Three Rings and a Rose (26 page)

Read Three Rings and a Rose Online

Authors: Mia Ashlinn

Tags: #Romance, #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

BOOK: Three Rings and a Rose
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Reaching around him, Ella grabbed his ass cheeks and kneaded them. Micah grinned. “That’s right, snowflake. Touch me. I want you to do what you want to because I’m going to do what the fuck I want to do.”

The bed dipped, but neither she nor Micah said a word as Caedon moved in behind Micah. His handsome face appeared over Micah’s shoulder, and he smiled at her. The love she saw in his eyes caused her heart to seize. Even without physically touching her body, she felt him all around her. He was as a part of their sex as Micah was—

simply in a different way.

Micah suddenly went from still as stone inside her pussy to sliding and gliding in and out. He started out slow and sweet, but with each invasion, he grew rougher and more erratic. This wasn’t a man who was a smooth operator with a slick dick. He was Micah. This was her best friend becoming her lover.

With gentle hands, Micah loved on her body, showing his softer side. But with his body, he fucked her. There were no other words. He fucked her primitively like a man claiming a woman, possessing her and owning her. She was one lucky bitch to have a best friend as a lover. He knew just what she wanted and how she liked it.

“Do you want me to take off your shorts for you?” Caedon asked unexpectedly, his words cutting through the thick, sex-scented air.

Micah froze, his thrusts coming to a screeching halt. He swallowed—once, twice, three times—then nodded. He didn’t speak.

From what she saw, he barely breathed.

Trying to distract him, Ella cupped Micah’s face. She caressed his cheeks with her thumbs then brought his head down for a sweet kiss.

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She poured everything she felt into the kiss. From her love to her acceptance, her joy to her lust, it was all there.

Holding still, Micah allowed her to kiss him as she wanted to. Ella could tell that it was hard for him, but he survived it. His body jostled, and the material of his shorts skimmed down his legs as Caedon removed them.

Inside her pulsating pussy, Micah’s cock grew harder. It grew bigger. Like earlier, her body instinctually shied away from his size.

But before long, it adjusted, which was a damn good thing. As soon as Caedon had removed Micah’s clothes, he resumed his thrusts, pounding his steely shaft into her time and again.

Ella writhed beneath Micah, one shudder after the next wracking her body. She moaned continuously. With her hands still gripping his ass, she dug her nails in. Silently, she hoped she left a mark. Her primitive cavewoman wanted her man to bear her mark. Just like she wanted to bear his. “Bite me,” Ella demanded without thinking.

“Mark me.”

Micah grinned. Without breaking stride, he leaned forward and bit into her neck. There was no hesitation or warning. He just clamped down on her flesh, sucking it into his mouth.

“God,” Caedon groaned as his head popped up behind Micah again. “I want someone to bite me.”

Pulling back, Micah said, “Maybe later.”

Caedon flushed, his handsome face filling with an adorable color.

His mouth worked as though trying to get something out. But he never managed.

Micah cleared his throat, obviously nervous about what he’d said or, more than likely, anxious about Caedon’s lack of response. “I mean your turn is coming.”

Obviously, Caedon’s turn wasn’t the only thing coming. An orgasm built inside her. She felt its power, its intensity. The whirlwind of ecstasy built in her core, spiraling and spinning out of

Mia Ashlinn

control. Ella cried out. “I’m so close. Please, please, please. Let me come, Micah. I need to. I have to.”

Her words came out in a garbled mess. She wasn’t even sure that anyone understood her. But they obviously did. Micah leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “Okay. You may come since you asked so nicely.”

A grin kicked up Micah’s lips, and then he went crazy. He fucked the hell out of her, pushing her body and demanding the ecstasy flow through her. As her orgasm continued to mount inside of her, she felt his growing inside of him. His dick swelled, stretching her to maximum capacity. She knew she’d be sore tomorrow, but it would be fucking worth it.

