The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales (15 page)

Read The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales Online

Authors: Carl East

Tags: #group, #erotic, #erotica, #oral, #lesbian, #romance, #fiction, #sex, #threesome, #incest, #mom, #son

BOOK: The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales
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The dream was then over, with me waking up, I
had cum running down my thigh again, I smiled, and thought, that
young woman deserves another visit, and then went back to


The End




The Making of a


The wind howled as it gushed into the knot of
the tree, the tree that’d been in Carl’s backyard for twenty years.
The longest branch rapped on the side of the house making Carl turn
to see where the sound had come from. He consciously decided it was
time he did something about that branch, before it caused some real


Turning back to his computer, he typed in a
message on his favorite bulletin board, a board where he’d made a
lot of good friends, although most of them were living in America.
He’d found this site whilst doing a search for erotic literature,
and discovered it had a discussion board to go with it.


Carl had always found it easy to make friends
online, he was just that kind of guy, someone you could talk with
and feel comfortable doing so. It wasn’t hard to understand
therefore, how easy someone could call him a close friend even
though they’d never met him.


He had a few friends online that he felt
close to, but no one he considered as special. One day however,
that all changed, because he was attracted by something someone
wrote on his favorite bulletin board.


He quickly sent off an email to this
individual, praising her for what she’d written, but not really
expecting a response. So he was surprised that within five minutes
of sending it, he received a reply. The email in question was
clearly from someone who was sweet and kind, mainly because of the
nice things she said.


This all made him further intrigued as to who
wrote it, and so he started to talk back to her in other emails.
Pretty soon they were chatting on their favorite instant
messengers, with each learning something new about the other
everyday. It wasn’t until they traded photos of one another, that
Carl began to feel more than friendship towards this


Her name was Andrea, which wasn’t unusual,
but it was her face that struck Carl the most, for she had the
sweetest smile and loveliest eyes he’d ever seen. He made the
mistake one day of telling her how much she meant to him, and found
her backing off, as if she wanted nothing to do with anything other
than friendship.


So he was quite content to leave it that way,
although on occasion he did let slip how much he cared, and was
immediately admonished for getting too close. He turned to poetry
to win his fair maiden, but when that didn’t work he just admitted
defeat to himself that he would never get back the feelings he had
for this beautiful woman.


It was during one of their many conversations
that Carl admitted his defeat, and won the respect of Andrea in
more ways than he could ever have imagined.


”If friendship is all that I can gain from
this meeting, then I take it with an open heart and thankfulness
that I have a friend such as you,” he said taking a break, “It
would be an honor to befriend such a beautiful lady as yourself, I
hope in my heart that you will forever be my closest companion and


Andrea sat back in her chair staring at the
words on the screen, she loved the way he used words, and it was
almost a romantic feeling to read them.


”Thank you Carl,” she quickly replied, not
wanting to leave the screen blank for too long.


”You’re welcome, Andrea,” he said, at which
point Andrea could imagine his English accent saying those very


As the days went by they talked and talked,
always enjoying each other’s company but never crossing the line
between friendship and love. Until one day, just by chance Carl
mentioned that he might be coming over to America for a holiday.
He’d planned on going across the states in a train, and asked
Andrea her advice on the best course of action.


Andrea went out of her way the next day to
find out which would be the best route to take, and to also find
out how many different states Carl could possibly pass through on
his journey.


It was decided that Washington was possibly
the best place to begin, and so Carl arranged it so that this was
his starting point. Many days that turned into weeks went by,
before Carl eventually got around to informing Andrea that he was
to set off for America that very Friday.


Andrea was somewhat excited at hearing this
news, yet she couldn’t explain why. It wasn’t until her sister
caught her chatting with Carl one day that she found out.


”Why are you blushing sis?” her sister


”Am I?” replied Andrea.


”Yes, a very crimson color,” came the reply,
as Andrea’s sister passed over a hand mirror.


Andrea looked into the mirror to see her
cheeks flushed crimson red, and then put the mirror down on the


”Carl just called me beautiful,” she


”You’re in love with him aren’t you?”


”No I’m least I don’t think so,”
Andrea replied, looking back at the screen.


Carl had written a short poem, dedicated to


I hope thy beauty will never fade or age will
stay its course for sweet the voice that lights your eyes will
always be rejoiced.


”I wrote that for you my dear, I will miss
our conversations as I journey across your land, I just wish in my
heart that your state had been one of those I visited.”


At that point Andrea started to cry, she knew
at that instant her sister was right, she’d fallen in love and
didn’t even know it. How could she respond to Carl now? For she
knew if she told him he’d find a way to get to her. She knew just
what a passionate man he was, and it finally dawned on her that
that was the reason she loved him, he made her feel alive and


Andrea didn’t let on about her feelings, for
she had a plan formulating in her mind, and didn’t want to spoil


The next day was to be the last they could
talk together, for he would be setting off the following day. So
Andrea happily talked away for hours, all the time getting little
bits of information out of Carl so that he wouldn’t suspect a
thing. She found out what time he was arriving in Washington, and
on which plane.


She found out what train he would be
catching, as well as what time, and then soon found that the hours
had marched away once again, and she had to say goodbye.


”I hope you have a good journey Carl, I will
miss you so very much, please hurry back,” she said, meaning every
single word.


”I’ll miss you to Andrea, of all the people I
will be meeting on my journey you are the one person I would dearly
love to see.”


