Tiger Lily: Part Three (27 page)

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Authors: Amélie S. Duncan

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Tiger Lily: Part Three
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“What was leaked exactly?” I asked and held my breath.

“Our relationship. The press is linking our trip to Miami and the end of my fake engagement to Melissa,” he handed me some clothes to put on. “I’ve set up an emergency meeting in my office now. We’ll be discussing how we will communicate our response and introduce you to the world.” Our eyes met then. His were dull, though he looked handsome as ever in a dark blue suit, pressed shirt, and tie.

I also wanted to be covered before we went any further with this conversation. As if he was able to read my thoughts, Jonas gestured toward the dark blue shirt and matching A-line skirt he had given me, along with dark lace lingerie and silk stockings.

I quickly put on the undergarments and went into the bathroom, where I cleaned up before returning to put on the remainder of my clothes. The whole time, Jonas stood in place, though his eyes followed me. After I brushed my long hair and put on a smidge of gloss, I came back to stand before him. Our outfits went together.
Like us, right?

The way Jonas was staring at me had me fidgeting now. I knew he had something he wanted to share with me. “What is your plan, Jonas?” I asked.

He gave me a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “My plan is to announce you as my
Jonas said, his voice steady.

We gazed into each other’s eyes and our connection flared between us. Wasn’t it only a week ago that I reveled in the title of Jonas Crane’s girlfriend? Jonas had said the title didn’t express the depth of his feelings for me or mine for him. Not after all we had shared together. I truly believed in my heart I was his, and he was mine.

“I thought we were going with calling me ‘mine’ and I could call you ‘my man’?” I teased.

His arms went around my waist. “We’ve been public anonymously, but now you’ll be in public
me. Things will change for the both of us. But in private, and to those that are close to us, everything will stay the same. You’re mine,” Jonas said.

“And you are mine,” I replied. His lips crushed against mine possessively and I gave myself over to the kiss, feeling the same need to seal our bond in that moment. When we broke apart, I placed my hand in his and we walked down to the office.

Jonas didn’t stop holding my hand even as he headed over to the head of the table and had me take the vacant seat next to him. A small group was seated around the conference table. The ones I recognized were Ian, Samuel, and Diane. The others, I didn’t. There was a deeply tanned male with highlighted blonde hair and light blue eyes and a female with a prominent widow’s peak and close-set brown eyes.

Everyone was similarly dressed in the latest designer business wear, making me feel comfortable in my selected style of clothing. They sat in uniform, briefcases at their sides and folders at their place settings, with only a slight difference in their choices of pastries, fresh fruits, coffee, and juice from the platters in the center of the conference table.

“Lily, you know Ian, Samuel, and Diane,” Jonas said. “I have also asked Ava Mills and Patrick Stollwater, heads of my Public Relations and Communications, to attend this meeting.”

He paused for a minute, smiled, and said, “This is Ms. Lily Salomé, my girlfriend.” Ava and Patrick’s four eyes assessed me as we briefly greeted each other.

“Reports on the leak?” Jonas asked, addressing the group.

“Our sources informed us that Melissa Finch is responsible for your flight and location leaks,” Diane said. She passed a report to Jonas. “This is from one of our private investigations into the announcement. Press at the airport and your home are all linked.”

“Here are the latest newspaper articles. The one on top is the only one with leverage,” Ava said as she pulled out folders for Samuel to hand to everyone in the group. “Unfortunately, Ms. Salomé’s disguise at the airport plays into Melissa Finch’s jilted, ex-fiancé story, which has grown legs since our press release stating you were never engaged.”

“Surprised Phil chose to embarrass himself,” Ian said, his eyes scanning the article. “We could get him for nondisclosure and privacy violations.”

“Everyone knows Phil’s done,” Jonas replied.

I opened the folder to a newspaper clipping of a tabloid article. There was an enlarged portrait of Jonas and Melissa together. Someone had Photoshopped a jagged rip between the two images, with currency burning in the gap. Below the flaming money was a photo of me in the flight uniform at the terminal building and one of my graceless crawl through the driver’s door of Jonas’s car. The last image was one of Jonas getting out of the same car. The blood drained from my face as I continued on to the tabloid headline:
Mile High in Miami: Mysterious Mistress Revealed.
My stomach soured as I read the article.


