Thin Ice (7 page)

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Authors: K. R. Bankston

BOOK: Thin Ice
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Ian got closer to her face and spoke again.

“I told you before, I don’t like repeating myself,” he said harshly, referring to his territory and her sleeping with Landon.

“You are going to learn not to try me,” Ian said again taking the towel in his hand and ripping it from her, leaving her body completely exposed.

“Get off me Ice!” Kaitlyn screamed at him, tears forming in her eyes.

Still she fought not to spill them.

“Leave me alone!” Kaitlyn yelled again, trying once more to free her hands.

Ian slapped her for a second time. Still Kaitlyn wouldn’t cry or give in.
What the hell is this girl thinking,
he thought as he grabbed the gun and continued to hold her by her arms.

“Do you believe that I will kill you?” Ian asked calmly as he caressed her face with the loaded gun, the cold steel unyielding as it traveled downward toward her breasts. Kaitlyn gasped as Ian touched her with the gun and threatened her.

“I warned you not to mess around in my territory or screw some other joker didn’t I,” Ian growled still holding the gun and looking at her hard.

“Fuck it, kill me Ice, otherwise let me go!” Kaitlyn yelled, still frightened, but determined to stay strong, as she looked him in the eye.

Ian put the gun down and slapped her once more, harder than before. This time she did cry.
Damn, about time,
Ian thought watching the tears roll down her face, as Kaitlyn looked at him hatefully. Ian leaned against her, pushing her into the wall, never losing eye contact as he spoke.

“I will hurt you if you make me KiKi, feeling you or not, don’t mess with me like this,” Ian told her harshly.

“What do you want from Ice, damn,” Kaitlyn replied still crying softly.

“To grant your wish,” he returned cryptically.

“Don’t talk in circles,” she told him tiredly.

Being this close to her naked body Ian was completely aroused as he gripped her butt and began grinding slowly against her.

“You want what I got don’t you KiKi,” he asked.

Kaitlyn was confused not sure if he were talking about his business or the erection she felt as he continued to touch her.

“You wanna roll like I do, big money, businesses, houses, cars,” Ian threw out again clarifying the question for her.

“Yeah, so,” Kaitlyn returned resentfully, her tears finally abating.

“So, commit to me, and I’ll show you how, give you the world KiKi,” Ian told her honestly.

“How do I know that Ice,” Kaitlyn questioned as he kissed her neck softly. “I know your reputation,” she added as his hand found her breast and Kaitlyn felt the heat in her body begin to rise.

“KiKi, you and me would be an unstoppable team,” Ian told her as he kissed her lips and she kissed him back. “You’re smart, you’re hard enough to run things,” he went on as they kissed again. “Baby, you’re the kind of woman I’ve been waiting for,” Ian added, feeling Kaitlyn’s hands begin to gingerly caress his own body. “Stop running KiKi,” Ian told her looking into her eyes now.

“I know Tweety’s your girl and all that ,” he went on as Kaitlyn never took her eyes off him. “But she’s already signed her death sentence,” Ian said frankly as the horrified look came across Kaitlyn’s face. “The question now is, do you go down with her, or are you smart enough to bail yourself out,” Ian finished completely ignoring the pain he now saw in her face.

“Ice, please,” Kaitlyn began as he kissed her again.

“No,” Ian said evenly already knowing what she was going to ask. “Tweety did this to herself KiKi,” he returned still holding her and caressing her body. “What is KiKi going to do?”

Kaitlyn was in too much pain to talk. Ian was standing in front of her calmly talking about killing her best friend.
He’s offering you continued life and everything you’ve ever wanted to enjoy it too,
her mind kicked in. Kaitlyn felt like a complete fraud. She honestly had to admit right now saving her own life was more important than her friend.
Tell him no, don’t sell out your girl,
her mind told her as Ian’s hand slipped between her legs. Returning to her lips, Ian kissed her once more.

“Yes or No, KiKi,” he questioned waiting tolerantly for an answer.

Swallowing hard once more, Kaitlyn sighed deeply and answered his question.

“Yes,” she said softly looking Ian in the eye, a mixture of guilt and relief flooding her mind as Ian smiled and kissed her again leading her to the bed, undressing and climbing in with her.

