TheDungeon (9 page)

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Authors: Velvet

BOOK: TheDungeon
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“Well, you guys did get married young.”

“In a way I don’t blame her for wanting to experience being
with someone new, after all, we were together since high school. If she hadn’t
left, I would have never met Sydnee. I guess you can have more than one soul
mate in this life.”

“I guess,” Magnus answered, still thinking about Kendall.

“Anyway, I was calling to see if you wanna grab some

“I would, but I have a ton of paperwork to do. The grand
opening of the new restaurant is next week, and there are a few minor details
to iron out before then.”

“No problem. I’ll call Sydnee and see what she’s up to, talk
to you later.”


After Magnus hung up, he thought about Kevin’s comment of
settling down. He hadn’t really thought much about marriage until now. He had
been too preoccupied with work and The Dungeon took care of his secret fetish,
but since Kendall had entered his life, he was beginning to reevaluate what was
important, and she was at the top of the list.

Chapter Sixteen


Later that evening on his way home from work, Magnus finally
made the call to Kendall. He had meant to call her sooner, but had been
interrupted by his conversation with Kevin. His friend had made some valid
points. They were not getting any younger and maybe it was time to settle down.
Even though Kendall was feisty, she was by far the most intriguing woman he had
been with in years. She challenged him sexually and intellectually, and he
loved that she kept him on his toes.

After a few rings, his call went to her voicemail. “Hey,
babe, call me when you get a chance,” he said, and hung up. Magnus wasn’t going
to leave a long, drawn-out message even though he wanted to discuss their
argument to make sure there weren’t any hard feelings between them. When
Kendall didn’t return his call right away, he assumed that she was still pissed.

Magnus reached his elegant condo building, parked in the
second-floor garage, and went upstairs to his penthouse. The quarrel with
Kendall was still on his mind and had him tense. He wanted a drink to help him
relax, so he went straight to his bar area and poured a double shot of Rémy
Martin 1738. He crossed the room, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling
windows and gazed out at the Atlantic Ocean. The full moon was casting an
alabaster glow over the calm waters, and stars twinkled in the midnight-blue sky
as if they were diamonds. Magnus swirled the amber-colored cognac around in the
snifter, brought the glass to his nose and took a deep whiff. He took a long
sip and exhaled, trying to rid himself of the stress he felt creeping into his
muscles, tightening his shoulders. He opened the sliding glass doors, stepped
out onto the balcony, unbuttoned his shirt and let the night air caress his
muscular chest as his shirt blew gently in the breeze. Gazing at the ocean
usually had a calming effect on Magnus, but not tonight.

Making love with his woman would be the ultimate tension
release, but that wasn’t going to happen tonight, since Kendall wasn’t calling
him back. He kept replaying the stupid spat he had with his girlfriend over and
over in his mind. Magnus had thought he was doing a good thing by surprising
her with the neon sign, but she’d blown up at him as if he had committed a
felony. And the way she’d overreacted to the barely visible scratches on the
range had been dramatic to say the least.

“Women,” he spouted aloud, shook his head and polished off
the cognac.

Magnus stepped back inside, returned to the bar, poured
another double shot and sat on the plush leather sofa. He reached into his
pants pocket, took out his cell phone and called Kendall again, and again his
call went to her voicemail.

“So you’re just not going to answer my calls?” he said, with
an edge to his voice. “Kendall…this is—“ As he was about to say that “this is
ridiculous”, the line beeped, indicating that he had another call. He looked at
the caller ID, but it registered “Private”.
Maybe it’s Kendall.
clicked over without completing his thought, smiled and said, “Hey!”

“Hey, yourself.”

“Oh hi, Amber.”

“I’m downstairs in your lobby. I was in the neighborhood and
wanted to stop by and say hello. I hope you don’t mind.”

“No it’s cool. I’ll call the doorman and have him buzz you

After calling downstairs, Magnus buttoned his shirt,
polished off his drink and poured another. A few minutes later, Amber was
knocking at his door.

“Hey, baby.” She leaned up to kiss him on the mouth, but he
quickly turned his head, causing her kiss to land on his cheek. “It’s so good
to see you.”

“Come on in.”

She walked over to the sofa and noticed his snifter of
cognac sitting on the cocktail table. “So…what are we drinking tonight?” she
asked, as if she was planning to stay a while.

