Three Rings and a Rose (22 page)

Read Three Rings and a Rose Online

Authors: Mia Ashlinn

Tags: #Romance, #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

BOOK: Three Rings and a Rose
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Once again, Ella attempted to divert everyone’s attention from her. “So Maddie…why are we watching Jaycee and Katie-Anne try on dresses?”

Apparently willing to play along, Maddie answered her question.

“Katie-Anne and I decided to start a new maternity line of clothing, and I have been really struggling with some of the more formal dresses. So since Katie-Anne’s husbands wouldn’t agree to let Katie-Anne travel for our business meetings, I thought it would be a good idea for me to bring the dresses along for her and Jaycee to try on while I’m here. They have completely different body types, and they
both very pregnant.”

Something odd struck Ella in Maddie’s explanations. Something didn’t make sense. But she couldn’t put her finger on it, and Shannon didn’t give her much time to figure it out before going back to the gossip she obviously wanted to hear. “I want details on how Micah went from hiding-in-the-closet bisexual hunk to sharing you with Mr.

Lifestyles of the Rich and Fuckable. And I really just have to know how they convinced you.” Breaking off, she winked. “I want you to tell me in every glorious, explicit, dirty detail. The dirtier, the better.”

“When am I not dirty and explicit?” Ella asked cheekily.

Lowering her feet to the floor, she stood and stretched.
Aw hell. I
might as well tell them everything. They’re not going to leave my ass
alone if I don’t tell them. And it isn’t like I don’t want to brag. I’m a
gossipy, gloating wench like that.

With a sigh, Ella sank back down into her chair then crossed her legs on top of the table once again. Admiring her neon-orange painted toenails, she relaxed as she shared last night’s events with her friends.


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“Okay, fine. I’ll tell you guys since you pulled my leg,” she grumbled mockingly. “I know how hard it was for you to get me to talk.”

“I know hard,” Shannon retorted, “and that was not it.” Ella stuck her tongue out. “Maybe I wanted to tell you all, but I was going to wait until later.”

Katie-Anne shrugged. “Maybe, maybe not. Don’t give a fuck. Just start talking, woman.”

Blowing Katie-Anne a kiss, Ella asked, “When you put it like that, how can a girl resist?” She grinned, patently pretending to have not heard Katie-Anne’s curse, as she got to her feet and flittered around the wrecked room. She picked up the clothes, food, and drinks they’d abandoned everywhere. Without meeting their eyes, Ella went on.

“When we talked, they were very open and honest with me about everything. I respect—”

“I’m calling bullshit,” Katie-Anne interjected before Ella could finish.

“Me too,” Jaycee and Maddie chimed in together then giggled at their synchronized response.

“Hell yeah, there’s more to it than that,” Shannon commented.

“You wouldn’t have just changed your mind after all this time on a whim.”

With a sigh, Ella rounded on them. “Fine, you pain-in-the-ass thundercunts. I think they’re in love with each other, too. That’s the difference. That’s what changed my goddamn mind.” She huffed and crossed her arms. “Happy now?”

Four gasps came from all around her.

“Holy shit,” Katie-Anne said when everyone’s shock seemed to fade—even if only slightly. “You think that Caedon loves Micah, too?”

Ella noticed that Katie-Anne only seemed shocked that Caedon had feelings for Micah, not the other way around. But she disregarded it. “Yes,” Ella confirmed. “I know it caught me off guard, but my biggest reservation—outside of their jealousy—was that I couldn’t be
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the thing that came between them. If Caedon loves Micah too, that is not the case. So I can have my cake and lick it, too.” Jaycee groaned as she sat up. Shifting a couple of times, she frowned. Her unhappiness appeared to be more in response to her sudden discomfort than Ella’s declaration. “What made you come to this conclusion?”

“That’s easy,” Shannon answered for her. “They fucked each other in front of her. Lucky hooker.”

