Tiger Lily: Part Three (22 page)

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Authors: Amélie S. Duncan

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Tiger Lily: Part Three
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“Come try my rosewater custard,” Lin said, calling Mary over with a tub and spoon.

Taking a taste, Mary moaned in delight. “This is delicious.”

“Ian’s favorite,” I said to Mary.

She sighed in exasperation. “I greeted Ian in Klingon. Can you believe he corrected my pronunciation?”

Mary was awfully proud of her mastery of the Klingon language, so I sided with her and empathized, though I suspected Ian may have been teasing her. “I didn’t realize he spoke the language.”

“He didn’t say much, but enough to flex his geek card, as if I was impressed,” she rolled her eyes.

I pursed my lips to cover my grin.
She was so impressed.

“I see two protein shakes marked for today still in the refrigerator,” Lin sung out to me.

I reached in and took one out as she patted me on the shoulder. “You’re looking better, Lily.”

“Thank you,” I said, the corners of my mouth lifting. We took our respective treats and walked out of the kitchen and up the staircase. “You seemed happy when I called yesterday,” I said to Mary as we walked.

“We talked about Star Trek and Star Wars. You know I’m insatiable when it comes to discussing both with just about anyone who knows what they are talking about. He was making conversation, being polite. He didn’t expect to have to spend the day and night with me,” Mary replied once we reached the landing at the top of the stairs.

I frowned as we entered the spare bedroom. “I really am surprised. You seemed like you were having a good time last night.”

When she didn’t say anything more, I added, “Are you back together with Hans?”

She gave me a sour face as we walked into the spare bedroom, confirming all that I needed to know, but she answered anyway. “No. Hans and I are officially over. I’m done with college professors. I want someone that won’t try to compete with me at every turn. I got an article published. So Hans announces he has two articles—”

“You didn’t tell me!” I said, shocked and disappointed that I hadn’t known she’d been published. I squeezed her shoulder then plopped down on the bed. “We must celebrate.”

“I’m sorry, you just had so much else going on. It was only a small publication, but yes, I got published!”

Looking in her suitcase and finding it empty, she switched gears. “Where are my things?” I pointed her towards the closet, and then reached over and opened one of the dresser drawers at the same time. “Lin probably put them away for you. She did the same for me.”

Mary smiled. “She’s very nice. This place is beautiful. Ian’s place is ultra-modern. I stayed up half the night just trying out some of his gadgets.”

I gave her a goofy grin. “Oh really?”

She rolled her eyes. “Stop it with Ian. He doesn’t like me. Besides, after Hans, I want a fling. No strings, preferably someone I will never see again. And I suspect I will be seeing plenty of Ian in the future, seeing as you and Jonas are committed. Right?”

I smoothed my dress. “Well, yes, I suppose.”

“You suppose?” she said, frowning.

“I love him, and Jonas just told me he loves me, too. But I don’t know what we will be beyond that given all the problems we are both experiencing lately. Plus, he’s recently divorced. I doubt I’ll be getting a proposal anytime soon,” I replied, my voice nasally.

“Do you and Jonas have a plan for dealing with Melissa?” Mary asked, changing the subject.

I shrugged. “He released the statement, and he’s meeting right now with his advisors. The media will move on soon.” I turned and watched Mary pick up her laptop and turn it on. “Do you mind if I check my email? I have a couple of assignments I turned in that I want to make sure my professor received.”

“Sure. By the way, is there anything you want to do besides movies and going out?” I asked.

“Get a haircut,” she said.

“I’ll call Dee.” I walked off to the master bedroom and collected my phone from the bedside table. Dialing Dee’s cell, I asked for an appointment for Mary.

“I can get…Marco to set yours, but if you want me to do her hair, it will have to be after my last appointment. So, 4:00 tomorrow?”

“We’ll be there. Thank you, Dee. See you tomorrow,” I said quickly and hung up as I returned to Mary. She was done and sitting back on the bed. “Would you mind if I check mine too?” I asked. She motioned for me to go ahead, and I discovered a new one from Gregor. “It’s Gregor. Do you mind if I answer it?”