“1738. Would you like a glass?”

“Sure. I would love a glass,” she purred.

Magnus poured her a single shot. He didn’t want her
lingering over a double shot, he wanted to try calling Kendall again and didn’t
want a prolonged visit with Amber. “Here you go,” he said, handing her the
crystal snifter.

She took the glass and nearly drank the cognac down in one
quick gulp. She was standing in front of the sofa in her trench coat. “Do you
mind if I take off my coat?”

“Pardon my manners. Here, let me take your coat.”

She unfastened the belt, took off her coat and threw it
across the back of the sofa. “I’ve been thinking about our last conversation,
and maybe we were not compatible because I wasn’t willing to try different
positions with you. But after reading a few books on letting go of your sexual
inhibitions, I’m now ready to be adventurous.”

Magnus was speechless and stood there looking at her in
disbelief. Amber was wearing a pink lace thong and matching bra. The bra was
nothing more than mere straps, causing her full 38 DDs to nearly spill out. He
hadn’t expected Amber to show up nearly nude and didn’t know what to say.

She leaned over, put her hands on the coffee table, and
instantly her boobs tumbled out of the bra. The luscious sex objects dangled as
if they were two large water balloons. She spread her feet, planted her
six-inch heels wide apart and shook her ass like a triple-X stripper. Her
titties seductively swung back and forth. She looked up at him and said, “You
can fuck me from behind, doggy style.”

The sight of her engorged nipples and ripe breasts instantly
made Magnus’ dick harden. Amber’s body was perfection. Not only did she have
beautiful natural breasts, her ass was juicy and round and made for fucking. He
was frozen. He didn’t know what to do. His dick was saying,
Release me.
But his head was saying,
You’re in a relationship with Kendall now and your
dick belongs to her.
“Uhh, Amber, I think you’d better leave.”

She straightened up, and Magnus thought she was getting
ready to leave. Instead, she stepped out of her thong, sat on the edge of the
sofa and opened her legs. Amber spread her inner lips apart and stroked her
clit. “You know you want some of this hot pussy. Come on, give me that big cock
of yours.” She looked at his swollen crotch. “I can see from here how hard your
dick is. Just take it out and let me suck it,” she moaned.

Magnus bit his bottom lip. Not only was she teasing him with
her body, she was talking dirty, tantalizing him with her words. He was in
agony. His erection was pulsating and pressing against his pants. The liquor
flowing through his veins was making him hornier by the second. But this wasn’t
right. Although he and Kendall had had an argument and she wasn’t calling him
back, being with another woman was wrong. Unlike most men who cheated on their
women, Magnus took his commitment with Kendall seriously.

“Amber, I thought we agreed to just be friends.”

She abandoned her clit and rubbed her boobs, pinching her
nipples until they grew harder and harder. She then put her fingers in her
mouth, wet them, rubbing her wet fingers around and around her nipples, causing
them to glisten. “I want to be friends
lovers.” She licked her
fingers, sticking them inside her pussy. “Oh, I’m so wet. And all this sweet
juice is just for you. Now get over here so we can explore my new liberated

Magnus stood there with his hard dick and watched the show
as she finger-fucked herself while teasing her nipples and at the same time
teasing her ex-lover. She now had her back arched, legs high in the air, and
was bucking back and forth as if she was actually making love. She looked as
good as a porn star. He couldn’t deny that fucking Amber would definitely ease
his tensions. He was a man with a stiff dick and didn’t know how much more he
could take.

Magnus walked toward her, stopped, exhaled, then reached out
and grabbed her coat from the back of the sofa. “You gotta go,” he simply said.

“Why? I’m willing to do whatever you want.” She got on her
knees, bent over on the sofa cushions and spread her butt cheeks apart. “You
can even fuck me in the ass. Magnus, I realize now that being a prude is what
pushed you away. I really like you. I can’t stop thinking about you, Magnus.
I’ll do anything you want. Anything,” she pleaded.

He handed her the coat. “I’m sorry, Amber, but I’m in a
relationship now.”

She reluctantly put on her coat, picked her thong off the
floor and stuffed it in her pocket. “Whoever she is, she’s a lucky lady.”

Magnus walked her to the door, and as he was about to close
it, she quickly stuck her spiked-heeled shoe in the way. “Are you sure you
don’t want a quickie? It’ll be between us. I won’t say a word. I promise.”