A giggle bloomed in Ella’s chest, and she released it freely. “I wasn’t that fucking lucky.” Pausing, she gathered her thoughts. “They just had something between them that I didn’t notice before.”

“How so?” Maddie pressed curiously as she stood then started picking up the drinks from the coffee table in front of her.

“For example, Micah touched Caedon, and he sighed. It was noticeable—very, very noticeable. But instead of being macho and jerking away, Caedon seemed to enjoy it. I heard him sigh, too. Only his was more subtle,” Ella babbled. Without conscious thought, she started toying with her hair, twisting and twining the locks around her index finger. “Honestly, I’m pretty sure that I was the only one who even heard him.”

Sighing, Ella quit playing around and got back to work. She meandered through the store, nervously rearranging the things that didn’t need to be disturbed considering the disaster the rest of the room was still in. “Oh. They both said a couple of things that most men don’t tell their friends—ever.”

Shannon sat back in her chair as though she were getting comfortable for a nice, long chat. Knowing her nosy friend, that was probably the case. Ella might need to hire a crane to get her out of here. Or at the very least, she’d have to call the woman’s three husbands. “Tell me more,” Shannon urged nosily. “Lots and lots and lots more.”

“Shannon, back off. That isn’t our business,” Katie-Anne scolded as she struggled to her feet. Once she had gotten up, she helped

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Jaycee get to her feet as well. They both headed for the back room where they’d been dressing and undressing for the fashion show.

“We’ll be right back. I think we’ve both been in these dresses long enough.”

The front bell jingled, indicating that someone had entered the store, before the girls made it out of the room. Only no one should be coming in. She’d left the door unlocked, but the sign had been turned to say
When Ella spun around and spotted the woman in the doorway, she understood why the intruder had disregarded the sign.


Three Rings and a Rose


Chapter 16

Ella glared across the store at her—and every other woman in town’s—arch nemesis, Leila Schilling. The disgustingly beautiful brunette bombshell met her stare-for-stare as she stepped into the store fully and let the door shut behind her.

Unlocking their gazes, Leila swept her eyes across the room slowly as though perusing the adult items Ella carried in her store.

Then with a moue of distaste, she strode across the floor and stepped onto the blankets they’d spread for the runway. Glaring down at the fabric hatefully, Leila muttered something so low that Ella couldn’t hear her.

“Can I help you?” Ella snapped, having grown tired of Leila’s ridiculous show of bitchiness.

Leila brought her eyes up and smirked. “Well, hello there, Ella,” she said before nodding to the other three glowering women and then Maddie. “Girls. I thought I would swing by to
It seems like someone forgot to invite me to the”—pausing, she sniffed haughtily—“party.”

Maddie being Maddie didn’t appear to be the least bit impressed by Leila. She eyeballed her with a snort then turned away and quietly returned to cleaning.
Sometimes I wish I could be more like her. More
classy. Be the bigger person. Well fuck that. I’m not.

Dropping the bag she’d just picked up to the floor with a heavy
, Ella padded across the room in her bare feet. As she walked, her fists drew up—and up—until they were clinched so tightly her knuckles ached. She knew that she wouldn’t punch Leila.


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No matter how much she wanted to. But she could imagine what it would feel like and how much she’d enjoy it.

Mental images of rearranging the heinous bitch’s pale, porcelain skin assailed Ella, and she grinned. With each step she took, another fanciful vision of a way to mar Leila’s too physically perfect face beset her, and her smile widened. From blackening her enemy’s smoky eyes to pulling out a handful of her lustrous, wavy hair, Ella thought of it and visualized it.

By the time Ella reached Leila, her cheeks burned from the smile that had grown there. “If I remember correctly, you are not allowed to be in my store, Leila. Judge Caldwell prohibited you from stepping foot on the premises.”

Several months back, Leila had been arrested for attempting to shoplift some items from Ella’s store and assaulting Katie-Anne. The town’s judge had let her off rather easy with a warning and some pitiful amount of community service, but he had done one thing right.

