The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales

Read The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales Online

Authors: Carl East

Tags: #group, #erotic, #erotica, #oral, #lesbian, #romance, #fiction, #sex, #threesome, #incest, #mom, #son

BOOK: The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales
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Short Erotic




Published by Carl


At Smashwords


Copyright 2010 - Carl








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The Haunted House


Chapter 1


“So this is it,” I thought looking up at the
so-called haunted house.


It was an impressive structure built in the
late eighteen-nineties, yet strangely uninviting. Its concrete
pillars on either side of the front door looked out of place. I had
been dared to stay the night in this building by a friend who once
had the same opportunity. He wouldn’t tell me what had happened;
just that he would never set foot in that building again. I teased
him, saying that there was no such thing as ghosts. Hence the dare,
but I wanted something in return. I wanted to shag his girlfriend.
So convinced, that I wouldn’t be able to stay the night, he agreed
to the wager.


”Well,” I thought, “let’s check this


I opened the front door, which was a little
stiff, to find a large hallway with a magnificent staircase winding
slightly to the top of the landing. ‘A pleasant enough house’ I
thought before entering and then closing the door behind me. The
sound the door made upon closing was eerie, but I wasn’t about to
let noises scare me away. After all, there was a beautiful pussy
waiting for me once I had proved that this house was not haunted.
Taking my backpack off I entered what must have been the sitting
room, for there was still a couch here. Sitting down on the couch I
tried to make myself as comfortable as possible.


After two hours I drew my rucksack nearer to
me, opened it to find an apple that I had placed there earlier.
Sitting back to enjoy it I felt a little more at home and by the
time ten o’clock came I was starting to get tired, so I put my feet
up and closed my eyes. Before I drifted off I was startled by a
sound in the wall, or at least from the other side of the wall. I
got up to investigate the sound, but found nothing. I knew from
experience that old buildings made settling noises, completely
natural, and not in the least supernatural.


Sitting back down again I suddenly felt a
cold wind pass over my body. Shivering slightly I reached for the
sleeping bag that I had tied to the back of my rucksack. Not
getting in it, but covering my legs I sat back to rest my head.
Then the strangest thing happened. My zipper started to come down
all on its own! Quickly trying to fathom this one I pulled it back
up, only to find it coming back down again. This was starting to
get a little too eerie. I put my hands in front of me and waved
them about in an attempt to feel some sort of entity. I started to
rise, only to be pushed back down. My trousers were now being
removed. Clinging onto the top of them was useless, as they were
forced out of my hands. By now I was convinced this house was
indeed haunted and that my scheming for pussy had finally gotten me
into trouble.


My underwear was next to go, and no amount of
protesting was about to stop it. So there I was, pinned to the
couch with no idea what was going on, my underwear around my
ankles. Then it happened. I suddenly felt a mouth engulf my flaccid
penis! Looking down all I could see was my cock standing up and
being manipulated by some unseen force. The sensation wasn’t
unpleasant, however, and pretty soon I started to get hard.


‘I’m getting a blowjob by a spook,’ I
thought, starting to relax a little.


Then my shirt buttons started to unfasten
themselves, which made me wonder how a ghost could do two things at
once. Unseen hands lifted my shirt off me and then my chest was
being rubbed. The invisible entity was also going wild on my cock.
I could see and feel the end of it being depressed and bent this
way and that and the sensations were starting to really turn me on.
A mouth covered my own, kissing me tenderly. I kissed back,
surprised to be able to feel a real mouth, but still unable to see


The mouth was replaced with another. No, it
wasn’t a mouth. It was the unmistakable feel of a pussy wanting me
to lick it. Strangely, I could smell the aroma of a woman’s sweet
nectar as I went at it with a vengeance and for the first time I
could hear the moaning of someone being pleasured.


My cock was still receiving a good servicing,
by now I would normally have cum but there was nothing normal about
this event. I could feel a clit on my tongue as I continued to lick
and suck. My cock was about to explode! I then felt a pressure at
the base, knowing that that was the experienced hand of someone
that had done this on more than one occasion. She was stopping me
from coming, giving me a chance to recover before carrying on.


The invisible pussy covering my face started
to writhe to the attention my tongue was giving it. I could feel
the walls of her pussy and felt frustrated not to be able to see
her. The mouth covering my engorged cock restarted its efforts,
taking long slow movements and completely engulfing my used cock.
My tongue was starting to feel tired as the pussy over it never
wavered in its lust finding mission. Whoever this pussy belonged to
was clearly in the throws of coming, for my head was being pushed
deeper into her mound of loveliness. Every now and then you could
make out the sweet moans of someone being pleasured.


I felt on the verge of coming once again, but
this time she made no attempt to stop it. The pussy over my mouth
suddenly let go, and then I started to cum. Looking down I could
see the first spurt shoot out. I started to duck out of the way but
found it stop inside an invisible mouth then slide down an unseen
throat. My cock was next entombed into another mouth, for I could
feel them change hands. Again I came, my cock throbbing to the
sucking motion still being carried out.