“Yes, Amber, I’m sure. Like I said, I’m in a relationship,
and I’m not going to do anything to jeopardize my happiness.”

She slowly took her foot out of the doorway. “Well, if you
change your mind, you have my number.”

“Goodbye, Amber.”

Magnus shut the door behind her and exhaled in relief. Turning
down Amber was extremely hard. He’d almost given in to the temptation, but was
glad he didn’t succumb to the pulsating pressure in his pants. Fucking Amber on
the sly would have been easy, but the aftermath would’ve probably come back to
haunt him. She would have no doubt become a stalker, and he didn’t need the
headache. Besides, he still hadn’t told Kendall about his membership at The
Dungeon and one secret between them was more than enough.

Chapter Seventeen


“You won’t believe how much Kevin and I have in common. We
both enjoy eating French fries and pickles, which is an odd combination. I’ve
never met anybody in my life that eats them together in the same bite, without
a burger,” Sydnee told Kendall, gushing over her date with Magnus’ friend. They
were having drinks at the Soho House, a private social club and hotel in the
Meatpacking District, and Sydnee couldn’t stop talking about Kevin.

“That’s nice,” Kendall responded, sounding less than

“We even like shopping at flea markets on Sunday after
brunch. Last Sunday, he bought me an antique dresser set, complete with a
mother-of-pearl-handled mirror and old-fashioned powder puff. It’s gorgeous,”
she exclaimed, full of excitement.

“That’s nice,” Kendall repeated, totally removed from Sydnee’s
conversation. Any other time she would have been thrilled for her friend and
happy to hear the details of her new romance, but her mind was still on the
fight she’d had with Magnus. Kendall sat with her shoulders slumped and had
hardly touched her drink.

“Girl, what’s wrong with you? I’m telling you about finally
meeting a man who gets me and you’re sitting there acting as if I’m reading you
the alphabet, one boring letter at a time. What’s going on with you?”

Kendall sighed, slumping her shoulders even more. “I had an
argument with Magnus and I’m not talking to him at the moment,” she replied in
a sad voice, as if she had lost her best friend.

“About what?” Sydnee asked, back in reporter mode.

“About the new restaurant at ACES. He went over my head and
changed the design of restaurant’s sign,
he overstepped me with the
contractor.” Kendall went into detail, telling Sydnee exactly what had

“And because of those two things, you’re not talking to
him?” she asked, looking at Kendall as if she was crazy. “You do realize that
those two incidents were minor, don’t you?”

“It wasn’t minor. I refuse to let a man railroad me,”
Kendall spoke up, slightly raising her voice.

“Railroad? Isn’t that a bit harsh? It sounds as if he was
trying to surprise you with the sign and was trying to defuse the situation
with the contractor.”

“I can’t believe you’re taking his side. You’re supposed to

“I am your friend. We’ve known each other since we were kids
and I know you better than most people, that’s why I’m telling you the cold,
hard truth. Kendall, you have an extremely strong personality and sometimes you
get in your own way. Here’s a man who was trying to do something nice for his
woman and you go and shoot him down. From what you’ve told me about Magnus and
how much of a gentleman he is, I doubt that he was trying to ‘railroad’ you.”

Kendall took a sip of her martini. “Maybe you’re right,” she
conceded. “He has been calling nonstop, probably trying to apologize.”

“What do you mean probably? Haven’t you talked to him since
this happened?”

“No. I’ve been sending his calls straight to voicemail. I’m
not ready to make up yet.”

“You’d better get over yourself and call that man back. I
know you’re crazy about him—just looking at the two of you together, anyone can
see that you’re in love, even if you can’t see it for yourself. Besides, he’s a
catch and I’m sure you don’t want another woman slipping in on the sly, while
you’re over here pouting as if you’re a spoiled kid.”

Kendall sat there and let Sydnee’s words sink in. Maybe her
friend was right. She didn’t want to admit it because they hadn’t been together
that long, but she had fallen in love with Magnus. And, no, she didn’t want
another woman taking her place in his life. “So you really think I’m being

“Hell yes! You don’t want to grow old and be some crabby
senior citizen with a houseful of overweight cats, do you?”

“Of course I don’t.”

“Well, call that man right now.”

