The Ultimate Guide to Cunnilingus (21 page)

Read The Ultimate Guide to Cunnilingus Online

Authors: Violet Blue

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Women's Health, #Sexuality, #Psychology, #Human Sexuality, #Reference, #Personal & Practical Guides, #Self-Help, #Sexual Instruction

BOOK: The Ultimate Guide to Cunnilingus
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Forbidden Fruit


Woman-owned and operated toy store/adult gift shop, and fetish boutique. A big supporter of the Austin S/M, fetish, safer-sex, and sex-positive communities.


Toy Store and Education Center
512 Neches St., Austin, TX 78701
512 478 8358


Good Vibrations


Staff is trained, and their Education department serves staff and customers and does outreach to health organizations. Web site and retail stores carry toys, books, DVDs, safer-sex supplies


603 Valencia St., San Francisco, CA 94110
415 522 5460
1620 Polk St., San Francisco, CA 94109
415 345 0400
2504 San Pablo Ave., Berkeley, CA 94702
510 841 8987
308A Howard St., Brookline, MA 02446
617 264 4400
(Mail Order) 800 289 8423
(See “Online and Mail Order” section for more mail
order/Web info.)


Pleasure Chest


Retail store and Web site of novelties, toys, videos, and clothing.


7733 Santa Monica Blvd., West Hollywood, CA 90046
800 75 DILDO
323 650 1022
156 Seventh Ave. S., New York, NY 10014
212 242 2158
3436 N. Lincoln Ave., Chicago, IL 60657
773 525 7151


Canadian Resources


Come As You Are


No visit to Toronto is complete without visiting this community-oriented worker-owned co-op retail store, and they also have a mail-order catalog and Web site. They have toys, books, videos, safer-sex supplies, and educational resources, especially resources for the disabled. Products are hand-picked and individually reviewed. Stores offer educational workshops.
Nous offrons desservices limites en français.


701 Queen St. W., Toronto, ON, M6J 1E6, Canada
(Toll-free) 888 504 7934
416 504 7934


Good For Her


Woman-focused retail store carries toys, books, videos, and erotic art; hosts sex workshops, all geared toward female pleasure. In addition to regular hours, store has women and trans-only hours.


175 Harbord St., Toronto, ON, M5S 1H3, Canada
(Toll-free) 877 588 0900
416 588 0900




Retail stores and Web site offering toys, books, videos, and lingerie. Possibly the oldest women-owned sex shop in North America—open since 1972.


27 Yorkville Ave., Toronto, ON, M4W 1L1, Canada
416 923 7331
2200 Dundas St. E., Mississauga, ON, L4X 2V3, Canada
905 276 5772
(Toll-free) 877 923 7331


Womyn’s Ware


Retail store, Web site, and catalog of toys, books, and fetish gear, education- and woman-focused. Store hosts sex seminars.


896 Commercial Dr., Vancouver, BC, V5L 3Y5, Canada
604 254 2543
(Toll-free) 888 996 9273


European Resources


Le Boudoir


The Spanish woman’s answer to a female-friendly, smart and sexy online sex shopping experience—from Spain, they are a fabulous resource. Lovely; website is in Spanish.




This UK-based site is a one-stop shop for quality sex toys, books, and videos. They make their own product videos, have an entertaining blog, and are committed to green practices and environmentally conscious products.




A women-run, women-focused online sex boutique from Denmark, with a lovely site and fantastic selection. Site is in Danish.


Second Sexe


French Web site, erotic boutique, and resource for women-positive, feminist-identified products and porn. Exquisite site, lots to choose from.




A women’s sex shop that is all-inclusive and couples-friendly, with two levels including handpicked toys, books, videos, and lingerie. A well-educated staff, many after hours events and comfortable atmosphere.


57 Hoxton Square, London N16 6HD U.K.
Tel. 0845 868 9599
020 7613 5458




Austrian leather, latex and a variety of sexy tools


A-1070 Wien, Lindengasse 2, Austria
Tel. 43 1 522 040 74
[email protected]




A gorgeous online women’s sex toy boutique, with lingerie and their own beautiful sex magazine. I wish American sex toy boutiques looked and felt like this (site is in French).


