Three Rings and a Rose (30 page)

Read Three Rings and a Rose Online

Authors: Mia Ashlinn

Tags: #Romance, #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

BOOK: Three Rings and a Rose
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The rhythmic vibrations tormented her inner walls, and she moaned. Her body seized, the orgasm so close she could taste it. But before she could come, Micah pulled back. He slowed down drastically, keeping her from reaching the pinnacle.

She cursed him, “Son of a bitch. I was ready to come.”

“Yeah, well, we weren’t ready for you to come, snowflake,” Micah countered as he resumed his diabolical torture. He slid the phallus into her aching core then retreated, starting out slowly and building with each glide. “You drove me to this punishment. I’m just showing you cruel.”

Ella wanted to respond to him. She really did. She wanted to be witty or bitchy or something, but she couldn’t seem to speak. Her tongue was too heavy in her mouth, and her jaw didn’t seem to want to unhinge. So instead, she gave up. She allowed Micah to have control of how he fucked her.

“Does that feel good, sunshine?” Caedon asked as he relinquished his kisses. “Do you like it when you have no control? Do you want to

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belong to someone, to have someone possess you when they fuck you?”

“Yes,” she keened.

The bed dipping registered in her mind, but it was somewhere in the back, and she couldn’t seem to focus on it. Until a large hand caressed her cheek, she didn’t seem to clue in. But immediately recognizing the feel of Caedon’s skin, she smiled at him, hoping he could see her.

Caedon trailed his fingers down to her chin then tipped her head back and turned it to the side. “Open,” he said as something warm and soft brushed her lips. Instinctively, she licked the unknown object to see what it could be, and a salty flavor hit her tongue.
Fuck yes. Pre-cum.

Ella tongued the head of Caedon’s cock, sampling his flavor and taste. She swirled her tongue around—and around—attempting to not lose even the smallest drop. She loved the taste of Caedon’s cum, and she’d be damned before she missed out.

“Shit,” Caedon hissed. He cupped her cheek, cradling her gently and making her heart melt yet again. “That feels so good.” Powerless to the need pumping through her, Ella opened her mouth for Caedon, silently beseeching him to enter. At her pussy, Micah’s assault carried on, tunneling her vibe into and out of her.

“Fuck her mouth,” he ordered. “She wants it. You want it, and I want to watch.”

Sucking in a quick breath, she relaxed her throat in preparation for the infiltration of Caedon’s huge cock. It was a damn good thing she did. Without preliminaries, he speared her mouth with his monstrous dick, pressing forward in one, smooth move. He drove himself all the way to the point where he bumped the crown into the back of her throat.

Breathing through her nose, she forced herself not to gag around Caedon’s thick, unyielding shaft, but it proved harder than she’d expected. She had to think hard and focus in order to keep from being
Three Rings and a Rose


overwhelmed by his massive size. Although, she loved every damn second of it. She adored the roughness of his thrusts and the fullness he gave her. Each time he propelled his cock into her mouth, the sensation of being jammed full of him drove her mad.

At some point during her mouth-fucking of Caedon, Micah had slipped Fred out of her, and she hadn’t really comprehended it. She was too far gone in sensual overload. Everything felt good, and she couldn’t seem to tell one pleasure from the next.

When Micah returned his attention to her pussy, he licked her from perineum to the top of her mound in a long, never-ending caress of the tongue. He nibbled his way back down toward her forbidden hole, pausing at her clitoris, then blew a puff of air on the throbbing nub. He sucked her clitoris into his humid mouth, and she screamed around the cock fucking her mouth as the passion came to be too much, and she couldn’t hold back her orgasm any longer.

Her hips left the bed shamelessly. As always, Micah was there to help her. He lined up the crown of his cock with her entrance, and, in the midst of her gripping orgasm, he slammed his shaft inside of her.

