Three Rings and a Rose (20 page)

Read Three Rings and a Rose Online

Authors: Mia Ashlinn

Tags: #Romance, #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

BOOK: Three Rings and a Rose
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Caedon was being eager. And what was she?
Horny and quiet.
Since neither man seemed to be paying her any attention, Ella decided it was time to let her ire be known. If they wanted to play with each other, so did she.

Three Rings and a Rose


Ella harrumphed, pulling against her bindings pointedly. “Woman tied up over here.”

In perfect synchronization, the men rotated their heads and glared at her. Although, neither man did what she’d expected them to. They didn’t launch themselves at her. They didn’t bitch at her. No, that would have been much nicer than what they did. Both of them silently swung back to each other.

Speaking first, Micah informed Caedon, “I want to feed you my cock. I want you to suck the whole fucking thing into your mouth and swallow.”

Ella instantly picked up on the order behind her soon-to-be-lover’s words. Apparently, so did Caedon. He crawled a few paces forward then sat back on his calves once again. Lifting his hand, he grasped Micah’s thick shaft then guided it toward his mouth. He opened wide and inhaled the whole damn thing.

Fuck. I need him to teach me that sinful trick
. Ella hadn’t realized what seeing the two men together would be like. After the men’s issues and her own jealousies of Adeline, she’d worried about being jealous when they fucked each other and not her. That was
the case.

Each time Micah’s big cock disappeared into Caedon’s wide-open mouth, her arousal soared to a new height, and she shuddered—one after the next until she perpetually shook in a passionate haze. Her pussy rippled, the small waves rising and falling so rapidly she couldn’t think straight. Desperately wanting to touch herself but unable to, she whimpered with need.

Micah groaned. “That feels…oh my God.”

Ella didn’t know what happened, but she wished she did. Curious as to what could have caused Micah’s earthy exclamation, she craned her head and scrutinized the men, looking for the source of his ecstasy. She quickly honed in on Caedon’s hand. At some point, he had wound one arm around Micah’s hips and dipped his finger into the crevice between his cheeks. From where she sat, it appeared he’d

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done more than that. As she focused her eyes and looked closer, she noticed Caedon’s finger had gone completely missing.

The delightful visual of Caedon having a finger shoved up Micah’s ass did it for her, and a surprised moan burst free from her lips. “Oh, my God!” Who would have thought she would find that so fucking hot? Shit, she wished her finger was playing along with Caedon’s. But no, they’d tied her up.

“Caedon,” Micah barked. “I’m going to come. You will swallow every drop.” He grinned mischievously, appearing almost boyish in a way. And Ella couldn’t hold back her own smile. He looked so damn cute. “Or I will spank your ass.”

Caedon closed his eyes and moaned around the shaft tunneling in and out of his mouth, and Ella couldn’t help but do the same. He picked up speed, his head bobbing without a seamless rhythm. Only speed seemed to be present in his actions.

Unable to keep her mouth shut any longer, Ella said, “Caedon, fuck him with your mouth. I want to see him come. I want to watch you suck him dry. Then I want to see you two kiss—” Micah cut her off with a question. “Awfully fucking demanding, isn’t she?” he asked Caedon, who continued to mouth-fuck him.

Reaching down, Micah took his dick in one hand then latched onto Caedon’s hair in the other. Tugging, Micah pulled Caedon’s head back and off his cock then slammed their lips together.

From where she sat, Ella saw their tongues dueling. One invaded while one retreated. One twined one way, the other twined in the opposite. Groans came from both men then Micah ripped their mouths apart. “Suck me,” he demanded as he led his cock back to Caedon mouth. “Finger-fuck her.”

Caedon smiled around the cock in his mouth then nodded.

