Theirs to Play (16 page)

Read Theirs to Play Online

Authors: Kenya Wright

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Theirs to Play
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I tried to kick him, but he grabbed my foot and sat up. “Dawn, please just give me a second to explain how stupid I was.”

I hopped until he finally let go of my foot. Right before he could get all the way up, I kicked him in the shin. He screamed out.

“Asshole!” I marched away. “There’s absolutely nothing to explain. I’m done playing these stupid games with Max and you. This is ridiculous. I never knew two men who could lie and deceive women so much. You must have laughed at me the whole time we were together.”

“I didn’t laugh. I was scared the whole time,” he called back.

“Good. You should’ve been scared.” I shut my bedroom door behind me. I tried to lock it, but he stormed in, almost bumping into me.

“After I dropped you off and arrived at the yacht, I felt like crap. I knew it was wrong to deceive you.”

“Of course you did. It’s called having a soul.”

“No, that’s not why.”

“Well, maybe yours is black, crusted, and small.”

“What I’m trying to tell you is that feeling bad about lying to a woman is not something I’m used to experiencing. Like I told you before, there’s something about you that makes me feel like I should be better. You make me second guess myself. With you, I’m not this perfect guy. With you, I’m ugly and twisted.”

“And don’t forget a liar and asshole.” I opened my door wider. “Now get out. Since knowing the both of you, I’ve had to over analyze every step. The few times I think I can trust either of you, are the moments when you both really crap on me. Your brother lies and takes me out of the damn country where I’m over here at both of your mercy—”

“I’m going to make sure we take you back tomorrow.” He unbuttoned his jacket, took it off, and slung it on my bed. “And we couldn’t have been all that bad.”

“You were.”

He began to undo his shirt.

“What the hell are you doing?” I asked.

“I have to show you something.”

I backed out of my bedroom. My taser sat in my pocket book, which was right on the couch. “I don’t want to see anything you have to show me.”

“You’ll see this tonight.” He yanked away his shirt. A few buttons broke away and fell to the ground. “I know I lied, but that still doesn’t change how crazy I am about you.”

He took off the shirt completely and revealed a large tattoo on the upper right part of his shoulder.

Dear God. I’m in a foreign country with two sociopaths.

My name was written on his shoulder in big red letters. A gold and black butterfly represented the w. I lost my breathing. It just wasn’t there. This mounting pressure flooded my core.

He has my name on his body. What do I do with that?

“I had a tattoo artist come on the plane and do it for me, since I knew it would be a long flight,” he said as if the whole entire idea ranked high on the normalcy scale. “I wasn’t sure if you knew that I lied or not. I had no idea what Max said or if he even made up things to get you to leave with him. All I could think of is coming up with a way to show you how serious I was about trying to get to know you better.”

“So you write my name on your shoulder?”

“Yes. It’s a symbol of my dedication.”

“Um. . .it is a symbol. I’m not sure of dedication, but this is definitely a sign of something.”

Perhaps, serious warning signs that you’re cuckoo.

“Once I read Max’s text that you both were in Monte Carlo, I had to move fast,” Freddy continued. “There weren’t many options.”

“Trust me. There were tons of options.” I rubbed my eyes with both hands. “You have my name on your shoulder. I don’t even know what I should do with this. If someone told me that a guy that they’d just met a few weeks ago, had their name drawn permanently on them, I would say run really fast and change your phone number.”

“That wouldn’t be good advice in my case. I run fast too.” He shrugged. “I would catch you.”

“And that response is not really helping things.” I edged back. “You sound crazy.”

A red tint spread all over his face. “I meant. . .I wouldn’t give up.”

“Oh, that’s apparent.”

“Are you sure about that?” Quickly, Freddy closed the distance between us. “I feel like you think you can walk away from us after this confession.”

“There’s no us.”

“Why not?”

I pushed him away to give me a few inches of space. “I don’t trust you.”

“Guess what?” He tilted my way and kissed my ear. “You never trusted me.”

I trembled from that simple contact of his lips on my flesh. “That’s not the point.”

“Yes, it is,” he said. “You were giving me dates so that I could show you that I wouldn’t break your heart.”

