Thin Ice (11 page)

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Authors: K. R. Bankston

BOOK: Thin Ice
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“What the hell is going on with her?” Ian mumbled to himself as he watched Kaitlyn meticulously clean her kitchen for the third time since she’d gotten home.

“Hey baby,” Ian stopped her as he embraced her, kissing her softly on the lips. “You OK?” he inquired looking at her closely.

Kaitlyn sighed deeply trying to smile slightly before answering. “Yeah, I’m just tired that’s all,” she replied hoping Ian would believe her and let it go.

She was completely stressed with this whole situation. Landon’s call had pushed her almost over the edge.

“Are you sure that’s all baby?” he asked again, standing very close to her and looking deeply into her eyes.

Ian was trying to give her the opening she needed to tell him what she’d done. Kaitlyn reeled her thoughts in and tried again.

“I’m just worn out, pure and simple Ice, that’s all, I promise,” she replied forcing herself to smile.

Ian continued to look into her eyes for a moment, before nodding his understanding.

“Why don’t you go shower, and we’ll go out to lunch,” he told Kaitlyn, taking her hand and leading her to the bedroom.

There’s got to be a way out of this mess,
Kaitlyn thought as Ian began to help her undress. She managed to hold it together until she stepped into the shower, then the tears that had been threatening, began to flow.
Please help me convince him not kill Jaleesa and please let Landon be all right,
Kaitlyn thought miserably as she let the water run over her body.

Ian sat on the bed as Kaitlyn showered thinking.
She’s still lying to me,
he thought recalling their earlier conversation. He could see it in her eyes. There was something really weighing on her. He vowed to get some answers as he called Carlos to see what he’d found out. His bodyguard answered on the third ring.

“You find out what went down,” Ian threw out while keeping an ear out for Kaitlyn’s return.

“Little bit,” he returned as Ian waited on him to elaborate.

“Dude at the security desk of her building said Evan came over last week, stayed for almost an hour,” he told Ian as he listened intently. “Said he left in a hurry, sweating pretty hard, looking around like he was expecting someone to be chasing him,” he finished as Ian rolled the information around.

“OK, see if you can find out anything else, if not, let it ride,” he finished as Carlos acknowledged his direction and they disconnected.

Ian continued to think until the answer hit him full force.
He raped her,
he thought seeing it clearly in his mind. Kaitlyn would have been pissed about him hitting her friend yes, but to kill him, it would have to have been something Kaitlyn found completely repulsive and unforgivable.

Kaitlyn emerged moments later from the bathroom and sat on the bed beside Ian. He looked at her for a moment then spoke.

“Feel better?” he inquired lovingly.

Kaitlyn smiled back and stroked his face gently. “Actually yeah,” she replied as Ian smiled back and kissed her gently as he laid her down and began touching her.

Kaitlyn found herself very much aroused as Ian began kissing her neck softly. He was a wonderful lover and he always made the experience pleasurable for both of them.

After they made love, Ian kissed Kaitlyn gently and looked into her eyes as he spoke.

“I need you to relax and get your mind together baby,” he told her as he caressed her face. “You gotta be focused to handle business,” he chastised lightly.

Kaitlyn smiled a little again before speaking.

“You’re right, and I promise I’ma be on point when we get to Alabama,” she replied as Ian smiled and told her OK.

“Come on, get dressed so we can get some lunch,” he told her rising and pulling her from bed. Giggling Kaitlyn complied and headed into the bathroom to get dressed.

Ian sighed deeply after she left knowing her secret now.
Well his stupid ass brought that on himself,
he thought of Evan. Smiling slightly he once again patted himself on the back for choosing Kaitlyn as his woman. She was definitely a force and he was glad he’d managed to get hold of her before someone else recognized the potential and stole her away.

“Come on, I’m hungry,” Kaitlyn sang out as she breezed through the bedroom and headed into the living room.

Chuckling, Ian rose and grabbed his keys meeting her at the door and debating which restaurant they were going to dine at.




