Mel, it’s Xander. I hate to ask a favor of you, but Abby was too shy.”

“What is it?” Her voice was much too excited.

Good Heavens, this was embarrassing. “My family and I wanted to spend the day with Abby and take her out late tonight. I was hoping she could spend the night here, but I have little confidence her parents would be okay with that. Would you cover for us? I know it’s—”

“Sure! I don’t mind covering for a sleepover.” She was far too giddy.

“Mel, she’s sleeping in my sister’s room.”

“Uh, huh.” She drew out the words.

I rolled my eyes, this wasn’t the impression I wanted to give her, but she agreed. “Okay, I have to bring Abby home to pack a bag. I’ll text you when I drop her off, and meet you down the street to get her. And I’ll take Abby to your dorm tomorrow?”

“Fine with me, I don’t have weekend plans anymore,” Mel grumbled.

“Thanks, I’ll get back to you later.”

We said good-bye and I hated myself even more. I put Abby in danger this morning because I wanted to climb a damn mountain. Now I was lying to her friends and asking them to lie for us. If that wasn’t bad enough, Mel thought we were sleeping together.

Focus and rationale were lost to me. Flickers of Cresil in Abby’s room went through my head. Along the drive to Abby’s house, I imagined this was the path Cresil had taken and the foul thoughts that went through his mind as he slipped into her room.

Once I dropped Abby off, I drove to the end of the street—opposite where Mel would come from—and watched the house. My cell rang and I ignored them. My siblings texted me to calm down, warned me not to search for Cresil. I turned my phone off.

When Mel left with Abby, I followed her down the street and Abby hopped back inside the SUV with her bag. The last thing I remember was putting the gear into drive. Abby spoke, breaking my thoughts; I didn’t realize we were home. “I don’t think this is necessary, Xander.”

She was too innocent to understand how necessary this was and I couldn’t tell her. It would be too much for her to take. “I do.” If I weren’t an angel, I would have broken my molars.

“Xander, I’m okay.”

My hands were white on the steering wheel. “I’m not.”

“Xander, please.” She reached for me, but I didn’t deserve her understanding, kindness, or love. I wanted her to get angry with me, yell at me for failing her and her mother, letting her mother die, for allowing Cresil anywhere near her, and for not demanding more of the Archangels. I never fought for her.

After putting Abby’s bag on my bed, I turned my phone on and texted my siblings I was home. Thirty missed calls displayed on the screen, and I shoved the phone back into my pocket.

I needed to hit something. I wanted to tear that demon apart, rip his putrid limbs off, and shove them down his throat so he would choke on them. Instead, I broke apart logs.

Images of Anne came to me in vivid flashes, remembering everything. Her naked body on the asphalt after Cresil raped her. That night we lost her; we left her to chase drones away and realized much too late they were a diversion. That broken door signaling the horrors that home held. Margaret broken, lying in a pool of blood. A lifeless Anne tossed aside as if she meant nothing, the life inside her fading. My Abby.

Anne was a beautiful soul torn from this world by a monster. She believed Abby was a gift from Heaven and held nothing but love for her child. My hands dripped with blood to save God’s Ordained Soul from Anne’s dying womb.

Blood, there was so much blood on my hands.

He touched me between my legs.

Abby pulled me out of the horror reel running through my mind. “Were you planning on talking to me at any point before I leave tomorrow?”

Closing the distance between us, I couldn’t control myself; it was as though something dark had taken over my body. “That thing was in your house! Your bedroom! He took your clothes off! He touched you! He put his lips on you!”

She paled and stumbled backward, tripping on the torn lawn with tears streaming down her face, but my mind couldn’t switch off the rage. Abby scrambled up and ran into the house. My knees buckled with the realization that I had scared Abby. I didn’t mean to. God forgive me, I didn’t mean to do that to her.

Calista bolted out of the house and shoved my kneeling body backward. “You’re not the victim here, Alexander! Abby is. She found out her nightmare is real. She was violated in her own bed. And her attacker keeps coming after her. She sees him in her sleep every night. Brother, you have to be strong for her. She’s falling apart. She needs your love and compassion, not your rage. You can’t help her like this! Look at what you’re doing to her!”

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