Theirs to Play (14 page)

Read Theirs to Play Online

Authors: Kenya Wright

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Theirs to Play
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She appeared undecided, but got inside of the car. “Okay. I’ll text him too.”

Freddy would be furious when he woke up. He detested being startled in deep sleep, so he kept his phone turned off. Hopefully, he was still knocked out. If not, my instant plan to spend some alone time with Dawn, might be ruined. She hoped to be back for Freddy’s date by nine. We wouldn’t even be landing into Monte Carlo until then. She’d be angry at first, but once she spotted my beautiful and favorite city in the world, she would be as captivated as I’ve been.

I’ll have to lavish her with a lot of gifts to keep her from attacking me once she discovers I lied about the flight time.

The limo sped off. I delivered Freddy a text.

Hey, Bro. I know you told me to stay away from Dawn, but I had to see if there was something between us. We’ll be in Monte Carlo. Call me when you wake up.

I waited for a quick and violent response as the limo drove off with Dawn and me.

None came.

Twelve hours later I arrived in Monte Carlo with an outraged Dawn and very sore balls between my legs. She’d passed out once the flight took off. When she rose from slumber eight hours later and realized that we were still in the air, that was when the cursing and crotch kneeing began.

I completely underestimated her temper.

I limped down the stairs from the private jet. There was a small staff to greet us, but I ignored them. The throbbing pain gnawing at my dick couldn’t be shut out.

How the hell did she learn how to knee so hard?

Dawn stomped after me. “Never, again will I trust you. Never. You could have just told me we were leaving the freaking country.”

“You would’ve said no.” I cupped my dick, not caring that the flight staff studied us with curious expressions on their faces. “I say that since we’re here, why not have a good time?”

She seethed. It was the only way I could describe her facial distortions and irritated noises. If she’d been a dragon, flames would’ve shot out of her nose.

“I’m sure Freddy received the message and will be here, shortly,” I said.

“This isn’t about missing my date with Freddy. This is about you taking me out of the country without my permission. And this is about you being a deceitful son of a bitch and lying to me.”

Blowing out a long breath, I paused and stared at her. “How do I get us to the point where I don’t have to protect my dick or worry about daggers being shot to my heart?”

“Get me a flight back home.”

“Fine. I’ll have the concierge at Le cafe de Paris purchase the tickets.” I raised one finger. “But, you are now at the international playground for the rich and famous.”

“No.” She gazed around. Those angry eyes transformed to excited right before me. Her frown remained. “I don’t care.”

“Yes. You do. Have you ever been to Monaco?”

“The only time I’ve left the US was when I went to Toronto, Canada.”

“I think you should stay with me for a few days. At least one day.”

“I think it’s a bad idea.”

“Most bad ideas give us the most fun in life.”

She flipped her middle finger at me.

“Maybe Freddy will meet us here tomorrow and we’ll have even more fun,” I said. “What did you have planned for this week?”


“Of course.” I shook my head. “Look around you.”

Even from the private airstrip wealth radiated out to us. And not just any sort of wealth, old money and royalty. I extended my arms out, leaned my head back, and inhaled it all in. “This is an opportunity to party like you’ve never partied before. At least let me show you around for a day or so before you leave.”

We walked off and with each step I pointed out the uniqueness of Monte Carlo. She couldn’t help but stare and gasp at the mountainous yachts in the harbor or tall buildings, which held tiny apartments that most spent several thousand a month to rent.

That was how I got Dawn to stop attacking me as we got into the casino.

Spoiling her with gifts, took care of the rest. And it was easy to spoil Dawn, her eyes brightened and did delicious things to my insides. I relished in her every moment of joy. A make-up artist and stylist met us in our living space. They took Dawn from me and assaulted her with spa treatments and glamourizing activities—herbal body scrub, Swedish massage, facial, pedicure, manicure, styling her with an elegant gown, and doing her hair while applying her makeup.

“Dawn, are you ready yet?” I stepped out onto the balcony right as the sun painted the darkening sky in gold.

