TheDungeon (4 page)

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Authors: Velvet

BOOK: TheDungeon
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Chapter Seven


Magnus was in the conference room, waiting on his third
appointment of the day. Jan had set up meetings with a few restaurateurs
regarding leasing out the casino’s new space.

“Mr. Richards, the next restaurateur is here,” Jan said.

He looked at his agenda to see the name of his next
appointment. “Show Ms. Hall in. Thanks, Jan.” Magnus had his assistant call
Kendall and set up a meeting. He wanted to see her again and figured that this
would be the perfect opportunity instead of straight out asking her for a date.
Besides, he loved her restaurant and partnering with Lavender made perfect

Kendall walked into the conference room, looking like a
million bucks. She wore a tailored navy-blue gabardine pantsuit with a stark
white, silk blouse, a neck full of freshwater pearls, and a pair of red leather
Jimmy Choos. Her makeup was flawless, and her hair was cut to perfection with
the edges of her bob hitting her chiseled chin.

“Hello.” She extended her hand.

Magnus stood and shook her hand, admiring her beauty. She
could have still been gracing the runway, instead of running a restaurant. He
cleared his throat. “Nice seeing you again, Ms. Hall. Please have a seat.”

Kendall sat, took an agenda out of her Hermès briefcase and
looked it over. “I see from my notes that you’ve already started construction
on the new addition,” she said.

“Yes we have. My vision is that the restaurant will be a
state-of-the-art, four-star establishment. And I think Lavender will be a good
fit here at ACES. We have an all-you-can-eat buffet, but I want to bring an
upscale eatery to the casino to cater to a more sophisticated diner.”

“That makes sense. Then you’ll get business from both

“Yes, we will. I plan to make ACES a casino that will rival
the big boys in Vegas. The addition is nearly complete. Do you want to see it?”

“Of course.” Kendall put her agenda back in the briefcase.

They stood. Magnus let her walk ahead and watched her from
behind. She had a mean strut. Her walk was turning him on.
Get your mind
back to business and off her butt.

They took the escalator to the ground floor and walked
through the crowded casino toward the restaurant. Magnus opened the door and
turned on the lights. “This is it,” he said, waving his hands.

Kendall stepped into the cavernous space and took a look
around. The walls were covered with drywall but were unpainted. The floors were
raw. The ceilings were finished with recessed lighting. Kendall took her agenda
and pen out of the briefcase and started making notes.

As she had her head down writing, Magnus took the
opportunity to steal a few glances without her noticing. He thought about asking
Kendall if she wanted to go out for a drink after their meeting, but decided
not to.
This is a business meeting, not a social call
, he admonished
himself, and got back on track.

“The marble I ordered for the floor isn’t in yet, but should
be here in a couple of days,” he told her.


Kendall took a discerning look at Magnus. He was a handsome
man and looked more like a movie star than a businessman. His black wavy hair
accented his sculpted features, as well as his sable-brown eyes. The black suit
he wore draped his tall, athletic physique to perfection.
I bet he has women
wrapped around the block waiting their turn to jump in his bed
, she
Well, I sure as hell won’t be one of them. Men wait for me, not the
other way around.
Kendall knew his type—the good-looking stud with a
different woman every night of the week and sometimes maybe two.

“Marble for the floor? Everybody uses marble. I’m thinking
more of a slate or bamboo flooring.”

“I’m sure you’ll approve of this marble. I special-ordered
it from Italy, it’s not your typical tile,” he explained.

“I’m sure it’s not. No offense, but I don’t want a marble
floor in my restaurant. Marble is so passé.”

“Well, it’s not
restaurant yet. We’re still in
the negotiating phase.”

“That’s true, but if you want a topnotch establishment in
your casino, then Lavender is the perfect fit.”


Magnus was enjoying their banter. Kendall wasn’t backing
down and he liked her strong will. Not many women said no to him and finding a
woman who was an independent thinker was refreshing. However, he wasn’t about
to relinquish full control over the design. After all, it was his vision.

“Why don’t we go to the lounge and have a drink so we can
discuss the particulars of the restaurant,” he said, calmly trying to defuse a
potential argument and get to know her at the same time.

“I can’t. I have to get back to the restaurant to prepare
for dinner service.”

“What about later tonight? I can come into the city and we
can continue our talk after the dinner rush,” he offered.

