Recipes for Life

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Authors: Linda Evans

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My Memories


Sean Catherine Derek

Copyright © 2011 by Linda Evans

Published by Vanguard Press

A Member of the Perseus Books Group

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Cover photo courtesy John B. Cahoon III

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Cataloging-in-Publication data for this book is available from the Library of Congress.

ISBN 13: 978-1-59315-648-0

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For Bunky, who has always been the wind at my back



Introduction: Chain Me to a Stove


Hollywood Here We Come!

A Heart of Gold

Bringing People Together

California Dreaming

Sweet Dancing Eyes

The Long Walk of Fame

Out of My League

Dragged into Destiny

My Magical MGM Days

From Bikinis to Boots

Marjoram, Missy, and Thyme

Like a Second Mother

My Dream Man

An Unusual Recipe for Friendship

My Béarnaise Fiasco or Meltdown Washout

European Excursions

Always a Great Notion

The Duke

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?

Far from Evil but Scary as Hell

The Trials of a Bunky

Back in the Saddle Again—Almost

Semi-sweet Memories

The Best Revenge

A Man of a Thousand Names

Breakfast with Burton

Raw Talent

Take Two

Fugitive Found

A Whirlwind Romance—and Lifestyle

Moon River, Wider Than a Smile

Enter Nena

Not So Tuffy

An Avalanche of Mixed Memories

Life without Marriage, but Not without Love

The Part That Didn’t Get Away

Nearly Disappearing into a Black Hole

Friends for Life

Love Never Ceases

An Italian Love Affair

What Goes Up Must Come Down

I Was Never One of Charlie’s Angels, but He Was Sure Mine

A Man for All Reasons

The Jewel in John’s Life

Golden Opportunities

Nothing Like My Sweet Little Kitties; or, Circus of the Fools

Forty Isn’t Fatal, It’s Fabulous

Quick Draw McEvans

George Burns and Other Sex Symbols

I Love
The Love Boat

Angel of Death

The Joys of Having Two Dysfunctional Families

The Tuna Meltdown

Not the Kiss of Death

Have More Fun

Better Than a Van Gogh

Coyote Ugly: In the Eye of the Beholder

My Heavenly Blue Angels

The Weight of the World

A Taste of a Real-Life Dynasty

“Ritzy” Business

Real Princes among Men

A Royal Welcome

Fans Even in the Vatican?

The Price of Fame

My Spiritual Journey Leads Me Home

March on the Capital

There’s a Bunky Loose in the White House

A Time for Change

Music to My Life

Bless You Jane

Living and Loving in the Moment

A Family Affair

An Angel among Us

Winter Wonderland

Sweet Surprises

A Symphony of Sights and Sounds

Yanni’s Other Girl; or, My Rival in Venice

Finding My Voice

Always a Song in My Heart

As American as Apple Pie, Almost

Animal Lovers Unite

Leap of Faith

Eating My Way across the Country

From the Frying Pan into the Fire

Hell’s Kitchen
: Heaven on Earth for Me

My Just Desserts


Mom’s Hot Dog Stew

One of My Favorite Pastas

Peach Heaven

Mom’s Baked Mac and Cheese

Missy’s Hobo Fillet

Chicken and Cheese Enchiladas

Puerco Picante

Rice Casserole with Sour Cream, Cheese, and Chiles

White Rice

Fish Tacos with Garlic Aïoli Sauce

Julia’s Béarnaise

Duke’s Crab Dip

Duke’s Crab Dip Omelet

John Wayne’s Favorite Green Chile and Cheese Casserole

My Famed Artichoke Dip

Fresh Start Blueberry Muffins

Luciana Paluzzi’s Pasta alla Matriciana

Julia Child’s “Perfect” Hollandaise

Hollandaise Sauce Made in the Electric Blender

Asparagus My Way

Dani and David Janssen’s Caesar Salad

Ham Dani

Chicken, Shrimp, and Mushrooms

Leslie and Tony Curtis’s Lemon Soufflé with Raspberry Sauce

Raspberry Sauce

Frozen Raspberry Sauce

Bûche de Noël

Lose-Your-Figure Potatoes with Cheese and Garlic

Strawberries and Decadent Sauce

Warm Berries in Custard

Julie Forsythe’s Sesame Chicken

Ina Garten’s Filet of Beef Bourguignon

Kung-Bau Chicken with Peanuts

Plain Rice

Corn Pudding

Chocolate Soufflé Pudding

Molten Chocolate Cakes

style Paella

Al’s Aïoli

Great and Simple Cheese Soufflé

Warm Butternut Squash Salad

JZ’s Award-Winning Lemon Meringue Pie

JZ’s Classic Crust

Crab and Lobster Cakes with Mustard Beurre Blanc

My Favorite Salad Dressing

Baby Spinach Salad with Citrus and Avocado

Felitsa’s Appetizer Meatballs

Yorgo and Linda’s Pesto

Stand-up Buttermilk Pancakes

Roasted Pepper and Mozzarella Salad with Vinaigrette

Best Ever Apple Pie

Banana, Lemongrass, and Coconut Soup

Hell’s Salmon


to my stepdaughter, Sean, for her loving gift of helping me put my life into words.

Thank you to my dear friend Gary Craig, who inspired and encouraged me to weave my life and love of cooking together, which became the genesis of this book.

My brilliant young friend Laura Craig put the icing on the cake by tirelessly and miraculously collecting the many elements that it took to show the story of my life.

There are not enough words to thank my sister Charlie for helping me as she always has.

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