“Okay, okay.” Kendall reached into her purse, took out her
cell phone and returned his call.

“So you
alive?” Magnus said, picking up on the
first ring.

“Hello is the proper response, instead of you diving right
in with a smart comment,” she shot back with attitude.

Sydnee poked Kendall on the arm and mouthed, “Play nice.”

“I’m sorry. You’re right. Hello, Kendall, how are you?”

“I’m good, and you?” she answered, easing up on her harsh

“Could be better, especially since I haven’t spoken to my
girl in a few days.”

“I got all your messages, it’s just that—“

Magnus cut her off. “Sorry, babe, but I’m getting ready to
head into a meeting. Can I call you back?”

“Sure,” she said, and hung up.

“That was a short conversation. What did he say?”

“He’s off to a meeting and will call me later,” Kendall
responded, sounding disappointed.

“Did he seem like he was still upset?”

“Not really. He seemed as if he was rushing. I really wanted
to talk to him and explain my position, now that I’ve calmed down.”

“Umm…let’s see…” Sydnee pondered for a few seconds, trying
to come up with a solution to her friend’s dilemma. “Why don’t you send him a
sexy text message?”

“I’m not into sexting.”

“Why not?”

“It seems so desperate and sleazy.”

“Sexting is not desperate or sleazy. It’s sexy. I do it all
the time when I’m in a relationship. And trust me, I get the results I want, if
you know what I mean?” she said, raising her eyebrows. “You want to see him
tonight, don’t you?”


“Well, send him the text. What’s the problem with sending
your man a hot message?”

Sydnee made a lot of sense. If Kendall wanted to get Magnus’
attention and make up, a sexy text would probably do the trick. “Okay, you’re
right.” She pressed the screen on her iPhone.

my kitty-kat is missin her cock

She pressed send, and a few seconds later her phone buzzed,
indicating that she had a text. Kendall read his message and smiled.

he’s missing her 2. what r u doing later?

She typed back.

good answer. my meetin is n the city, so i can come over
n about an hr
, he responded.


She texted him the address, since he had never been to her
apartment before.

Kendall was now all smiles, beaming from ear to ear,
exposing nearly all of her teeth, and the slump in her shoulders quickly
disappeared. She was back to her perky self. “Thanks for the advice, Syd. You
are a true friend.”

“You’re welcome. I take it the sexting was successful?”

“Yep, he’s in the city and is coming over to my place in an

“Good. I’m glad you guys are back on track, especially since
I’m dating his best friend. Can I give you one last piece of advice?”

“Sure. You’ve been dishing out good advice so far, why stop
now, Dr. Phil?”

“Don’t bring up that silly argument and rehash what’s over
and done with. Focus on the present and moving forward with your relationship,”
Sydnee told her, sounding like a therapist.

Kendall sighed. She did want to revisit the argument, so
that she could explain her position, but what was the use? It was over now.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I really don’t want to fight with Magnus anymore.”

“Good. Well, we better drink up so you can get home and make
up with your man,” Sydnee said, picking up her martini glass and clinking it
against Kendall’s. “Here’s to the good, hot, sexy men in our lives.”

“I’ll drink to that.”

The ladies quickly drained their glasses, paid the bill and
headed out. Kendall took a taxi to her Upper Westside co-op. She opened the
door and could smell the scent of lavender. As per her request, the housekeeper
only used lavender-scented cleaning products. The cleaning woman came three
times a week and fortunately today wasn’t her off day. The place was spotless.

Kendall flicked on the lights, kicked off her shoes and
walked through the living room, into her bedroom suite, took off her clothes
and hopped in the shower.

The hot pulsating spray of the water was easing Kendall’s
tense muscles. As she stood underneath the shower, Sydnee’s words replayed in
her head. Even though she hated to admit it, Syd was right—Kendall had
overreacted to Magnus’ surprise and blown it out of proportion, causing an
unnecessary argument between them. Besides, he had called her several times,
trying to apologize. The thought of losing him over something so stupid scared
her, and she wanted nothing more now than to put the incident behind them and
move ahead. Kendall knew that she had to work on her strong, sometimes
dominating personality, especially when it came to dealing with a headstrong
Italian like Magnus. They were the perfect combination and she planned on
showing him how much he meant to her. Tonight, there would be no rehashing of
the past, or any business talk whatsoever. Tonight was all about a romantic
evening with her man.

