Thin Ice (9 page)

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Authors: K. R. Bankston

BOOK: Thin Ice
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“I was angry Kaitlyn, hurt,” Evan continued to plead hoping he would talk his way out of dying tonight. “I never meant to hurt her, I just lost my head,” he appealed once more as Kaitlyn continued to remain mute.

“So you been asking Landon about us,” Kaitlyn threw out knocking Evan off base for a moment.

“He doesn’t talk about you like that,” Evan replied.

Kaitlyn grunted slightly, she figured as much, Landon was a complete gentleman every time she was with him.

“But you think about it don’t you,” Kaitlyn baited him again.

“Yes,” Evan answered quietly looking at her very intently.

“Would you like to taste it,” Kaitlyn asked again.

Evan was astonished, but definitely not going to turn down her offer.

“Hell yes,” Evan replied still looking into her eyes.

“Mm, OK, come over here,” Kaitlyn directed as she stood and removed her thong, climbed back on the chair and opened her legs.

Evan was planning to make his move as she came, knowing she would be distracted. He would disarm her, screw her, and whip her ass for coming into his house and threatening him.

Kaitlyn grabbed his head and pulled Evan close pretending she was greedily anticipating his touch. She pulled the trigger on the .9mm just as he opened his mouth to taste her. Evan fell dead face first into the chair Kaitlyn was sitting atop as she closed her eyes and chuckled quietly from the satisfaction of her performance. After gathering herself for a few moments, Kaitlyn climbed down and turned him over. His eyes were still wide open from shock.
Bet you didn’t see that coming, did you,
she chuckled once more.

Kaitlyn quickly grabbed her thong and put it back on, headed for the front door opting to carry her shoes instead of put them on and headed for the elevator. She got on and pushed the basement button, careful to keep her head down as she rode and put on her shoes, unsure if they had a camera mounted inside the car. Arriving moments later, Kaitlyn exited the elevator, made her way out of the parking deck as stealthily as she made her way in, got into her car and started it heading for I-285 and her apartment, justice done and the debt paid.


“I’m telling you I heard a gunshot,” Edward Reid, Evan’s next door neighbor was telling the 911 operator he’d called.

“Sir, can you give me your address?” the operator was asking.

He sighed deeply and gave her the address once more and asked her to send the police. The operator told him she would dispatch a car shortly and thanked him for calling. Edward made himself a drink and heard the bell ring a short time later.

“Mr. Reid?” the officer inquired as the door opened.

Edward acknowledged it was he and told the officer he’d made the 911 call. He directed them to the suite down the hallway. The uniformed officers entered the unit, finding the door ajar, calling out who they were. They didn’t receive a response from their calls and turned on the lights. The lead officer saw him first.

“We got a body,” he told the other officer, who immediately drew his gun from his holster.

They both painstakingly checked the apartment to ensure no one else was inside the unit. Once they were satisfied, they called in the findings and asked for the CSI unit to be sent, as well as detectives assigned to homicides.


“Did you notice anyone going in or out of the unit tonight Mr. Reid?” Detective Fredericks asked upon his arrival and getting the preliminary report from the responding officers.

“Well,” Edward began. “I didn’t really get up to look until a few more moments after I’d heard the shot,” he said and Fredericks asked him to continue. “By that time all I saw was the darkened hallway and heard the elevator doors closing,” he replied as Fredericks frowned slightly.

Unless they got really lucky this case was basically going nowhere fast.

He returned to the scene and found out the victims identity. “Evan Henderson,” he said aloud.

From the ID’s they found they ascertained his affiliation with the arena league. From what he could tell it was a simple home invasion, pretty standard. Detective Fredericks headed back to the station to work on the mountain of paperwork this case would require. He would call the arena league in the meantime and inform them of the death, gathering next of kin information so he could call and let them know.


Ian was still slightly irritated about his having to put off the hit for the last week when he and Carlos finally arrived at their impending targets home. After silently letting themselves inside, they roused the man from his bed, securing his wife and child in a separate bedroom.

“Wassup Erbie,” Ian spoke calmly regarding the frightened man in front of them.

“Man what’s going,” Erbie asked completely confused at why the men were in his home.

