The Ultimate Guide to Cunnilingus

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Authors: Violet Blue

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Women's Health, #Sexuality, #Psychology, #Human Sexuality, #Reference, #Personal & Practical Guides, #Self-Help, #Sexual Instruction

BOOK: The Ultimate Guide to Cunnilingus
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Table of Contents



Ultimate Guides from Cleis Press

Title Page





CHAPTER 1 - One Act, Many Pleasures

Increasing Intimacy
Enhancing Lovemaking


CHAPTER 2 - How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Getting Head

The Four Fears
Building Blocks for Great Sex: Masturbation and Fantasy
Getting Connected
Being a Great Lick-ee
The Oral Sex Double Standard


CHAPTER 3 - Anatomy for Pleasure

Female Anatomy 101
The Clitoris
Beneath the Surface
The Sexual Response Cycle
The G-spot and Ejaculation


CHAPTER 4 - Health Considerations

Is Cunnilingus a Risky Behavior?
Is Rimming Risky?
Safer Sex
Safer-Sex Gear
Flavored Vulvas
Air Embolism
The Eroticism of Safer Sex


CHAPTER 5 - Tastes and Textures

Hair: Velvet or Velcro?
What About Waxing?
Razor Burn
Smell and Taste
Beard Burn


CHAPTER 6 - Cunning Linguistics: Getting Started

Cunning Strategies and Suggestions
Talking with a Reluctant Would-be Lick-ee
Finding out What She Likes
Foreplay Games for Lovers


CHAPTER 7 - Oral Seduction

First Taste
Helping Hands
Female Genital Massage
Starting Licks
Tongue Techniques
What Your Mouth Can Do
Strokes and Combinations
How to Be a Mind Reader (Well, Almost)
Bump and Grind: Orgasmic Body Language


CHAPTER 8 - As You Like It

Cunnilingus Positions for Injured or Disabled People
Tongue and Jaw Cramp
Penetration and Sex Toys
G-spot Stimulation


CHAPTER 9 - Tricks or Treats: Advanced Techniques

Erotic Pressure Points
Fire and Ice
Cool and Tingling Sensations
A Little Pain
A Lot of Pain
Exercising Restraint
Anal Penetration
Extreme Sports


CHAPTER 10 - Independent Study: Erotic Books and Videos

Recommended Reading
Erotic Videos
How-To Videos




About the Author

Copyright Page

Ultimate Guides from Cleis Press


The Ultimate Guide to Adult Videos
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The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Men
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The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women
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The Ultimate Guide to Sex and Disability
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The Ultimate Guide to Sexual Fantasy
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The Ultimate Guide to Strap-on Sex
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For B.L.M.




Pussy is a wondrous mystery. Every time I am honored by the company of one, immediately I doubt myself. Even though I have one (a very nice one at that!) and have been lucky enough to have had many, many, many pussies presented to me, in one way or another throughout my adult life, it’s still daunting. It’s still intimidating; it never ceases to be a challenge. It never ceases to be an unanswerable question and the answer to all questions combined. When I sit down at the sacred table, to devour the sumptuous feast laid out lovingly before me, I am in awe.


When it comes to cunt, there are a few very important truths. Every one is different. Every one has its own unique architecture, its own set of rules and regulations, its likes and dislikes. Nature has made it so that its true desire is hidden always, and for those who can unearth its secrets, the rewards are greater than can be imagined. Making a woman come, using your mouth and hands and, well frankly, everything you have in you, is truly an art form. I can’t say I am a great artist, but I try. I fail. I succeed at times, and those times keep me going through all the mistakes and minor setbacks and getting-to-know-you embarrassments. It’s a fantastic journey and sometimes, it’s a journey that leads to TMJ. Ow, my jaw.


My advice is simple. Pussy requires patience, persistence, passion. You can’t assume what will work on one will work on another. Eating pussy is just a metaphor. It’s a process that requires far more than just the act of consuming something. It’s more like communion. It is communication with the divine, like prayer. You are giving back to the place where we all come from, the door to all life. So pay it forward.


I can’t think of a better guide for your journey, a consummate expert, a gentle guide, the perfect maître d’, the sumptuous sommelier, and the most gorgeous dining companion, Violet Blue. Bon appétit!



Margaret Cho




When a lover goes down on me, anything can happen. From the first silky caress of a warm tongue on my clitoris to the crashing moment of orgasm as a hot mouth envelops my vulva, I have the possibilities of the world between my legs. The choices for how I want to enjoy cunnilingus are endless. I can be anyone, anywhere at all in my imagination: a woman arrested for speeding, bent over the hood of her car—or even a man getting the filthiest blow job of his life. I can role-play with my lover as a ravished femme, a dominant mistress, or a naughty schoolgirl. I can be the one woman my partner desires the most, with their face deliciously pressed between my legs in an act of worship that I can enjoy as either sacred or profane. But whenever, however, wherever it happens, I know I’m going to have a sexual experience that is at once tender and intimate, one that results in a powerful, focused orgasm.


It wasn’t always like this. I spent more years than I care to admit silently lying back and waiting for my lover to tire of the effort, in a state of either agony or boredom. Sadly, sometimes this happened in relationships that lasted years. I would read erotic stories of women having earth-shattering orgasms from cunnilingus and think,
Yeah, right.
I would watch movies in which women gasped and shuddered and I’d think,
What actors.
Sometimes it felt somewhat good, but just for a minute. I wondered if it would ever be possible for me to have orgasms from oral sex, let alone the kind of orgasms I had when I masturbated. Could I come with someone right there, up close to my vulva? I doubted that I would ever meet someone who would know how to make me come from cunnilingus. Boy, was I way off.


Now I’m an award-winning author and well-known sex educator who teaches and volunteers for sex education programs and helplines. But that doesn’t mean I somehow learned some sex voodoo that made me know how to pick the right lovers, or that I gleaned “secret sex tricks” (like those promised in women’s magazines) and suddenly—poof! It works! This book explains that not only does cunnilingus
work like that, this book explains exactly how cunnilingus does work. For both giver and receiver. It’s not complicated (unless you like it that way), but there are a few things you should know that will change sex for the better—especially cunnilingus. They are things everyone interested in cunnilingus should know, but few people tell you about. More on that in a bit.

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