Thin Ice (25 page)

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Authors: K. R. Bankston

BOOK: Thin Ice
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From his reaction Jaleesa knew he was blown and that made him dangerous as hell. She immediately thought about what KiKi told her. She was so right. It had to be right the first time, because they wouldn’t live to get a second.

“You buy this for me,” Ryan asked, looking through her bag and pulling out the hot pink sheer nightie and matching thong.

“If you act right,” Jaleesa teased as he smiled fully.

“Come on,” Ryan told her taking her hand, heading downstairs.

It was time for dinner, and then they had a fully booked evening of johns. There was money to be made tonight and Ryan, like Ice, was all about that paper.
7 more days,
Jaleesa thought behind the smile on her face as they arrived at the kitchen and Caramel brought the salad and placed it on the table.


Kaitlyn was exhausted when she finally reached her hotel. Thankfully Ice hadn’t called to check up on her, giving her plenty of time to think as she drove. Everything was basically in place.
Need to call Landon and see what’s going on, on his playing field,
she thought as her mind went back to seeing him last week. She avoided any type of sexual contact, telling him she had her period. After a bit of kissing and persuasive questioning, he’d broken and told her all about the GBI’s investigation and impending raid.
“Baby, make sure you keep in close touch,
he’d told her, iterating that the sweep was a given and he didn’t want her anywhere in harms way.

Sighing deeply, Kaitlyn stripped and headed for the shower. As the hot water cascaded down her body she thought about Tariq and how much she loved him. They’d talked at length. He wasn’t happy with her plans, well the little she’d shared with him, but he told her he trusted her and he knew she had it under control.
One step at a time,
she thought. They only had seven more days and this sorry chapter in her life would be over.
Then which one are you gonna really be with,
her mind challenged. Kaitlyn knew she had a problem. Both men were completely in love with her. She could honestly say she had a love for each of them, but which one would she ultimately choose? That was still very much up in the air.
You better pray Ice doesn’t find out, or it’s your ass,
she thought once again sighing deeply as she exited the shower and dried herself.

Her cell rang just as she dressed for bed. “Hey Ice,” she greeted him amiably.

“Hey baby,” he replied calmly. “How’s everything,” he asked, sipping his drink.

“Everything is cool,” she replied truthfully.

She managed to swing by the club for a few moments before she hit the hotel. The management they’d set in place was doing well and the place was packed. They’d hired an entirely new set of girls and these women knew how to work the crowd.

“That’s good to hear,” Ian returned. “And how are you,” he threw out. “You sound worn out,” he added as Kaitlyn yawned in his ear.

“Yeah just a little,” she replied.

“I should be there tomorrow afternoon,” Ian told her, gaining a huge frown from Kaitlyn.

“I didn’t know you were coming down,” she threw back.

Why the fuck is he coming down here,
she thought while maintaining her cool.

“Yeah, I need to see a couple people,” Ian told her. “Spend a little more time with you,” he added as Kaitlyn rolled her eyes.

“That’s nice,” she replied nondescript.

Ian chuckled slightly and told her he would let her go now, she sounded like she needed to lie down.

“I’ll see you tomorrow baby,” Ian told her as a final thought.

Kaitlyn wished him goodnight and disconnected still frowning deeply.
Relax, you only have seven more days of this fool,
she reminder herself once more as her phone vibrated. She read the text from Tariq bringing a huge smile as she sent one back and erased the conversation. Turning the instrument off, Kaitlyn climbed into bed and closed her eyes, allowing sleep to find her.



Day One


“Are you coming this year?” Aileen Pearson was asking her son.

He’d skipped the family reunion the last two years and this year she wanted him there. Landon sighed deeply, knowing he’d have to make an appearance. It wasn’t that he disliked his family; he just dreaded them always trying to fix him up with someone’s daughter who was just perfect.
I’m a thirty five year old man,
he thought and sighed again.

“Yes ma’am, I’ll be there” he told his mother, who cheerily told him she looked forward to seeing him.

“There’s someone I want you to meet,” Aileen added and Landon cringed.

Aileen knew he was probably frowning but she didn’t care. She wanted to see her son settle down, and bring her some grandchildren. Her girls had already married and had children. Landon was the oldest and still unmarried. She knew he liked to play the field and it bothered her. She hadn’t raised him like that, and didn’t know where he’d gotten it from.

