Tiger Lily: Part Three (30 page)

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Authors: Amélie S. Duncan

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Tiger Lily: Part Three
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“When did this happen?” I asked, coming over to stand next to her.

She hunched her shoulders. “He sent an email today indicating as much. He suddenly has a problem with everything I submitted.” She collected spreads and muffins on the counters and we walked them back into the living room.

“What can I do to help?” I asked once we were seated.

She shook her head and flipped through the movies on the rental list. “I’m handling it. Now let’s watch...Notorious.”

I wanted to press, but I could see she didn’t want to discuss it. I also knew if she was in serious trouble, she wouldn’t be sitting here. So I let it go. At least for now
“Alright, but if I can help, let me,” I said and popped a grape in my mouth.

“I will,” she said, facing the TV. “How many times have we seen this movie?” she asked, changing the subject.

“Not enough,” I said, giving our standard answer. We laughed.

We spent the rest of the time eating and talking through the movie. The time went by fast. Before we knew it, Ian had returned and was ready to take Mary back to Boston.

“I’m a call a way if you need me. I love you,” Mary said and let out a sob.

I hugged her tight. “I’m here for you, too. Thank you for coming to visit. I love you.”

After she left, I finished up on the computer and ate dinner. I found a link from Gregor in my email of a group of cats dancing to Queen’s “We Are the Champions.” Arch was celebrating, and now so was I. I replayed it and danced along. The kind of dancing you only do when you know no one else can see you.

The front door opening stopped me mid-chicken dance. Jonas had returned early and was laughing at me, clearly having seen more than I would have liked. But I didn’t care. I closed the distance between us and yielded to his arms, which were open and waiting for me to fill them.



a few minutes to spare at Arch Limited. The media had descended on the Midtown building to cover Jonas’ book announcement. At least that’s what the morning was supposed to be about, though it was also our first official public engagement as a couple.

We were both pressed and dressed, Jonas in a fashionable black suit and white shirt with his freshly trimmed hair coiffured back. As for myself, I was dressed in a black knit dress and pumps and wore my hair in a ponytail. Walking hand-in-hand, we made our way through flashing lenses across the stone courtyard and up to the glass-door entrance of the lobby, where the announcement was set to take place. It was packed with smiling staff. A small aisle led up to a podium with three banners, one each with the logos of Crane Holdings and Arch Limited. A central banner draped in a sheet remained covered. I imagined it would be revealed at the start of the press event.

My eyes darted across the faces of my peers and found mixed reactions to my being at Jonas’s side, but I didn’t have time to dwell. Gregor stepped up, his usual tweed with patches replaced by a charcoal gray suit. His parted hair was pulled back in a tight, short ponytail. Even his goatee was gone. His mossy green eyes flicked to me, and he gave me a small smile before showing off a set of white teeth as he shook Jonas’s hand to cheers and claps from the Arch staff. The banner revealed:

Arch Limited presents:
Driven: An Autobiographical Reflection on Success by Business Titan Jonas Crane

Gregor stepped up to the microphone at the podium. “Arch Limited is excited to present our newest client, Jonas Crane, and his autobiographical story,
, his brilliant account of how he triumphed in business.” Jonas stood respectfully to the side as Gregor shared a brief biography of him and read a long list of his achievements and all the companies that he had brought to the top ten over the last ten years. I was proud of Jonas, but hearing his accomplishments out loud, I once more couldn’t help but wonder about myself. Why was he with me?

Once Gregor finished, we all clapped. Jonas took the podium next and spoke eloquently and humbly on his decision to write as gratitude for all those who were a part of his success and as a way to help inspire others who were working to achieve their dreams. He ended his speech by saying. “I’m excited to be a new member of the Arch Limited team. I’m also very happy to share this occasion with my beautiful girlfriend and member of Arch, Lily Salomé.”

My face pinked and my lips parted. I was speechless, but I didn’t need to say anything. He walked over to me and gave me a light kiss in front of everyone. The flashing lights exploded. I leaned up to his ear. “This is Arch’s moment,” I admonished. He shrugged and kissed me again before returning to the podium. Gregor announced they were open for questions. Not surprisingly, the questions that should have been about the book and Arch shifted to his relationship with me.

Ms. Salomé is here as an employee of Arch Limited?

Gregor answered. “Yes. Ms. Salome worked—” He cleared his throat. “Works as my Publishing Assistant. Arch expects to devote a team to Jonas Crane’s

How long were you seeing Ms. Salomé before signing with Arch Limited?

Jonas answered this one. “Lily was a part of bringing Arch to my attention, but ultimately it was my decision to choose Arch Limited after meeting with Gregor Worton. The meticulous attention to detail and client-focused approach made Arch the forerunner and ultimately the best choice for my book.”

Was this before your engagement to Melissa Finch?

“I was never engaged to my friend Melissa Finch. No more questions will be answered on my relationship,” Jonas said authoritatively.

I understand Ms. Salomé is on stress leave. Could you explain why?

My face drained and my stomach churned. Someone had disclosed I was on stress leave. What else would they uncover? Even if they didn’t learn anything more, I was already a distraction.

“We will not be discussing Ms. Salomé at Jonas Crane’s book announcement. If you have questions related to
and Arch Limited, we would be happy to answer them,” Gregor said in a crisp tone.

Our relationship was ruining Jonas’s book announcement and Gregor’s media attention for Arch Limited. I was stuck between wanting to be there and wanting to run away. Someone touched my arm.

“Want to get some air?” I turned my head and was relieved to find it was David.

I nodded appreciatively. David took my arm and I followed him as he blocked any approach in my direction up the aisle and out of the building. I ran my hands over the goosebumps on my arms that came from the chilly breeze in the courtyard. Outside, members of the press, camera people at their media vans, and curious passersby were gathered along the sidewalk.