“Of course not. Gregor must be beside himself with the stunt that asshole pulled yesterday,” Mary said, turning her head and picking up a magazine to give me some privacy.



I’m really sorry for calling and telling you about what happened. My timing was off, but my intention was to let you know that we stopped and reported it immediately. We used discretion at Arch and I know Jonas’s legal team will make sure it’s handled with care too. So please don’t quit over this, and let me know how you are…as okay as you can be under these circumstances, I hope. Sorry.



I frowned. “Gregor’s worried I’ll quit over the photo.”

I typed out “I’m humiliated,”
but quickly erased it. I was humiliated, embarrassed, and angry about the photos, though I worried that saying all those things would make Gregor feel bad.
But lying makes me feel bad.
I sighed and replied.


Dear Gregor,

I’m humiliated and upset, but I’m grateful you stopped the image from spreading. Thank you for telling me the truth. Mary’s visiting.



I paused. I always included Gregor in movie nights, even when Mary came to visit. However, after what had happened with the photos, I wasn’t ready to see him. Normally, I would try, but not this time. “I feel weird not including Gregor in movie night, but after what happened, I’m not ready to see him.”

“I didn’t expect you to, but I’m glad you told me what
wanted to do,” she said with conviction. “No one would blame you if you decide to quit, but I hope you don’t. At least not over this. I’m sorry about what that asshole Declan put you through. What are you leaning towards?” she asked.

I finished up my reply to Gregor with “I’ll be in touch soon,” and sent the email. Then I turned around and responded to Mary. “I don’t know. I’m embarrassed, but I’m not in a position to quit. You know what a nightmare I experienced trying to find any work after graduation. I’ve been looking into options for running the Love Legacy program. And I will still eventually have to find my own place.”

“Did Jonas mention you moving out?” Mary asked in a softer tone.

I shook my head and tilted it away from her.

“Well,” she said. “I was thinking of doing an internship in New York City this summer. Maybe we could live together? I could help with the deposit on your new place. And you would have my income for half to help float you for a bit. Then I could help you find your new roommate, too, assuming you and Jonas don’t decide to just get a place together.”

Ignoring the hope her last sentence filled me with, I simply said, “That sounds great.” She touched my hair, but didn’t say anything. A new message caught my eye. Its subject line read:


Please Read. It’s Heather.


“What the hell is she writing me for?” I huffed.

“Who?” Mary asked.

“Heather. Declan’s fiancé,” I said.

Mary snorted. “What the hell. How did she get your email?”

“Declan had it,” I reminded her.

“Delete and block her,” Mary said as we both looked at the now-open message. But my curiosity wouldn’t let me do that. I clicked on the subject line as Mary leaned over my shoulder to read.



I tried your phone, but it only goes into voicemail. I didn’t get a chance to talk with you on the street. Declan was arrested at work on Monday. They came and arrested him again early this morning. He can’t handle being in jail. He’s talking about harming himself if he has to spend another day in there. I’m scared for him. He can’t run his business. He’s losing all he worked hard to build. He won’t be able to pay his bills if he stays in jail.

Dec said he’s sorry for the mistakes he made with you and just wants to move on with me and our family. I’m pregnant. Dec has sworn to me and God he will never contact you again. Please drop the charges.

If Declan has any of your things that he was holding for you, I can get them back. You can even come over to our place and search for them. Please just send me an email or call me. My number is 555-4348.




“No way!” Mary said, her voice elevated. “Too fucking bad he’s in jail. He deserves to be in there for all he’s done to you! How dare she try to make you feel sorry for him? Dangling carrots in front of you! Tell her too bad and block her.”

I glared at the computer screen. Marriage and family. Declan was giving her the marriage and family he had once used to woo me. Would he marry her? Declan wasn’t a man of his word, so I had my doubts. I no longer trusted Declan and wouldn’t be fooled enough to help him again. “I have no intention of dropping the charges. And even if I tried, Jonas said they had enough to go after him without me. Too bad he can’t handle jail.”

“Good, I can feel your anger…your journey towards the dark side will be complete!” she said in a poor impersonation of the Emperor Palpatine from
Return of the Jedi

I groaned and laughed. “Is this what I get to look forward to today?”

