Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning (14 page)

BOOK: Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning
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Ian walked over to her and lifted her face to his, kissing her lips again.

Bri, this doctor is one of the top cosmetic surgeons in the world, trust me, he can help you,” he assured her as Gabrielle frowned slightly.

I can’t afford that Ice,” she replied as he sighed again giving her a look.

No, Ice,” Gabrielle told him; accurately reading the look he’d given.

Bri, we are not going to fight about this,” Ian returned, pulling her into his arms and looking in the beautiful green eyes.

You don’t have to do this Ice,” she tried again as Ian frowned deeply.

OK, I’m sorry,” she immediately replied, recalling and knowing his moods enough to know when to stop.

Thank you,” she told him as Ian smiled and kissed her again.

Bri, I’m going to be leaving in a couple of days,” Ian began as she nodded and spoke.

I don’t expect anything Ice, we had great sex and I’m good with that,” she told him looking into his face now.

I’m not,” he said simply never taking his eyes off her.

Ice, you have a wife, kids,” Gabrielle told him.

I know that,” he replied, still holding her gaze. “So with that much out in the open, and you already knowing I won’t leave my family, can you deal with being the woman who holds a special piece of my heart, and the time I can afford you,” Ian asked her.

Gabrielle wasn’t stupid; she understood exactly what he was saying. Ian wanted her to be his mistress. She weighed the proposition. Gabrielle knew Ian was wealthy and he’d always been extremely generous to her. He would enable her to live a comfortable life without any of the usual drama that comes with landing and keeping a rich man in one’s life.

Are you sure you want to take that route Ice,” Gabrielle tried as he smiled slightly.

Have you ever known me not to know what I want, Bri,” he asked as she shook her head no.

So is that a yes,” Ian pressed.

Yes,” Gabrielle returned quietly as he came and pulled her to her feet.

You know I’ll be good to you Bri,” he told her kissing her neck gently now.

Yes, Ice, I know,” she replied as he took her hand and led her to the bedroom.

In the morning, I need all your financial information so I can set up the bills to be paid, put money in your account and things of that nature,” Ian told her as he undressed her.

Gabrielle softly told him she would, tears glistening.

What’s wrong Bri,” he asked sensitively.

She smiled slightly, kissing him back.

Nothing, I just forgot how nice it felt to be genuinely cared for by a man,” she replied and Ian knew she was thinking of the bad experience with Ray.

Bri, that part of your life is over,” Ian told her. “As long as we always understand each other, I’ll take good care of you and see to your every need,” he finished as Gabrielle assured him she understood the rules.

Satisfied, Ian pulled her onto the bed, pulling her on top of him as Gabrielle closed her eyes and surrendered her entire essence to her lover.



Cyiarra watched Tariq as he played with Hasaan again. He was in an extremely good mood today making her highly suspicious of his planned activities.
Is he seeing her still,
she brooded. Cyiarra had hoped them moving back to Atlanta would end the affair she knew he was having. Even with the distance Tariq didn’t take that much more of an interest in her. They only made love if she initiated it, and even then, he seemed to be able to divorce himself of emotion during the act simply doing what she wanted and going about his business. Exhaling lightly Cyiarra tried not to stress about it anymore. She and Layla were having lunch with Kim today and hopefully would get the information they needed to unmask the identity of the elusive specter that was destroying their happy home.

I’ll be out extremely late,” Tariq told her calmly, grabbing his keys from the counter.

Cyiarra took him in once more. He was so sexy dressed in the made to fit jeans that lay just right on that fine butt of his. The biceps bulged sensuously as he twisted open the bottle of water he’d retrieved from the refrigerator, turning her on as she recalled the nights she’d spent encased in them.
Now some other bitch is laying in his arms,
her mind assailed, her eyes narrowing in anger as his back remained to her. Cyiarra made up her mind once they found this woman she was going to confront her; but not just confront her, completely humiliate her in front of Tariq. She was going to make him admit she was just someone he was screwing and that his heart and allegiance belonged to Cyiarra and his son. Satisfied with the thought the calm façade returned as Tariq walked over giving her a small perfunctory kiss on the cheek before opening the door and walking out of it, one last goodbye to Hasaan who grinned and yelled, “Bye daddy,” running over to the door and closing it for his mother.

Cyiarra looked at her son and smiled, leaning down and kissing his cheek. “You are the most perfect little boy,” she told him as Hasaan giggled and headed back to his toys, resuming his play.

Her cell rang and she answered seeing Layla’s number.

Hey girl,” she greeted her best friend.

Hey CiCi,” Layla returned still in a great mood from her encounter with Shells the other day.

I wanted to make sure you had your game face on,” Layla told her as Cyiarra assured her she was more than ready to find out who this woman was and put a stop to the madness once and for all.

I think he’s seeing her today,” she told Layla who cursed softly as she sucked her teeth.

This lunch cannot happen soon enough,” she returned irritably.

Cyiarra readily agreed with her.

Let me go shower and get myself together, drop Hasaan off at the sitters and be on my way,” she told Layla who acknowledged her statement and told her she would see her soon, disconnecting.

Cyiarra sighed deeply as she headed to the shower.
Please let us find out today,
she prayed silently stepping under the steaming spray and momentarily forgetting all that was wrong in her world.


Shells was trying to figure out what was wrong with Tae. She’d been coolly aloof for the last two days. He couldn’t recall anything in particular they’d quarreled about or even anything he may have done to piss her off. She wasn’t talking and that was beginning to annoy him.

Tae, so you’re really not going to say what the problem is,” he tried again diplomatically.

She glanced up at him from the magazine she was reading, her face showing her irritation.

