Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning (13 page)

BOOK: Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning
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Don’t sweat it,” he returned, thinking how right she was about his motives and intent.

She was emotionally disadvantaged right now, but Nikki still wasn’t a pushover and he had to tread really lightly.

Thanks Cameron, I really appreciate it,” she told him sipping the coffee again. “I don’t think I can face seeing Rayne’s empty room again,” she added her voice wavering slightly.

Cameron sighed deeply. He knew it was killing her to be without her daughter. He even acknowledged that she obviously loved Ryan deeply as well.

It’s fine, we’re not going to even talk about that again right now okay,” he threw out as she nodded mutely.

I have an idea,” he told her giving her a goofy look.

Nikki laughed in spite of her mood as he rose and walked over to the DVD and popped in a disc.

Check this out,” he told her pressing play.

Her favorite show Law & Order: Criminal Intent shot onto the screen.

How about that,” Cameron threw out, puffing his chest out proudly.

Nikki burst into laughter at his antics, then kicked off her shoes settling back onto the couch getting lost in the show. Cameron watched her as she watched the screen, his desire coming to the forefront of his mind. Leaning in he kissed her neck softly.

Come on Cameron, don’t do that,” she told him putting a hand on his chest.

He looked into her eyes wordlessly for the next few moments before kissing her again, pulling her to him, this time without protest.



Jaleesa heard the knock and took a deep breath walking to the door and opening it.

Hey,” Ryan greeted her walking into the room and taking her in.

He’d reserved a suite at a neighboring hotel. Granted only he and Ian were at the original spot, Ryan didn’t want their time disturbed or everyone in his business, Creeper and Pirate’s dropping by coming to mind.

Hey Ryan,” Jaleesa returned as he walked to the refrigerator and removed a beer from the mini bar.

He popped the top on the bottle and sat on the loveseat in the suite, she walked over and sat on the other end, sipping her bottled water and waiting on him to speak.

You look nice,” he told her taking in the tan and white sundress she was wearing.

Her hair was as usual styled to perfection, makeup light but flawless.

Thank you,” she politely replied. “Well I’m here as summoned, so what’s the deal Ryan,” Jaleesa finally asked the curiosity getting the better of her.

He smiled slightly taking another long drink of his beer taking his time replying.

I needed closure on us,” he told her calmly.

Jaleesa sighed lightly. “Ryan we’ve been apart, what, almost six years now,” she told him. “What is there left to say,” she added.

How about you tell me why you really got back with Deuce,” he threw at her.

She frowned slightly as he continued to watch her.

Basically just to get back at your ass for fucking Caramel when I was kidnapped,” she told him honestly, her voice tinged with anger.

That really pissed you off huh,” he asked as if he were shocked by the revelation.

Seriously Ryan, you really would ask a dumb ass question like that,” she returned as he shrugged somewhat.

You and I were still a couple,” she told him becoming angrier. “I was missing, hell as far as you knew, I was dead, but did you care,” she railed now. “Hell no, you were busy with your new bitch, getting up on a baby,” she told him seeing the pain immediately mirrored in his face at the mention of his dead son.

I’m sorry,” Jaleesa returned honestly, not meaning it the way it sounded.

He took another sip of his beer and told her it was okay.

Why Ryan, shit, that’s the only thing I’ve ever wanted to know,” Jaleesa began again calmer this time.

Ryan exhaled deeply himself this time, setting the bottle on the table and regarding her again. “Because you told me you didn’t want kids, basically told me you didn’t want me,” he answered as Jaleesa frowned slightly.

So you assumed because I didn’t want kids, I didn’t want you,” she asked incredulously.

He nodded and she breathed deeply.

It wasn’t that,” she told him softly.

Then what was it,” Ryan asked, not letting her off the hook that easily.

Jaleesa took another deep breath telling him everything about the first time she and Deuce were a couple. Ryan was astounded. He knew the man had been violent with her, she’d told him that much, but never about losing the one child and aborting the other.

You could have told me that,” he threw back as Jaleesa gave him a look.

You could have told me how very important a child was to you,” she returned as he smiled slightly once more.

Touché,” he returned. “I apologize for hurting you Tweety, I was being pretty selfish I admit that,” Ryan told her gently.

She was impressed. Jaleesa never thought she would hear him actually speak the words.

I’m sorry for my part in pushing you away too,” she told him as he smiled again.

Ryan, this is the first time ever I think you’ve actually talked too me instead of barking at me,” Jaleesa ventured.

Ryan shrugged again but said nothing.

See that’s what I’m talking about,” she began again. “Open up, stop shutting down every time you feel naked,” Jaleesa told him as Ryan found her eyes again.

That kinda shit is important to women huh,” he asked curiously.

She chuckled slightly. “Yeah it is,” she returned as he nodded thoughtfully but said nothing more.

You happy with Jacoury,” Ryan asked now.

Jaleesa told him she was and that the man treated her well.

What about you and Nikki,” she returned as he frowned slightly.

It’s straight,” he returned and she knew he was lying, but didn’t press him.

So are we good now,” she asked looking in his face once more.

Almost,” he replied and she tensed.

Reaching over her took her hands, his eyes saying what his mouth didn’t need to form.

Ryan, no, we both have someone now,” Jaleesa tried as he stood and pulled her from the loveseat.

Shh,” Ryan replied kissing her passionately, lifting her from the floor and carrying her into the bedroom, laying her gently on the oversized king bed, the zipper on her dress sliding down her back easily as he continued to kiss her.


