TheDungeon (6 page)

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Authors: Velvet

BOOK: TheDungeon
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Chapter Eleven


The phone rang, bringing Kendall out of her sleep. She
stretched, yawned, reached over to the nightstand and picked up the handset.

“Wake up, sleepyhead. Rise and shine.”

“My, aren’t you full of energy,” she told Magnus. Kendall
looked over at the clock radio. “What are you doing up so early? It’s only six

“I scheduled a seven o’clock tee time for us. Since you’ve
never been on the links before, I thought I’d surprise you with a personal


“Don’t sound so excited.”

“It’s not that, I had planned on going to the spa this
morning, besides I don’t have any golf clothes.”

“Don’t worry about that. I’ll get you everything you need at
the pro shop. Come on, it’ll be fun.”

Kendall thought about the situation for a moment. On one
hand she could get a massage, mani, pedi, and facial, but on the other hand she
could spend the morning with the man she had been craving. This was a

“Okay, I’ll meet you in the lobby in thirty minutes.” She
quickly showered, put on a pair of jeans, tee shirt and flats. Kendall combed
her hair, brushed her lips with a nude lip gloss, grabbed her shades and purse
and headed out the door.

“Good morning,” Magnus said, greeting her. “Would you care
for a cup of coffee before we head out?”

“No. I’m good for now,” she said, checking him out from
behind her shades. He wore a white golf shirt and khakis. Even in his sporty
attire, he looked yummy.

“Okay, let’s roll.”

The Range Rover and driver were waiting once they exited the
hotel. The golf course was nearby and within minutes the driver was pulling up
in front of Bali Hai Golf Club. They went inside the ritzy club and straight to
the boutique. Kendall was impressed with the array of high-end golf apparel.
Magnus went right to work combing through the racks.

“I think this will fit.” He handed Kendall a pink shirt and
a yellow, pink and green plaid golf skirt. “You’re about a size six, aren’t

“Yes, how did you know?”

“I have four sisters of various sizes and buying gifts over
the years has made me a very good judge of women’s proportions. Try it on.”

Kendall went into the fitting room, changed, and came out to
model for him. She twirled around for effect.

“Nice. You wear the golfing look well. Now all you need are

They went over to the selection of shoes and he picked out a
pair of tan-and-white spectator golf shoes. Magnus also rented a set of
Calloway clubs for each of them. Now they were ready to hit the links. Magnus
handed the clerk his credit card.

“Here,” Kendall pulled out her card and gave it to the
salesman, “take this one instead.”

“No way, this is my treat,” Magnus said, lightly pushing her
arm away.

“That’s sweet of you. Thanks so much.”

“My pleasure.”

The clerk bagged Kendall’s clothes and they left.

As they cruised to the first hole in the golf cart, Kendall
was awed by the beauty of the course. It resembled a tropical paradise with
pearl-white sand traps, and serene ponds dotting the emerald-green manicured
lawns. Although they were close to the bustling Las Vegas Strip, the exclusive
golf club seemed worlds away.

“Okay, are you ready for Golf 101?” Magnus asked, reaching
for her hand, helping her out of the cart.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.”

He handed her a nine iron. “Here you go.”

Kendall took the club, wrapped her hands around the top of
the handle, planted her feet and took a swing in the air, mimicking the players
she had seen on television.

“Whoa, Tiger, slow down.” Magnus ducked his head out of her
way. “Your hand positions and swing are all wrong.”

“Oh, I thought that was good.”

“Yeah, if you’re playing tennis. Before I set up the ball,
let me show you the proper way to hold the club.”

Kendall stood there as Magnus walked behind her and wrapped
his arms around her body. He took her hands and positioned them on the club,
left hand over the right. He was standing so close, that she could feel his
crotch against her butt. His strong arms engulfed her, making her feel sexy.
Kendall leaned back on his chest and briefly closed her eyes, relishing the
moment. She wanted to say,
Let’s forget about golf and go back to my room.

