Thin Ice (2 page)

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Authors: K. R. Bankston

BOOK: Thin Ice
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They were both capable dealers and he knew KiKi had a penchant for weapons. She was rumored to carry a .9mm and a straight razor at all times, with no fear of using either. Ian had done a bit of investigating earlier and found out her and Tripp, a small time wanna be dealer, were no longer dating.
I want her,
he thought finishing off his own crown and coke when he was rudely interrupted.

“Hi Baby!” Shelby greeted him, jumping into his lap and kissing him on the mouth.

“What are you doing here?” Ian asked her, his expression never changing.

They’d been seeing each other for the last year or so. He was tired of the games and lies, permanently ending the relationship. Shelby however, wasn’t getting the message, still constantly showing up unexpectedly. She was really beginning to try his patience and for Ian that wasn’t a good thing. Shelby saw the expression, and knew what Ian was thinking. She didn’t care. She’d been with him for over a year. He’d treated her great, bought her things and took good care of her.

Shelby had immediately gone back to stripping again when they broke up, but she hated it. She wanted the sweet lifestyle she’d had when they were together. Shopping sprees, jewelry, trips, and leisure were the daily norm when she was his woman. Why couldn’t Ian just forgive her and move on? She hadn’t cheated on him since that one time.

“I came to be with you baby,” Shelby told Ian seductively as she kissed his ear. “Don’t you want to be with me,” she asked as she started to caress his chest.

Ian grabbed her hands and told her to stop playing games.

“I told you I’m done with the drama Shelby, now let it go,” he said in the no nonsense tone she’d learned to fear.

“Don’t be like this Ice,” she whined, “I love you, you know that,” Shelby pouted.

“Yeah,’” he asked calmly. “So it was my name you were calling while that fool was screwing you,” he finished giving Shelby an icy glare, the raw anger he still felt evident in his tone.

Shelby hung her head in shame and moved off his lap, sitting next to him. Ian picked up his drink and looked back toward the dance floor. He caught KiKi’s expression, knowing she’d seen Shelby sitting on his lap. She walked by him without glancing his way.


Kaitlyn left the ladies room and passed Ice’s table once more. She was careful not to look at the crying woman sitting across from him. She hadn’t liked the look on his face when their eyes met for a split second as she walked past him the first time. While Kaitlyn wasn’t necessarily afraid of Ice, she did respect who he was and what he was capable of. He was definitely not someone she wanted to be on the wrong side of. As she reached the front door, Kaitlyn was handed a note and bid a good night by Tye, the burly doorman who retrieved her keys and sent for the valet. Waiting until she was inside her car, Kaitlyn finally opened the note and read with interest what was contained.


Ian saw her leave intentionally ignoring him and Shelby as she did. He was irritated that Shelby had once again shown up unexpectedly and caused ripples in his otherwise smooth evening. Ian rose heading for his office to wrap up a couple more loose ends and then he was leaving for the evening. He had a few more miles to go before he slept tonight.

Ian knew KiKi was probably still trying to figure out who Shelby was, why she was crying and how she fit into his life. That was irrelevant as far as he was concerned and he didn’t see any need to ever answer her questions. After leaving the club through his private exit, Ian instructed Carlos, his chief bodyguard, to go back inside and get Shelby. He wanted her delivered to his house.
I’m going to deal with that bitch tonight,
Ian thought ominously, deciding to let her know once and for all they were a thing of the past.



“Hey Tariq, I got your note,” Kaitlyn spoke into the cell phone once he answered.

Tariq Taylor was a faithful customer. Kaitlyn had been selling heroin to him for the last two years on a regular basis. She sighed lightly thinking about him, knowing he had a romantic attraction to her. Normally he would have been right up her alley physically and intellectually, but Tariq was a junkie, and Kaitlyn made it her business never to date anyone who used.

“I can meet you now,” she told him again as his voice broke her thoughts and brought her back to now. “I’ll be there in about 15 minutes,” Kaitlyn told him and disconnected.

Sighing once more she thought about the sexy man she was about to sell another hit to. Tariq stood somewhere around six feet she supposed, with great arms, and sexy brooding brown eyes. He had a great smile even with the gold bottom row he sported. She’d never seen him high she had to admit, or any track marks on his arms, leading Kaitlyn to believe he shot up using his thighs.