I’d reserved us a three-bedroom suite with a massive living room and balcony. The view from every room’s window was worth more than the average poor person’s salary back in the states. It cast over the entire harbor where the world’s most expensive yachts docked and celebrities mingled with country leaders. And if I leaned my head to the side I could spot a big portion of the Grand Prix’s pathway.

In this area, people worshiped money like a religion. All morals lay at the exit. One of the biggest unspoken rules was only trust the people you came with, and even then that was up for debate. Millionaires and billionaires flooded the tiny space of land lathered in riches. The tax-free status lured them here, the gambling and thousands of luxurious opportunities to spend money kept them.

Dawn got on my side and placed her hands on the balcony’s marble rail. Again, that sweet fragrance taunted me. I was glad I’d brought her. Granted, Freddy would kill me.
But having her to myself for these few hours in the casino will be worth it.
I had no idea what I was doing with Dawn, just that when she was near I enjoyed it. And sadly my pleasures came before my brother’s wishes.

“Please tell me some of those boats are cruise ships.” She grinned.

“No. Those are all private yachts.”

“Talk about a waste of money. There is no way someone needs a floating mansion.”

“I would love one.” I pointed to the biggest one in the center of the harbor. “That one’s probably forty-five million.”

“That’s ridiculous. Forty-five million could do a lot of good to the world.”

“Most people’s yachts represent ten percent of their income, which means he’s worth four hundred and fifty million. How much do you expect a person to giveaway to the poor before he can spend some on himself?”

“At least ten percent.”

“That’s outrageous.”

“No.” She gestured to the boat. “That’s outrageous.”

My phone vibrated. She didn’t notice the subtle noise and I chose to not answer it. Freddy had already left several violent messages on the phone. I was surprised that he didn’t call Dawn, but then realized that he probably thought I’d told her his secret. That yesterday’s date had really been part of our game. If she realized that little bit of information, then his chances with her would be over with. I had no intentions of telling her, at least not until I confirmed that there was nothing between us.

We both met her at the same time. This is fair play.

She twisted around and faced me. A black gown formed around her body. It was sleek and sensual, displaying her slender arms and ample cleavage. Most of her hair was up in a bun, yet a few stray curls outlined her face. And only the barest of makeup decorated her skin, showing off her natural beauty. Then there were those eyes, little gray mirrors that presented flecks of color whenever she became angry or sad. Outside the airport her irises brightened to blue. Now they sparkled a light green hue.

“What are you looking at?” She tucked a few curls behind her ear.

“You’re eyes are enchanting.”

“You’ve told me that before.”

“Believe me. It’s worth saying again.” I extended my arm. She hooked hers around mine and let me guide her away. “Prepare to have an amazing time. You won’t regret staying with me for a few days.”

“Have you heard from Freddy?”

I stifled my sigh. I shouldn’t have been annoyed. Of course she would wonder about him, especially when she’s made plans to be with him tonight. “He hasn’t called me back yet. Maybe he decided to do something else.”

“Oh. That could be true.” She didn’t frown or glare, but her neutral expression didn’t give me the impression that she was happy.

We left our room and that’s when things got more interesting. Although the urge to hit the high roller’s poker table drummed through me over and over, I kept the itch of my gambling addiction at bay. I yearned to show Dawn more of my Monte Carlo. I had to get her to love the city as much as I did. I couldn’t figure out why, just that her positive opinion of the place would make me feel better about spending most of my free time here.

I made sure to take her to Su’vee where we dined on lobster dripping with garlic butter shipped in from Paris. We washed that down with a top wine that made Dawn blush when she spotted the price on the menu. She made sure to sip it, while I guzzled it down. At the end, I ordered several bowls of fine chocolate. It hadn’t been on the menu, but remembering Dawn’s lips as she ate chocolate fruit on my yacht pushed me to request that the Chef send someone out in the streets to get the highest-grade. Who ever raced around Monte Carlo to get the best sweets had done a good job. When Dawn tasted a cherry dipped in the melted milk chocolate, she released a most delicious moan, that hummed through to my groin. By then, Freddy had called over twenty times. I had no doubt he would be on his way, I just hoped it wouldn’t be until tomorrow morning.

