Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning (17 page)

BOOK: Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning
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Everyone is fine, thank you for asking,” Ray returned pleasantly.

The waitress returned as both men ordered an entrée and she thanked them, promising prompt delivery of their orders, and walked away.

Santana, I won’t beat around the bush,” Ray began, garnering the man’s full attention. “I’m concerned about the business.”

Santana frowned slightly asking him why he felt that way. Ray sighed deeply and crossed his hands on the table in front of him.

Honestly, Brent has been extremely distracted lately and there have been mistakes,” Ray lied.

Santana’s frown deepened.

I’ve had to step in on more than one occasion and quickly disarm situations that could have cost us all our freedom,” he continued to spin the yarn. “I’ve tried asking him, but Brent simply shuts down on me, tells me everything is fine, which clearly it isn’t,” Ray finished giving Santana an opportunity to speak.

Honestly Mr. Lockhart, I’m not really sure what’s up with him these days,” he replied, sighing at the end.

Ray asked him to elaborate. Santana gave him several instances of mindless errors as well as carelessness on Brent’s part as of late. Ray nodded, taking in every word and nuance as Santana spoke.
What are you up to my son,
he brooded behind the quiet façade of deep thought.

Do you have any idea why he’s so distracted these days,” Ray finally asked, seeing if his godson would level with him.

Santana breathed deeply, brow furrowed. Ray supposed he was wrestling with betraying a confidence perhaps.

I’m not supposed to tell you this,” Santana began quietly, furtively glancing around the restaurant to make sure no one saw or heard.

Ray leaned forward so he didn’t need to raise his voice.

There’s something going on with him and Necie,” Santana told him as Ray’s interest was piqued. “They’ve been fighting a lot, and --,” he faltered giving Ray a hesitant look.

I promise no one will know of our conversation here today Santana,” Ray assured him. “I just want to know what’s going on with my son and perhaps help if I can.”

Santana nodded slightly and began again.

Brent says he thinks Necie may ask him for a divorce,” he finished as Ray’s brow shot up in surprise.

He had no idea things were bad between them.
What brought all of this on,
he continued to think after assuring Santana once more he would keep the information confidential. They ate and chatted more about business, with Ray telling Santana he was going to slowly integrate him into the position Brent now held, at least until his son got his act together. Santana rose shortly after the meal telling Ray he had errands and a lunch meeting. Ray nodded smiling and wished him a good day. He rose moments later, paid the check, and headed back to the house, his mind still calculating.


Ashlyn was smiling still as she perused the menu looking for something she wanted to eat. Tae called and invited her to lunch, stopping to pick her up and bringing here to Montana Grill. Tae watched her younger sister taking in the demeanor and having a pretty good idea the why behind it. Her mind briefly went back to yesterday and the look on Shells face when she sauntered into the house shopping bags in tow. She almost laughed aloud at the confusion that clouded the man’s expression, considering he’d never left the living room, she’d locked herself in the bedroom, and their bedroom was on the second floor.
“You climbed out de window, seriously gurl,” Shells had asked as she shrugged and continued on her way with the bags.

I think I’ll have the bison burger,” Ashlyn told Tae bringing her back to the now.

Reeling her thoughts in she smiled and told her it sounded like a good choice. The server came moments later and they relayed their choices to him, with Tae asking for the bison meatloaf, sweet potato on the side. The server graciously thanked them for their order and told them it was being put into the kitchen now.

So,” Tae began, sipping her water and looking at her sister.

How was it,” she threw out calmly as Ashlyn gave her a quizzical look.

Chuckling, Tae spoke again.

The dick, how was it,” she clarified watching Ashlyn blush deeply.

How did you --,” she began and faltered as Tae burst into laughter.

Damn Ash, I’m not that old,” she told her as her sister giggled.

It was amazing Tae,” she told her, before frowning slightly. “It hurt like hell at first,” she added as Tae smiled telling her it always did.

I’m sure you forgot that pretty quickly though,” she added as Ashlyn again smiled and sipped her iced tea.

Were you two careful,” Tae began again, giving her sister another look.

Ashlyn dropped her head and Tae sighed deeply.

Ash, are you at least taking your pills like you should,” she asked.

Yeah, I’m sorry Tae, I mean we got caught up,” she apologized not wanting her big sister mad at her.

It’s okay girl, we’ve all been there,” she told her, gently patting her hand. “I just don’t want you to get hurt, to get pregnant before you’re ready,” Tae explained as Ashlyn nodded.

He’s taking me to meet his mother,” she told Tae excitedly.

The server interrupted their conversation delivering their orders and placing them in front of them. After adding condiments the women began eating and talking once more.

Where is his mother,” Tae asked curiously.

Chicago,” Ashlyn returned between bites.

Tae nodded absently, thinking nothing of it.

How long are you going to be gone and did you tell mama and daddy,” Tae asked, once more giving her sister a knowing look.

I told them I was going out of town with a friend,” Ashlyn replied. “I’m going to introduce them to him after we come back,” she added quickly as Tae shrugged slightly and told her okay.

You call me though when you get there and let me know everything is cool,” she told her.

Ashlyn assured her she would. She knew how protective Tae was, not that she thought Sa’Cari would ever harm her.

Prissy says I’m too young to be this serious,” Ashlyn told Tae, the sadness creeping in her voice.

Tae told her not to stress it.

Prissy is much older and she grew up in a different time, you know that,” she tried to reassure her sister. “You know what your heart feels, all I’m saying is not to let your brain go on vacation while you date him,” Tae told her as Ashlyn nodded her understanding.