Landon sighed lightly, his mind on all the drama and turmoil going on in his life right now. Pushing the darker parts away for a moment, a wonderful idea came to his mind.

“Actually ma,” he began and Aileen paid rapt attention, “There’s someone I’d like to bring with me.”

Aileen didn’t want to get too excited. The other couple of girls he’d brought home had been awful. They were very materialistic, conceited and selfish. Nothing at all like the woman she wanted to see her son end up with, still she had to leave it alone. He was a grown man, and it was ultimately his decision.

Aileen couldn’t lie and say she was upset when Landon told her he’d broken up with the other ones. “Who?” she asked simply.

Landon took another breath and began telling his mother about Kaitlyn. By the end of the conversation, Aileen found herself looking very forward to meeting the woman.

“She’s your age?” she asked Landon, thinking once again of grandchildren.

“No, she’s actually quite a few years younger,” he confided.

“She’s legal though right?” Aileen shot back, causing Landon to burst into laughter.

His mother had always been a straight shooter and he loved that about her.

“Yes ma, she’s definitely legal,” he continued to chuckle.

“Well, I’m looking very forward to meeting her,” his mother told him as they talked a moment longer before disconnecting.

Landon reflected on the conversation as he readied himself for his lunch meeting.
You’d better hope all this bullshit with Ice goes right, and then she says yes,
he thought and sighed deeply again, having already made the promise of Kaitlyn’s appearance. He headed into the kitchen to find himself something for breakfast. His cell rang and Landon grabbed it immediately hoping it was Kaitlyn. It turned out to be one of the league workers reminding him of a meeting. Thanking them, Landon disconnected and completed his task, his mind on Kaitlyn and her safety the entire time.


The new day dawned bright and sunny. The breeze was softly blowing the trees as Kaitlyn gazed out of the window at the spectrum of nature, the greenness of the grass and the clear blue of the sky. It was absolutely perfect for the event unfolding today. Kaitlyn sighed slightly and returned her attention to the activity around her as everyone flitted about. “You look beautiful KiKi,” Jaleesa told her smiling brightly. Kaitlyn thanked her repeating how nervous she was. Jaleesa laughed and told her to relax, it was almost over. The church was full with well wishers on both sides. The beautiful violet multi color floral arrangements were beautifully adorning the altar where Kaitlyn and Landon would exchange their vows.

Her dress was magnificently beaded with iridescent pearls all over the bodice, which form fit her body, graduating into a princess skirt bottom of silky satin. The train was long at eight feet, but she’d fallen in love with the dress the moment she saw it. “I’m going to go check on everything; I’ll be right back, okay?” Jaleesa told Kaitlyn as she left the dressing area. Kaitlyn closed her eyes and smiled again to herself at how happy she was today.

You look beautiful,” Ice said softly. Kaitlyn jumped at the sound of his voice. She was immediately terrified. “What are you doing here?” Kaitlyn asked still trying to grasp him standing in front of her. Ice smiled slightly as he stepped closer to her. “I’m here to take back what’s mine,” he said calmly taking her hand. “Kaitlyn, I told you before, you belong to me,” Ice replied again still looking intently at her. “Ice I don’t love you,” she told him bluntly. Ice sighed deeply before speaking again. “Yes you do Kaitlyn, you just need to be reminded how much,” he replied and pulled her to him kissing her hard. Kaitlyn didn’t fight, she wanted him to remain calm and give her a better chance of getting out of this room.

Ice, I’m about to be married, literally,” she tried again. “Not to Landon you’re not,” he said simply just as the gunshot rang out. Oh please no, Kaitlyn thought as the tears came. “He’s dead Kaitlyn,” Ice said calmly never taking his eyes from her. “Now, let’s go home,” he said simply taking her hand and pulling her toward the door. “No!” she screamed, the shock of the situation wearing off. She had to find Landon, make sure he was OK.

