Tiger Lily: Part Three (31 page)

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Authors: Amélie S. Duncan

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Tiger Lily: Part Three
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Heather walked out and over to the curb to try to flag a taxicab.

“Did you hear her, Jonas? Heather said she found my stuff,” I said, a lift to my voice, hoping he wouldn’t be upset he found me speaking to her.

He placed his hands on the side of my face. “Please don’t get your hopes up there. I didn’t hear any guarantees. Remember what I told you?”

I ran my tongue over my lips.
I’m more important than my possessions.
“I know, but…” The stony expressions on Jonas’s face let me know he wasn’t willing to listen anymore. I sighed and quickly settled my bill. Afterward, Jonas kissed me tenderly and gave me a hug, which I returned. When we parted my gaze landed on Gregor, who I found staring at us. His arms were folded and his lips were pressed together. When he noticed I was staring back at him, he turned his head and moved toward the exit. Jonas placed his hand on the small of my back and moved us out of the restaurant and stopped a few steps in front of Gregor. We stood looking at each other for seconds, though it felt like minutes.

“How did the rest of the announcement go?” I asked, ending the silence.

“I think overall it went fine,” Jonas said with a glance at Gregor, whose head was slightly turned, his eyes fixed on something other than the two of us speaking to him. He responded, “I agree. Sorry about what happened back there. I will find out who leaked the information and they will lose their job, but I assure you the photo is gone and alerts are out for anyone who tries to market the image.”

“Thank you Gregor,” I replied politely.
He can’t look at me.
I had somehow been so distracted that I almost forgot about Gregor seeing that photo. Now that it was brought into conversation, I didn’t quite feel like I could look at him, either. My cheeks warmed and Jonas moved his arm around my waist.

Gregor stared at me and there was something else in his gaze. The feelings he had for me were there. I knew what that look meant, because I had seen a similar one daily on Jonas’s face. It was love. Jonas was right. Gregor still had feelings for me. I couldn’t look at it anymore and dropped my head.

“We’ve got to go. Talk to you when we get back from our vacation,” Jonas said. I looked at him. He gave his business to Gregor and Arch Limited despite disliking the way Gregor felt about me. He did it for me.

“Thank you again, Jonas,” Gregor said and shook his hand. He then reached out for mine.

My head lifted up to him and I clasped his hand. “Thanks for giving me the work from home, and congratulations.”

Gregor kept my hand well past politeness and I felt the stir of Jonas behind me, letting me know he was about to end it. Gregor let me go, and Jonas’s arms closed around me, topping it off with a hard kiss on my lips.
Yep. His and his alone

“Goodbye, Gregor,” I said. And with a wave, Jonas moved us down the sidewalk and into his waiting car and we left.

I slumped in the seat. “I’m glad that’s over.”

“We still have the art auction tonight,” Jonas reminded me.

“Oh yeah,” I muttered as I stared out the window at Arch Limited. “I always thought of Arch as the one thing I had going for me,” I muttered.

“You have a lot more ahead of you, Lily.” Jonas tugged my ponytail. “Get over here.” I moved close and settled next to his side as he placed his arm around me. “You will find your way.”

“Gregor,” I said softly.
Still loves me.
I didn’t want to say the rest aloud.

“Yeah, I know,” he said in a crisp tone.

“I don’t love him. You know I don’t.” I peered at him through my lashes. “Just give me some time to think—”

“What is there to think about?” Jonas cut me off. “I
Arch to help
friend. I ended my friendship with Melissa. You need to do more than think. You can’t deny what we both just witnessed. I won’t have him rhapsodizing over you at Arch.” We sat in silence for a few minutes.

My stomach sunk as I met the stern expression on his face. Why was I making it difficult for him? My need to look for a new job was clear, though I hated to admit it. “I’ll leave Arch. It was difficult to get that position, which is the only reason I’ve had any hesitation. I will have to send out a bunch of resumes, but I will resign.

“You will accept my help with that too,” Jonas said, a look of relief on his face.