“Want to sit in the car?” David offered.

I peered through the glass front at Arch. The press conference had continued, but I didn’t want to go back in should the questions turn back to our relationship. I wasn’t sure how long the announcement would go, but I didn’t want to go sit in the back of the car, either. “No. Thank you. I think I’ll just go have a coffee at Sophie’s until it’s done.” I knew it to be the closest restaurant to the building.

“Best I drive you,” David said. Looking around once more, I noticed a cameraman snapping photos of us a few feet away from where we were standing.

I sighed and followed him to the car. We rode around the block before he dropped me off to join the crowd a block away from Sophie’s. I hurried down the street and walked inside the restaurant, sitting down at the counter facing away from the door. I ordered a coffee and a muffin and exhaled long, relaxing back into anonymity, though my thoughts raced at what was to come if this was only a small press event.

Did Jonas have this much celebrity or was it the sordid scandal that made us appealing? I didn’t know. But my thoughts were preoccupied with worry over it. So much so, I didn’t realize someone was tapping my shoulder hard enough to make me want to soothe the spot once I became aware of it. “Yes. What is it?” It came out snippier than I wanted it too, but I rubbed my shoulder where the person’s pointer finger dug in as a visible explanation.

“Oh, I’m sorry!” the female voice said. I swiveled my chair around and looked at my apologetic intruder and my face fell.
She was dressed in a suit that was at least two sizes too big for her. Her bobbed hair was half covering her face, but not enough to hide the purplish circles around her dull, red-rimmed eyes. The marks stood out against her pale, peeling skin. Her teeth were nibbling on cracked lips that looked painfully shredded and sore.

“Hi, Lily. It’s me, Heather,” she said, unaware of my recognition.

“I know. Listen, I was told I can’t speak with you—” I said.

“I’m sorry for approaching you,” she said, speaking over me. “I know what you were told, but I’m not like what your lawyers think. I’m not trying to mess things up for you. I’m just trying to fix my life with Declan.” She sucked in air and touched her neck.

“I can imagine,” I muttered. My eyes followed and I saw the faded bruise, while she quickly moved her hair forward to cover it.

“I know you don’t care,” she snapped accusatorily.

“I don’t care about Declan, but I don’t want you to get hurt,” I said.

She eyed me coolly, then coughed. I offered her my water, which had appeared with my coffee.

“I’m sorry. I’m not mad at you. I know your boyfriend is putting you up to it,” she sipped her water. “Declan knows, too.”

My lips parted and I wanted to argue, but her appearance had me holding my tongue. “Did Declan cause that bruise? He used to beat me too. He called me names like fat—”

“I’m not going to listen to you bad mouth him. That was his past. He will get the medication he needs to help him once he is freed from jail.” She held up her hand and I gasped. The tips of her fingers looked painfully chewed down past their mark.

“I’m not dropping the charges, Heather. And even if I did, he has other things that he could get in trouble for that have nothing to do with me,” I responded.

She worried her bottom lip and I turned my head away.

“If you could open your heart to his apology, I know you will see things have changed. This stress has made me spot.”

Her baby?
I looked back at her and watched her rub her belly. It looked flat. “How far along are you?” I asked softly.

She hesitated and blinked. “I’m not sure. Dec did the test with me and it was positive a few weeks ago, but he said I had to wait until after he is granted the appeal and comes back home before I can go see the doctor. He wants to be there with me.”

“Oh, please don’t do that Heather. Please go to the doctor and check on your baby.” I said. The plea was out of my mouth before I could think on what I could say to combat the dangerous cruelty Declan was wielding over her.

She smiled wide, making one of the sores on her lip open. “See, I knew you had a tender heart. Dec can only love those that are good.”

I stared at her.
He preys on those that want to be good.

He preyed on me. I had been just as gone as her. I was willing to do any and everything for him. I lied and hurt myself and those that cared for me. I needed help.
And so does she.

“Heather. He could get in trouble for keeping you from a doctor if you don’t go get yourself checked out by a physician.” I wasn’t certain that was true, but I acted as if I was, and I could see the doubt and worry spark her eyes. I hated to use his brand of manipulation, but it was the only thing that would have worked on me when I was under his power and control.

She gave a little nod and took a drink from the water glass. “I’ve been praying on this and I know we can heal what’s going on between you and Declan. You will see when you talk to him how much he has changed and wants our family.”

“Do you have family here Heather?” I asked. I ran my hand over my sour stomach.

“Not here,” she said quietly. She tucked her hair back and adjusted the collar of her shirt. “I’ve been looking around for your stuff. I think I found some things I can return to you.”


I turned toward the door and watched Jonas walk in with Gregor trailing behind him. I glanced at Heather. She was answering her phone, which was now chiming in her hand.

My pulse jumped as I turned my head to her. “You found my stuff?”

She held up her index finger for me to wait, as I hadn’t realized she was still on the phone. “I’ll go right now. I’ll catch a cab.”

“This is Heather, Declan’s fiancé,” I said when Jonas stopped in front of me. He gave her a hostile look. Heather ended her call, but didn’t offer her hand in greeting. Neither did Jonas or Gregor.

Jonas looked down at her. “Apparently she didn’t understand the communication she received from our attorney,” he said, speaking at her. His tone was sharp.

Heather glowered at Jonas. “I’m not doing anything or asking for anything. I was just telling Lily I think I have something for her. Please don’t sue me for daring to speak,” she spat out to him, but it had no affect since Jonas looked through her as if she wasn’t there. She then turned to me and said, “I’ve got a problem back at my apartment, so I’ve got to go, but I can bring it tomorrow at your visitation.”

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