Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning (16 page)

BOOK: Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning
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They had an equally lavish reception afterwards. Champagne, shrimp, lobster, steaks and several other quality entrees were readily available to the invited guests. They’d had a live band and enjoyed dancing the night away before adjourning to their luxurious honeymoon suite and making love almost the entire evening. Sighing deeply Kim closed the album her mind immediately going to Tyshon and the thing that had happened between them.
Please help me to keep this secret,
she prayed silently. If Mook ever found out she knew there would be absolute hell to pay. Sean came into the room picking up the game remote and beginning to play. Kim observed him a little while before her mind again wandered, this time recalling the lunch date yesterday.
“Hey ladies,” Kim greeted Cyiarra and Layla. They both returned the greeting as she sat and they starting making small talk. “How are you enjoying Atlanta,” Kim asked Layla. The woman began answering her question and Kim’s mind wandered, wondering why Tweety was so cool and distant too her. So far Layla was proving to be an okay person. They ordered appetizers still laughing and talking about various memories. Layla and Cyiarra shared some of their favorites from Florida, then asked Kim about any she had. They seemed especially interested in the ones from her time of working for Tariq. She’d been in the game far to long not to recognize it when she saw it. “What are you two really fishing for,” Kim asked calmly, sipping her coke and looking directly at Cyiarra. Sighing deeply the woman finally confessed her fears and suspicions. “You talked to her,” Kim asked incredulously. Cyiarra nodded that she had. “So what name did he have in the phone,” she asked as Cyiarra told her she honestly couldn’t remember. “I was so damned mad,” she told Kim who nodded thoughtfully. Kim told them she was clueless, and that seemed to satisfy them as they changed the subject and ordered lunch.

Sean yelled at one of the spacemen who wasn’t cooperating with his command, once again breaking Kim’s thoughts. She had her suspicions but how in the world could she find out.
Mook surely knows,
her mind told her as Kim immediately dismissed that method of discovery. There was no way Mook would tell her.
No, Top wouldn’t be crazy enough to mess with her again would he,
Kim continued to brood. Her cell buzzed and she looked at the display sighing deeply seeing Tyshon’s name. She clicked on the message and read it. ‘I miss you’ it read. She frowned slightly. ‘Can I see you today, please,’ it added. Kim began rubbing her temples as the headache descended. She knew she shouldn’t go see him, but she was also scared if she said no, Tyshon would show up or call her and Mook would find out about him. ‘Busy today, maybe another day,’ she typed back and hit send. The answer was almost instant. ‘What day,’ he’d asked. Sighing deeply Kim knew she was cornered. She returned a reply telling him she had a full day but could maybe see him for a few minutes this afternoon. Tyshon asked for a time and Kim quickly told him around two. Satisfied he told her okay and he would see her then. Erasing the messages Kim rose and put the phone in her pocket heading for the kitchen to get something to drink. Mook continued to lean on the door jam where he’d stood watching her for the last 5 minutes. He’d seen the texting and saw her erase the messages immediately afterward. Saying nothing, he turned and went back into the bedroom, pulling down the black case from the top of his closet.


Nikki’s nerves were on edge. Her cell rang and she jumped, quickly picking it up and answering it.

Hello,” she spoke, trying to keep her voice even.

Are you going to have time to see Rayne today,” Ryan threw back without greeting.

Yes, of course,” she replied slightly offended by the question.

Hmph,” he replied before rattling off an address. “We’re going to breakfast so you may want to come on,” he added before disconnecting.

As furious as she was about being ordered around and given a time schedule to see her own child, Nikki didn’t waste time. Punching the address into the GPS she followed the verbal commands of the automated guide finding the condo complex with ease.
Relax girl, take a deep breath,
she told herself as she parked the car and got out, locking it. She smoothed her hair and made sure the jeans were fitting the way they were supposed to. Granted she was pissed beyond measure with Ryan right now, she still wanted him to remember why the hell he was with her to start with.

She knocked lightly on the door. “Hello,” the middle aged woman greeted her. Nikki frowned slightly before noticing the uniform.

She assumed Ryan had hired the woman to care for Rayne.
How long has he been plotting this bullshit,
she thought but didn’t voice as she stepped inside the magnificent condominium. It was as plush and decadent as the home they were sharing together. Nikki was confused. Did Ryan always keep the condo or had he rented in within the last few days. She didn’t have time to dwell on it as Rayne came running into the den where she now sat, squealing her delight at seeing her mother.

Mommy, mommy,” she yelled excitedly.

Nikki hugged her daughter tightly, kissing her cheek again and again.

Are you all right baby,” she asked the little girl, looking her over.

Rayne gave her a quizzical look and told her she was fine.

Are you going to eat with us Mommy,” she asked innocently as Ryan walked into the room sipping a glass of orange juice.

Rayne, let me talk to daddy in private for a moment okay,” Nikki sweetly told the child.

Giggling Rayne told her all right as she headed toward the back of the condo and Nikki assumed her room.

What the hell are you trying to prove Ryan,” Nikki asked angrily, careful to keep her voice down.

I’m not pulling anything,” he replied his own stubborn hostility apparent. “You have a full plate, so I’m helping you clear it off a bit,” he added as she continued to breathe hard.

By taking my baby from me,” she hissed.

Ryan threw her another nonchalant look and she lost it. Nikki jumped from the couch as did he, the two of them facing off like gladiators in a ring.

I want my daughter back,” she told him.

That won’t happen,” Ryan replied as she slapped him hard.

He grabbed her, pulling her close and getting right in her face.