Our exclusive story on why heiress Melissa Finch was ditched by billionaire Jonas Crane. “Jonas introduced her as Lily Salomé, his personal secretary,” said Phil Keane, head of KeanexTech Studios, who watched the secret lovers attend a ‘business meeting’ at his company. “Jonas had never flown in a ‘secretary’ in all the years of doing business with me,” he revealed, giving us rare inside scoop on New York’s most eligible divorcee.

A source says Jonas and the lush Lolita stole intimate moments in an office before jetting off to their secret love nest in Tribeca, New York, ‘without mentioning’ his leaked engagement announcement by blindsided ex, thirty-nine-year-old Melissa. “I feel sorry for her,” Phil said when asked.

KeanexTech recently parted ways with Crane Holdings.


Phil using me to get back at Jonas for closing his company wasn’t surprising after what occurred between the two of them at KeanexTech. I wasn’t sure any news of closing would have come across better. Still, Jonas had known Phil for years, and the man he had helped in business had turned on him. That alone must hurt. Reaching under the table, I squeezed Jonas’s thigh, wishing we could be alone so that I could hold him.

His eyes shifted to me and he leaned over to my ear. He understood and said the only thing he could in his meeting, “Thank you.” Then he cleared his throat and addressed the group. “Samuel?”

Samuel picked up the small stack of papers in front of him. “I have created a profile on Ms. Salomé.” He handed it out to the group.

My face heated as everyone looked over the few sentences that captured my life history, mostly revolving around my parents. I made a vow then and there to do more with my life.


Lily Geneviève Salomé

Mother: Jane Schafer, born in Dorchester, Massachusetts. Occupation: Marymount First Grade Teacher

Father: Randall Salomé, born in Auteuil, France. Immigrated to Quincy, Massachusetts. Occupation: Principal Viola Player for the Boston Symphony Orchestra.

Both deceased from tragic car accident.

B.A. in Anthropology at Boston University, Magna Cum Laude. Honor Student.

Publishing Assistant at Arch Limited.

Head of Love Legacy Program, a cross-cultural youth art program.

Recent recipient of grant from Arthur Finch and Jonas Crane Joint Partnership in Annual Finch Fanatic Fundraiser.


“Ideas?” Jonas asked, addressing the group.

“We can introduce Lily Salomé as a hardworking, independent Bostonian. We say her tragedy touched the heart of Jonas through her Love Legacy Foundation. We can tie in your presentation at the Finch Fanatic Fundraiser last month,” Ava suggested.

“Maybe photos of the two of you together at a local event?” Patrick suggested.

Samuel shuffled through his e-pad. “The New York School of Business How to Succeed panel Wednesday afternoon.” His voice dropped an octave. “There is also the New York Art Alliance Auction at Killian Gallery Wednesday evening?”

“I’ll get back to you on the gallery,” Jonas said. “Any other ideas?”

“We could move up your announcement of the publishing house you’re using for your book?” Patrick offered.

My pulse jumped as I nervously waited for the name.

Ava shuffled through her papers and pulled out a sheet. “Are you sure you want to go with an unknown? I have confirmation that Melissa has started to shop her ideas for a book to a couple of the top publishing houses.”

“We’ll get to Melissa later,” Jonas said.

He glanced at me. “Yes. I’ve spoken to Gregor Worton of Arch Limited. We will move the announcement and press up to this week.”

Oh my god!
I was practically bursting in my seat in wanting to call Gregor and share his joy in the news.

Jonas leaned over to my ear and whispered. “I need you here for the rest. You can call him soon.”

“Thanks,” I whispered, and he winked at me.

Patrick was pulling out his iPad as he said, “Arch Limited can work. Jonas Crane is the savior of up-and-coming business. Lily will be a part of his joining with Arch. We can get photos of you both together. Maybe do something casual now, and more at the press announcement for the event. Are you doing anything together today?”

“Mr. Crane has to leave for business in Texas tonight and Seattle on Wednesday. He won’t be back until early Thursday morning,” Samuel answered for Jonas.

“Yes. We’ll be starting our vacation later this week,” Jonas announced, grinning at my wide eyes and mouth. “Surprise,” he said softly to me.

Patrick cleared his throat then said, “We can call a press announcement for the book? We’ll get the team moving on Arch for early Thursday afternoon or Friday.”

“We’ll release statements to all media. I’ll need more on the Legacy program, Ms. Salomé.”

I cleared my throat. “I can send information.”