“Now swing to your left,” he said, guiding her arms. “Okay,
that’s good.”

Magnus released her, and they began putting around. He
showed her the different clubs and explained the use of each. They golfed nine
holes, and Magnus patiently took his time showing her the ropes.

“Man, you really know your stuff,” Kendall said on the way
back to the clubhouse.

“Thanks. It’s taken years to learn the nuances of golf and
believe it or not, I still haven’t mastered the game. But I must say for your
first time out, you really did well.”

“You think so?”

“For sure, you’re a natural.”

“Oh stop,” she said, blushing.

“It’s true. I bet if you got serious and played on a regular
basis, you’d be hitting under par in no time.”

“Well, maybe once the new restaurant is off the ground and
I’ve finished taping the show, I’ll have some free time to take lessons.”

“Don’t forget I’m always available for one-on-one sessions.”

Kendall glanced over at Magnus, looked him in the eyes, and
said, “I bet you are.” They held each other’s gaze for a moment before Magnus
turned his attention back to driving the cart.

“Are you hungry?” he asked.

“I’m starving.”

“The restaurant here has the most amazing breakfast.”

When they reached the clubhouse, Magnus turned over the cart
to an attendant and they went inside. After a breakfast of eggs Benedict,
poached salmon, fresh fruit and freshly grounded coffee, they headed back to
the hotel.

“So what are you doing for the rest of the morning?” Magnus
asked as they walked to the bank of elevators.

“Since it’s still early, I’m going to make another spa
appointment. Hopefully they’re not booked.”

“Call me if you can’t get an appointment, and we can take a
ride over to Old Vegas and check it out.”

“Okay, I will.”

As they walked to the elevator, Kendall couldn’t help but
think how accommodating Magnus was being. With his good looks and wealth, he
could have been a jerk who expected women to cater to him, but he was the total

The elevator arrived and they stepped in. The doors shut
before anyone else got on. They stood against the back wall of the elevator and
were nearly arm to arm. Standing so close to him was giving Kendall goose
bumps. She looked down at his muscular arm and wanted to run her hand up and
down his skin and feel the contour of his muscles. She restrained herself.

If he were my sub, I could do anything I wanted to him.
Kendall’s mind flashed on her experience at The Dungeon, and a sly smile crept
across her mouth.

“I have a few conference calls to make and then I’m all

If only.
“I also have some business to take care of
when I come back from the spa.”

“Why don’t we meet in the lobby at seven thirty? We’ll have
dinner at Sushi Samba and then hit the town.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

The elevator opened. They exited and walked down the hall to
their respective rooms. As Kendall was unlocking the door, she looked down the
hall as Magnus was entering his room. His arms wrapped around her on the golf
course had sparked desire within her and she wanted to unleash her passion. She
took the keycard out of the door and slowly made her way down the hall. Kendall
stood in front of his door, held her hand up and was getting ready to knock,
but she heard a phone ringing inside his room. A few seconds later, she heard
him talking. She didn’t want to interrupt—for all she knew he could have been
talking to his girlfriend. Kendall reluctantly returned to her room with the
thought of making love to Magnus ever-present in her mind.

Chapter Twelve


After the spa visit and her business calls to New York,
Kendall went shopping at the hotel boutique. The previous evening she had worn
a rather conservative pantsuit and felt a bit out of place. Most of the women
she saw were dressed provocatively, and she wanted to spice things up a little.
This trip was going better than she expected. Although they had come here to
check out the casinos and restaurants, being in Vegas with Magnus seemed more
like a vacation than business.

Kendall dressed in a black jersey dress, which had one
shoulder exposed. She paired the body-hugging dress with a pair of black boots
with golden spiked five-inch heels.

Kendall walked back to the bathroom, expertly applied her
makeup and combed her hair, styling the bob to perfection. She applied a dab of
Dolce & Gabbana Red behind each ear and on her wrists. She inspected her

“Now I’m ready for Vegas.” She winked in the mirror, grabbed
her evening bag and left.