Safer-Sex Resources


American Social Health Association


P.O. Box 13827, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
919 361 8400


Center for Disease Control National Prevention Information Network


P.O. Box 6003, Rockville, MD 20849
800 458 5231


National AIDS Hotline


800 232 4636


National STI Resource Center Hotline


919 361 8488


Planned Parenthood


800 230 PLAN


Safer Sex Page


San Francisco Sex Information


Sex information and referral switchboard that provides free, nonjudgmental, anonymous, confidential, accurate information from a highly trained staff. Monday through Thursday 3:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.; Friday 3:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.; Sunday 2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. PST. Ask any question about sex under the sun by emailing ask-us@


415 989 SFSI


Sex Education Classes and Workshops: Organizations


(For stores near you that offer sex education workshops and classes, see the “Retail Stores” section.)


Body Electric


School of healing arts dedicated to exploring the healing potential of erotic energy, with a holistic, mindful, and spiritual approach (open to all spiritual orientations). Classes for men and for women, mixed classes, retreats, and more, in Seattle, Oakland, New York, and Los Angeles.


1010 University Ave., #384, San Diego, CA 92103
510 653 1594


San Francisco Sex Information


Sex information and referral switchboard that provides free, nonjudgmental, anonymous, accurate information. They offer a fifty-five-hour training course in all aspects of human sexuality and monthly Continuing Education classes open to the public on a variety of current topics; for more information, see their Web site.


415 989 SFSI


Society for Human Sexuality


Social and educational organization that offers lectures and programs with the Center for Sex-Positive Culture in Seattle. They have a huge online library of sex resources.


PMB 1276, 1122 E. Pike St., Seattle, WA 98122


Sex-Related Web Sites


Carnal Nation


One of the best online sex and culture news sources, period. No judgment, constant updates and fantastic features.


Cleis Press


Cleis has published groundbreaking, informative, and controversial books about sex and politics since 1980. The publisher of this book, they also have a great Web site showcasing their latest erotica, all their sex guidebooks, and Midnight Editions, their incredible consciousness-raising human rights books.


Cunnilingus Facts and Resources: Tiny Nibbles and Open Source Sex


Tiring of Web sites that are low on information and updated resources on cunnilingus, I created this page on my Web site to serve as both a starting point and continuing education resource that includes podcasts, videos, erotica, articles on cunnilingus, and more.




Huge directory of searchable links by, for, and about women.


GLBT National Hotline


The GLNH is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization. They provide telephone info, email info, referrals, and peer counseling for the GLBT communities. They have over 18,000 listings for the entire US, including groups, organizations, business, bars, doctors, lawyers, therapists, etc. Monday through Friday 4:00 P.M. to midnight; Saturday noon to 5:00 P.M. EST.


888 THE GLNH, 888 843 4564


House O Chicks


Featuring Vulva University, with classes on many aspects of female sexuality.


Molly Kiely


This is the Web site of the artist whose cute and highly skilled illustrations grace the pages of this book. See more of her awesome work here—in full color!


Scarlet Letters


Webzine of articles, erotica, and more.




Resource of sex information geared toward teen women, but with great sections for young men.


SIECUS (Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States)


SIECUS is a national nonprofit organization that develops, collects, and disseminates information on sex, promotes sex education, and advocates individual choice.


90 John St., Ste. 704, New York, NY 10038
212 819 9770
1706 R St. NW, Washington, DC 20009
202 265 2405


Tiny Nibbles: Violet Blue’s Open Source Sex


My own Web site for sex culture commentary, accurate sex information, updated resources for all things related to human sexuality, an awesome blog, and epicenter for current information on new sex books, sex videos, sex studies, sex in the news, my famous podcast, TV appearances, news on people doing cool things in the world of sex, and much, much more.


The Sex Carnival


Run by a woman and staffed by several others, this multi-author sex blog is a resource bar none on sex toy reviews, sex news, sex classes, and most especially the world of kinky sex.








Alman, Isadora.
Doing It: Real People Having Really Good Sex
. Berkeley, CA: Conari Press, 2001.


Angier, Natalie.
Woman: An Intimate Geography
. New York: Anchor Books; Random House, 2000.


Birch, Robert W.
Oral Caress: The Loving Guide to Exciting a Woman
. Howard, OH: PEC Publications, 1996.


Blank, Joani.
. San Francisco: Down There Press, 1994.


Boston Women’s Health Collective.
Our Bodies, Our Selves for the New Century
. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998.


Brame, Gloria.
Come Hither: A Common Sense Guide
. New York: A Fireside Book, Simon and Schuster, 2000.


Bruce, Cara and Motanarelli, Lisa Ph. D.
The First Year: Hepatitis C
. New York: Marlowe and Co., 2002.


Califia, Patrick.
Sensuous Magic: A Guide for Adventurous Couples.
San Francisco: Cleis Press, 2001.

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