Kaitlyn was astonished at the volume of dope and money that came in and out of the club. She was paying rapt attention as Ryan explained each operation, contacts, their percentage and transport. Ice had left her hours earlier heading back to Atlanta saying he had business to handle. Kaitlyn was immediately nervous thinking he was going to fulfill his promise to kill her best friend. She still didn’t know for sure he wasn’t, she just continued to pray that was the case.

“We order liquor through Sam & Ken,” Ryan told her bringing Kaitlyn back to the present.

She looked him over again thinking how much his physique reminded her of Ice. He had the same brooding eyes and strong chin, as well as the huge biceps; he was the taller of the two at 6’1”. “Double check invoices when the stock comes in, make sure there’s no mistake,” he added as Kaitlyn looked at him, and confirmed her understanding.

“You carry anything,” Ryan asked curiously.

Kaitlyn showed him the switchblade in her pocket. “I carry a .9mm when I’m working,” she concluded as Ryan smiled and told her that was good.

“I’ma introduce you to something smaller but just as powerful later,” he added talking about another weapon. Kaitlyn again conveyed her understanding as they continued conversation.


“He looks so peaceful,” Bryce said quietly as he looked into the coffin where Evan rested. Diego didn’t comment, not caring how the man looked. He was glad Evan was dead and no longer a presence in their lives. He’d only accompanied Bryce to the funeral home because he didn’t want him to be alone. Sighing slightly Diego continued to stand and endure as Bryce continued looking at the dead man in the coffin.

Jaleesa entered the room quietly standing in the back as the two men paid their respects. She assumed they were work associates or team members. Bryce began to cry softly and Diego put his arms around him.

“Come on baby, lets go,” he told him gently as he pulled him away.

Bryce nodded his head and turned to leave with his lover, spotting the woman as they passed. Diego spoke and Jaleesa returned his greeting. Bryce managed a weak smile and a soft hello, before leaving with Diego.

Watching them leave Jaleesa knew without a doubt the one crying was Evan’s secret lover. Taking a deep breath to calm her anger she pushed the thought aside and turned her attention back to the task at hand.

“They did a really good job,” Jaleesa commented to herself, looking at her dead ex-lover. “You were always hateful,” she said quietly, “You deserved that damned bullet,” she continued angrily never taking her eyes from his corpse.

Several other people began coming into the chapel, and Jaleesa headed to a seat. Finally after the room was filled, she saw Landon come in. He was accompanied by Tristan, and several other men she assumed were team officials and a woman she’d never seen before.

Jaleesa watched as they all went to the first pew of the chapel and were seated. The attendant came over to the woman and helped her to the still open coffin, standing beside her as she looked inside. The woman began to weep openly and placed the single red rose she carried inside resting on his hands. Landon rose and gently led her back to her seat.

Who is she?
Jaleesa thought curiously. Everyone returned his or her attention to the minister who’d stepped up to the pulpit to conduct the service. It was a very pleasant gathering, considering the circumstances, and they were soon leaving.

Everyone was hugging and greeting each other, as Jaleesa made her way to Landon. “How you holding up?” she asked looking deeply into his eyes.

“I’m OK,” Landon replied calmly.

Jaleesa knew he was still smarting over the breakup with Kaitlyn as well as losing his friend so she didn’t push, instead choosing to change the conversation.

“Who was the woman grieving really hard?”

Landon sighed deeply and asked her if they could talk outside. She nodded yes and they went outside the mortuary.

Landon sighed deeply and looked at her once they found an inconspicuous corner to talk in. “She’s Evan’s wife,” he told her calmly.

Jaleesa’s mouth dropped. “His what?!” she asked again, becoming slightly excited. “Evan never told me he was married,” Jaleesa said again thinking what a complete loser Evan Henderson really was.

“They had been separated for a number of years, but they occasionally spent time together and were still legally married,” Landon told her.

“Well damn,” Jaleesa returned. “That muthafucka was just full of secrets wasn’t he,” she blurted before catching herself. “I’m sorry Landon,” she replied gently as he smiled slightly. “Look I won’t keep you,” she began again. “Go ahead and handle your business with the other mourners and stuff,” she finished as Landon thanked her.

“Jaleesa,” Landon began hesitantly.

“Yeah,” she threw back waiting on his question.

“Did Kaitlyn care even a little bit about me,” he asked longingly.

