TheDungeon (7 page)

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Authors: Velvet

BOOK: TheDungeon
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“What’s stopping you?”

“Absolutely nothing.” Magnus leaned down and introduced his
lips to hers.

Her body responded to his oral kisses as if they had been
lovers for years. She pushed her hips closer to his mouth so that he could
feast on her pleasure points.

“That’s just for starters,” he said, coming up for air, and
then went back to work. He took the tip of his tongue and softly licked her
clit before wrapping his lips around the tiny piece of flesh and sucking feverously.

Kendall squirmed, twisting her body from side to side. His
oral skills were igniting every nerve ending in her body, rendering her
speechless. She grabbed hold of the bedspread with both fists as he brought her
to the brink of climax.

“Stop squirming.” He put his hands on her hips and held her
still. Magnus then took his tongue, darting it in and out of her moist vagina,
while at the same time rubbing her clit with his fingers.

“Oh yeah, baby, that’s it, that’s it.” Kendall ran her hands
through his thick wavy hair.

“Tell me when you’re coming.” He increased the pressure on
her clit and ramped up the speed of his tongue.

“Now, now. Don’t stop, don’t stop.” She arched her back,
bucked, and twitched as the delicious sensation of climaxing shot through her
body. Kendall had come so hard that she was at a loss for words. No man had
ever sucked her clit like that before. Now she wanted to feel him inside her.
She wanted Magnus to fill her up with his hardness.

“Was that good for you?”

“Oh, it was beyond good.”

“That was round one.”

“I can’t wait for round two.”

Magnus kissed her nipples as he eased his stiff dick inside
her. “You’re so tight and wet.”

Kendall could feel her pussy walls opening, welcoming him
inside. Their hip rhythm was in sync as if they were a couple who had been
together for years—there were no awkward moments.

“You feel divine,” he whispered into her ear, closed his
eyes, and continued pumping.

Kendall wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around
his waist, bringing him even closer. “So do you.”

He nestled his head in her neck and slowed his pace. They
did a slow grind with him sliding the length of his shaft in and out of her
moistness. He continued the pace, plunging in and out and in and out of her
womanhood. Magnus then slid his penis all the way out. “Turn over.”

Kendall did as instructed.

“Now get on your knees.”

He took her by the hips, guiding her back to his erectness,
reentered her and kicked up the pace.

Kendall bucked back, giving as good as she got. “Yes, yes,

They were in a zone, pumping and grinding and pleasing each
other, with sweat dripping off their heated bodies as they made passionate

“Let me know when you’re coming, so we can come together,”
he said, ramping up the pace even more.

“I’m coming…now,” she shouted, in between pants.

“Me too.” Magnus gave one last hard thrust before pulling
out and coming all over her ass.


He collapsed onto his back and Kendall relaxed onto her
stomach. They were both spent. A few minutes passed. After they recovered,
Magnus reached over and brought Kendall to him, cradling her in his arms as
they lay in the spoon position. He couldn’t have been happier. They were both
sexually satiated and drifted off into a well-deserved sleep.

Chapter Thirteen


“And don’t give me that shit about ‘What happens in Vegas,
stays in Vegas’,” Sydnee spouted off, giving Kendall a forewarning before she
began quizzing her friend.

Kendall had finished taping a segment of her cooking show
and was having drinks with Sydnee at the Library Bar in the Hudson Hotel.
Kendall took a sip of her sidecar martini, looked over the glass and smiled
slyly. She had gotten back from Las Vegas two days ago, and hadn’t told Sydnee
the news about her tryst with Magnus. She took another sip of her drink, trying
to decide whether or not to divulge her naughty little secret. Kendall was
still beaming from Vegas and was finding it harder to hold her tongue than she
Why not tell her? After all, it’s not as if I’m divulging secrets
from The Dungeon.

“Now who said I had something to tell?” she asked teasingly.

“Umm, let’s see… A fine man. Sin City and plenty of liquor,
I’m sure. That’s definitely a recipe for scandal, so spill!”

“Okay, you got me. I do have some juicy news.”

“I can see by the way your face is lighting up that
something went down between you and Magnus, so stop stalling and tell me what

happen?” Kendall said, fanning her face
with her hand.

“I’m dying over here! Will you please give me the details?”

“Okay, okay. Well, the first night we had a fabulous dinner
at the Wynn, and then went gambling, which was really fun. The next day we went
golfing in the morning. That night we had a fabulous dinner at Sushi Samba, and
afterward, Magnus called a friend of his at the Cosmopolitan hotel, who put us
on the VIP list so that we could bypass the line and get into the club. We—”

“You guys went dancing? Nice!”