“And you showed me that you would.”

“No.” He kissed my cheek and seized my waist. “I showed you that I was an idiot and maybe this tattoo is showing you that I’m a bit desperate and a little outrageous, but I’m damn sure not sorry for doing it. Give me another chance.”

Probably waiting for my response, he did nothing else. Just gazed at me for several quiet seconds as I took all of him in—sculpted chest complete with exquisite abs, a handsome face, and for god sake my name in bright letters imprinted into his skin. The sad woman inside of me loved my name marking him. Whether I gave him a chance or not, I relished in the fact that he’d remember me in years to come, even if he later got it removed by laser or covered up with a new image. I would always be the woman that made him go mad enough to rush into a tattoo.

“You claimed you would learn to trust me date by date.” He molded my body against his. “Just give me another date, and then if I’m good, reward me with another. We can start like that.”

His hard chest against my breasts caused my nipples to pebble. This wasn’t the conversation I needed to have while he did things to my body. He slipped his hands along the outline of my frame. There was no more time for talking. He touched me everywhere, caressing tiny circles into my sides from my shoulders all the way down to my ankles.

When he got on his knees, he slid his hand under my gown. “Trust me, when I tell you that I’m dedicated to you right now. You can believe anything that comes out of my mouth. I’ll do my best to be honest.”

I didn’t believe him. I wasn’t sure he could be the guy I dreamed about falling in love with. That man didn’t have a long past of hurting women. That dream lover adored women and treated them with the utmost respect.

There’s no way he won’t lie later on.

Yet ribbons of desire swayed throughout every facet of my body. I didn’t trust him or even think he was the guy for me, but I lusted for him. On that I was certain. He ran his fingers up my legs, pushing my gown up to my hips. I bit my lips as my center moistened.

“Just give me another chance,” he begged.

I stared at him. “I can’t give you anything more than tonight. After tomorrow, I’m getting on that plane and going to be done with Max and you. Okay? You can have tonight and nothing else. Just tonight.”

Chapter 11




Just tonight?” I

Surely rage thickened my words because it damn sure boiled inside of me. By now my fingers crept up to her panty line. That satin material smoothed against my fingertips. Down by her legs her perfume mingled with the taunting scent of her arousal. There was no doubt I yearned to fuck her. That need drummed all the way through to my teeth. But I’d had enough faceless fucks in my lifetime. I’d dealt with enough wins and one-night stands. If I was going to spread Dawn’s legs, it would be with the hopes of more sensual moments to come, not some claim of a one time thing.

“What does that mean, just tonight?” I asked.

“I don’t want to see you anymore. . .”

I concentrated on careful breathing before I lost my control. “But you don’t mind if we make love right now?”

“We won’t be making love.” That midnight black hair hung down further as she looked at me. “It would just be sex. That’s it.”

“No. I need more.”

“I’m not giving you more than that. If you can’t take it, then I’m going to sleep.” She tried to climb out of my grip on her panties. “You just said no. Let me go.”

“I just said that I need more. What am I supposed to do with a one night stand?”

“Really? Do you need a diagram?”

I moved my hands away and got up. “Funny, but you know what I mean. I put your name on my body. I didn’t do that for some fling.”

“That’s all I’m offering you. I never told you to get my name tattooed on your shoulder.”

If I’d been a dog, I would’ve snapped or growled so loud it would’ve alarmed the whole floor. Instead I let the darker presence within me take over. Because regardless of what she said or the promise from her that I longed for, my dick was hard and so erect it hurt to gaze at her too long without touching her skin. My body knew that slick tunnel between her thighs would be a reward that was long over due.

“Yes or no?” she asked with confidence, but I realized she was everything but sure of herself. Each time I touched her that flesh shivered. With the greeting of my lips to her skin, she leaned a little more my way.

When it came to her body, I had a fighting chance. With other methods I would lose. She was just too smart and outwitted my verbal attempts of dominance whenever I tried. And her heart was a no-go too. She’d built this solid barrier around it. I doubted I could find any cracks or way to capture her love.

But I could win Dawn through her body.

“Yes or no, Freddy?”