Your place is nice,” Ashlyn told Sa’Cari as they entered his apartment.

He lived in the Edgewood district where they’d done an overhaul and made the area very eclectic. This attracted a varied offering of inhabitants from yuppie to urban, college student to MBA graduate.

Thanks,” he returned asking if she wanted something to drink.

I have Snapple,” he told her as Ashlyn giggled and told him that was fine.

She took in the apartment again loving the modern décor. Sa’Cari told her his mother had come down when he first started school and helped him decorate. She had exquisite taste Ashlyn thought as she enjoyed the varying shades of fuchsia that adorned the walls and draperies. It was still very masculine even with the distinct coloring. There were several African American statues placed on the various shelves in the living room. She wondered if the rest of the apartment was equally as energizing. Sa’Cari returned and handed her the bottle of Snapple, plopping down on the couch beside her.

How was class today,” he asked absently flipping channels.

Ashlyn shrugged and told him it was fine. “Professor Boler is a trip,” she added, speaking of her African American History teacher.

Sa’Cari smiled and told her at least he wasn’t an anal retentive butt like his own Economics teacher.

Sorry,” Ashlyn threw back chuckling slightly.

Me too,” Sa’Cari replied still smiling.

How’s your mom,” she asked sensitively.

Sa’Cari had confided his mother’s dialysis to her when they first started getting serious.

She’s good today,” he answered as Ashlyn smiled and told him that was good to hear.

She’s on the donor list, so it’s just a matter of a kidney becoming available,” he added as she again nodded her understanding.

Sa’Cari didn’t talk much about his father except to say he was deceased. She didn’t detect any animosity toward the man, Ashlyn guessed it was simply still too hard for him to talk about.

You want to see the rest of the place,” Sa’Cari asked.

Sure,” Ashlyn returned placing her bottle on the table atop the coasters resting there, rising and following Sa’Cari down the hallway.

She was surprised to learn he had a two bedroom apartment, using the extra room as a dual office and study area. His mom had obviously done this room as well. He’d had a beautiful antique cherry rolltop desk in the corner; it stood out against the other ultra modern computer tables and chairs inside the room. She supposed it held sentimental memories.
Maybe it was his fathers,
Ashlyn thought. She didn’t question him about it and Sa’Cari didn’t mention the desk at all as he turned out the light and they continued down the hallway. There was a cute half bath for guests; the décor was navy blue with silver accents. The next room was his. Turning on the lamp Ashlyn smiled taking in the Burgundy comforter and matching drapes, highlighted with grayish silver, black, and white accent pillows.

Your place is great,” she told him still taking in the room.

Sa’Cari watched her as she looked around, looking her over and praying tonight she would surrender and give herself to him. He stepped close to her as she turned back to him, his face inches from hers.

I’m glad you like it,” he told her softly.

Ashlyn felt her temperature begin to rise. Sa’Cari was so sexy and he was turning her on being this close.
So, you want him just like he wants you,
her mind told her as he kissed her the first time.

Come chill on the bed with me,” he coaxed, taking her hand and pulling her toward the California King.

Umm, I, don’t think --,” Ashlyn got out as Sa’Cari kissed her again deeply and her willpower ran like a thief in the night, police in hot pursuit.

His hands slightly caressed her breasts as Ashlyn’s temperature went to scorch. Sensing she was caught up, Sa’Cari smoothly unhooked her bra, his hand touching bare flesh now. They’d engaged in some heavy petting in the past, bringing each other satisfaction with their hands. Tonight however he wanted to go to the next level. Ashlyn was that one for him. He couldn’t explain it; she was just right in every aspect of the word. Sa’Cari removed his lips from hers long enough to take the shirt and bra off, unbuttoning her jeans and helping her out of them. She was clad only in the black thong as she lay before him and he took his own clothes off, save his underwear, climbing back up beside her and kissing her deeply once more. Sa’Cari began touching her again, his hand sliding down inside the thong. Ashlyn was trembling with anticipation as he stroked her clit gently and she grew wetter and hotter.

I want you so much Ashlyn,” he whispered passionately in her ear. “Please baby, don’t say no tonight,” Sa’Cari pleaded as he removed the thong.

He kissed her again, removing his own underwear and laying atop her, grinding slowly against her clit.

Sa’Cari,” she breathed as he kissed her neck now. “Do you have a condom,” Ashlyn asked remembering her sister’s admonishment.

I won’t stay in you baby, please Ashlyn” Sa’Cari told her.

He’d meant to buy some condoms but had been so busy with school it slipped his mind.

Then maybe we should wait,” she tried as he kissed her again, grinding against her once more.

Ashlyn’s heated libido got the best of her rational mind and she allowed Sa’Cari to enter her as she finally gave herself to him and they consummated their relationship.


Ian was thinking about the things he was doing. How had he ended up in bed with Gabrielle?
You’re attracted to her so why are you lying to yourself,
his mind charged. Ian wouldn’t deny the attraction, but he didn’t want to hurt the woman. He wasn’t going to leave Kaitlyn, not ever. Still there was something about the time he spent with Gabrielle that was special and fulfilling. He pushed the pondering away as she answered the door and invited him in once more. They were going to set up the equipment they needed tomorrow. Now that Vegas had supplied them with the information on his partner’s plans and whereabouts, they could quickly and efficiently annihilate them.

I found a plastic surgeon I want you to go see tomorrow,” Ian told Gabrielle calmly as she sighed deeply.

I’ve already been to a few Ice, they said this was the best I would be,” she replied sounding defeated.

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