Ian began kissing her lips gently, moving down her neck to her breasts, taking one of her nipples in his mouth and licking it. Kaitlyn moaned deeply, Ian’s actions turning her on. Returning to her lips, they began to kiss again as Ian felt her hands eagerly caressing his body.

Kaitlyn took his fully erect member in her hands, sighing lightly as she held it. Ian kissed her again and moved on top of her. She guided him to her entrance and he entered her. Kaitlyn moaned again with pleasure as Ian began to thrust into her, kissing her neck gently as he made love to her. Kaitlyn felt the heat rising in her body and knew she was nearing orgasm. No sooner had the thought left her mind than she felt the tremendous rush of pleasure. She cried out his name in ecstasy, as Ian came hard behind her, groaning loudly.

Thank God for the pill,
Kaitlyn thought, remembering the condom as an afterthought. She was lying on his huge chest as he held her, stroking her face gently.
What the hell just happened here,
she asked herself trying to get a handle on the turn of events that had taken place. She was getting a headache trying to sort it all out right now. Kaitlyn closed her eyes instead, deciding she would deal with it all later.

Ian held her and looked at the ceiling. His mind was already racing ahead to killing Jaleesa.
I’ma let that bitch squirm for a while, let her think she’s still runnin’ the show,
he thought ominously before glancing down at Kaitlyn asleep on his chest.
Gonna hafta send you on a little trip while I handle some immediate business,
Ian thought as Landon and Tariq came instantly to mind. Kaitlyn stirred slightly, repositioning herself, and quickly drifted off again. Pushing everything else out of his mind for now and enjoying her presence Ian closed his eyes and allowed himself to relax and sleep.




“You need to stop thinking about Ice and get your life back together,” Yvette was telling her cousin as they entered the club.

Shelby knew she was trying to help, but Yvette didn’t understand the depth of emotion she carried for Ice. She’d seen him a couple of times in the last month since the beating. Though he hadn’t been social, he hadn’t chased her or kicked her ass again either. Taking a deep breath trying to calm her nerves, Shelby sat down in the booth Yvette led her to. She ordered an apple martini and tried to relax, the warning Ian gave her about coming to the club looming large in her mind’s eye.

Ice had to still love her; he just had to, Shelby thought as she sighed deeply. If only she could talk to him without him getting angry. Sipping her drink Shelby continued to watch the various patrons as she and Yvette conversed, all the while keeping a wary eye for Ice. The time of limbo wasn’t long as he walked into the club and sat with Carlos.
she thought excitedly taking him in all over again. He still looked absolutely wonderful. His muscular frame was bulging sensuously in the black silk shirt he was wearing. The matching slacks were clinging nicely to his well toned butt and sexy thighs. She was aroused just sitting there looking at him, quickly forgetting the painful lessons that came from her past meetings.

I finally get the chance to talk to him again,
Shelby thought working up the nerve to actually get up and go over to them. She told herself she only had to get Ice to remember the good times and the love the two of them shared so they could be together again. Shelby took another long swallow from her drink, gathered herself, and headed over to the booth the two men were sitting in.

“Are you crazy?” Yvette asked as she intercepted her walking across the floor, returning from the ladies room and spotting the two men. “He will beat your ass again Shelby. You know Ice doesn’t like to be surprised,” she finished looking at her cousin evenly.

Shelby sighed deeply and looked back at her.

“This may be my only chance Yvette,” she returned. “Ice won’t go off on me here, it’s not his style,” she told her cousin. “And I’m damned sure not stupid enough to go anywhere alone with him again right now.”

Yvette sighed again. “Be careful Shelby, that’s all, ok?” she told her gently and let her arm go.


“Hi guys,” Shelby said amiably speaking to both men, but looking directly at Ian.

Ian regarded the woman for a moment before returning her greeting.

“How’ve you been Ice?” she asked trying to prolong the conversation and her time in his presence.

“I’m actually very well Shelby,” he told her still eyeing her evenly.

Ian really wanted to slap the hell out of her, but they were in public.

“That’s good to hear,” she told him kindly.

Carlos excused himself leaving her and Ian by themselves.

“Do you mind?” Shelby asked looking at the seat vacated by Carlos.

Ian shrugged and she sat.