“You can come to my restaurant and we can talk all you want,
but I’m not changing my mind about the marble flooring, so you might as well
cancel the order or use that Italian marble someplace else in your casino.

Magnus was tempted to tell her to take a hike in her
designer pumps, but something about her intrigued him. Besides his mother and
sisters, no other woman had dared speak to him in such a harsh way. He liked
her brazenness, it was turning him on. In a way, she reminded him of
himself—smart and self-assured.

“You talk as if we already have a contract in place,” he
countered, trumping her last comment.

“Look, Mr. Richards, I’ll get right to the point—”

“Call me Magnus.”

“Okay, Magnus. I like your casino and think we’ll have good
synergy between Lavender and ACES, but if we’re going to be partners, we’ll
each need to be able to give and take on certain issues.”

“That is true, but let’s get one thing straight—I’m nobody’s
pushover,” he stated, using a thick, Italian, mobster-type accent.

She chuckled and then answered in a serious tone, “Neither
am I.”

“Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, I think you’re
absolutely right, Lavender and ACES would be a good fit.” Magnus knew a good
thing when he saw one and didn’t want to waste more time interviewing other restaurateurs.
“Why don’t I have my attorney draw up the contract, so we can make this
partnership official?”

“Sounds good to me. I’m building my culinary empire and this
new venture would broaden my brand into the state of New Jersey. Now I do have
to run.” They shook hands and Kendall walked out. As Magnus watched her leave,
he couldn’t help but wonder if she was this tough in bed. Since they were now
going to be in business together, he didn’t want to complicate their
partnership with sex, so he shook off the thought and headed back upstairs to
his office.

Chapter Eight


Kendall was back at The Dungeon. She was ready to try out
what she had learned during her tutorial with the Grand Domme.

“Hey there, Ms. Hall, I recognized you this time,” Cholé

Kendall was dressed in her Dominatrix getup, including the
auburn wig, heavy makeup and latex cat suit.

“Since this will be your first time dominating a sub, we
suggest that you start in the Red Room, our lounge area, have a drink and get
loosened up.”

“No thanks. I had a cocktail at home. I’m ready to get my
groove on.” She wanted to skip the preliminaries and jump right in with both

“Understood, but if you don’t already have a partner, the
lounge is where members meet and pair up for the night.”

“Oh, I see.” Kendall hadn’t thought of that rather important
detail. Experiencing the bondage, dominance, submissive, masochistic culture
was useless unless you had a willing partner.

“Let me take your coat. Do you want to keep your purse, or
should I put it a locker?”

“You can lock it up. I don’t want to have to keep up with a
purse tonight. I want to keep my hands free, just in case I need to use them
for more than holding a purse,” Kendall said, handing over her coat and

“Since you didn’t have the full tour the last time you were
here, let me show you around,” Cholé said after putting away Kendall’s things
and giving her a small key attached to a spiraled elastic wristband.

There were two parallel hallways. Kendall was familiar with
the one on the right, which led to the Domme’s private office, but she hadn’t
ventured down the second one. Cholé led the way down the dimly lit passage,
turned right, and in front of them was a red door. Cholé turned the knob and
they went inside.

The Red Room lounge was bathed in a sexy crimson glow and a
Michael Franks song was playing softly in the background. There was a long
black lacquer bar curved in the shape of an S, with red leather barstools.
Scarlet banquets lined the perimeter of the room and a small dance floor was in
the center. At first glance, the lounge appeared to be a regular watering hole,
except for the cat-o’-nine-tails, restraints, ball-gag straps and collars
hanging behind the bar. They stood near the entrance and Cholé gave Kendall the

“The members who are looking for partners stop here first.
The seats at the bar are reserved for the ‘tops’, and the ‘bottoms’ sit over
there,” she pointed to the far corner, “on the floor.”

“Why are they sitting on the floor?”

“Because bottoms want to be humiliated and sitting on a
cold, hard floor with people looking down on you is a humiliating experience.
The booths are reserved for the ‘switches’, members who go both ways.”

Kendall glanced around the room and noticed three women
dressed in Dominatrix outfits, sipping cocktails at the bar. Five people—she
couldn’t see if they were men or women—wearing black leather hoods over their
faces, were crouched in the corner on the floor. Two couples slow-dragged on
the small dance floor and the booths were empty. “So how does this work?”