I’m excited about going,” she told Tae. “I’ve never been to Chicago,” she added as Tae chuckled.

Yeah not since you were born,” she replied still giggling as Ashlyn chuckled too.

Yeah not since then,” she replied as they continued to eat and talk about her, school, and of course, Sa’Cari.


Sapphire was exhausted after her dialysis, thankful yet again for Horse and his loyalty.

Would you like me to stop and get you something to eat,” he asked gently seeing her eyes closed as she laid her head against the headrest.

Not really,” she replied quietly.

You’re supposed to eat though, right,” he pressed a bit.

She smiled weakly opening her eyes and regarding him.

You’re worse than the nurses,” she teased as Horse smiled slightly.

Sapphire told him to stop and grab a hot dog or something.

OK,” he replied as she again closed her eyes and they continued to ride.

Horse was very interested in meeting the young woman coming with Sa’Cari this weekend. His mind flashed back to a conversation with Socrates months before his death.
“Horse, make sure my son chooses wisely,” he told him as they talked about the young man’s future. “He will be very wealthy come his 18
birthday, even more on his 21
, and I don’t want some gold digging whore trying to take him for all he’s worth,” he’d fumed as his strength waned. “That won’t happen Socrates, I promise you,” Horse told him calmly, the unspoken by any means necessary passed between the two. Socrates nodded then, returning to his rest as Horse rose and quietly left the room.

After making the stop and getting her hotdog, they’d arrived at her place and Horse helped her into house, made her eat, and then helped her into bed.

I’ll be in the living room if you need anything,” he told her.

This particular session seemed to have drained her more than usual.

Thank you so much Horse,” Sapphire told him. “I don’t know what I’d do without you,” she added, smiling now.

Horse assured her she was welcome as her eyes fluttered and she quickly drifted off. He was still sitting, admiring her beauty as she slept.
Please let them find a donor,
he thought quietly. Horse didn’t want to lose her, even if he could only admire her from afar. Until she was ready to move forward, he wouldn’t say or do anything to make their friendship complicated. Sighing deeply he rose and left her alone in the bedroom making his way through the condo. Walking over to her fuse box, he popped the cover open, placing the small screwdriver from his pocket behind the fuse holder and pulling it out, revealing another intricate network of wires and controls. These were the switches for the various cameras and listening devices installed throughout the condo. Horse had them installed when she bought the unit after Socrates death. His bosses had taught him the importance of eyes and ears a long time ago, and he’d never forgotten it. Now he would be able to observe the young woman who’d captured Sa’Cari’s heart as she truly was, not the usual façade people put on when they know you’re watching and paying attention.

Hearing Sapphire stir, Horse quickly closed everything and headed back into the bedroom.

Are you all right,” he asked as she rose from bed.

Yes, just a call of nature,” she told him as he smiled and nodded.

Horse, would you mind making some tea,” Sapphire asked.

Of course not,” he readily replied, turning and heading toward the kitchen.

She took him in as he turned away, fleetingly thinking how handsome a man he was. The idea never went any further as her heart immediately told her it wasn’t ready to move on yet, and Sapphire didn’t force it. The steaming cup was waiting for her after she answered natures call and took a shower.

Thank you,” she called out as Horse returned a welcome and she sat down on the bed hearing the television in the other room, knowing he was watching something sports related.

Smiling, she thought about Sa’Cari and his impending visit. Sapphire also thought about the young woman he was bringing for her to meet.
“Mama she’s wonderful, and I love her so much,” Sa’Cari told her excitedly as they talked. “That’s good son, I can’t wait to meet her,” she’d returned. “Her name is Ashlyn,” he added as Sapphire chuckled slightly at his enthusiasm. “Mama,” he began tentatively and she grew slightly alarmed. “Yes, what’s wrong,” she asked anxiously. “Nothing’s wrong,” he assured her. “It’s just um,” he stumbled as she waited, praying he wasn’t going to say something crazy. “I want to marry her, mama,” Sa’Cari finally managed. Sapphire exhaled deeply then. “How about we talk about it when you come home,” she hedged, not yet ready to tackle the issue. He’d cheerfully told her that was fine as they chatted a little while longer before disconnecting.

He’s only 20,” Sapphire mumbled aloud.

Still, if he’d made up his mind she knew there was no unmaking it. He was definitely his father’s son in that respect. Deciding to not pre-judge the young woman, Sapphire pushed the visit from her mind deciding to wait until they got here this weekend and then she would see for herself.


Yeah, who is this,” Jacoury spoke into the phone. It rang moments earlier, the number unknown.

Hi Jacoury,” the voice from his past spoke as his mouth dropped.

Necie,” he asked quietly, stunned to hear from her.

Yes,” she replied.

Um hey, is everything okay, is Diamond okay,” he asked hurriedly, unable to fathom why she was calling.

Diamond’s fine,” she replied not answering his other question.

Oh OK,” he returned. “How did you get my number,” he asked curiously.

Sam,” she said simply.

Jacoury nodded thoughtfully. He didn’t know she and Sam still talked, but supposed it wouldn’t be something his sister would bother mentioning since he’d moved on with his life.

Jacoury, do you hate me,” she asked quietly, breaking his thought.

No, why would you think that,” he answered honestly.

You’re very quiet,” Necie replied.

I’m sorry, I guess I’m just so surprised still by your call,” he again replied honestly.

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