Ian looked the man over wondering why he didn’t just mind his own business and live his life. Trying to be the hero was going to cost him everything. Erbie was in his mid fifties, balding slightly, medium-build, with thick glasses. He’d recently married again and had a child with the woman, who was considerably younger.

“I don’t keep no money here man,” he spoke out again thinking perhaps it was a home invasion.

Ian and Carlos removed their masks, knowing he wouldn’t live to identify them, and began talking to him. Ian thought it was important that their targets at least knew who was ending their lives as well as why.

“Who are you?” Erbie questioned not recognizing the man. “What the hell?”

Ian sighed deeply and explained the situation to him, leaving the victim stunned speechless for a moment.

“Listen, I ain’t the one who called man, I swear it, somebody lied on me,” Erbie pleaded. “I got a wife, a kid,” he continued to plead. “I wouldn’t be dumb enough to put my family in danger like that man, please.”

Ian simply shrugged and told him it was business, not personal. Ian had several sources inside the local police department and he’d already confirmed, without doubt, Erbie had been the tipster. “Look, me and my family will disappear,” Erbie tried again. “I swear man, no one will ever see or hear from us again, not ever,” he added for good measure.

Ian was quiet and thoughtful for a while and Erbie hoped he was thinking it over. Carlos however knew Ian was only toying with the man. He didn’t do renegotiations. Once a decision was made, it was made.

Finally Ian removed the gun from his pocket and loaded the clip. “Nah, Erbie, I can’t take that chance man,” he replied evenly as the man began to plead again.

“Please Ice, please man,” he began, using the name he’d been given, starting to cry.

“Look Erbie, this is a done deal,” Ian began again walking closer to the sobbing man. “But if it makes you feel any better, your wife and kid aren’t included in the hit,” he finished as he put the gun to the man’s temple.

“Oh God, please man,” Erbie pleaded once more before Ian shot him point blank in the head and he slumped to the floor.

He and Carlos put their masks back on and ransacked the house, stopping finally at the bedroom they’d put the woman and child in, finding them still bound huddled together in a corner looking at them frightened. Carlos snatched the woman from the floor and threw her on the bed, issuing a warning about future snitching. Ian knew what he was going to do, and only stopped him for a moment.

“Not in front of the kid,” he said plainly and Carlos nodded, taking the woman to the other room.

Ian heard her scream behind the gag and the springs of the bed tell the story. Once he’d finished with her, Carlos hit her, rendering her unconscious. Ian and Carlos broke a few more dishes and furniture before leaving the house and its occupants, heading for home.


Ian unlocked the door and quietly entered the apartment. He looked around and found nothing askew. Heading for the bedroom, he found Kaitlyn asleep. Ian stood watching her sleep for a few moments his mind racing. He was taking her to Alabama day after tomorrow and leaving her there with Ryan as they’d originally planned. Now that they’d efficiently extinguished the threat of any more snitching, they could get back to business. Ian slid into bed beside Kaitlyn and gently began stroking her. She stirred at his touch and jumped up.

“It’s me baby,” he said softly as he grabbed her and pulled her back into bed.

Kaitlyn sighed loudly.

“You scared the hell out of me,” she told him still trying to gather herself.

“I’m sorry,” he replied as he kissed her neck gently.

“Ice, how do you keep getting into my house,” Kaitlyn asked finally as Ian held her and continued touching her body.

“That’s not important baby,” he replied not answering her question.

“Do you have me followed?” she asked again matter-of-fact.

She’d been doing some thinking off and on during their relationship and it was the only logical answer to how Ice always seemed to know where she was, who she saw, and what she’d done.

“Yes,” Ian replied calmly.

Her mouth dropped at his confirmation.

“What kind of bullshit is that Ice?” Kaitlyn asked angrily. “So basically you don’t trust me?”

Ian sighed once more. “It’s for my protection as well as yours.”

“What the hell are you talking about Ice?” she asked again, growing even angrier.

Ian was completely silent, choosing not to answer her question. “KiKi, why are we fighting?” he asked instead.

“We’re fighting because my boyfriend has me under surveillance like a damned stranger he just met,” she yelled from exasperation that she was in a situation she couldn’t see her way out of.

Kaitlyn was still terrified daily thinking she would get the news that her best friend was dead, Tariq, or even Landon at this point. She knew Ian was still furious about her sleeping with Landon, and he’d never liked Tariq’s attraction to her, or hers to him.