“Maybe connecting her with some of our philanthropy groups could expand her profile?” Ava said.

“We’re working on it,” Jonas said and looked at me. I nodded.

“That could work. We can use the information on Ms. Salomé’s backstory to promote her art program,” Patrick said with enthusiasm.

“If Lily’s assault case and photos were leaked, we could use it to promote domestic violence awareness and have Lily—” Ava said.

“Absolutely not,” Jonas said, cutting her off.

“We’ll prepare something just in case,” Patrick said in a hushed tone.

“We’ll take a break and move on to the legal issues with Diane and Ian. Ava and Patrick, I’d like a word,” Jonas touched my arm. “Alright, Lily. Go on and make your call, but come back. We’ll be moving on to the criminal case soon.”

I stood in the most casual manner I could and walked out of the room, then ran to my phone to call Gregor. “Yay!” I yelled into the phone when he answered.

“He told you. I wanted to,” Gregor said and we laughed. “Yes, we discussed the terms, and it looks like we may be moving up the announcement.”

“Congratulations!” I said excitedly. I watched Ava and Patrick leave the office. Their faces were pinched but morphed into smiles to me as they rushed out.

“I couldn’t have done it without you,” Gregor replied, bringing me back to our conversation.

I looked down at my feet. “You deserve it. And thank you again for what you did for me.”

“I’m sorry. If there is anything I can do, let me know,” Gregor said and sighed.

The line went silent. Finally, I said. “Well, I should go. Congratulations again.”

“Yeah. Tell Mary I said hello. Thanks again. Goodbye, Lily…” Gregor said, his tone crestfallen.

I hesitated. Was this really goodbye? We had accomplished our goal we set out for in the beginning. Jonas was publishing his book and I shared in that achievement. However, with the circumstances and changes in my life, I couldn’t say with certainty that I would return to Arch Limited.

Stop being silly
, I thought.
Gregor will always be my friend
. “Goodbye, Gregor. See you at the press conference.” Tucking my phone in my pocket and wiping the corner of my eye, I headed back to the office. Once I sat down, I felt Jonas’s hand on my thigh. I looked at him. “You alright?” he said in a hushed tone.

“Yes. Thanks,” I said and plastered on a smile. He turned back to the group. “On the other matter, Diane.”

“Nothing on the leaked workplace photo. The assault is public record, so there is a chance the photos may appear,” Diane said, her gaze on me brief. “On a positive note, Declan Gilroy was arrested. The investigation of fraud in his business trade practice will continue. His bank accounts have been frozen, so I doubt he will be able to make bail this morning. Assuming it were even to be granted. He was assigned a public defender, who from our conversation, gave me the impression he would be making a plea.” She turned to me. “Here are a few papers I need you to sign. I’ll also need your statement on the email photo at the end of this meeting.”

“Did you get the emails I sent from his fiancé Heather?” I asked.

Diane smiled wickedly. “Oh, yes. He was requesting a visit and apology?” she said sarcastically.

Ian snorted. “He can forget it.”

“I was also against the visitation at first,” she said to Ian. “But if she goes, we may get a confession out of it. It could strengthen our case.” She looked between the three of us.

My heart skipped at the way Jonas looked at me. The daggers his expression was sending to Diane were deadly. And I could see he was about ready to turn her down, throw me over his shoulder, and lock me in his bedroom. He was my warrior and she was, in a way, using me as a lure for the greater good, to keep Declan in jail. But while I was admittedly scared, I was more frightened that I would never get past my fear of him, leaving myself vulnerable to his control.

I wanted to do it, but I was also willing to compromise for us. “I think it’s a good idea. Diane could come, and you. We could wait until you return. But I think it could help with my recovery, too,” I said and placed my hand on his.

Jonas wouldn’t look at me, though he didn’t move my hand away. He wasn’t ready to let go just yet. “We’ll come back to the visitation. Leasing and building contracts,” Jonas said, shifting the discussion.

I wrote my statement and signed the papers for my case and handed them to Diane. At the end of the meeting, Jonas finally looked at me. My heart constricted at the raw emotion I found on his face. “I don’t want him verbally abusing you, but if your therapist approves it, we’ll go together with Diane.” He then turned to Diane and gave her a pointed look. “Let me be clear, and you make this non-negotiable. One negative word on his part ends the visit. I don’t give a damn what you think you can get to further the case.”

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