“What do you want really, Shelby?” he asked point blank. “You’re not even supposed to be here,” he told her plainly. “You what, here trying to rehash what we used to be,” Ian continued never taking his eyes from her. “That would definitely be a wasted effort on your part,” he finished growing irritated and falling silent again.

Shelby was crushed. That was exactly what she wanted. She wanted her lover back, the man who’d been and done everything for her. Why the hell was Ice still so angry with her? He loved her that had to be it. No man would still be this angry over something that happened almost a year and half ago if he didn’t still care somewhere inside, Shelby thought delusional as she continued to sit waiting on Ian to speak again. Finally after taking another sip of his crown, Ian spoke one last time.

“Let this be your last visit to Infusion, and don’t test me again,” he said simply and Shelby thought her heart would burst.

“Now if you’ll excuse me,” Ian began as he looked at his watch. “I need to take care of some business,” he finished and left her sitting alone and dejected once again.

Shelby felt the tears stinging. She hurriedly made her way to the restroom, not wanting Yvette to know how miserably the meeting had turned out.


“Shelby still riding your jock,” Carlos asked him as they were headed out to the meeting spot.

Ian grunted and Carlos laughed.

“She is persistent, I have to give her that,” he chuckled again.

“She’s gonna make me kill her ass, is what she’s working on doing,” Ian said plainly.

Carlos chuckled once more. He’d been working for Ian the last three years, having grown up here in the city. He was also one of the few people who knew how Ian had really felt about Shelby. He’d really cared for her and she’d broken his heart when she cheated on him. Now he absolutely hated her.

“You carrying,” Ian asked bringing him out of his thoughts.

“Of course,” Carlos replied, to which Ian grunted again.

“That bitch has one more time, and I’ma cancel her ass,” Ian told him evenly as Carlos simply nodded his understanding and continued to drive.

They were on their way to make a rather large money exchange, with plans to transport it to Alabama. The guys they were meeting were regulars and they’d never had any trouble. Still, you could never be to careful. From there they had a contract to fulfill. One of the local shopkeepers had made the mistake of trying to turn in Ryan, Ian’s older brother, who ran the club and operation there. Ian also needed to talk to Ryan while he was there about teaching Kaitlyn the operation and keeping an eye on her while he set up things here for Landon and Tariq. Ian thought about his plans for the men. He was going to give them each an opportunity to walk away life intact, but if they resisted, well, he wasn’t responsible for their outcomes.


“Hello,” Kaitlyn answered softly.

“Hey baby, did I wake you?” Ian asked calmly, knowing she’d arrived home only a few moments earlier.

“No,” Kaitlyn said simply.

“Everything OK,” Ian asked catching the tone in her voice.

“I’m good,” Kaitlyn replied deceptively.

How was she going to tell him her mind was on stress overload wondering when he was going to kill her best friend, avoiding both Tariq and Landon, and pretending everything was still right with the world?

“I’m gonna pick you up tomorrow and take you to the other club in Alabama,” Ian told her calmly.

“Oh OK,” Kaitlyn replied having no idea anything was amiss.

“You’ll stay with my brother and he’s gonna show you how things are run,” Ian added once more.

“For how long,” Kaitlyn asked.

Ian had allowed them to continue dealing even after Jaleesa’s return. He knew Kaitlyn was nervous and suspicious that he would kill her friend while she was away. That wasn’t his plan, but that didn’t concern her, so he wasn’t going to enlighten her.

“Couple weeks,” Ian replied calmly hearing her sigh deeply.

“Mm, OK I guess,” Kaitlyn replied as Ian smiled slightly.

He knew she would never tip her hand and tell him exactly what she was worried about.

Kaitlyn made their relationship really easy so far. She wasn’t hard to get along with, moody, demanding, jealous or petty. Ian knew once she truly learned the ropes they were off to the races. He was thinking of adding two more clubs, one in Florida and another in Mississippi. They already had a sweet set up in Louisiana geared completely to prostitution. Now that he had the right partner in addition to his brother Ryan, the newer additions wouldn’t be so taxing for them.

“Go to bed baby, you sound exhausted,” Ian told her as Kaitlyn yawned in his ear.

“Goodnight,” he said sweetly as she thanked him and returned his goodnight.

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