Without breaking his erratic assault on Micah, Caedon reached to the side and tickled her clit with his fingertip. She bucked, her ass and hips coming off the chair. But the stupid ropes hindered her, bringing her right back into place, and she cursed. “Big bad baboon balls!”
Three Rings and a Rose


Shaking his head, Micah tapped Caedon on the cheek with his index finger. “I did
say to toy with her. I said finger-fuck her.” Without further instruction, Caedon pulled back and…

* * * *


Micah’s sexy, masculine voice wrenched Ella out of fantasy land, and she screeched, “Oh my God,” then promptly pulled the giant dildo from her pussy and flipped the damn thing over her shoulder.

Popping her eyes open, she found Caedon standing next to Micah just inside the doorway and cursed. The two men held a variety of cardboard boxes and grocery bags in their hands. However, they didn’t seem to be aware of how close they were to dropping the sideways cardboard containers or losing their grips on the plastic bags hanging from their fingertips. With their jaws hung low, and their eyes bugged out, they seemed too busy ogling her still visible pussy to do much else.

“U–u–ugh,” Ella stuttered as she snapped her legs shut before rearranging her skirt with shaky hands. She pretended to be the picture of ease on the couch when she preferred to hide in the nearest closet. “I was just”—
What the fuck do I say? Shit, who am I kidding?

They know exactly what I was doing—
“masturbating,” she finished sheepishly.

They didn’t respond. From the looks of them, she wasn’t sure they actually
respond. Their jaws kept opening and shutting yet nothing came out. And she watched in horror as one of the bags slipped from Caedon’s fingers and hit the floor with a
A second later, a can of coke burst from the bag
before spewing everywhere. The hiss of the exploding carbonated drink caused her to cringe.
Fuck. That’s going to be a pain in the ass to clean up.
She knew that ridding everything of the sticky liquid would be a headache, but she wasn’t going to think about that now. Instead, she

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asked, “What are you two doing here?” nonchalantly with an easygoing smile. “I thought I wouldn’t see you guys until…later.” Caedon blinked several times before managing to say, “We were bringing you lunch.”

Micah cleared his throat. “We remembered how you always forget to eat when you’re busy,” he added. “So Caedon thought we should feed you.”

Despite herself, Ella’s insides melted like butter on a hot summer day, and she smiled at their caring gesture. They were trying. They really were. “Oh,” she said. “That’s really thoughtful of you.” Surging to her feet, Ella crossed the room to help the men with the bags. Before she made it all the way to them, the smell of warm pepperoni pizza wafted under her nose, and she moaned soundlessly.

“You boys just stole my heart. Pizza is almost better than sex.” Feeling frisky, she brazenly eyed each of the men up and down, deliberately pausing at their crotches before wandering back to their face. “But not quite.”

Caedon chuckled. “Sunshine, you’re a mess.”

“You have no idea,” she sassed. “I was on good behavior the first time around in our relationship. I promise that won’t happen again.”

“I look forward to it,” Caedon replied. Handing Ella one of the bags, he reached around her waist and pulled her into his side. “You have no idea how much I want you, Ella Embry Dawson.” Peering up at him, she audaciously batted her eyelashes. “Oh, but I do,” she drawled then rubbed herself against him suggestively. “See.

You want me really badly.”

“As do I,” Micah whispered as he dropped a kiss on her lips then kept on trucking. He hauled the remaining bags to the couch and hoisted them on top of the cushions. Spinning around, he came back to her and took her from Caedon who handed her off without question. Jerking her body to his, Micah smiled. “That last kiss wasn’t good enough. I want the real thing.”

Three Rings and a Rose


“O–okay,” she said. Lifting her lips, she waited for him to kiss her. But he didn’t immediately. Instead, he examined her lips closely, so closely that she leaned toward him when she lost her patience.

However, he didn’t relent. He continued to make her wait.

“You have the most beautiful lips. I have dreamed of the day I would truly taste them,” Micah told her a second before he claimed her mouth with his possessive kiss. The moment their lips touched, she opened her mouth, inviting him to dip inside, to take what belonged to him. He took her sensual offer, and she moaned helplessly.

Micah cupped her neck, his thumb massaging the side in leisurely circles, as he deepened the kiss. His tongue delved inside, searching for something, probing her mouth. The hot man explored every inch with his tongue, and she let him without a fight. She softened beneath him, relaxing her whole body and giving herself to him wholeheartedly.

