The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales (64 page)

Read The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales Online

Authors: Carl East

Tags: #group, #erotic, #erotica, #oral, #lesbian, #romance, #fiction, #sex, #threesome, #incest, #mom, #son

BOOK: The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales
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It turned out to be an ex-patient that had
come in, a month before, he was complaining of not being able to
get an erection, but no sooner had Kim touched him, than he did get
an erection. She had informed me, and I had the unenviable task of
ejecting him from the premises. We always knew we would get the odd
charlatan, or pervert, just out for some fun, but we didn't think
this sort of thing would happen.


Next we found out that the repairs were going
to take four weeks, so we decided to have an extended vacation, and
get married, before coming back to work. Judy then left for home;
while Dean and I helped to clean up the mess, and after an hour we
had done all that could be done. I told Dean to phone me in the
morning, so that we could finalize our plans, and then I left for
home myself.


Upon reaching home I found the dinner table
was laid, with two lighted candles, and then I saw Judy, she was
wearing a low cut, black dress, with a gold necklace that I had
bought for her birthday.


"You look stunning," I said, kissing her


"I thought we'd have a romantic candle lit
dinner, before going to bed," she said, winking.


I smiled, and then sat down, as she began to
serve the main course, looking at her I wondered if she was as
happy as me, but didn't ask, and then we tucked into the lovely
meal. Later we sat arm in arm on the sofa drinking brandy, and
talking about the double wedding, and then she kissed me putting
her hand behind my head to draw me nearer.


After a while I picked her up, and then
walked into the bedroom, laying her gently on the bed, but not
before undoing her zipper from behind, and letting the dress fall
to her feet. As I stood next to the bed getting undressed, I looked
at her beautiful body, and watched her remove her panties.


Then climbing onto the bed beside her, we
kissed as I got into position, my hard shaft touching the opening
of her pussy.


"Go slowly," she said, kissing me more


I found the entrance, and then pushed gently,
feeling the give as my cock started to slide in, and then slowly I
felt the sides of her womanhood surrounding my cock as it traveled
almost the full length.


" feeling,"
she said, kissing me harder.


I always enjoyed making love to Judy, it
wasn't just a casual lay, it meant much more to me than that, and I
felt a part of her life and wanted to remain with her for the rest
of mine.


I started to work it a bit faster making her
climax for the first time that night, and then carried on until I
was ready to cum. She held me tightly as I did, wanting to feel my
seed deep inside her. I stayed there for a few minutes, wanting to
compose myself before withdrawing my cock. Then it was over, and
she was saying no more today, for she was tired and had a lot to
think about.


We just held each other for a change, needing
the feel of each others body's up close, something that we didn't
do often enough. Eventually we fell asleep, while still holding one
another, and I wondered what else was in store for us.


We all got married shortly after that, and
the double wedding went perfectly. We even had another sexual
adventure during our honeymoon but that’s another story.


The End





A Virgin No More


Stephanie sat on the edge of the hospital
bed, holding Mrs. Carter’s hand. Stephanie was a volunteer care
person, someone who gave a few hours of her time every week to
bring a little joy into other peoples lives. Today, she was
visiting a patient she’d seen many times over the last two months,
and who wasn’t expected to live much longer.


Her complaint was liver cancer, and although
the Doctors had done everything they could, it was too far gone to
save her. All they could do was ease her pain, and make her last
hours on this earth a little more comfortable. Stephanie always
read to her, from her favorite author ‘Agatha Christie’ and liked
to discuss the finished books at the end.


On this day however, Stephanie was about to
lose her first patient, because as she read, the monitors kicked in
to let the staff know Mrs. Carter was having a cardiac arrest.
Stephanie stepped out of the way as the hospital staff went into
action, but it was no good, and she was declared dead at 12:15 p.m.
on the third of the month 2004.


The tears welled up in Stephanie’s eyes,
having never seen or had anyone die that she was close to. A nurse
comforted her as she walked out of the ward, and another tear fell
down her cheek. It had just occurred to her that Mrs. Carter had no
one to mourn her passing, and she felt that was a very sad


On her way out, one of the Doctors spotted
her, and intercepted her before leaving.


“Hi Stephanie, oh sorry, what’s wrong?” he
said, noticing her tears.


“Mrs. Carter just died, and it hit me harder
than I thought it would,” she replied, wiping her tears for the
fifth time. “Is there something I can do for you?” she added,
seeing the concern in his face.


“I’m sorry to hear that Stephanie, perhaps
this isn’t the time to discuss it,” he said, resting his hand on
her shoulder to console her.


“It’s all right, I’ll be fine. What is it


“Well, I have another patient that I’d like
you to visit. He’s feeling rather down at the moment because he’s
on chemotherapy, and I thought your winning smile might perk him up
a little,” he said.


“Well, I’m available tomorrow, if you’d like
me to come and see him,” she replied


“That’d be great, you’ll find him in the
terminal ward, and his name’s Terry Blake,” replied the Doctor.


Stephanie made a quick note of it, and after
saying her goodbyes, she left the hospital.


The next day was miserable, as it rained from
the moment she left her apartment. As promised though she headed
straight for the hospital, and entered the terminal ward. Stopping
a nurse that she spotted, Stephanie asked where she could find
Terry Blake, and was pointed in the right direction. The curtains
were drawn around his bed, and she popped her head around, to find
a youngish man who didn’t look ill in the slightest.


“Hi there, I’m Stephanie, a care worker. I’ve
been asked to see if you’d like someone to talk to. If the answer
to that is no, I quite understand, some people like their privacy,”
she said, looking him in the eye and noticing how handsome he


“That would be nice, as I don’t have any
visitors to look forward to,” he replied, politely.