“Sorry, I couldn’t resist. I am happy you want Declan to suffer,” Mary said wickedly.

Did I want him to suffer?
I thought about her words as I stared at Heather’s message. I didn’t want him to suffer, but I did want him to pay for what he had done to me.

I moved the cursor on the mouse to delete it and hesitated. I could be deleting my best chance at getting my book and photos back. I could be done with Declan once and for all
have my things.

“What are you thinking?” Mary asked.

I averted my eyes. “Heather is delusional, but she did say she would let me into their place to search for my stuff. I know his apartment. Maybe when they searched they missed it. I could look—”

“Absolutely not,” Mary said heatedly. “Surely you don’t believe her? She lays with the devil, she’s a minion.”

“But you don’t understand,” I said, raising my voice back at her. “You have your parents. This is all I have left of mine. I want it all back. I went through so much to get that stuff back. I was ready to let it go earlier, but with Declan in jail, I at least have a chance to get everything.”

“I’m sorry I yelled,” Mary said. “I know how important the photos and your book are to you. And I know how much they loved and cared for you. I loved them too, and it broke my heart when they died, but I don’t trust anything that is linked to Declan. He’s trying to manipulate you through her.”

I hunched my shoulders. “I know that.” I swallowed hard. She was right. But still, I couldn’t help the heartache that followed when I deleted the message. It was like saying goodbye to my last chance at getting my things back.

“I should change clothes,” Mary said.

“I have a shirt and jeans that I think you would look great on you,” I said. Mary followed me into the walk-in closet. She eyed me speculatively as I searched through the clothes for the outfit I had in mind.

“How about this?” I said and handed her the new pair of jeans I had bought before my weight loss and a pale green shirt.

She immediately went about trying them on. “I know what you’re trying to do. I’m not Ian’s type. Trust me on this,” she said as she smoothed the shirt in place.

I smiled admiringly at her in the clothes. Mary was pretty, but when she dressed up, she was stunning. And as far as Ian, nothing Mary said was convincing me I should give up on trying to hook them up.

“You look great.” I grinned.

Mary turned a few times and a crease appeared on her cheek. “Thank you. Don’t you want to take off that dress?”

I blushed. “Well, Jonas likes it.”

“And wants to take it off?” Mary said, causing me to blush even more. “Then by all means, keep it on,” she teased.

I lifted my chin and she lifted hers as we laughed together. We returned to the guest room to brush our hair, passing by Lin as she was heading into the master bedroom. “Lunch is on the table,” she said.

“Thanks, Lin,” we said. After putting our long hair into ponytails, we went downstairs and into the dining room area. The large oak table had been set with four sets of covered plates and a bottle of wine.

Ian walked up and we discovered Mary wasn’t the only one who had changed clothes. He was dressed in a light blue button-down shirt and jeans. I looked over at Mary and saw she had also noticed, though she pretended to be very interested in the place settings.

“I thought we were hanging out here tonight. You two look good enough to take out,” Ian said. He was staring at Mary.

“We looked good enough to take out with what we had on earlier, too,” Mary chided.

“I meant that as a compliment,” he said playfully, pulling the seat out for her.

“I can do that...thanks,” Mary said as she took the seat.

Ian sat down next to Mary and started filling the glasses with wine.

“What’s the name of the place in the East Village that has karaoke on Sunday nights?” Mary asked.

“The Blue Room,” he said. “I’ve never been,” he added, when he heard my giggle.

Jonas walk in to join us. I let my eyes roam over his dark shirt and jeans. I thought he looked amazing in suits, but he was mesmerizing in casual wear. He gave me a peck on the cheek.

“So, what did I miss?” Jonas asked, taking the seat next to me.

“Nothing. We just started,” Mary responded as we all uncovered our plates of paella.

“How about a toast? Anyone have a quote?” I asked, looking at Jonas just in time to see the corner of his mouth turn up.

“To new friends and new beginnings,” Ian said and hit Mary’s glass. It wasn’t a quote, but his sentiment felt perfect for the four of us. We clicked each other’s glasses and started eating.

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