When she reached the lobby, Magnus was sitting in a chair,
waiting. He stood up and did a slow, long whistle. “Wow. You look amazing.”

“Thanks.” Even though she didn’t show it, Kendall was glad
that Magnus noticed her sexy transformation. She kept hearing Sydnee’s words in
her head.
He’s a hottie. You should definitely go out with him.
Being in
his company for the past day and a half, Kendall was beginning to agree with

Magnus went over, took her by the elbow and escorted her to
the car.

When they arrived at Sushi Samba, the enticing aroma of the
Peruvian, Brazilian, Japanese cuisine greeted them.

“Something smells delicious,” Kendall remarked.

Magnus took a deep whiff. “Sure does.”

“Good evening, do you have reservations?” the hostess asked.

“Yes.” Magnus gave the hostess his name, and they were
escorted to a choice booth.

Kendall looked around the cavernous space. The décor was hip
and swanky with a large circular bar, multicolor burnt-orange sculptured beams
soared and weaved throughout the restaurant, giving the space an artistic feel.

Tonight instead of Kendall ordering for them, Magnus called
ahead and had the chef, a friend of his, make the selections. As soon as they
were seated, the waitress brought over Caipirinhas.

“This is delicious,” Kendall said, sipping the potent
cocktail made with a Brazilian liquor, lime, sugar, and muddled with fresh

“Wait until you taste the food.”

And as if on cue, the waitress brought over an array of
appetizers including rock shrimp tempura, salmon ceviche, and a fried green
salad. They noshed until the entrées arrived.

“What have we here?” Magnus asked the waitress.

“Lamb chops prepared on the Robata grill, with red miso and
lime. Chilean sea bass with roasted organic vegetables and a side of coconut
rice and black beans. Enjoy.”

“These chops are cooked to perfection,” Kendall commented.

“I’m glad you approve. And the sea bass is succulent. Here,
have a taste.” Magnus took a forkful of the fish, reached across the table and
put the fork to her lips.

“Hmm, it’s so juicy.”

“I love juicy fish.”

Kendall licked her full lips. “Juicy is always good.”

“I agree. Nobody likes a cold, dry fish.”

I’m getting juicy right now
, Kendall wanted to say,
but didn’t.

When they finished their meal the waitress brought over a
Samba Split for them to share. The dessert was a gourmet banana split with
brûlée bananas, a rich chocolate sauce, and toasted coconuts, topped with a
homemade cream.

“This is divine,” Magnus commented.

“Yes it is. Thank you for arranging everything.”

“Anything for you, Ms. Hall.”

Anything? How about you take that cream, spread it across
my breasts and lick it off.
Kendall’s thoughts were getting naughtier by
the hour. “Well, in that case, how about another drink?”

Magnus signaled for the waitress and ordered a double shot
of tequila for them both. Once the drinks came, he held up his glass and made a
toast. “To our partnership and new beginnings.”

“I’ll drink to that.”

Once the meal, dessert and after-dinner drinks were
complete, Kendall asked, “So, what’s next?”

“Do you like to dance?”

“I sure do. I haven’t been dancing in eons. That would be

“Let me call my contact at the Cosmopolitan hotel and have
him put us on the VIP guest list for their club.” Magnus took out his phone and
made the call. “Okay, we’re all set.”

I wanna do more than dance
, she thought, looking at
Magnus, noticing how sexy he was in his black on black—black suit and shirt,
sans tie. “Great, let’s go.”

* * * * *

Club Marquee was located on the second floor of the
Cosmopolitan, one of Vegas’ swankiest hotels. As they descended the escalator,
coming from the upper floor of the valet level, Kendall marveled at the
enormous crystal curtains that hung from the ceiling. The light reflected off
each prism, making them sparkle as if they were diamonds. The effect was total

The second level was buzzing with partygoers waiting to
enter the club. She and Magnus strolled past the long line that snaked around
the corner and walked right up to the front as if they owned the joint. Magnus
gave the gatekeeper his name and like magic, the buff bouncer stepped aside,
granting them entrance.