Ella didn’t know how much time passed. Their first truly erotic kiss went on and on and on. It was as though time had stopped and the world had ceased to exist. Powerless to the lust coalescing inside, her knees weakened, and she had to wind her arms around his neck and hold on to keep from falling to the ground.

Micah chuckled against her lips, the vibrations tantalizing the tingly flesh. Before she could stop him, he pulled back. “Damn,” he said. “That was—”

“Fucking hot,” Shannon said from directly behind Ella.

Oh shit. I forgot they were coming to see me for…something. I just
don’t remember what.
Whipping her body around, Ella squeaked,

“Eep,” then extricated herself from Micah’s big arms. “I ugh…”

“Forgot,” Katie-Anne supplied helpfully as she strode inside. “No big deal. We’ve all done it at one time or the other.” She pointedly regarded Caedon and then Micah. “The men around here make damn sure of that.”


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Next, Jaycee entered the room and waddled toward the couch. But before she reached the midpoint between the door and her apparent destination, she lifted her nose and sniffed—long, loud, and hard. “Do I smell pizza?”

Everyone chuckled, but her seriously pregnant friend didn’t seem to notice. She’d spotted the pizza, and her eyes had glued themselves to the box. They’d obviously lost her to the dark side. “I want,” she stated fiercely.

Shaking her head indulgently, Ella sauntered over to the couch and picked up the box before handing it to Jaycee. “Here you go, J.” Not giving her men a chance to fuss, she cut them a
behave or die
look. Surprisingly, they did.

“I love you so much,” Jaycee murmured as she popped open the box, pulled out a piece of the greasy Italian pie, and shoved it into her mouth with a moan—all in one freakishly smooth move. “Oh my fucking hell. This is…” Closing her eyes, she trailed off and stuffed another bite in her mouth. Although, Ella used the word

The girl had inhaled three quarters of the pizza in one bite alone.


“We’ve lost her,” Katie-Anne muttered. “I need to help get her back.”

Shannon snorted. “You just want pizza.”

Katie-Anne giggled. “If only I had a milkshake,” she said wistfully with a dramatic sigh. “Life would be perfect.” A blonde woman appeared inside the door, her petite body seemingly dwarfed by the frame. Flashing a smile that lit up her whole face, Madeline Moore entered the room with her typical dramatic flair. She swept by Ella, carrying plastic-bag-covered clothes on hangers, as she hummed. Obviously oblivious to everyone, Katie-Anne’s one-track-minded design partner, Maddie, hung whatever she hid behind the zippered bags wherever she could. By the time she was done, there were clothing bags hanging on every horizontal surface over chest-high.

Three Rings and a Rose


I’m impressed. Most women her size can’t carry quite that much.

For a twenty-four-year-old, Maddie looked to be sixteen at best. And unlike most of the designers in the modeling world, she was the good girl who could be anyone’s kid sister or best friend. It was slightly on the odd side, but Ella didn’t mind. She adored Maddie.

“Maddie,” Ella squealed. As soon as the words left her mouth, Maddie blinked as though waking from a dream, and launched herself across the room. They hugged each other like they hadn’t seen each other in five years when in reality it had only been five months.

“When did you get here?”

“Looks like we need to run for cover, Caedon,” Micah muttered before Maddie could respond.

Releasing her designer friend, Ella stepped back and smiled at Micah. “Yes, you should. We’re going to do things that’ll blow your mind, sugar britches.”

“That seals it. I’m staying,” Caedon teased with a wicked grin.

“You wish,” Ella sassed then realized that she hadn’t introduced Maddie to Caedon. “Oh, Maddie. I’m sure you know who these two are, but I’ll introduce you anyway. These are my”—
Um, what do I
“boyfriends, Caedon and Micah.” Peering at Caedon out of the corner of her eyes, she saw him smirk. She slid her eyes as unobtrusively as possible to Micah and watched him grin.
Hot damn. I made them happy.

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