Being impaled while she came was more than she could have hoped for. His untamed thrust set off a series of mini-orgasms, one after the next sweeping through her spasming pussy, and she cried out continually as though she didn’t have a cock muting her screams of pleasure.

Ella’s orgasms finally ebbed, and she relaxed as her sated body became liquid. She allowed the men to fuck her freely. She let them do the work, let them have their way with her because all she wanted at this point was for them reach their own orgasm. She wanted them to come. She wanted to experience their pleasure, just as they’d just felt hers.

Micah hammered her pussy, pushing her further with each thrust and driving her toward yet another orgasm—one she might not survive. His primitive fucking at her pussy matched Caedon’s at her

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mouth. His brutal pounding stretched her mouth to capacity. Her cheeks ached, her lips burned. And fuck her. Did she love it.

Both men’s ecstasy seemed to converge, their movements synchronizing, and they came—together. Micah’s cum flooded her cunt just as Caedon’s showered her mouth, shooting to the back of her throat in thick spurts. She swallowed convulsively with a greediness that should have embarrassed her but didn’t. Humming in delight, she greedily sucked—and sucked—every last drop of Caedon’s cum.


Rather than answering her, both men kissed her—Caedon on her forehead and Micah on her abdomen—then set about removing her ropes. She still couldn’t see them, but she heard the rustling of the thick chord as they untied and removed them, and she felt their hands massaging where the ropes had once been.

“Shut your eyes, sunshine. I’m going to take off the blindfold,” Caedon warned, and she did. She slid her eyes closed, keeping them firmly shut as he slipped off the satin material. Even with her lids blocking most of the sunshine, she still felt the light besieging her.

Once a moment had passed, she adjusted and opened her eyes slowly.

As soon as she could see, tears welled in her eyes. She had no roses—not even one. Frantically glancing around, she wanted to know where they were. They had not gifted her with their daily morning roses, the symbol of their love.
Seriously? Is something wrong? Have
they changed their minds about us? Was this some goodbye sex? Oh,
God, no.

“Don’t get your sexy panties in a wad,” Caedon said irreverently as he appeared at the side of the bed where she could see him. Much to her annoyance, he flipped the covers back, and the cool air wafted over her naked body. A shiver stole over her, and she silently muttered curses.

“Get dressed,” Micah commanded from the direction of her closet.

“We need to show you something.” A second later, a yellow sundress landed on the bed beside her.

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“Um, okay. I guess we can do that,” she replied as she slid across the soft Egyptian cotton sheets, the material delicately whispering over her skin. She stood to her feet, and she dug her toes into the small, lush throw rug lying by her bed.

Stretching her sore joints, she grumbled but did as they asked. By the time she’d gotten completely dressed, her men had done the same thing and left her to finish by herself
issuing a list of lust-filled excuses about what would happen if they stayed.

With a wicked smile and dirty thoughts, Ella slipped on her sandals and snapped an adorable necklace around her neck. She opened her mouth to call out to the men, but she stopped dead when three men stepped inside the bedroom. Her vocal chords froze, and her heart skidded to a halt.
Micah, Caedon, and…Tate? Uh-oh. Big
shit just hit the fan.


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Chapter 23

Ella eyeballed the three men entering her bedroom. Before long, she settled her eyes on her youngest brother. Tate had
look, the one he’d always gotten when he’d been in a shitload of trouble and needed her to cover his ass. It was the same look she got when she’d done the same thing.

After yesterday’s conversation with Ted, Ella felt the world drop out from beneath her, and she wobbled on shaky legs. Backing up, she bumped into the large dresser behind her, shaking it and sending several items flying.

Jewelry, hair brushes, make-up, and even perfume fell into the floor with a loud raucous crash. Her personal effects scattered everywhere, but in her current state she just wasn’t in the mood to clean a goddamn thing up. So she didn’t.

Cringing at her woman-made earthquake, Ella squeaked, “What?” She cleared her throat and attempted to speak again—this time like a human and not a mouse. “What did he do?”