Why don’t you tell me,” she threw back smartly as Shells sighed deeply.

What de hell is going on with you gurl,” he asked slightly exasperated.

Tae sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes, going back to her magazine and saying nothing more. The next movement was the magazine being violently snatched from her hands as her head jerked up and her eyes met Shells angry stare.

What de hell is going on Tae,” he asked, enunciating each syllable of every word.

Don’t play games Shells, it’s not cute,” she told him as he continued to glare at her.

I have no idea what de hell you’re talking about,” he replied flatly.

Oh really,” Tae threw back rising from the couch, hand on her hip as she regarded him.

Yeah, really,” he returned, searching her eyes.

Shells was clueless but the hurt in her eyes wounded his core. If he could just get her to talk, maybe he could hurriedly rectify whatever wrong she thought had been done.

Hmph,” Tae returned never taking her eyes off him. “How was the Farmer’s market the other day,” she asked calmly.

Shells immediately frowned.
Damn, what did she see,
he wondered silently. Was she angry about his helping Layla shop?
Maybe she saw her kiss you,
Shells thought as he remained quiet. When Layla hugged him, he had inadvertently turned his head giving her the perfect opening when she kissed him softly. Of course he’d pushed her away letting her know that he wasn’t looking for anything to get into.

What’s wrong Shells, no answer,” Tae fired off as he remained mute.

The market was fine,” he replied, jaw set.

Shells wasn’t going to incriminate himself for something he hadn’t even done. Tae was already angry; there was no way she would believe he hadn’t willingly kissed Layla.
Maybe she didn’t even see that part, no use in making things worse,
his mind told him as her eyes narrowed.

Oh I’ll just bet the damned market was fine, so was hanging out with that bitch Layla too huh,” Tae yelled.

Shells remained stoic and quiet.

You’re not going to explain Shells, you have nothing to say about the shit,” she raged giving him a look.

His silence hurt even more than the kiss she saw exchanged. Were they planning to screw each other next or what?

Tae, I’m not going to argue wit you over foolishness,” he told her pissing her off more.

Oh so now what I feel is foolish huh,” she threw out as the first tear rolled down her cheek.

That’s not wut I said,” Shells returned.

Sure it is,” Tae told him, holding up a hand to stop his reply as he opened his mouth to speak. “Know what, don’t even worry about it,” she told him turning and walking from the room.

Shells sighed deeply after she left. He briefly thought of going to her and explaining but as angry as she was right now she wouldn’t hear a word he said.
How the hell did I get myself in this mess,
he continued to brood. Layla was a decent looking woman, Shells admitted, but he wasn’t interested in her in the least.
That’s not what your woman is in that room thinking right now,
his mind prompted. Tae walked back into the room disturbing his thoughts.

Where you going,” he asked seeing her dressed and picking up her keys.

Tae turned and gave him a look not answering his question as she opened the front door.

Tae don’t walk out dat door widdout telling me where you’re going,” Shells admonished, his own anger rising.

To hell with you,” Tae retorted walking out and slamming the door behind her.

Shells was out of the door quickly, lifting her from the sidewalk and taking her back inside.

Put me the fuck down,” Tae screamed, swinging wildly as he put her down, closing the door and standing in front of it.

Get out of my way Shells,” she told him, glaring angrily at him.

Or what,” he threw back.

Shells knew she wasn’t big enough to harm him and definitely too small to move him out of her way.

You’re such an asshole,” Tae told him sucking her teeth and retreating to their bedroom, closing and locking the door.

Shells sighed with relief. He knew she was even angrier now, but at least she was here where he could keep an eye on her and when she calmed down he would explain what she saw that day inside the Farmer’s market.


Tariq smiled as he entered the hotel suite. The shower was running. Still smiling he picked up the royal blue silk negligee admiring the sexy styling of it.
She won’t need this,
he thought chuckling lightly and tossing the garment onto the nightstand next to the bed. Kaitlyn had turned down the covers already he took note as he undressed and climbed inside waiting for her to emerge. Tariq sighed lightly thinking of their affair. He knew he was hurting Cyiarra and he was more than sure she suspected something. Still he wasn’t willing to give Kaitlyn up.
I should have never, ever, given her that divorce,
he thought. Things had been so chaotic then and the hurt was so deep he thought it would never heal. Tariq smiled slightly again recalling the first time they’d run into each other. He’d planned it, but Kaitlyn would never need to know that. He’d overheard Jacoury telling Ramell about Jaleesa and Kaitlyn’s once a month lunches. Listening long enough to get the details, he’d made plans to see her when the two women met next.

Tariq remembered how his heart leapt when he saw her after the lunch, and she stopped, beginning a friendly conversation.
“Hey Riq,” Kaitlyn greeted him tentatively. She wasn’t sure what he was thinking behind the calm façade she saw. “Hey KiKi,” Tariq returned, never wanting her to know how very excited he was to see her. “How are you, how’s your son,” she asked letting him know she knew about his new life. “I’m good and Hasaan is a delight,” he told her as she smiled learning the baby’s name. “How are my girls,” Tariq asked. Kaitlyn smiled again then, hearing him refer to the babies still as his. “A double dose of wearing me out,” she replied as they both laughed aloud. “It was good seeing you Riq, and I’m glad everything is working out for you,” Kaitlyn told him, preparing to walk away. Tariq let her take two steps before he grabbed her arm, pulling her back to him and kissing her deeply, unconcerned they were standing in middle of the mall. After the kiss he’d talked her into going to the hotel with him. “I just want to talk and spend a little more time with you,” Tariq lied. He was sure Kaitlyn knew he was lying, but she didn’t call him on it. Of course once they arrived, talking had been the last thing they did.

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