“If only,” she said softly aloud pulling into the parking lot of the 24-hour breakfast house. Tariq had been a cook here for the last four years or so.

Parking and turning off her headlights, Kaitlyn texted Tariq and waited. Moments later he emerged and joined her in the car.

“Hey KiKi,” he greeted her amiably giving her a quick hug.

Normally she wasn’t this friendly with her customers, but Tariq was unique. They often hung out and went places together, like the zoo, or Six Flags, or the movies. Sometimes they even went to clubs together, but Kaitlyn always made sure she didn’t cross the line or allow Tariq to believe it was anything other than two friends hanging out.

“Here you go,” she told him evenly giving him the merchandise as Tariq handed her the money.

“What you doing tomorrow?” he asked as he pocketed the drug.

“Not a lot,” KiKi replied.

“Cool, you wanna go over to Laugh Factory,” he asked and waited on her response.

Kaitlyn knew the place as they’d been before checking out some of the up and coming comics. “Sounds good, what time,” she threw back as Tariq continued to watch her intently. Moments like this were always hard for Kaitlyn. She couldn’t lie to herself and say she wasn’t attracted to the man, she just knew she could never allow herself to hook up with him.

“8:00PM,” he replied as she confirmed the time and where she would meet him.

Seldom did they ride together when they went out, Kaitlyn surmised that if they didn’t ride together it would seem less like a date, and feelings would less likely surface or be hurt.

“Thanks again for going out of your way KiKi,” Tariq told her softly as he readied himself to leave her presence.

“It’s not a problem,” she replied calmly completely unnerved by his tone.

Damn, I gotta get home to my vibrator,
Kaitlyn thought behind the calm. Truth was she wanted Tariq with her whole being and knew without a doubt he wanted her back.

“See ya tomorrow,” Tariq told her as he got out and closed the door behind him.

He waved once more before turning and entering the restaurant. Starting the car Kaitlyn shook her head and turned up the radio.
I must have the absolute worst taste in men,
she thought of her attraction once more before letting the music invade her mind.


“OK Ice, OK,” Shelby screamed as Ian hit her again knocking her over the ottoman in his den.

“I told you not to keep toying with me didn’t I,” Ian ranted as he continued his assault on the helpless woman. “I don’t know why bitches want to act stupid all the time,” Ian threw out as he kicked Shelby hard in the back and she continued to cry, pleading with him to stop. “When you leave my house this time,” Ian began anew, snatching her up from the floor and holding Shelby against the wall by her throat. “Forget the address, don’t ever show up at Infusion again, and if you see my ass in the street,” Ian paused for a moment watching her gasp for air as he held her, making sure they had eye contact before he spoke again. “Run like hell, and pray I don’t chase you,” he finished as released her. Shelby immediately hit the floor like a lead weight.

Ian walked away from the semi conscious woman and made himself another drink. Picking up his cell he called Carlos and told him to come pick up some trash he needed thrown out.

“Get your ass up and off my damned carpet bleeding on it and shit,” Ian threw at Shelby coldly as she tried vainly to staunch the flow.

Her head was spinning and one of her eyes was closed. It was all she could do to breathe right now. Shelby never thought Ian would hurt her like this. She knew he could be volatile and had a temper, but she always thought she was immune from it.
Please give me the strength to get out that door;
Shelby thought again as she tried to rise and her legs gave her limited support. Managing a quick glance at Ian, she saw him sitting in his highboy watching her calmly, without emotion.

The knock on the door startled Shelby and she jumped slightly as Ian went and answered it. “Wassup Ice,” Carlos greeted his boss.

Ian grunted a response before nodding toward Shelby.

“Where you want it dumped,” Carlos answered nonchalantly as he grabbed Shelby around the waist and half dragged, half carried her toward the front door.

“Take her to her cousin’s, Yvette,” Ian replied as Carlos nodded his understanding and picked Shelby up off the ground, finding it easier to carry her than try to walk with her.

“Call me tomorrow morning, we got some business to handle,” Ian told Carlos as a parting thought.