He’d told Leila to stay away from Ella’s store. So far, she’d stuck to it. That was obviously no longer the case.

Leila lifted one shoulder, shrugging carelessly. With a toss of her mahogany hair, she curved around Ella then headed for the group of chairs where Shannon still sat alone. Lowering herself into the seat Maddie had deserted, she smiled maliciously at Shannon.

Before she said a word though, Jaycee and Katie-Anne stalked toward the two women and sat down in their own seats across from them. They crossed their arms over their distended bellies menacingly and frowned as though waiting for a reason to beat the living hell out of Leila.

“Get your ass out of my store, Leila,” Ella ground out, her teeth grinding together so fiercely that she cringed. “I have warned you time and again to stay away from me, my friends, and my fucking store. I don’t want to even breathe the same fucking air as you.” Ella barely recognized the steel in her voice. She’d always been one to speak her mind, but this was more. This was almost too much.

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Even with a short temper and a big mouth, she’d not dealt with the furious tremble that arose inside of her or the fierce need to protect herself and every other woman in the room.

Most people wouldn’t blame her. Leila had pulled shit on pretty much everyone she came into contact with—the females, that is. She was sweet as cherry pie to the men. But when it came to feminine competition, Leila would do whatever, say whatever, and be whatever it took to triumph.

Shit, she’d tried to break up Jaycee and her husbands more than once. When that hadn’t worked, she’d lured an unsuspecting Shane in and attempted to get in between Katie-Anne and the man she eventually married. Luckily, she’d failed with both of them, and she’d left Shannon alone completely. However, her best friend, Mary, hadn’t. And she’d wound up in jail for a whole host of crimes after she’d been beaten up by Katie-Anne and Jaycee.

If they got to whip Mary’s ass, why can’t I go after Leila?

Because I don’t want to go to jail. And because bail money is fucking
Leila would no doubt press charges. So Ella had to keep her itchy fists and feet to herself.

“Is that the way to talk to your
?” Leila asked, her last word a sneer.

“You’re not my damn friend,” Ella snarled. “I’m tired of you pretending you are. Being my BFF won’t get you famous or fucked so leave me alone.”

“That’s not what the front page of numerous entertainment magazines say this morning,” Leila said. “By the way, you really should take better care of yourself. A hag looks better than you do in our picture.”

“You bitch,” Ella growled.

Leila didn’t acknowledge Ella had spoken. Instead, she spoke to the three girls who looked ready to kill her. “So girls, what have you been up to? It’s been ages since we got to gossip together.”

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From her spot behind the counter, Maddie snorted. “That’s because no one wants to talk to you.”

“Oh,” Leila gasped as she brought her hand to her mouth and covered her dark red lips. “That hurts. Whatever shall I do?” Dropping her hand to her lap, she stared straight at Ella. “I think I’ll fuck Caedon Asher. That playboy is right up my alley. I’ll bet he feels even better up my pussy.”

Ella’s blood pressure skyrocketed, a red haze fogged up her brain, and she couldn’t recall why the fuck she shouldn’t kick the woman’s ever loving ass. Storming across the room, she snapped, “If you so much as speak to my man, I will make good on what I’ve told you before. I will make sure you pay for it and everything else you’ve ever done. Hell, I might even throw in a few things for what you will probably do in the future.”

Shannon shot out of her seat just as Ella reached Leila. Grabbing Ella’s arm, she stopped her from picking up Leila and dragging her out of the store. “Don’t fight her. I am not in the mood to get your sexy ass out of the clink.”

“I don’t know,” Katie-Anne piped up. “Leila would have to convince Belle that she hadn’t provoked it. That would take a year to do. Belle despises the little bitch almost as much as we do.” Jaycee snorted. “Everyone does.”

Crossing her legs, Leila reclined back in the chair as though getting comfortable. Way too comfortable in Ella’s opinion. “I don’t give a shit what you all think of me. And I definitely don’t want to associate with the other…women in this town. So I’m good with the hatred flowing between us.”

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