“Yep, it was nice and so was afterward. If you get my

“Ohh, no! You did the deed, didn’t you?” Sydnee shrieked.

“Shh! Not so loud,” Kendall whispered, looking around the
room, making sure no one was eavesdropping. “We did the deed and then some! It
was a combination of tequila and Magnus Richards that had me hot and horny.”

“Didn’t I tell you that man was a hottie?”

“You were right. As a matter of fact, I kept hearing your
words in my head.”

“So how was the sex?” Sydnee asked, brazenly scooting a
little closer so she could hear every word.

“Off the chain! I was apprehensive about getting involved
with Magnus romantically because we’re business partners. But I couldn’t help
myself—he’s a really kind and caring man.”

“I’m glad you took my advice. You’re both professionals, so
I’m sure it won’t be a problem being lovers
partners. I should know.
I’ve dated several men who I’ve worked with, and all those affairs were
successful, except for that one-night stand with the guy who anchored the
evening news. He couldn’t accept the fact that all I wanted was sex. Not to say
that’s all you want from Magnus.”

“You’re absolutely right. I’m interested in more than a
rendezvous in Vegas. Magnus is smart and a true gentleman. He wouldn’t let me
spend a dime all the while we were away. And he knows how to work his groove
thang!” she said, held up her hand and slapped Sydnee a high-five.

“Does he have any available friends?”

“I don’t know. We haven’t gotten around to the ‘friends’
conversation yet.”

“Call him and find out. I need to meet some new men,” Sydnee
said eagerly.

“In due time. I can’t ask him that yet. I don’t want you to
come off as being too thirsty for a man.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Sydnee agreed, sounding

As they were talking, Kendall’s cell phone rang. She dug the
tiny phone out of her purse, looked at the caller ID and smiled. “Hello?”

“Hey, baby, how are you? How was your day?”

“Hey, Magnus. I’m good. I had a taping for my cooking show
today, and now I’m having drinks with my girl.”

“Oh, where are you guys? I just had dinner with my boy
Kevin, and we’re going out for after-dinner drinks.”

“We’re at the Hudson, in the Library Bar.”

“Do you mind if we join you?”

“Of course not.”

“Okay, see you in a few,” he said, and hung up.

“By the way, your face is lighting up again. I take it that
was your new man.”

“He’s not my man yet, but I’m working on it. He’s meeting us
here in a few, and—”

“You should’ve told him to bring a friend. I don’t want to
be a third wheel.”

“Before you cut me off, I was going to say that he’s
bringing his friend Kevin.”

“Oh goodie!” Sydnee clapped her hands as if she were a kid
anticipating Christmas. “Let’s run to the ladies’ room and freshen up before
they get here.”

“Good idea. You go first, so we won’t lose our seats.” They
had prime real estate near the cozy fireplace that would disappear like magic
if they left at the same time.

Both women made trips to the restroom, reapplied lipstick,
sprayed perfume and spruced up their hair. Fifteen minutes later, Magnus and
Kevin walked through the door, strutting like two studs.

Kendall looked in their direction, then whispered to Sydnee.
“Magnus’ friend is too fine.” She watched Sydnee’s jaw drop at the sight of
Kevin who was about six feet, three inches, brown skin and clean shaven, with a
close-cropped haircut. He resembled the actor Idris Elba, so much so that they
could’ve been brothers. Kevin was dressed in distressed jeans, a stark white
shirt, and a brown leather jacket.

“Hello, ladies,” Magnus said, nearing them. He leaned down
and affectionately gave Kendall a kiss on the lips. “This is my boy, Kevin.
Kevin, this is Kendall and her friend Sydnee,” he said, making introductions
all around.

Sydnee sat erect, poked out her 36 Ds and said in a
seductive voice, “Hello.”

Kendall looked at her friend and wanted to laugh. Sydnee was
pouring on the charm thick and the guys hadn’t even sat down yet. “Hi, Kevin,”
Kendall said.

The guys sat in the two empty leather seats. Magnus wasted
no time ordering more drinks.

“Aren’t you a reporter on Channel One?” Kevin asked Sydnee.

She batted her false eyelashes and blushed. “Yes, that’s

“I love the story you did on the homeless children in New
York who attend gifted schools. It was really interesting. So tell me, how did
that story come about?”

Sydnee told Kevin the nature of that story. As they were
talking, Magnus moved his chair closer to Kendall so that they could have their
own sidebar conversation.

Magnus rubbed Kendall’s knee and said in a low voice so only
she could hear, “I can’t stop thinking about you.”

Kendall wanted to admit that she had been thinking about him
too, but didn’t. Men were such strange creatures. If they thought you were into
them too much, too soon, they’d back away. And if a woman played it too cool,
they’d think she wasn’t interested and would back away. Either way it was a
tricky situation. “What have you been thinking?”