Caedon’s hands separated her legs, widening them further and extending them as far as they would go. Then a second later, Micah fell forward, his ass rising in the process, and he changed his point of entry. Bearing down on her once again, his face turned into a mask of unadulterated carnality.

Sweat dripped from Micah’s face, and he panted. His harsh breathing pervaded the room, the loudness drowning out almost every other noise. The only other things that could be heard were the sound of flesh meeting flesh and the noise of his cock sluicing through the copious moisture between her pussy lips.

A finger brushed her asshole, and she jumped with a harsh moan.

“Fuck me with your finger, Caedon. Please,” Ella pleaded. All Caedon had to do was impale her ass with his finger, and she would explode. The orgasm was right there. It was that close. She could nearly touch it.

“Yeah, stuff your fingers up her ass,” Micah said. “Fuck her just like I am. Get her ready for you.”

Ella shuddered as her release reached the precipice, and she started to fall over. A sudden finger spearing her ass sent her completely over the edge. Her pussy drew up so tightly, she screamed
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in earthy delight then pulsated uncontrollably around the cock fucking her.

Micah groaned, his body seizing over hers, and then his cum shot out of his dick and into her cunt. He bathed her core, his seed filling her and mingling with her own juices.

Ella moaned as a second, slightly smaller orgasm roiled through her. But she didn’t have time to enjoy it before Caedon caressed Micah’s shoulder and said, “My turn.”

With a smile and a kiss, Micah retreated, moving aside for Caedon, who immediately flipped her over onto her stomach. He provided no preliminaries. He just manhandled her, and she whimpered in response.

Caedon pulled her up onto all fours and situated her the way he obviously wanted her—legs spread, back arched. Slipping a hand between her legs, he touched her clit. He pinched the highly sensitized nubbin, working it with masterful fingers. Then without further ado, he drove his fingers into her cunt before gliding them over her perineum. He spread her juices and Micah’s cum all over her rosette.

Rimming her, Caedon coated her ass. “I’m going to fuck your tight hole. I always wanted to, you know,” he informed her as he removed his fingers. He dipped into her cunt again, taking more of the moisture gathered there then coated his shaft with it.

Ella glanced over her shoulder and watched as he stroked his cock, slathering her juices and Micah’s cum all over himself. Noticing her, Caedon cockily grinned at her. He lifted his fingers to his mouth then sucked all three into his mouth. Closing his eyes, he hummed.


Next to them, Micah gasped but said nothing. He was obviously taken aback that not only had his supposedly straight friend tasted the juicy remains of their pleasure but also that he enjoyed it.

Ignoring Micah, Caedon led his massive cock to her back entrance then pressed the head into her puckered hole. He clasped her hips in his hands then slowly eased her back.


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Ella’s ass instinctively fought him, but he carried on without relenting. He continued to pull her toward him until he reached the tight ring of muscles that he had to breach in order to embed himself fully. She bore down, aiding him in his invasion. As soon as she did, she took a deep breath, and that was all it took for him. He slipped past her sphincter and sank himself all the way inside her until his body collided with her ass.

For a moment, he held still. But that didn’t last. And in a second, he was plunging his thick cock into her too-tight hole. The burn was intense—more intense than she’d ever experienced. With his size, it was to be expected. However, she still had to get used to it.

Gripping her hips with his fierce fingers digging into her flesh, he fucked her ruggedly. There was no relenting for him. He just tunneled into and out of her, attacking her ass with a ferocity that had her screaming his name.

Another orgasm coiled inside of her, drawing her body into a hedonistic vortex. And she let go. She allowed her body the freedom to come as it was made to. It did. Arching her back, she let loose a hoarse bellow that could probably be heard for miles. Her pussy spasmed—and spasmed—until she wasn’t sure it would ever stop.

Caedon seemed to lose it, too. He rammed his cock into her, holding her still with his hands and forcing her to accept him. As his body drew up behind her, he froze then convulsed. His cum streamed out of his body and pumped her ass full.