I’m going to let that one go and say you were upset,” he told her angrily. “Why are you here talking shit anyway, you didn’t have time for Rayne, you didn’t have time for me, for us,” he told her as Nikki swallowed hard.

She heard the anger but she also saw the raw hurt in his eyes.

Ryan, please, I --,” she got out before Rayne came back into the room and Ryan released her, moving away.

You ready to go little girl,” he asked forcing himself back into the cheerful mood.

Yeah daddy,” she replied as he picked her up. “Mommy, you’re not coming,” she asked her face sad.

Nikki felt the knot in her stomach twist as she opened her mouth.

Not this time honey, mommy has something to do,” Ryan answered for her, giving Nikki an evil look.

Rayne sighed deeply but told Nikki okay. Ryan put her down and she ran to her mother giving her yet another hug and a kiss.

Will you come back soon mommy,” Rayne asked her eyes locked with Nikki’s now.

Yes baby,” she managed to get out, the words barely escaping the knot of hurt in her throat.

Rayne ran to the door opening it as Ryan followed, holding it for Nikki.

Call before you show up,” he said simply closing the door and calling out to Rayne to slow down.

She watched them get into the truck as Rayne waved goodbye, pulling out into traffic. Her heart was dragging to depths below sea level as Nikki started her own car and headed to class. Her cell rang and Cameron cheerfully greeted her, beginning to chatter. After telling her a seriously corny joke, Nikki burst into laughter at the absurdity of it, the despair she felt temporarily at bay.


Kaitlyn heard the knock and headed to the door. She opened it without question, assuming it was room service with the coffee she’d ordered. The powder flew into her face without warning and she closed her eyes, stepping backward, and losing her balance, fell. Lying on the floor Kaitlyn was coughing and wheezing as she wiped at her face trying to clear it from her eyes. Her head started to spin as the room kept moving, faster and faster. She was aware of movement but every time she opened her eyes they burned as if on fire.

Who are you, what the hell do you want,” she screamed as the arms enveloped her, a hand clamping her mouth.

The voice was foreign to her but not the words.

Blood that is my blood,” the incantation began in French.

No,” Kaitlyn screamed behind the hand thrashing about even more.

The room starting getting dark and the sounds more and more distant; the voice continued speaking.

The inheritance is given, the price must be paid,” the man continued as Kaitlyn lay helplessly in his arms.

Whatever the powdery substance she was completely incapacitated now.

King Diesel walked into the room looking down at the helpless woman. His mind was moving at warp speed, yet he held his tongue. He glanced around the suite, eyes coming to rest on her purse. The incantation was still going on as he opened her purse and took out the wallet. He found all the information he needed quickly committing it to photo with the phone he held. Placing everything back inside, he returned to the woman just as the man stopped speaking. He laid the woman on the floor rising and leaving the room. Blue entered upon his exit, his eyes glued to Kaitlyn.

Finish it and then meet us,” King Diesel told him calmly. “Don’t get caught up, we have a plan,” he added seeing the emotion in Blue’s face as he continued to watch the helpless woman.

I won’t,” he said calmly as King Diesel grunted and left, closing the door behind him.

Blue finally knelt beside her, stroking her face gently. She didn’t stir.

Soon Lauren, this will all be finished and we can go home,” he told her lovingly as he undressed her.

Blue couldn’t help the rampant desire that arose as he looked at her beautiful body now fully nude. Lifting her he took her into the bathroom and placed her inside the empty tub.

I’m here,” Mason called out.

He had done the incantation.

Leave it all in the bedroom, I’ve got it,” Blue told him as Mason acknowledged his understanding.

Blue went back into the bedroom seeing the tubs of ice and began his task. Thirty minutes later Kaitlyn was firmly encased, still unconscious. Blue took her body temperature wanting to be assured she would awaken in enough time to free herself. After taking it and finding it to be fine, he began writing the messages on the mirror and the walls of the hotel bathroom. He finished ten minutes later as Kaitlyn slowly moved her head. Blue knew she would be fully conscious in a few more moments. He walked back to the tub and leaned close to her ear.

You can’t run from your blood, from yourself, or from the one who knows your heart best,” he told her, kissing her ear gently at the end of his sentence.

Kaitlyn moaned slightly at the declaration a single tear tracing her cheek. Satisfied that everything had been done as planned, Blue made himself turn away and walk out of the hotel room, closing it behind him. King Diesel and Mason waited for him at the elevator doors.

Is it done,” King Diesel asked as they all heard Kaitlyn scream for help, answering the query for him, calmly stepping into the now open elevator and pressing the lobby button.




Good morning Mr. Lockhart,” Rahja greeted his employer.

Ray returned his greeting sliding into the booth seat across from him, ordering coffee as the waitress stopped.

I need the utmost discretion on this assignment, Rahja,” he told him after getting his coffee and preparing it to his taste.

Of course Mr. Lockhart,” the man readily replied.

Ray told him that he was to report his findings to no one except himself. Rahja nodded as Ray opened his mouth and began to explain what he wanted and how quickly he wanted it done. The man’s expression never changed throughout the entire explanation. There were no questions or commentary. Rahja simply informed Ray he would begin immediately.

Thank you Rahja,” he returned as the man smiled, rose and paid his tab, leaving him alone in the restaurant.

His cell vibrated and Ray smiled seeing India’s text message. She’d been released yesterday from the hospital and he’d refused to allow her out of bed since. ‘Warden, can I talk to you about parole,’ the message read bringing a slight chuckle from him. Quickly texting back a ‘we’ll see’ message, Ray turned his attention to his breakfast companion now making their way to his booth.

Good morning Santana,” Ray greeted the young man.

He returned the greeting, adding a smile and quickly asking how India and the baby were.

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