I chewed my lip as thoughts of my run-in with Heather at Sophie’s returned. “Speaking of, Heather needs help. Declan has brainwashed her. He’s manipulating her from jail.”

“He is trying to manipulate you through her,” Jonas scowled. “She may need help, but she has to be open to receiving it. You can’t fix her.”

I couldn’t help but see the similarities between us. “I could have easily been her.”

“But you’re not and will never be. Not if I have anything to do with it,” Jonas said.

I looked out the window. Perhaps Jonas was right about her, though she seemed genuine.

“Samuel’s dropping off cards to pass out tonight on your art program,” he reminded. “Did you get a chance to look over the New York Art Alliance between dancing yesterday?” he said, changing the subject.

I giggled. “You surprised me.”

“You surprised me too.” He gave me a peck on the cheek. “I’ve got to go back to work, and you’re at therapy?”

“Yeah. I think it will help with preparing for the prison visitation tomorrow.”

Jonas tucked my hair behind my ears. “We fly away tomorrow.”

“Where are we going?” I asked, but got a suddenly busy Jonas staring at his phone. “I need to know what to pack,” I complained.

“Nothing,” he responded.

“Vacation at the loft?” I kidded.

“I like that idea, but no. I think with all the publicity we’ll have to face soon with my book, a real trip away from here would be better,” he said.

My brows knitted. “We never talked about your book. I work at Arch and I never asked for details. How could I do that? I’m interested in what you plan to put in your book.”

“I’ve shared more with you than will ever go in that book,” he said ruefully. I kissed and held him.

“Please continue to share with me. I want to know everything about you,” I said.

A ghost of a smile formed on his mouth. “That’s one of the many reasons I love you,” he whispered.



Alliance Art Auction at Killian Gallery was close enough to walk to from the loft in Tribeca. Nonetheless, David picked the two of us up and joined the queue of cars lined up before the building. The gallery was in yet another one of the renovated warehouses with imported glass and modern accents so common in the area. What weren’t common were the strobe lights and gated, carpeted runway leading to the front of the building. Suit-clad security guards kept back the press that lined the velvet-rope sidelines. The event called for the type of press that would cover any major celebrity event. From the fireworks of flashing lights, I was sure there were some stars attending along with New York’s elite.

Like Jonas. I glanced at him on the phone, looking mesmerizing in his black tuxedo, and realized I had been awfully naïve in the beginning when Jonas mentioned the type of events we would attend as part of our companionship. Looking around, I doubted I would ever fit in. Even in the embroidered organza eye-lit black dress Kate had sent for me, none of this was me.

Jonas ran his hand over the length of my long hair that I had flat-ironed straight for the evening. “Try to relax,” he encouraged.

My eyes darted over the spectacle going on outside the window as the car crept forward. I was trying. I could feel my pulse in my ears. David pulled up the curb and one of the car doors opened. I froze. Jonas’s hand closed over mine and pulled me out of my haze and on my feet. We walked up the runway and stopped at the press line before the gallery. I nervously plastered on a smile, willing it to end quickly.

Your book Driven is already slated as a best seller just from your announcement today. Care to comment?

“I’m looking forward to the release of
with Arch Limited,” Jonas answered.

Who is your date tonight?

“Lily Salomé,” he moved me close in his arms to an explosion of flashes from camera lenses.

Is Crane Holdings parting ways with Finch Enterprises now that you ended your engagement with Melissa Finch?”

“Crane Holdings and Finch Enterprises have a longstanding relationship,” Jonas’s reply was vague, but the proposer didn’t attempt a follow-up question.

Is it true Melissa Finch has been rumored to be penning a book on your relationship?

“You will need to ask Melissa,” Jonas answered. "We must go in. Thank you.” Ignoring the questions that followed, he turned and guided us through the entrance. “Now it’s time for work. Members of New York’s Arts and Philanthropy will be here tonight. I want you to mention your Love Legacy program to everyone I introduce you to,” Jonas instructed.