KiKi! Are you ok?” Jaleesa was yelling and banging on the locked door. “Open the door KiKi,” she yelled again. “Tweety!” Kaitlyn screamed as Ice grabbed her and covered her mouth. “KiKi!” she screamed again. Kaitlyn heard the sirens as Ice half dragged and carried her out of the church’s rear exit. “Stop fighting me,” Ice told Kaitlyn as she swung wildly and he blocked the blows. Finally forcing her inside the car, Ice held her tightly as he placed the handcuffs on her wrist. He immediately added the duct tape to her mouth, securing her tightly with the seatbelt. Kaitlyn continued to pull unsuccessfully against the restraint as Ice entered the driver’s side and started the vehicle. “Baby, please calm down,” he told her sweetly as they rode. “It’s going to be alright, just relax” Ice finished as he smiled at her and Kaitlyn’s tears continue to flow down her face.

Kaitlyn literally jumped from the bed bolt upright, gun in hand, as the nightmare finally began to recede. She was breathing hard and blinking rapidly trying to assure herself she was still in her hotel room.
What the fuck was that ,
she thought finally calming slightly. Kaitlyn knew her subconscious was working against her. They only had a few more days, but the stress to pretend was almost too much lately. When she was with Ice, all she could think about was how much he wasn’t Tariq.
So why you dreaming you marrying Landon,
her mind threw at her. Sighing deeply Kaitlyn pushed the thoughts away, instead choosing to take a shower. Heading for the bathroom she turned on the water just as the sharp knock came to the door.

“Yeah,” Kaitlyn threw out, standing behind the door, weapon once again in her hand.

“Open the door KiKi,” Ian returned as Kaitlyn sighed deeply.

She really didn’t want to deal with him right now. Especially after the horrendous nightmare she’d just had. Still she obediently opened the door and he entered the room dropping his bag by the chair.

“You’re up pretty early,” Ian remarked hugging Kaitlyn and kissing her softly.

“Yeah, sound woke me up,” she lied as he grunted but said nothing more.

“We can go eat after your shower,” Ian remarked hearing the water still running.

“Yeah that’s straight,” Kaitlyn returned as he lay across the bed and closed his eyes.

Kaitlyn turned without another word and headed to the shower, still thinking about the dream and wondering what kind of omen it was.


“You been slacking for the last month,” Ryan was going on angrily as Jaleesa came downstairs.

She stopped just outside the office and listened, trying to figure out what was going on.

“I’ll get it together man,” Chino was telling Ryan contritely.

Jaleesa smirked slightly. She was glad Ryan was finally getting in his ass; he’d done nothing but cause her grief. Always running back with gossip and telling everyone’s business. He was messier than any woman she knew.

“Man you been singing that bullshit for too long now,” Ryan threw back. “Every time I turn around you can’t do your job cause you layin’ up in some pussy,” he fired off once more as Jaleesa struggled not to laugh. “I don’t have no problem with you bedding the girls here, you know that,” Ryan went on patiently. “But I do have a problem when money goes wrong,” he told him as Chino again begged for another chance.

Wonder what happened,
Jaleesa thought. Ryan hadn’t said anything to her, and she hadn’t had a chance to talk to Destiny yet.

“Hey,” she greeted both men as she walked into the office.

“Hey Tweety,” Chino greeted her sadly.

“Wassup baby,” Ryan threw back. “Did you know we lost $500.00 last night,” he asked as Jaleesa frowned in confusion.

Destiny closed last night and did the till.

“How the hell did that happen,” she asked as Ryan sucked his teeth and Chino hung his head.

“Mr. Chino here upstairs layin’ dick instead of watching the damned john,” he replied, going on to tell Jaleesa how when the girl went to the restroom, the john snuck out of the house without paying for the additional services.

“So Caramel sold him an extra $500.00,” Jaleesa asked, impressed.

“No,” Ryan told her. “Between her and Cotton Candy they sold $500.00,” he answered as she grunted slightly.

“I should fire you and fuck you up,” Ryan told him as Jaleesa smiled slightly and turned away from them.

Ryan admonished Chino how close he was to catching a bullet and told him he was on his final chance. The man thanked Ryan profusely and went immediately back to work after Ryan dismissed him.

“He is such a whore,” Jaleesa commented as Ryan chuckled.

“Yeah, but I’m serious about cancelling his ass if he costs me any more money,” he added and Jaleesa knew he meant it.

“You wanna go out for lunch today,” Ryan asked, putting his arms around her waist and kissing her neck softly.

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