Indigo lighting illuminated the overhead sheers, bathing the
first level of the club in a sexy glow. Bodies gyrated to the beat as the DJ
mixed one dance record expertly into the other. After weaving through the crowd
and settling into their private booth, Magnus ordered a bottle of Corzo.

“Come on, let’s dance,” he said after they belted back a few
shots. He took her by the hand and led her through the packed room toward the
dance floor. belted out lyrics as the DJ spun a Black Eyed Peas
cut. As Kendall was getting her groove on, a drunken woman bumped into her,
causing Kendall to nearly fall, but she quickly recovered and continued

One song blended into another and they were partying until
the drunken woman stumbled back and this time plowed into both of them. Kendall
lost her footing and was heading toward the floor, but Magnus caught her before
she fell, held her close and brought her upright.

“Are you okay?” he yelled above the music.

Kendall nodded. Normally she detested women who couldn’t
hold their liquor, but tonight, she was grateful for the clumsy drunk. Had it
not been for the woman pushing Kendall, she wouldn’t be nestled in Magnus’ arms
right now. The tequila had made her horny, and the thought of making love to
him continued to cross her mind, but she wasn’t going to make the first move.
Usually, she wouldn’t have a problem propositioning a man, but she had to tread
lightly with him, since they were going to be business partners. Kendall gently
pressed into him and could feel his bulge against her pelvis. She was getting
hotter by the second. Kendall didn’t want to play her trump card too soon, so
she moved away from him. With a handsome, well-established man like Magnus, she
had to play it cool. Otherwise, she’d seem too eager and he would sense
desperation. And Kendall was anything but desperate.

“Come on, let’s sit down before another tipsy woman plows
into us.”

He poured them each a double shot of tequila with a squeeze
of lime when they got back to the booth.

Kendall had a suspicion that Magnus was trying to get her
tipsy, but she didn’t mind. Even though she thoroughly enjoyed playing the
Dominatrix at The Dungeon, Kendall longed for a good old-fashioned fuck. She
hadn’t had hot sex in months and was long overdue. She belted back the shot and
slammed the glass upside down on the table. “Is that all you got?” she shouted
over the music, smiling.

Magnus drank his shot and responded, “Oh, you must have a
wooden leg.” He poured two more shots and again they downed them as if they
were flavored water.

“Not really, but you could say that I can hold my liquor,
unlike that drunken chick on the dance floor.”

“I like a woman who can drink like a man.”

“I can do more than drink like a man,” she said in a sly

“What exactly can you do?” he asked, inching closer.

For a split second Kendall thought about the next move she
was going to make, and whether or not she should go for it, and then she
Why not? I’m in Vegas after all.
The tequila had totally gotten
to her. She got up and straddled him, sitting directly on top of his dick. She
leaned into his ear so that he could hear her over the music. “Make love all

“That’s what I’m talking about.” Magnus wrapped his arms
around her waist, kissed Kendall, gently at first, and then passionately.

Kendall could feel moisture emanating inside her pussy as
they kissed and grinded to the beat. Magnus was an excellent kisser. His lips
were soft against hers and he was turning her on more with each passing second.
“Let’s…go…back…to the…hotel,” she told him in between kisses.

“My thoughts exactly.” Magnus quickly summoned the waiter
and paid the bill.

In the Rover on the way back to the hotel, they were hot
with desire and had to restrain themselves from pouncing on each other, since
the driver was only a few inches away. Magnus reached over and rested his hand
on Kendall’s leg and rubbed her knee. The moment his hand touched her skin, a
jolt of electricity shot up her spin. Magnus leaned in, gently kissed her lips,
and then pulled back. They sat in anticipation, looking at each other as the
SUV cruised down the Strip.