After dinner, I drove her around Monte Carlo. It barely took thirty minutes. She drank in the stacks of high-end duplexes that bordered the harbor. Luxury sports cars sped past us, full of giggling gorgeous women who were probably more arm candy for the rich guy they hung with verses actual people he cared for. I’d rode around with that same type of arm candy, a lovely woman with the perfect measurements that triggered envy in other men as a car, big house, or expensive piece of jewelry would.

This time as I took Dawn on a tour of this magical place, I experienced a different sensation, something strong and intense happening inside of me. I suddenly didn’t want to show off Dawn to others like the arm candy of my other trips here. I didn’t want anyone else to see and take her from me. I longed to keep her all to myself.

But would I fight Freddy for her? No. I couldn’t. What I’m doing now, is just fun, nothing more.

But deep down inside, I knew that wasn’t true.

“Okay, so are we going to play poker now?” She let me clasp my hand onto hers.


“But why are we passing through this area?” she asked while we trailed behind a host that guided us through the public area of the casino where lavishly dressed people guzzled high end drinks and giggled as they tossed their chips on the table. Crystal chandeliers dangled from the ceiling.

“These are just for people who see gambling as entertainment, nothing more. Half of these people don’t know what game they’re even betting on.”

“You do?” She stared into my eyes. That one look triggered my heartbeats to increase and my nerves to flare.

“Yes. I do.” There was a large part of my brain that screamed,
“Idiot, take her somewhere romantic and try to make love to her.”

The logical side knew that Dawn would not be taken so easily, not with Freddy still competing. Even worst, the itch in my fingers to touch cards beat much louder in my skull.

“Where is this hostess leading us?” she asked.

“To the private poker dens where the high rollers play. You see the mirrored walls we’re heading to? Behind those mirrors are six gaming rooms where only a few are invited. These are for the guys that either want to play in secret from prying eyes or have a higher limit than most.”

“How does someone get access?”

“They have to spend insane amounts of money here.”

“And you have?”

“Oh yes.”

We passed through the first mirrored door and entered a hallway decorated in ivory and gold. Lamp fixtures adored in gold leaf lit our way. Double glass doors greeted us at the end of the path. We stepped through.

Exhilaration surged through my veins. Pure, unadulterated anticipation bubbled inside of me at the site of that large circular green table. I spotted the chips before I even gazed at the men who played or the women who decorated them. Those chips lay in stacks and were different than ones you received at other casinos. They were flat disks four inches long and three inches wide, with a smooth and shiny surface colored in bronze, silver, mauve, or gold. The lowest chips in the pile were a hundred thousand. The highest five million. Each possessed an intricate design on the surface that explained how much it cost.

For now most of them were turned over. If Dawn had any idea how much money lounged around her as she sat down next to me, she probably would’ve shrieked.

I pulled my one bronze chip out. It was only a hundred thousand. I could see the looks on all of my opponents’ faces, the pity and disgust for just having that little amount to start with. I’d played with many of them before, yet I had no idea what their names were. These guys’ identities blurred into drunken memories that were fogged with smoke.

A fat man sat across from me with three women resting around him. They were probably hookers. The really high-priced working girls crowded this section of earth. The man tossed me one of his bronze chips. “Here you go, little one. I like to make my whippings worthwhile. It’s no fun if I can’t make a bright eyed kid like you, lose big.”

“Thanks, sir.” I gave it to Dawn. “But you probably should start pushing the rest of those chips this way, save us all the trouble and time tonight.”

Everyone laughed while cards were tossed out to us all.

Dawn turned the chip over and whispered, “One hundred freaking thousand?”

“Oh yes.” I watched her gulp in air as I pushed both bronze chips to the center and made my bet. “Are you my lady luck tonight?”

“Let’s hope so.” Under the table, she rested her hand on my lap and squeezed, probably more out of fear than sensual need.

But I took that as a sign for the possibility of more.

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