“Stop this,” Ian told her harshly his own anger rising slightly. “You’re making yourself crazy about nothing,” he went on. “I’m crazy about you KiKi, I’m only trying to get everything in order for us,” he finished and pulled Kaitlyn to him.

She didn’t fight this time. Kaitlyn allowed Ian to hold her as she began to cry.

“Stop crying,” he told her gently as he dried her eyes, and kissed her. “I do trust you KiKi,” Ian told her as she looked into his eyes. “But you gotta trust me too, to do what’s best for us and our future,” he threw back as she nodded slightly. “I’ll call off the watchdog,” Ian told her gently.

He really didn’t need the eyes anymore anyway. He’d had the GPS installed on her car long ago when he first decided to pursue her. The small listening device in her cell phone he’d planted as he waited on her to exit the shower that fateful day they became a couple.

“Now do you believe I trust you,” Ian asked as Kaitlyn nodded and smiled slightly.

Happy that the argument was over, Ian began to kiss Kaitlyn again as she responded and he laid her gently back on the bed, undressing her and beginning to make love to her. Ian began tasting her intimately, finding himself more aroused by the moment. He returned to her lips after bringing her to orgasm and kissed her.

“I don’t like fighting with you KiKi,” he told her as he began licking her nipples again.

She sighed lightly as Ian moved on top of her and entered her. He made love to her slowly and passionately, bringing Kaitlyn to orgasm twice before finishing himself.

“Everything is gonna be cool, KiKi,” Ian spoke gently stroking her cheek as they lay together.

“We’re leaving early Friday morning,” he went on talking as Kaitlyn listened intently.

“Am I still staying two weeks,” she asked sleepily.

“Mmhm,” Ice replied kissing her softly. “Go to sleep girl,” he teased as her eyes fluttered slightly and closed.

“G’night,” she managed as Ian returned it and pulled her close, both of them drifting off into a sound fitful sleep.




I love you Kaitlyn,” he said simply as he pulled her to him and kissed her deeply. His hands began to once again explore her body and she responded. Picking Kaitlyn up and taking her to his bedroom, he gently placed her on his bed. Landon then took his time and undressed her, kissing her softly all over. He loved Kaitlyn with everything in him and he had to show her just how much tonight. It might be his last chance and he had to make it count. Landon kissed her again deeply as he placed himself on top of her.

Landon wait,” Kaitlyn said softly pushing him gently. He was taken aback.
Please don’t let her change her mind now,
he panicked. “What’s wrong Kaitlyn?” he asked gently kissing her lips once more. “We need to use a condom,” she told him and he smiled, releasing the breath he’d been holding. He reached into his nightstand drawer and retrieved one, allowing her to place it on him.

He then began arousing her all over again and once they were both at a point of no return, entered her, causing her to sigh deeply. Landon closed his eyes and buried his head in her neck, savoring each and every thrust he made into Kaitlyn, as she clung to him and matched his fervor stroke for stroke.

Kaitlyn,” he said softly in her ear as he continued to make love to her.

The lovemaking was exquisite and she was already on her third orgasm when he felt his body warming, signaling his own end was near. They both reached their peak together, crying out the other’s name in ecstasy.

Now they lay holding each other, still kissing passionately. Landon looked into her eyes and told her again and again how much he loved her. “I’m going to fight for you Kaitlyn,” he told her as he kissed her again. She smiled and told Landon he wouldn’t have too. She was his now and she always would be.

The phone ringing shocked him awake. He sat up in bed drenched in sweat, breathing hard, trying to recover.
Landon thought dejectedly of the dream he’d just had. His mind had changed his current situation with Kaitlyn and made it into the fantasy he’d hoped it would become. The reality was definitely far harsher.
“Landon please, let it go,” Kaitlyn began. “There’s no future for us,” she told him as she tried to get on the elevator. “I don’t believe that Kaitlyn,” he’d told her. “You still care for me, I know you do,” he told her again. She’d sighed deeply and looked into his eyes again. “I won’t deny that completely,” she’d returned, “But we need to move on now,” she went on explaining nothing further. “I’m sorry I hurt you, it was never my intention, but its over between us,”
she’d finished and closed the elevator doors.

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