Twenty minutes later, she was clean, dry and slipping on a
black, see-through lace teddy that she had bought in Paris and a pair of sexy
ostrich feather mules. Kendall spritzed perfume behind her ears, on her wrists,
and between her thighs. She went over to her bedroom mirror and checked her
reflection. The thin fabric of her teddy left nothing to the imagination. Her
perky, petite breasts and firm nipples were peeking through the delicate
material. Her freshly shaven pussy was also on display through the teddy.
Kendall rubbed her hand between her legs, stopping just above her clit. She
massaged the small piece of flesh, getting her pussy wet and ready for action.

After getting her juices flowing, Kendall went back into the
living room and lit a few fragrant Diptyque candles—another Parisian buy—turned
off the lights and watched as the room transformed into a romantic setting with
the flickering candlelight. The only thing missing was mood music. Kendall
switched on her stereo system, and put in Kem’s latest CD, drenching the room
with his sensual songs. She closed her eyes and swayed to the music.

She grooved to Kem for a few moments, then made her way to
the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, took out a bottle of Veuve Clicquot and
two chilled flutes out of the freezer. She filled a silver bucket with ice,
inserted the champagne and glasses, took them to the living room and placed
them on the table. No sooner had she set the champagne bucket down than the
doorbell rang.

“Perfect timing.”

“Damn, baby, you look amazing!” Magnus gushed the moment
Kendall opened the door.

She did a slow pivot so that he could he appreciate the full
view. “Thank you, baby,” she purred. Kendall reached up and sweetly kissed him
on the mouth before inviting him inside. “Come on in.” Kendall sashayed
suggestively in front of her man, enticing him with every sensual step.

“Would you care for some bubbly?”

“Sure would,” he answered, sitting on the sofa directly
behind her and licking his lips.

Kendall bent over the cocktail table and poked her butt out
toward his face. The thin silky fabric of the teddy rose above her ass,
exposing her lady parts, giving Magnus a private peep show. Kendall
suggestively wiggled her behind back and forth as she uncorked the champagne.
Once the cork popped, she tilted the bottle to her lips, took a long swig,
turned toward him, and poured some of the bubbly elixir over the front of the
teddy. The wet fabric clung to her breasts, accentuating her nipples which were
now firm from the cold liquid and her desire for Magnus.

“Is this how you want your champagne?”

He pulled her toward him, leaned up, covered her breasts
with his mouth, and started sucking the champagne out of the fabric, while at
the same time teasing her nipples with his tongue. He then turned her around so
that her butt was eye level with his mouth. Magnus ran his tongue along the
back of her thigh.

Kendall leaned down even lower so that he could have better
access. “Oh, that…feels…like heaven,” she moaned as she set the bottle on the

“You want my tongue inside your ass?” he asked in between

“Yes, baby.” Kendall hadn’t had her asshole licked in eons.

His massive hands gently spread her cheeks apart. He unsnapped
the crotch of the delicate teddy, exposing her backside, and circled her anus
with his tongue. Magnus buried his face deep within her ass, stiffened his
tongue and darted it in and out of her. As he was lubricating her anus, saliva
dripped down the sides of his face onto her bare legs.

Kendall turned her head, looked over her shoulder and said
in between gasps, “I want you to make love to my ass.”

“Are you sure, baby? I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Yes. You’ve got me so hot. I can’t take it anymore. Please
fuck me now.”


Magnus stood up, dropped his pants, took out his slate-hard
cock and eased the tip into her ass. He took his time until he was safely
inside. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her toward him. Her tightness
clenched his dick like a vise grip. The sensation drove him crazy.

“Oh, baby, your ass feels amazing. I’m not hurting you, am

“Just a little, but don’t stop, I can take it.”

He closed his eyes as he gently pumped into her.

Kendall reached back, took hold of his muscular thighs and
held on tight. “You feel so good inside of me.”

“You want it harder?”


Magnus increased his pace, taking them both into another
realm of ecstasy. “Baby, I can’t hold back any longer, I’m coming.”

“Me too. Me too.”

“This is so good. I’m seeing stars,” he said, exploding deep
within her.


Exhausted, they collapsed on the couch in each other’s arms.
She had given him her anal virginity, and it was at that moment Kendall knew
she was no doubt in love with Magnus.

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