Three Rings and a Rose (25 page)

Read Three Rings and a Rose Online

Authors: Mia Ashlinn

Tags: #Romance, #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

BOOK: Three Rings and a Rose
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The feeling of coming home washed over her as it always did when Micah touched her, and she hummed blissfully. “And I love you, Micah Blaylock.”

Micah smiled. “God knows that I love you, snowflake.” Curving his hand around the back of her head, he brought her forward for a fiery kiss that could have lit up the night sky, and she forgot her every thought. The moment their lips touched, she lifted her hand to his strong chest and palmed the taut, muscled wall. Trailing her fingertips to his nipple, she paused at the stiff crest and flicked it with her nail.

Three Rings and a Rose


Micah jerked with a groan, but he didn’t stop his mouth or slow it down. Actually, he seemed to speed up, and his kiss changed, morphing from hot to scorching. He deepened the impassioned melding of their mouths and so did she. He breached her parted lips with his silky tongue then dove inside. In response, she slid her tongue along his, calling his to mate with hers, and he did. He claimed her mouth, tongue, and lips in a way that only one other man had before, and that man sat beside them, watching.

Feeling Caedon’s eyes on her and relishing Micah’s touch, Ella whimpered as the rush of erotic pleasure swept her away, and she lost sense of reality. All that existed for her was these two men, this kiss, and this moment. Only it passed quickly—far too quickly. And before she knew it, Micah released her. “We’ve been teasing you for two weeks, Ella. But that’s just what it was—teasing. Now that we can fuck you, there will be no more playing around. This is real, and we are who we are. Can you handle that?”

* * * *

Micah held his breath as he waited for Ella to answer his question.

He already knew her answer. And so did Caedon. But they’d discussed it, and they wanted her to understand what being with the two of them meant. They might not have shared women before, but they both had kinks that they weren’t willing to forsake.

Sitting on his lap, Ella ground her ass into his crotch with a mischievous smile. She rocked her hips back and forth then said,

“Maybe I was teasing, too.”

Knowing her, she had been. His woman had a wicked side, and it went far beyond her smart mouth and saucy ways. She was kinky, and he couldn’t wait to tap into it. “Okay,” he replied. “We just wanted to make sure that you knew what you were in for.”
Most of it.

Ella patted his cheek condescendingly. Her action would have pissed him off if it weren’t for the big, brazen wink she shot his way.


Mia Ashlinn

“I know what I’m in for, but I don’t think you have a fucking clue what you’re in for.”

Caedon snorted. “In the words of my insanely sexy woman, ‘give it your best shot. I’ll bet you can’t even shock me.’” Growling playfully, Ella flipped Caedon off without breaking eye contact with Micah. At the same time, she lifted her lips to him as though asking for his kiss. Only, Micah didn’t think so. He wouldn’t give her the opportunity to take control of their sex life—not now, not ever. If he did, she would run away with it, and they would all live to regret it. Neither he nor Caedon would deal well with Ella dominating them. Deep down, neither would she.

“Strip,” Micah commanded abruptly. He didn’t mask the impatience or dominance in his tone. He told her what he wanted, and he gave her no room for questions or comments.

Caught off guard, Ella frowned. His snowflake apparently didn’t like his tone.
Too damn bad.
She’d need to get used to this side of him sooner rather than later. Surprisingly, Ella didn’t chew him a new asshole. She didn’t balk at his demand either. Instead, she lifted herself off him and then the mattress. Circling around the corner, she stood proudly at the foot of the bed.

Micah peered over at Caedon and said, “Turn on the light. We don’t want to miss a second of this.”

Nodding, Caedon reached over the bedside table and flipped on the lamp. “No, we don’t,” he replied. “I want to see every delicious, flawless inch of our woman.”

Our woman.
Even after two weeks, the words coming from Caedon still had this magical effect on Micah that he couldn’t describe. Something about having a woman and sharing her with the man he loved staggered him, and it never failed to stop his heart on a dime. The only thing that could make things any more perfect involved Ella saying,
our man
, to him or Caedon. However, that wasn’t happening right now.