Collapsing onto her back, he groaned. “That was better than I ever could have imagined.”

“No shit,” she replied between her rasping breaths. “Could you do that again? I’m thinking ten times a day should fix me.” Micah snorted. However, something seemed off. A tension that hadn’t been there was now. Ella squirmed. She had a feeling she knew what it was, but she couldn’t ask him—not right now, not with Caedon here. She wouldn’t out Micah like that. Although, she had a
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feeling Caedon had already outed himself, and Micah was in freak-out mode.

“Come lay down,” Micah suggested. “We should get some sleep.” Oh yeah, something wasn’t right. Glancing at the digital clock, she saw that it was now 1:00 a.m. Micah was right. They could probably use some sleep. They could deal with everything else in the morning. And they would. It was time for her to step up to the plate and force the men to have the talk they should have had two years ago.

With a plan in her mind, she said, “Yeah, we should get some rest.

I’ll be ready for more when we wake up.”

And she would. If the men’s soft chuckles were any indication, they were aware of what was in store for them when they woke up.

Caedon extricated himself from her then moved up the bed. Helping her, Caedon and Micah situated her between them. Then with a sigh, she fell asleep.


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Chapter 20

Later that morning, Ella awoke to an empty bed. She didn’t even have to open her eyes to confirm that her men had left, and they’d obviously been gone awhile. So she didn’t. Instead, she jerked the blanket over her whole body to keep from chilling as the cold sheets seeped into her skin and hid from the world.

Time passed, but she had no clue how long it had been. She was too busy fighting back the anxiety assailing her. And her brain was too focused on forcing herself to swallow past the dread creeping into her throat.

Finally giving up, she sighed and pried open her eyes, only to be blinded by the sunlight streaming through the window and hitting her square in the face. She squinted, but it didn’t help. So she flipped over in the opposite direction and flopped onto her belly. As her eyes adjusted, she saw the roses that had been on her pillow every day for the last two weeks—one yellow and one red—and everything inside her froze.

Oh my fucking shit. They’re different.
They were amazingly, flawlessly, life-alteringly different. Someone had taken the two roses and twined the stems together. Ella gasped.
But that means…oh
double my fucking shit.
As joy flooded her veins, she spotted a folded note on the pillow beside the roses and snatched it up impatiently.

Unfolding the note, she read Caedon’s writing out loud.

Good morning, sunshine. I know that you might be hurt that we
both left you, but we need to talk—alone. I’ll explain later. Just suffice
it to say, I’m going after our man.

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All my love,


As soon as Ella finished his scrawled signature, she tossed the paper in the air and screamed. She couldn’t help herself. The excitement was too much to hold in. She unexpectedly surged to her feet and jumped on the bed like a child. She sang one of her favorite songs from years ago, “Perfect Day”
by Hoku, and bounced until she was out of breath. Then she dropped down on her ass with an “ooph!” Picking up the roses, Ella turned the stems around and around, watching them spin like a beautiful wheel then lifted them to her nose and sniffed them lingeringly. Yes, today’s going to be the perfect day, Ella decided.

Falling back on her pillows with a drawn-out sigh, Ella kicked her feet against the mattress a couple of times before rolling to her side and scooting to the edge of the bed. She stood with a yawn then headed for the shower.
And it’s time to get the day started.

* * * *

Across town, Caedon heaved a sigh of relief when he spotted Micah’s car up ahead. He put pressure on the accelerator and anxiously sped up, driving quicker than was safe. He needed to get to Micah and talk to him before he lost his nerve. And he couldn’t do that. After last night, he knew that it was too late for them to pretend that there was nothing going on. And that was what they were doing—pretending.

Swiftly reaching the house, Caedon pulled to a squealing stop then shut off the ignition. He got out of the car, and without shutting his door, he stalked for the house with only one thought, one purpose.

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