Carlos again acknowledged his understanding and hurriedly left with Ian closing the door behind him. Stretching slightly, Ian glanced at the clock. It was almost 4 AM.
Quick shower, then I’ma make this run,
he thought smiling slightly and heading to the bathroom.


Kaitlyn heard the ice being put into the glass and the sound of liquid being poured over it. Glancing at the clock she saw that it was well after 5 AM.
I guess Evan turned out to be a quickie,
she thought rising and heading into the living room expecting to find Jaleesa. They didn’t live together but Jaleesa had a key to her place, just as Kaitlyn had one to hers also. There was nothing abnormal about her best friend coming over in the middle of the night. “I thought you were gonna stay – ,” Kaitlyn got out before stopping mid sentence, eyes locked with the visitor standing in her kitchen calmly looking back at her.

“What are you doing in my house?” Kaitlyn asked evenly trying hard to keep her cool. She was unarmed and alone.

“Obviously I came to see you,” Ian returned calmly coming into the living room and sitting down on the leather sofa contained in the room.

Taking the time to look her over in the pale yellow silk nightie she wore, Ian once again took note of how attractive and well put together KiKi was. The nightie was mid thigh in length with seductive splits on either side. Her breasts were sitting pertly alert at the top with the webbed lacing affording a sensual view. Finding himself becoming aroused, Ian immediately changed his thoughts and took in her apartment once more. It was spacious but homey with the beautiful leather grouping she’d placed inside, dark brown, with almost mint green and yellow accents throughout. He knew right now her mind was on overdrive. Not only was KiKi trying to figure out how he got in, but how he even knew where she lived, considering they’d never said much past hello to each other.

Taking another deep breath Kaitlyn tried again. There was definitely something he wanted, and she needed to find out what it was quickly. Ice being at her house was not a good sign and if they’d done something to offend him she needed to know so they could work on immediately rectifying it.

“What did you want to see me about, Ice,” Kaitlyn tried again, coming into the living room herself and sitting in the recliner across from him.

Sipping his drink, Ian remained mute, simply watching her without expression for the next few moments. “Tweety go home with Evan,” he asked calmly.

“Yeah, I think so,” Kaitlyn answered guardedly.

What the hell,
she was thinking hoping and praying whatever the issue was wasn’t going to cost them big.

“Mmm,” Ian replied taking another sip. “You OK with that,” he asked as Kaitlyn frowned slightly in confusion.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be,” she returned as Ian smiled slightly.

“I just wasn’t sure how open your relationship was with her,” he baited.

Kaitlyn immediately frowned and tried to control her voice. Even though this wasn’t the first or twentieth time she’d heard it, it still pissed her off royally. “Tweety and I don’t get down like that,” she replied flatly, still very much offended of the inference.

“Mm, OK,” Ian replied. Taking another sip he regarded her again. “So you’re sleeping with the junkie then, Tariq,” Ian threw out bluntly and Kaitlyn had heard enough.

Rising she headed to her front door and opened it. “You’ve overstayed your welcome Ice,” she told him evenly not caring anymore why he was there, or even how he knew where she lived.

Smiling slightly, Ian knew he’d hit a nerve and remained seated on the couch. “Close the door KiKi,” he told her evenly without turning around. “I’m not leaving yet,” he finished flatly.

Sighing deeply Kaitlyn closed the door and grudgingly walked back into the living room, choosing to stand and look him in the eye.

“Again, Ice, what do you want,” she asked plainly making no attempt to hide her disdain at the moment.

Rising finally, Ian stood face to face with her, looking down into her eyes. “Answer my question,” he told her his tone becoming more annoyed. “Are you screwing Tariq,” he threw out never taking his eyes off Kaitlyn.

Still very much annoyed herself, Kaitlyn defiantly returned the stare before finally answering him.

“Not that it’s any of your business, but no, I’m not fucking Tariq,” she told him angrily.

“Mmph,” Ian threw back still regarding her. “Make sure it stays that damned way,” he told her as he pulled her close and kissed her deeply.

Pulling away Kaitlyn pushed him, using the split second to grab the knife that happened to be lying atop her kitchen table. Ian was quick enough to grab Kaitlyn and twist her arm hard forcing her to drop the weapon.

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