I nodded as Jonas stopped to shake hands.

I stumbled over my words, but quickly got used to introducing the Love Legacy Art program. We stopped before a regal female in sequins with an elaborate twist in her blonde hair. “Lily,” Jonas said, “This is Penelope Carmichael, director of New York Alliance of the Arts. This is Lily Salomé, the woman I spoke with you about.”

My nerves jumped. Of course, Jonas had planned this all along. I was pleased I had some knowledge of her from the website. She was one of the major contacts in New York Arts. She had a dream list of philanthropic contacts and had her hand in most of the major fundraising events.

Her wide mouth curved upward. “You have a youth art program?”

“Yes. It’s the Love Legacy Art program. Artists participate in a weeklong art exchange with local and international future artists and raise funds to further encourage and support their artistry.”

“How many years has the program been around?” Penelope asked.

“Twenty-seven years. It was formerly Art for Art Sake and was created by my mother. My father, a viola player with the Boston Symphony, was the first to participate. It has since been renamed the Love Legacy in their memory,” I said evenly. Penelope listened and repeated pieces as if adding to memory.

“It was recently one of the recipients of Finch’s Fundraiser,” Jonas added. This news brought an arch to her brow. “The program is in need of structure, branding, marketing, and partnerships.”

“I understand you personally take on diamond-in-the-rough programs for evaluations,” I said.

“Not often, but I can be persuaded,” she said to me and grinned. She then turned to Jonas. “You knew I wouldn’t be able to pass this up, didn’t you?”

Jonas grinned at her. “Yes, I did. And you won’t regret it.”

“If Jonas Crane is sold, then who am I to doubt it?” Penelope trilled. Reaching inside her clutch, she handed me her card. “Do you have a card to give to me?” I reached into my own clutch and began to hand her one.

“Wait,” she instructed. “Give me a few more so I can hand them out too.”

“Thank you,” I smiled.

She looked the card over. “Your assistant is in Boston?”

I hesitated. Ms. Parker was working on the Legacy with me in her spare time. I had used volunteers. But truly, I couldn’t afford to hire someone part-time.

Jonas spoke before I could. “She’s hiring a new assistant. Have your assistant coordinate through mine.”

“I’ll have them use me as their contact, but you’ll need a New York assistant or you’ll be exhausted before you start,” she joked and laughed. We politely joined in. “Now, before you have me organizing an event, I’ll leave you both to enjoy the auction.”

“Thank you very much,” I said with enthusiasm.

“Thank you, Penelope. I won’t forget this,” Jonas said.

“No, thank you, Jonas. It’s a pleasure, Lily,” she said and sauntered away.

I wanted to throw my arms around Jonas, but I settled for a bright smile and a squeeze to his hand. “Wow. Did that just happen? Thank you so much, Jonas.”

“I didn’t do anything. You sold your program. So now you can’t blame me for taking over,” Jonas teased.

“You still helped. I know I’ve resisted your help in the past, but thank you,” I replied.

“We all need help. My father helped me and his father helped him. We don’t get anywhere on our own,” Jonas said.

“You’re right,” I said. He leaned over and gave me a peck on the cheek. “Good. That means you won’t fight me with hiring assistants.” He covered my mouth with his before I could protest. “It’s for selfish reasons. I want you around me. With what Penelope and I can bring to your program, I’m confident you will be able to cover it.”

I stared down at his polished shoes. “I’d love you even if you didn’t…”

“Lily, I know you,” Jonas spoke over me and kissed my lips. “Now, let’s meet some more people before we sit down for dinner.”

Jonas didn’t have to approach anyone. Everyone seemed to gravitate toward him once we walked further into the hall. He introduced me, and I stumbled at first, but found my stride in talking about my art legacy program and passing out cards. The lights eventually flashed off, followed by an announcement that dinner was being served in the main hall. It was decorated with black and white “NYAA” banners and artwork framing the center stage, with a couple of display cases in the middle.

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