“Everyone at The Dungeon has consented to be here and know
the rules, so the dominants or tops and switches choose their submissives or
bottoms. You both agree on a safe word and then take the party to a private
dungeon. The private dungeons are reserved on an hourly basis and when the time
is up a red light inside the room blinks. There are hooks outside the door. You
simply put your whip, handcuff, collar, or any other item on the hook. This
indicates that you’ve reserved the room next.”

Kendall nodded. “What prevents the items from getting mixed

“Even though this is a rather unorthodox club, everyone here
operates on the honor system. So if I say, this is my whip, then there are no
questions asked. If you’re not the shy type, we have several open suites where
members partake in various activities.”

“Can you show me the open suites?” Kendall asked, curious to
see what went on there.


They left the lounge, walked back through the corridor and
down a flight of steps. The lower level had a series of doors, some with hooks
on the outside and some without. Kendall followed Cholé until she stopped at a
door without hooks. Cholé quietly opened the door and they stepped inside.

The walls were painted a matte black, giving the dimly lit
room an even darker presence. Kendall squinted, trying to adjust to the
lighting, and looked around. She couldn’t believe what she saw.

In the center of the room was an eight-foot-tall wooden
frame in the shape of an “A” sitting on top of a stand. Strapped to the frame
was a woman, wearing a see-through, mesh mini-dress. Her wrists were tied
together and fastened to the top of the frame with leather straps. Her ankles
were spread apart and bound to the bottom of the frame. A shirtless man in
black jeans was standing in front of the frame. He reached out and spun the
apparatus like a wheel, sending the woman around and around, until it stopped,
positioning her upside down.

“Now that’s better,” he said, coming closer to the woman. He
then leaned in and bit the inside of her thigh.

She responded, “Ohh! That hurts so good, do it again.”

He bit her on the opposite thigh. She moaned in pleasure.
They were carrying on as if they were the only ones in the room, totally
oblivious to the couple in the corner rubbing each other with sandpaper.

Something brushed the side of Kendall’s leg. She looked down
and saw a man crawling on the floor. He was butt naked with an anal hook
sticking out of his ass. The end of the hook was tied with a rope and another
man was holding the rope, leading the man around backwards.

“I think I’ve seen enough. I’m going back upstairs,” Kendall
whispered to Cholé.

Before going back to the lounge, Kendall stopped in the
boutique, which was filled to the brim with every imaginable sexual item, from
toys to kinky devices to instructional DVDs.

“Can I see that whip?” Kendall asked the salesclerk, who was
dressed in a leopard-print jumpsuit.

“Which one?” she asked, turning around to face the whip

“The black leather one with the silver studs on the handle.”

The clerk took the whip off the display and handed it to
Kendall. She fingered the leather strands. They were soft to the touch. Then
she held it high in the air and flicked it twice. The whip made a sharp

“I’ll take it.” Kendall was ready to hand over her credit
card, but remembered she didn’t have her purse. “My wallet is in the locker.
Can I pay you before I leave?”

“What’s your name? I can bill you.”

“Kendall Hall.”

The clerk made a note and rang up the sale. “Do you want me
to wrap it?”

“No, that’s not necessary. I’ll be using this boy tonight,”
Kendall said, smiling.

With her naughty purchase in hand, Kendall made her way back
to the lounge. Once inside, she ordered a martini, sat at the bar and surveyed
the room, trying to decide whom to choose. She looked over in the corner.
Before there’d been five people crouched on the floor, but now there were only
three. She polished off her dirty martini and strutted over to where the subs
were sitting. Kendall stood there, towering over the hooded bottoms, trying to
determine which were women and which were men. She looked at their footwear and
saw only one pair of masculine feet. She dangled her whip in the sub’s face.

I sure hope this is a guy
, she thought. Kendall was
freaky, but was far from bisexual. “Come with me,” she said, lowering her voice
in a deeper register. To add further mystique to her Dominatrix persona,
Kendall decided to change her voice and really get into character.

The bottom slowly rose. Now on his feet, he towered over
Kendall. She looked up into his face but the hood covered his identity. She was
tempted to tell him to take off the hood but the thrill of the unknown was

They walked out of the lounge, went downstairs and headed to
the private suites. Fortunately, one of the rooms was unoccupied. Kendall
opened the door and led the way inside.