Tate frowned. He came forward as though he planned to hug her, but she shook her head. She loved her brother dearly, and, under most circumstances, she would want him to hug her—just not this time.

Right now, she needed her men to hold her. She needed
to talk.

Obviously understanding her, Tate curved around her and dropped onto the bed. He sighed. “There’s a leak.”
Oh, I’ll just bet there is.
Ella’s eyes met Caedon’s. She saw in his tense sapphire eyes that he was thinking what she was—Ted. Offering him her hand, Ella beckoned him forward. She needed him, and she
Three Rings and a Rose


suspected he needed her. If his pale complexion was any indication, he was in deep shit.
Well, we all are.

Caedon crossed the room, his strides eating up the steps quickly and wound his arm around her waist. He held her close, using one hand. With his other, he repeated what she’d just done. He offered Micah his hand, asking him to join them in their solidarity.

Micah smiled before coming forward. He moved in next to Caedon and grabbed his hand while he offered Ella his other. Despite the overwhelmingly tense moment, Ella felt their unity pulsating through her. She had them. No matter what shit went down, she had not one but two partners.

“Someone informed the press that Caedon has shacked up here with the two of you,” Tate said drolly. “Little do they know…” Her funny-man brother appeared to be making light of the situation. Only he wasn’t. To everyone who didn’t know him, he probably came off as a jackass right now. Unfortunately for Tate, she did know him. She knew what happened when his intense blue eyes darkened to a near purple. She recognized the way his hair had been tousled from fingers running through it. His normally well-groomed, immaculate persona was gone. No, he was not happy with this situation.

Micah scowled. “Get on with it, Tate,” he snapped. Despite their close relationship, even her lover appeared to be losing his patience.

“We don’t have time for this bullshit.”

Shrugging negligently, her brother smiled the fakest grin she’d ever seen and said, “A man apparently overheard me and Ella in the bar talking about her love for Micah. He came forward as a source.

The press also claims to have a sex tape of my sister cheating on Caedon with Micah.” But before he’d even finished his statement, his breathing sped up and his pale face colored to crimson.
Baby brother
is pissed with a capital P.

“Holy fuck a monkey’s dick,” Caedon cursed as he gripped Ella tighter than before. He dug his fingers into her skin, holding her so

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close that their chests collided with each breath. Lowering his head, he brushed a kiss across the top of her head.

Concentrating on her breathing, Ella peered up at Caedon and mouthed, “I’m sorry.” Tears spilled out of her eyes, blurring her vision of one of the men she loved. Unable to see any longer, she tried to calm herself. She attempted to think of anything but the panic attack she saw coming a mile away. Only she failed because the same thing kept blinking in front of her—
You did it again.

“Claim?” Micah asked, seeming to be the only one with his head still on straight. “Is it only a claim or do they have an actual tape?” Ella held her breath, waiting to hear Tate’s answer. If Ted didn’t have visual proof, he had nothing. However, she didn’t hold out much hope. The douchebag was a lot of things, but an idiot was not one of them. He had something on them or he wouldn’t have risked this.

“He has one,” Caedon answered for Tate who nodded. “There is no way he would have called it out like this without proof. If he knew we were sharing Ella, it wouldn’t be hard for him to get a picture of them together.” He sighed. “Even if they weren’t having sex, cheating is cheating to a lot of people. All he needed was one of the nights you guys were fooling around. Hell, even if I was here watching, he could have edited me out. I’m sure he has lots of help. People don’t get to his place without friends in high
low places.”
No doubt
. Then something hit her. “Wait,” she screeched as she disentangled herself from her men. “How did he get a video? We don’t exactly prance around town groping and humping on each other’s legs like dogs,” Ella said. “We’re discreet.”
Not because I
want us to be. Because we have to be. Damn it.

“I have a bad feeling that he’s planted a camera in here,” Micah said, stating what she was already thinking, what they were all probably thinking. “It’s the only way.”

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