“Take off your gown.” I undid my pants.

“You take it off for me,” she challenged.

voice is the first thing that’s going to go when I fuck you. I’m going to make you scream so loud you won’t be able to give me anymore smart ass remarks.” I pulled out my belt and snapped the air.

She jumped. “I’m not into BDSM.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t be hitting you, but I will be dominating you.”

“Yeah, right.” But that confidence didn’t fill her eyes like it always did. Instead they filled with anxiety.

I grinned. “Take off your gown.”

“I already told you no. You take it off for me.” She flipped her middle finger at me.

Sneering, I charged for her. She shrieked, but it was too late. I sucked in that middle finger and trapped her body into my hands. Just like I knew she would, she shivered right against me, as if she hadn’t been fucked in a very long time.

“This isn’t a good idea for either of us.” I tip-toed my fingers up to the center of her cleavage, snatched at the gown’s fabric, and tore it away. A ripping noise zipped through the space. Her breasts jiggled as they came free. I licked my lips. “Good. I’m glad you’re not wearing a bra. They’re hard to rip.”

“You do realize that I liked that dress,” she panted.

I don’t care. Max bought it for you. I don’t want to see this dress again.

Of course, I didn’t have the balls to tell her that so I kissed her and mumbled, “I’ll buy you hundreds of gowns.”

Before she could respond, I captured her almond nipple with my mouth, sucking until she writhed in my arms. I had her. Right there. She was mine, but it wasn’t enough. She went crazy against me, but it would never satisfy the ache in my chest. I wouldn’t even be calmed, until I moved inside of her and she screamed my name.

That’s it. I’ll make her yell my name.

I had to remain focused on small goals. Tonight, she had to moan my name. Tomorrow, I’d get her to give me another chance.

“You’ll moan my name tonight,” I whispered against her skin.

“Mmmm,” she whimpered while I wrenched the rest of her dress past her hips. All of the glorious fabric fell down to her feet and revealed lovely black panties that made me grown. Even from my view, that dark material appeared drenched.

“Are you wet for me?”

Even so fully aroused, she stared back with a defiant gaze. “I’m wet, but it could be for anybody.”

She’s always keeping me on my toes.

“No, my wicked little Dawn. Answer the damn question correctly. Are you wet for me?” I dove my hands into her panties. Anticipation zipped up my spine. Finally, I would have her, maybe not exactly the way I craved, but tonight would be enough for now. “Say it, Dawn. Tell me, you’re wet for me.”

Moaning, she looked down at what I was doing to her and appeared as if she was trying to stifle in more noise.
Oh no you don’t.
I encircled my thumb along her throbbing bud, and she made the most lust-filled sounds.

“Oh. . .it feels so. . .”

I seized that magic button with my two fingers. “Oh, that’s right. Tell me how good it feels. You like my fingers?”

“Yes.” That word came out so low, but dripping in hunger.

With my fingers, I rubbed that slickness, up and down, making slippery noises that mingled with Dawn’s echoes of yearning. All she could do was let me toy with her sweet treasure. Gone was her wall and anything else that got in my way. She spread herself open to me and I had every intention of consuming each drop of this lady.

Her damp flesh was warm and soft, triggering fire to encase my cock. The head swelled. I wanted her hands on me, caressing my skin and clasping onto my length.

This wasn’t the usual desire to fuck or screw. This wasn’t one time only or temporary or even dating. What I would do to her tonight, would happen again and again for the rest of my life. I didn’t know why. I just knew I was right. This was permanent. We were permanent as set in stone as the tattoo of her name in my flesh. Tonight represented something more. Something hot and greedy, but rising high to the possibility of more than skin on skin sessions.

This was the opportunity for love.

“How long are you going to play down there?” She trembled. “You’re bringing me so close.”

“Maybe I should make you come this way.”

“I need you inside of me,” she whined.

“Be patient, wicked one.” I rubbed my erection against her thigh while I continued to finger and fondle, tease and caress. She reached for my length. I moved her hands away and returned back to working her pussy with my fingertips. She needed to understand that when it came to our love making I could bring her to ecstasy any way I wanted.

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