Andrea smiled at that, for in the next few
hours she too would be in Washington, waiting for his plane to
land, she’d decided this the day she discovered she’d fallen in
love, but she hadn’t told him.


In the next few hours things were extremely
hectic for Andrea. She’d gotten her airline tickets and arranged
for her sister to drop her off at the airport. What she hadn’t done
was inform her parents where she was going or whom she was going to
meet, she just knew they wouldn’t understand.


By the time she sat down in the plane, she
was feeling a lot of anguish, about meeting Carl and also about
lying to her family, all except her sister of course for she had to
tell someone. When she arrived she was a bag of nerves, she kept
telling herself to calm down, but the nearer Carl’s plane got the
more nervous she became.


She even watched it land and got herself
ready as the passengers disembarked, she got a little worried when
about fifty or so people piled off the plane but that he wasn’t one
of them, and then she saw him.


He was quite tall, at least six foot, with
dark hair and a very sweet smile. Unfortunately Carl hadn’t looked
in Andrea’s direction, so she had to go up behind him and tap him
on the shoulder.


As he turned around and looked into her eyes,
his facial expression changed from one that looked lost to one of
sheer joy.


”ANDREA,” he shouted, making everyone in the
near vicinity turn to look his way.


”Hi Carl, I just wanted to surprise you,” she
replied, feeling a little embarrassed.


Carl suddenly swept her off her feet,
planting a big kiss on her cheek before letting her down again.


”This is so wonderful you couldn’t have given
me a better surprise if you tried.”


”I needed to see you, I felt it was
important,” she replied, getting her breath back.


”Why, what was so urgent you had to see


”I fell in love!”


”Oh...I hope whoever the guy is, he knows how
lucky he is,” replied Carl, putting his head down.


”I fell in love with you silly,” replied
Andrea, whilst touching his face.


Carl looked into her eyes, his face a glow
with happiness, and placing one hand gently onto her cheek he
kissed her softly on the lips.


”I’ve loved you for some time, I just didn’t
want to lose you by telling you so, I thought you could only be my
friend,” he said, stroking her cheek with the tip of his


”I did at first, but you’re such a sweet man,
you kind of got under my skin without me noticing,” she replied,
kissing him.


A single tear could be seen running down
Carl’s cheek, and Andrea took out a hankie and wiped it away.


”Please don’t cry Carl, you’ll only set me
off too,” she said smiling.


He smiled back and kissed her once again,
thinking how lucky he was this day.


Carl had arrangements to make so getting him
self together, he began by telling Andrea his plans, and hoped that
she would be a part of his adventure across America.


Andrea had already decided to go with him on
this trip, for she couldn’t think of a single place she’d rather
be. Four hours later they were boarding the first of many trains,
which would take them across sixteen states.


Once inside their own personal cabin, it was
as if this moment was inevitable for they both looked into each
other’s eyes, just before holding in a passionate embrace.


Carl swept her off her feet, and then placed
her on the small bed. Parting her hair from her face he kissed her
tenderly on the lips, and slowly started to unbutton her


Her return kiss was of a passion she’d never
felt before. Her entire body tingled to his touch as she became
aware that her blouse had been undone. Carl kissed his way down her
neck, and then kissed the mounds of flesh heaving over a small


He then slipped his hands underneath, with a
little help from Andrea who arched her back slightly to give him
access. Finding the clip he skillfully unhooked the bra and felt
the tension go out of the material.


Bringing his hands to the front he then
removed her bra, revealing a gorgeous pair of voluptuous breasts.
He kissed them both before touching them and nibbling the now erect


Andrea looked down the bed watching as Carl
unzipped her skirt, whilst all the time kissing her soft skin.
She’d fantasized about this moment, and so longed to feel her new
love in a passionate embrace.


Standing off the bed Carl stooped down taking
her skirt off and over her feet, he then looked down to see her
cotton panties. Getting back onto the bed knees first, he kissed
her stomach, and then placed two fingers into the rim of her
panties. Andrea took a deep breath as she witnessed him removing
them, and then rolled her tongue around her lips as he began to
kiss her belly button and work his way down.


Carl reached her soft pubic hair and felt her
shudder as he ran his fingers through it, and then he kissed her
slightly open but very womanly wet lips. Andrea ran her hands
through his hair, arching her back slightly as she felt his tongue
dart into her sex.


He was like a man possessed at that moment,
he so wanted to taste his new love. Her writhing on the bed urged
him on as he licked, kissed and lapped at her juices with his
tongue. Flicking her little bud was driving her crazy, and she knew
she was going to climax.


Carl could also sense her impending orgasm,
which only served to excite him more, for he then introduced a
finger into his game wanting to take her over the edge with as much
bliss as possible.


”Oh god Carl, I’m going to cum,” she shouted,
her hands almost gripping his hair.


Carl could then taste his reward as she
shuddered in a delightful way, before coming with all the passion
she’d ever felt.


After a few minutes more Carl slowly kissed
his way back up her stomach and breasts, until he reached her neck.
Where upon he then straddled her delicate but beautiful body, and
then pressed his own body closer.


Andrea could feel the hardness of his manhood
resting on her inner thigh, and kissed him passionately expecting
the inevitable. Carl made no attempt to rush the proceedings
however, for he was quite content just to kiss this gorgeous flower
of nature.

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