Stephanie had been trained not to ask
personal questions during a care meeting, and only talk about such
things when the patient brought it up. So it was a number of weeks
before Terry actually started to talk about his illness, and
revealed that he had a particular virulent form of leukemia. The
worst thing about it was that they didn’t even pretend there was a
cure for it. They just gave him a time scale for when he would


Of course they did try certain things like
chemotherapy, but only because they knew no other course of action.
During the weeks that Stephanie got to know Terry, she started to
have feelings for him beyond friendship, but kept them to herself.
He had enough problems without adding more, she thought as she came
to see him one day for the fifteenth time.


He was in a pretty good mood that day, and
confessed that he looked forward to her visits. The conversation
also touched upon his sex life, or lack there of, for it turned out
he was still a virgin at thirty-six years of age. Stephanie
couldn’t help but ask why he had left it so late.


“I waited for the right person, I know that’s
terribly old fashioned, but I wanted sex to mean something more
than just a physical sensation,” he said, rather admirably.


Stephanie was starting to like Terry more and
more, but as the weeks went by his health declined, and he started
to lose his hair. It was getting to a point now where it was
painful to see this proud and very likable man start to wither. On
her last visit, he confessed something to her that she’d suspected
for weeks now, and that was that he’d fallen in love with her. When
he told her, she couldn’t hold back the tears, and tried to hide
them instead.


She confessed to him at the end of that
meeting that she had strong feelings for him too, and that if
things had been different she would’ve been honored to be a part of
his life. That made him cry, and that was something Stephanie
didn’t want to see happen. That meeting was the moment Stephanie
had come to a decision, one she just knew was the right one, but
one, which she needed help with.


On her way out of the hospital that day, she
sought out the Doctor who’d recommended her to this particular
patient. She found him taking a coffee break, and asked if she
could see him privately. He granted her wish, and pretty soon they
were in his office. She told him what she had planned, and that she
needed the hospital to close a blind eye. She also needed the
Doctor to increase Terry’s pain killing dose for the particular day
she had in mind. The Doctor listened quietly, and when Stephanie
had finished explaining her plan, he shook her hand.


“I wish there were more like you,” he said,
“and yes, you have my permission, I’ll make sure his meds are
increased on that day,” replied the Doctor.


Stephanie left soon afterwards, and was
pleased that the Doctor understood. She also had to get her self
physically and mentally ready for the day ahead, for it was an
important one for Terry.


The next day came around so quickly, and
Stephanie felt nervous as she walked through the hospital corridors
one last time. When she reached the ward, the Doctor was there, and
he was telling the nurses under no circumstances were they to
bother Terry or Stephanie until Stephanie made an appearance. By
that, he meant when the curtains were re-opened, after her


They understood the instructions, and as
Stephanie walked over to Terry’s bed the Doctor gave her a wink and
a smile, and then went about his business. Stephanie said hi to
Terry as she closed the curtains off, and he immediately noticed
how good she looked that day. Taking her coat off, he noticed how
low her top was, and how beautiful her long legs were. She never
wasted anytime though, for as he started to speak again, she leaned
forward and kissed him.


He wasn’t ready for it, and didn’t expect it,
but he damn well enjoyed it.


“Let’s not talk today,” she said, taking off
her blouse, and revealing her voluptuous breasts.


Terry was shocked, but he never said a word,
instead he lay back and watched as she took the rest off. Once
naked, Stephanie pulled the covers back and found he had a nice
solid erection brought on by her, and ready for anything. They
kissed again at that moment, and Terry felt her tongue touching his
own. He’d always imagined the perfect woman for him, to look and
feel just like Stephanie, and felt so excited to actually be
kissing the woman he loved.


Stephanie stroked his chest as they kissed,
and allowed her hand to wander downwards towards his pubic area. As
the kiss got more intense, her hand brushed through his pubic hairs
and gently touched his hard cock. He moaned quietly inside her
mouth, as she gently stroked his member the entire length. She then
started to kiss his neck and chest, and continued down to his belly
button. Before she could reach his hardened shaft however, Terry
started to cum.


She watched him tense up as his seed spurted
onto her face and his stomach, and proceeded to lick him clean,
which made him cum again. She then placed his cock into her mouth,
and wouldn’t let him go until she was sure he was going to stay
hard. When he was ready, she got onto the bed, and sat astride his
cock. Looking beneath herself, she lowered and opened her pussy
lips onto his shaft, and moaned with excitement as the tip of his
cock entered her wet vagina.


For the first time in his life, he felt what
it was like to make love to someone, and for those precious moments
he was alive. Stephanie rocked back and forth, not having to worry
as to whether or not he liked it rough or gentle she just knew he
liked what was happening. After just ten minutes he started to cum
again, and the tears ran down his face. Stephanie didn’t move from
his cock, until she was sure he’d lost his erection.


Climbing off him, she lay beside his hot
body, and placed an arm over his chest. They never spoke, for he
was content to just breathe in the scent of her hair and wonderful
perfume. When she did move, she told him that she wouldn’t be
coming again, for it was too hard to see a man she loved so much,
fall apart in front of her everyday. He understood, but still the
tears ran down his face. As she got dressed and ready to leave, he
simply said, “I’ll be waiting.”


Stephanie held her head up high as she left
the hospital, but allowed the tears to flow. The Doctor saw her
walk past, but left her alone. He admired her, and took great
comfort from the fact that people like her do exist, and can make a


The End



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