“So do I,” Micah murmured. “She’s so fucking gorgeous.”
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In front of them, Ella flushed, but a sensual smile spread across her face. “Thank you,” she said. “You both now how to make a girl feel pretty.”

“I know how to make you feel prettier,” Caedon told her with a lascivious wiggle of his eyebrows. “Get naked.” Ella’s smile broadened, and she fell silent. Since she didn’t have much on, her striptease would be short and to the point, but Micah didn’t mind. He wanted to watch her remove her clothes anyway. “I think I can do that,” she said with a sparkle in her eyes, and Micah groaned. That look would get him and Caedon into trouble. And fuck, he couldn’t wait.

Next to him, Caedon sat up slowly before scooting his body to the top of the bed. He situated himself in a way that he touched Micah from their shoulders all the way down to their pinkie toes.

Micah wasn’t sure whether or not Caedon had meant for their positions to be that intimate, but they were. And he loved it. So did his cock. The damn thing had barely been contained in his shorts before. Now, it was just a second short of busting through the fabric and making a gigantic hole in the crotch.

Unable to sustain any more of his dick’s demands, Micah slipped one hand beneath the waistband of his shorts and grasped the thick stalk before taking it out. As he watched Ella, he stroked himself, sliding from base to tip. His skin moved up and down with each glide of his hand.

Out of the corner of his eye, Micah quickly glanced at Caedon, and he groaned when he saw him. Caedon’s jaw hung slightly ajar, and he openly gawked at Micah. Only he wasn’t looking at his face.

Fuck no. He was admiring his cock.

Shallow pants came from Caedon’s mouth as he slipped his beefy hand into the pajama bottoms he wore and unabashedly rubbed himself. A heartbeat later, Caedon grimaced then pulled his shaft out, and without taking his eyes from Micah, he caressed his dick with what appeared to be a strong, firm hand.


Mia Ashlinn

Micah’s engorged flesh grew as more blood pooled in it, and he tore his eyes away from Caedon before he snapped and fucked him, too. He returned his attention to the woman who seemed just as engrossed in their masturbation as she was in doing what they’d told her to do and frowned. “We told you to get naked, Ella,” he told her edgily.

Shaking her head as though she’d been in a trance, Ella lifted her hands to the hem of her crimson tank top and slowly drew it upward.

The snowy-white words,
I may have a bad mouth, but I can do great
things with it,
emblazoned in big, bold print on her shirtfront crinkled as she bared her softly curved abdomen.

Carrying the material vertically over her ribcage and then her breasts, Ella paused just high enough Micah could see the bottommost edge of her rosy nipple. She smiled cheekily and said, “Peekaboo, I see you.”

Micah’s hand froze on his throbbing dick, and his breathing stopped as he waited for her to continue her erotic journey. Luckily, she didn’t torture him long before she completely bared her breasts to his and Caedon’s gaze. And a second later she pulled the whole shirt over her head.

Holding her arm up, Ella stood in her bloodred boy-short panties and dangled the shirt from her fingertips. “Now you see me,” she sassed with a cheeky grin then lassoed the cotton fabric over her head and released it. The shirt went zooming through the air and landed on Caedon’s head, effectively covering his eyes in one move. “Now you don’t.”

Micah chuckled. “I still see you, snowflake,” he told her as he tightened his hand on his shaft and continued to stroke. He brought his opposite hand up and across his chest then plucked Ella’s tank top off Caedon’s head and chucked it aside. He smiled at Caedon without attempting to conceal the amusement, joy, or love he felt, and asked,

see her?”

Caedon nodded. “I see her, and I see you, too. I’m good.”
Three Rings and a Rose


“I have a feeling you’re about to get better,” Ella declared then sent her panties flying.

Micah turned, but he wasn’t fast enough to deflect the wad of soft cloth that smacked him in the face before falling onto the hand stroking his cock. He paused. However, he didn’t have time to react.