Jaleesa sighed lightly. Kaitlyn was right; he was in way too deep.

“She did Landon,” Jaleesa began. “But she wasn’t in love with you,” she finished soothingly as he nodded slightly and hugged her tightly, thanking her for coming and for being honest with him.

Turning Landon returned to the mourners still present leaving Jaleesa alone in the dark sighing deeply as she watched him walk away.


Leaving Kaitlyn in the product room with his lead packer, Ryan took the opportunity to call Ice.

“Yeah man, Wassup,” Ian answered amiably seeing his brother’s name on his cell ID.

“You get your loose ends tied up,” Ryan threw back knowing what Ice had gone to Atlanta for.

“One of them, the rest I’ll be doing later tonight,” he replied calmly.

“How’s my baby,” he asked of Kaitlyn.

“That damned girl is off the chain,” Ryan replied completely impressed with the woman.

Ian chuckled slightly.

“She don’t miss nothin’, and she gets it the first time,” Ryan told him again. “You picked a good one this time little brother,” Ryan teased as Ian laughed aloud.

“Yeah she’s straight, gonna work out real good,” he told him as Ryan agreed.

“Hit me back later after you settle your business,” Ryan told him, wanting to get back to Kaitlyn and show her yet another facet of the operation.

“I’ll do that,” Ian told him. “You make sure you take good care of my baby,” he added as Ryan told him that went without saying as the two men disconnected.


Tariq finally allowed the call to connect as Kaitlyn’s voicemail picked up.

“Hey,” he said simply trying hard to formulate his thoughts. “I know you told me to leave it alone,” he began. “I can’t KiKi,” he added tiredly. “I miss you, and I sure hope Ice is treatin’ you good baby,” he added softly before telling her goodbye and disconnecting.

Sighing deeply Tariq turned and opened his apartment door letting himself in and turning on the light.

“What the hell,” he questioned rhetorically.

The apartment looked like a war zone. Things had been overturned, ransacked and torn apart.
Great, just what I needed to end this night,
he thought tiredly as he began picking up various items, all the while doing mental inventory to see if anything was missing. After taking a quick tour of the apartment he found nothing missing, just out of place.
That’s crazy,
he thought again trying to figure out why anyone would take the time to break in just to mess up stuff. Continuing to pick up things Tariq finally got the majority of the mess off the floor and onto the tattered couch in the living room.

The knock at the door startled him as he rose grudgingly to answer it.

“Yeah, who is it,” Tariq asked not receiving an answer.

He asked again still receiving silence. Turning away he was about to return to the couch thinking someone had knocked in error when it came again more forcefully this time. Irritated he snatched the door open finding Ian standing on the other side. Not waiting for an invitation Ian walked into the apartment and commanded Tariq to close the door. “Why you in my house man,” Tariq asked Ian completely cognizant of who he was.

“Listen,” Ian said plainly getting directly to the point. “I want you to stay the hell away from KiKi and stop tryna contact her,” he threw out angrily while continuing to regard the man in front of him.

“What are you talkin’ bout Ice,” Tariq queried again. “KiKi is with you, so why the hell you up in my house rantin’ like some bitch,” he threw back condescendingly as Ian’s fury grew.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself and complete his purpose for the visit he pulled his own cell from his pocket and pressed a button. Tariq watched, intrigued, trying to figure out what the man was trying to prove. Shortly afterward, the call connected and Ian allowed Tariq to listen via speaker as the message he’d just left Kaitlyn replayed itself.

“She won’t ever get this nonsense,” Ian told him plainly as he erased the message.

“What the hell,” Tariq queried inaudibly completely mystified how his message ended up on Ian’s phone.

“OK, so mission accomplished,” Tariq threw back instead. “Now you can get the hell outta my house,” he finished never taking his eyes of his visitor.

“Not until we come to an understanding,” Ian began again. “KiKi is off limits to you,” he continued flatly. “If you try and contact her again, see her again, even damned think about trying to be with her again,” Ian continued his tone never changing and his gaze never wavering. “The next call you get about Hasaan will be to ask you which mortuary you want to pick up his body,” he finished as Tariq looked at him astonished.

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