“In a word, ‘Vegas’,” he whispered, smiling mischievously.

Kendall saw the naughty grin on his face and had an instant
flashback to how he had expertly licked and sucked her clit, bringing her to
the best orgasms she’d had in years. “Oh, I love Vegas.” She winked.

“Me too, just looking at your beautiful face is making me
want you right now. I’m having a hard time controlling myself. Have you seen
the restrooms here?”

“Yes I have and they’re totally private. Are you thinking
what I’m thinking?” she asked, raising her eyebrows.

“Yep. Hey, guys, we’ll be right back. We’re going to check
out the lounge on the other side of the hotel.”

“Okay,” Kevin responded, barely looking in his friend’s
direction. He was immersed in the conversation with Sydnee, and she was taken
with him.

Magnus helped Kendall out of the chair, and the two of them
strolled hand in hand down the dimly lit corridor and into one of the private
bathrooms. Magnus locked the door and then pulled Kendall to him.

“I love your mouth,” he said, giving her a deep French kiss
on her full, ruby-red lips.

Kendall wrapped her arms around his neck and passionately
kissed him back. She began grinding her pelvis into him and could feel that he
already had a semi-erection. She unbuckled his belt, stuck her hands in his underwear
and massaged his manhood.

While Kendall was having her way with his penis, Magnus was
unbuttoning her blouse and unhooking her bra. He leaned down and sucked her
breasts. He went from one nipple to the other, nibbling, sucking and softly
biting her titties.

“Oh yeah, I like that,” she said, throwing her head back.

Magnus didn’t say a word. As he was satisfying her breasts,
he was loosening her skirt at the same time, causing it to drop to the floor
alongside his pants. “I want you right now,” he whispered in her ear.

“I want you too,” she whispered back.


Magnus ripped off her thong, quickly removed his briefs,
picked Kendall up, carried her to the sink and sat her on top of the alabaster
marble basin. He spread her legs wide open, held them around his waist and
entered her with his cock. The feel of her warm, wet pussy engulfing his dick
made the tiny hairs on the back of his neck stand at attention.

Kendall grabbed his bare ass, pulling him in closer. “That’s
right, fuck this pussy,” she whispered.

“Is this my pussy?”

“Yes, baby, it’s all yours.”

“You’re not gonna give this away to anybody else, are you?”
He gave her a hard thrust.

“No, baby. No!” Kendall panted and then said, “Is this my
dick? I don’t like sharing.”

“Yeah, baby, all this is exclusively for you.” He increased
his movements, fucking her harder and harder. He lifted Kendall off the sink,
held her tightly against his chest. They were now intertwined as one.

Kendall held on to him, wrapping her arms and legs around
his waist. “I’m coming. I’m coming.”

“I’m coming too, baby!” Magnus gave a few extra hard
thrusts, bringing them both to an exhilarating orgasm.

“That was awesome,” Kendall said, unwrapping her limbs from
around his body and picking her clothes up off the floor.

“Yes, it was. Can you hand me my thong?”

He leaned down picked up the tiny piece of material and
sniffed the crouch. “I think I’ll keep these. They smell delicious, just like

“Okay, Mr. Richards, whatever makes you happy.”

“You make me happy Ms. Hall.”

They got themselves together, wiping their private parts
with paper towels. Kendall turned around to throw the paper towel in the
garbage, and Magnus had his back to her.

“How’d you get those nasty marks on your back?”

Magnus quickly put his shirt on. He had totally forgotten
about the bruises on his back. “Oh, uh, sometimes I have an acne breakout on my
back that leaves black-and-blue marks,” he said, and quickly put on his shirt.
He wasn’t ready to reveal his naughty fetish to Kendall. They were in the
beginning of what he hoped would be a lasting relationship. He didn’t want her
to think that he was a sexual deviant and scare her off.

“I’m surprised I didn’t notice them in Vegas.” She put on
her blouse and rubbed her hands down the silk shirt, smoothing out the fabric.
“I guess I was focused on your front and not your back.” She chuckled, and then
asked, “Are you ready?”

Magnus didn’t want to entertain that conversation any
longer, so he didn’t respond to her comment. He continued dressing and then
went over and hugged Kendall. “Now that you’re my girl, I’m ready for anything
now.” He took her hand. “Come on, let’s go.”

Kendall and Magnus rejoined Sydnee and Kevin, who were still
gabbing away. They were so engrossed in each other that nosy Sydnee didn’t even
ask why they had been gone so long. For the rest of the evening, Kendall and
Magnus were silent. They just held hands and constantly gazed at each other,
totally absorbed in a world of their own where words were unspoken.

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