Caedon beat him to it. He snatched up her panties then waved them in front of Micah’s nose with a smug grin and commanded,

“Smell her.”

Micah growled but did what Caedon told him. He inhaled slowly then closed his eyes, letting her earthy scent envelop his senses.

“Fuck,” he swore. “She smells like a goddess.”

“We’ll get to the fucking soon enough,” Ella smarted off.

Snapping his eyes open, Micah’s gaze clashed with Ella’s. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with her recalcitrance. He’d waited too goddamn long for this moment to lose it. He didn’t want to fuck her like the animal he felt like, not this time. “Ella,” he said, the warning in his tone for all to hear. “Don’t push me.”

“Aw, why not?” she asked. “Can’t you handle a little teasing, Micah? Or is it just me you can’t handle?”
Wrong fucking thing to say.


Mia Ashlinn

Chapter 19

As soon as the words fell from Ella’s lips, she knew she was in way over her head. Before she could move, Micah lurched forward.

He grabbed her underneath the armpits and hauled her all the way on to the bed. Spinning her over on her back, he climbed on top of her and pinned her to the bed. His giant body covered hers, his hard flesh coupling with her soft skin. The contradiction between their bodies was so beautiful, so flawless that Ella sighed despite the intense tension flowing between them.

Micah, on the other hand, didn’t seem so sanguine. Going nose to nose with her, he informed her, “I can handle you. Never doubt that,” then crushed his lips to hers with enough strength to punish but not hurt. He plundered his way inside her mouth, controlling everything about their kiss. His tongue tangled tumultuously with hers, his mouth devoured her with a thirst beyond anything she’d known, yet he never gave her any options. He did, and she followed.

Her body melted into Micah’s, and she widened her legs shamelessly. But he ignored her open invitation. Jerking his lips from hers, he said, “Caedon, it’s time we fuck our girl. We’ve been teasing each other for too fucking long to waste another minute.” He sounded darker and more dominant than she’d ever heard him be. His very aura oozed control, dripped with power.

Ella writhed beneath him. “Yes, fuck me. I can’t wait another second.”

She spoke the truth. She couldn’t wait another second. After the last couple of weeks, they’d had enough foreplay. And they had a full life ahead of them. She wanted to be fucked, and she wanted it now. If
Three Rings and a Rose


that made her some kind of trollop, then she’d be a trollop—a happy, sated trollop.

Above her, Micah didn’t even take the time to remove his shorts.

He merely pushed them down far enough to not hinder them as they fucked. Reaching between them, he guided his hard cock to her pussy.

He rubbed himself between her lips and asked, “Do you want us to wear condoms?”

Do I?
For a second, she paused, unsure of what to say and what to do. She knew that she didn’t want a barrier between her and the two men. And she’d been on birth control since her first partner. But she didn’t want to push them to do something they didn’t want to do.

Then again, would they really want something between them? No, they wouldn’t.

Taking a deep breath, Ella answered him with the truth. “No, I don’t want to use anything.”

Micah nodded and smiled. “I didn’t think so, but I thought I would ask just in case.”

Ella’s heart sang. Her men’s love and respect meant the world to her, and she had to tell them before things went any further. “Thank you for everything.”

Both men chuckled, apparently surprised that she felt that way.

Although, they probably weren’t. She tended to say what she thought—a lot—which meant that she’d said things like that over the past few days. When she finally realized that their relationship would work, she’d stopped hiding from herself or them. Now she told them everything they ever wanted to know about how she felt plus some.

“We should be thanking you,” Caedon said. “You’re the one who brought the three of us together when we met.” Ella felt her face flush. Technically, she had done that. But it was unintentional. If she’d known they were going to end up here, she would have fought harder before now. Oh well, no use crying over spilt Vodka. “All right, all right. Let’s get this show on the road, boys.”


Mia Ashlinn

Micah cupped her face. He planted a long, drugging kiss on her lips then plunged into her pussy. She cried out as her body stretched to accommodate a man of his size, and her muscles screamed in protest as loudly as she had only seconds before. But her body didn’t want him to stop and neither did she.

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