When they reached the hotel, Magnus told the driver that
they wouldn’t need his services any more that night. They departed the truck
and strolled arm in arm through the lobby and into the elevator, which was
crowded with people. Magnus reached down, took Kendall’s hand and held it until
they reached their floor.

The door to Magnus’ room couldn’t open fast enough. He
fumbled with the keycard as he held Kendall with one arm and opened the door
with the other. They tumbled into the room and nearly fell on the floor as they
pulled and tugged at each other’s clothing. Magnus slowed the pace and took his
time. He slipped the shoulder of her dress off and the silky fabric floated to
the floor around her feet. He unhooked her lacy strapless bra, exposing her
perky breasts, slipped her thong down her hips, past her legs and held her arm
as she stepped out of the undergarment.

“You’re so damn hot,” he whispered in her ear, running his
hand up and down her slim yet curvaceous body.

In turn Kendall unbuttoned his shirt, and once it was open,
she ran her fingers through the dense dark hair that covered his broad chest. She
then tugged at the sleeves, pulling the shirt off. Now her attention was
focused on unbuckling his belt. Once that was done, she unbuttoned his pants,
and rubbed her index finger around the front of the elastic band of his
underwear. “Hmm, boxers or briefs?”

“Why don’t you see for yourself?”

Kendall unzipped his pants and gave them a hard yank.
“Boxer-briefs, my favorite,” she commented, looking at him standing there in
the snug-fitting underwear.

“I was hoping you’d say that your favorite is what’s in the

“Can’t answer that yet, until I see
up close and

Kendall grabbed the elastic waistband and gently pulled down
the underwear. She stood there for a moment and admired his manhood, which was
firm and hard.

“Now I can honestly say that I have a new favorite.”

“This is all for you, baby.” He whipped her around,
positioning her ass against his dick. He rubbed his dick back and forth across
her smooth ass, teasing her.

“Hmm, that feels so good.”

“I’m glad you approve.” He kissed her neck repeatedly, while
grinding into her backside at the same time.

“I want you to make love to me right now. I can’t wait any
longer,” she panted, leaning forward so that he could have easier access from

Magnus softly slapped her on the ass. “I’ma make love to
you, but not yet. I’m running this show, and I want to take my time.”

Kendall found his forcefulness sexy. She didn’t give up
control often, but tonight she was giving in to Magnus. His dick was seducing
her butt with every firm stroke. She wanted him in the worst way. She hadn’t
wanted a man like this in a long time and it felt good to surrender to her

“You like this dick?”


“You want this dick?”


“Show me how bad you want it.”

She turned around, kissed him on the mouth, parting his lips
with her tongue. Kendall’s tongue did a sensuous duet with his, their kisses
intensifying by the second. She broke the momentum, trailing her lips down to
his chest, stopping at his nipples and sucking them softly one by one. She took
her time, licking each nipple as if they were gourmet fare.

“I like that.”

Once his nipples were firm and standing erect, she continued
south, making a pit stop at his navel, twirling her tongue around and around
his bellybutton.

“Oh baby, that feels good too.”

Kendall looked up at his face and Magnus had his eyes
closed. She abandoned his navel and made her way down to his swollen cock. She
kissed the bulbous head of his penis. At first her kisses were slow and soft,
and then she increased the pace, rapidly kissing his private parts. Kendall
kissed the sides of his penis, before taking the entire length of him in her
mouth. She sucked and licked his balls and firm shaft as if she was the porn
star Vanessa del Rio.

“Yes, baby, that’s it!” Magnus ran his fingers through her
hair as she brought him close to climax.

He took Kendall by the elbows, lifted her to her feet, led
the way to the bed, laid her down and spread her legs. “You look good and
tasty. I want to kiss you all over,” he said, rubbing the pink flesh of her
pussy with his thumb and forefinger.

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