Between them they sucked me dry. I could, for
the first time, feel something other than mouths and pussy. I could
feel the unmistakable caress of a breast rubbing against my leg.
Still they sucked, almost as if they didn’t want me to lose my
hard-on. Stopping for a second I could feel my cock enter a pussy,
no one could doubt it. It was tight, yet soft; wet, yet unyielding
until wetter. Pushing down with some force I was suddenly in. The
entity riding me knew her stuff, for she was sucking my cock back
into her pussy each time she rose off my lap.


Another pussy was thrust against my mouth at
that point. This one felt slightly different in that her lips were
more pronounced. She was ever the expert guiding my tongue to the
right places, pulling my head back in order to almost sit on my
face. Using me like this was more erotic than anything I had ever
experienced. My cock was being ridden by a pro while my tongue was
completely devouring a pussy. The sensations coursing through my
body were overwhelming.


Once again I could sense someone in the midst
of a climax. I had the feeling it was the one riding my cock, for
she had gained momentum. By now I was ready to cum again, feeling
my balls getting tighter. I wanted it to last a lot longer, but my
will power was not enough to stop these two vixens. With an
explosive exit my seed poured into her body, or lack thereof,
filling her pussy with a throbbing gusto from my cock. I stopped
licking the pussy above my head and breathed in deeply. I could
feel them get off the couch now as I slowly recovered my posture.
Not a sound could be heard and with that I fell into an exhausted


When morning came I packed up my few
possessions and walked towards the door. Upon reaching it I turned
and said ‘thank you,’ then opening the door I walked out. At our
prearranged meeting place just outside the gates to the grounds
this house stood upon I found my friend waiting.


”Well it looks like you won!” he said.


”Yep, there is no such thing as ghosts! Now,
about that bet,” I said, smiling.




The next day started with a bang, for I was
rudely awoken by a fender bender just outside my parent’s home. I
got up to have a look. It turned out to be the next door neighbor.
She’d backed into a van while coming out of her driveway. I had to
laugh, because I couldn’t stand the woman.


I then started to remember the day before;
I’d made a bet with a friend that a certain house was not haunted.
The bet had been to stay in the house for one night; if I could do
it I could fuck his girlfriend. I did stay in the house for the
night, but what I didn’t tell my friend was that the house was
indeed haunted. In fact two very friendly ghosts had seduced


His girlfriend’s name was Tania, she was the
cause of many a wet dream, now I had the chance to bed her, and I
wasn’t about to let it go. I couldn’t forget about the ghosts I had
intimate relations with, but who would believe me even if I did
tell, so I chose to keep it a secret.


”Son, are you awake?” my mother shouted.


”Yes Mom, I’m just getting dressed.”


While at breakfast I received a telephone
call, Tania was coming around that evening, and wanted to know if
it was convenient, I told her yes knowing that my parents were
going out on the town.


With a smile on my face I continued to finish
my cereal, just then my zipper started to unzip itself.


”Oh no,” I blurted out.


”What’s wrong son?” my mother asked.


What could I say; two ghosts had followed me
home, and at this very moment were passing my cock to one another
under the table giving me a blow job.


”I forgot to give that book back to Mick,” I


Shifting uncomfortably at the table and not
wanting to give anything away I tried to eat my breakfast a little


”Yo, slow down son, you’ll give yourself
indigestion,” my father said.


I could feel their mouths around my cock,
sucking and slurping, I was getting very aroused, but found it
almost impossible to keep a straight face, fortune however was on
my side, for my parents finished their breakfasts and started to
clear the table.


”Sorry Dad, I’m in a hurry.”


”Son, you’re eighteen years of age, you’ve
got all the time in the world, savor it,” he replied, looking at


My mother smiled and then continued to clear
the table; meanwhile the ghosts were bringing me to a climax.


”Oh that was good!” I said.


”It was only cereal dear,” my Mother


How could I possibly tell her what I was
referring to?


The awkward moment passed, I was alone while
my parents washed the dishes, and I quickly pulled up my trousers
and darted up the stairs. The Ghosts hadn’t tried to pull me back;
in fact I had the distinct feeling that they had gone until I sat
on the bed, on either side of me you could clearly see an indent on
the bedclothes, which were the shape of butts sitting down.


”Is there anyway I could get to see who you
are?” I said, hoping that there was a way to communicate.


One of them got off the bed, and opened my
bedroom door.


I figured she wanted me to follow, so I did,
she led me to my sister’s room, who I’m happy to say was at
collage. Once there I spotted a drawer opening, upon inspection all
I found was a diary, some garments and a fluorescent strip light.
Picking up the light I wondered if this was all I needed. Quickly
changing the light in my room for the florescence strip, I turned
it on.


There before me were two of the most gorgeous
looking females I’d ever laid eyes on. Both of them dressed in long
white gowns with hair that reached past their shoulders, each
having a cleavage you could dive into, with large breasts that
beckoned to be fondled, eyes of blue, and smiles that could melt


”You’re both beautiful, but why have you
followed me here?” I said.

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