“Let’s devise a safe word before we get started.”

“Whatever you say,” he mumbled from behind his mask.

“Do you have any word in mind?” she asked.

“No.” He shook his head.

Kendall thought for a moment, remembering that the Grand
Domme told her not to use words like “No” and “Stop”. “What about kumquat?”


“I see you’re a man of few words.”

“I only speak when spoken to.”

Oh yeah, that’s right. He’s the submissive partner and is
waiting on my command.
The thought of having total control over someone
sent chills up Kendall’s spine.
I have an hour to get my groove on
, she
thought and commenced to getting down to business.


“Get over here and kiss my ass.”

Magnus slowly walked toward her.

“Stop! Did I say walk? Get on your hands and knees, you

He got down on all fours, crawled over and licked the latex
that covered her ripe ass. He stiffened his tongue and ran it up and down the
crack of her butt. He kept licking until he heard her moan. She then squatted,
positioning her pussy in his face.

“Now take that dirty tongue of yours and lick between my

He didn’t say a word, just continued licking, going from the
crack of her butt to the tip of her clit. He could feel himself getting hard
with each stroke of his tongue. Magnus wanted to rip off her cat suit and fuck
her right then and there, but he had to remember his role. He was the
submissive and wasn’t supposed to dominate the situation.

“That’s enough licking.”

She walked to the opposite end of the room. The back wall
was lined with shelves and atop each shelf was some type of sexual device.
There were leather hand and ankle restraints on the top shelf, a spiked dog
collar on the second, a flogger and a broad paddle pierced with holes on the
third shelf.

He watched her examine each unique gadget and waited
patiently for her to decide which one to use. She picked up the paddle and
softly patted it against her thigh.

“You’ve been bad, haven’t you?”

He nodded.

“That’s what I thought.” She strutted toward him. “I think
you need to be disciplined, don’t you?”

He nodded repeatedly.

“Bend your ass over. You need a good spanking.”

Magnus, down on all fours, turned his rear end toward her
and waited anxiously for his lashing. The first lick was too soft. He wanted to
say harder, but he wasn’t in control. If this had been his bedroom, he would’ve
orchestrated the entire session, telling his lover exactly what to do in order
to please him.

“I didn’t hear you scream. I guess that wasn’t hard enough.”
She then drew back the paddle and gave him a forceful thrashing.

He flinched. “Spank that ass, baby,” he mumbled.

“What did you say? Did I tell you to talk?” she said, giving
him another hit.

Magnus leaned into the holed paddle, enjoying every painful

“That’s enough spanking for one night. Now I want to be
pampered.” She went over and sat on the cozy red velvet sofa. “Come here and
rub my shoulders. All that spanking wore out my arm.”

Magnus was still reeling from the pain she had inflicted and
didn’t really pay her voice much attention. He was concentrating too much on
pleasing her and right now she wanted a massage. His massive hands kneaded her
muscles until she moaned in pleasure.

“That feels so good. Don’t stop.”

He trailed his hands from her shoulders, down to her
breasts. And even though she hadn’t instructed him to touch her below the
shoulders, he did so anyway. She had turned him on and he wanted to return the
favor. Her nipples responded, firming with his touch.

“I didn’t tell you to rub me there.”

He immediately stopped.

“But now that you’ve started, keep going.” She unzipped her
cat suit just low enough for him to gain access to her bare breasts.

Magnus stuck his hands underneath the latex and gently
rubbed the top of her nipples with the palms of his hands.

“Mmm, I like your touch.”

He didn’t speak. He went from teasing her nipples to cupping
and massaging her breasts. Pleasing her was a major turn-on. He wanted to lay
her down on the floor and pleasure her with his penis, but he wasn’t in control
of their session and unless she requested sex, foreplay would have to do.

Magnus thought about suggesting intercourse, but he had
already overstepped as a sub. He was still new to BDSM and wanted to try every
aspect of the culture, from being subservient to dominant.

As they were giving and receiving pleasure, the red light
above the door flashed, indicating the end of their session.

Magnus watched her rise from the sofa and stretch. She faced
him and said in a husky voice, “Until next time.” And then she left.

“Damn, I don’t know who this chick is, but she’s bad,” he
said, standing up and rubbing his raw ass.

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