The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales (13 page)

Read The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales Online

Authors: Carl East

Tags: #group, #erotic, #erotica, #oral, #lesbian, #romance, #fiction, #sex, #threesome, #incest, #mom, #son

BOOK: The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales
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He then hoisted her up into the air at just
the right height, locking the contraption in that position. He
could now swing her about, and she was powerless to stop him, not
that she would, for she was enjoying every last moment of this. He
gripped her butt, and then pulled her towards his waiting cock.
Once he had it in position he entered her now moist cunt. He
plunged it in, making her cry out with joy, and then instead of
moving his hips; he swung her back and forth impaling her on his
cock, whenever she came back. Her cries of pleasure at this point
were so loud nothing else could be heard. The sight of her pussy
engulfing his cock was a big turn on, as this assault


Then he stopped, and spun her around and
down, her mouth immediately and hungrily closing over his huge
cock. He once again began to swing her back and forth, with his
cock traveling deeply inside her throat. He knew it wouldn’t be
long now before he came, and as she reached down with one hand
starting to jerk his cock off. He suddenly started to cum, she
pulled it out allowing it to hit her face and tongue, and then put
it back in to swallow whatever else was left.


By the time she’d finished he was still
rock-hard, so he turned her back around and began to fuck her
again. This time making sure she came to a climax before stopping,
his timing just a little off, as she climaxed a couple of minutes
before him. He pumped his load deep inside her pussy, and then
started to slow down.


The dream link then came to an end, and we
both woke up once more.


”We have got to try that ceiling harness
out!” said an excited Abby.


”I agree, that looked like fun,” I replied,


We talked a lot about that one, clearly
thinking that that would be hard to beat, and then we finally went
back to sleep, looking forward to the next one.


Chapter 15


The villagers were very excited as we walked
over to join them; they’d all been extremely impressed with
Conrad’s dream link. We tended to agree, for it had been very
erotic, and also quite original.


This time, before anyone asked who was next,
Candra said she would be, they asked her questions, wanting the
details, but Candra was keeping a tight lip about it all, not
wanting to spoil the fun.


Then someone realized that I would have to
follow her, and couldn’t put it off anymore. The only thing I gave
away, was that mine would be different to all those I had seen so
far, that of course got them all speculating about what I was going
to do.


I listened to their conversations, and
thinking what I would have missed if Abby hadn’t chosen me, as her
soul mate.


The large group of people started to break up
shortly after that, all looking forward to tonight’s show. Abby had
told me she had a secret, and that she would reveal it that day. So
when the crowd had all but disbursed, I followed her to where she
said I would find something of interest. She led me to a large
metal plaque, which was inscribed with the names of literally
hundreds of people.


”What is this?” I asked, looking closer.


”It commemorates all the people that have
lived in this village,” she replied.


”This is the secret!” I said, expecting
something more.


”No silly, that’s the secret,” she replied,
pointing to the inscription near the bottom of the plaque.


I bent down to look at where she was
pointing, and there as clear as daylight were my mother and
father’s names, and along side was my name at the age of two.


”How can this be…?” I said, more to myself
than to Abby.


”I don’t know, a friend pointed it out to me
yesterday, so I thought I’d better tell you,” said Abby.


I’d never mentioned my parents before,
because they’d died in a car accident a few years ago, and I didn’t
like dredging up the past. But this totally threw me; I had no idea
they’d been here, ‘but in what capacity,’ I thought as we walked
away. I decided to get this contest out of the way before looking
into this further.


The day seemed to drag, but eventually we
went to bed, and were soon watching Candra’s dream link. She had
decided to go to my world as well, which didn’t surprise me. She
was wearing the skimpiest outfit yet, her skirt was just below her
buttock line, the way Abby likes to appear, and her tight top was
so thin, you could clearly see her nipples poking through.


She entered a college for young men, looking
through it for someone special, and then she found him. Upon
entering his dream, she found he was dreaming of his father beating
him with a belt. She quickly changed that scene, replacing it with
a lecture hall, with him being the only pupil and her being the
tutor. He clearly felt more comfortable with this dream for he
visibly started to relax as his eyes stared at Candra’s gorgeous


Candra deliberately dropped some papers on
the floor, and then bent down to retrieve them. Her skirt not able
to conceal her panties, as she gave him a view he would not soon
forget. The lecture was to be about the reproductive organs, of
both the male and female bodies, a simple biological lesson. Candra
had decided to take the first part seriously, knowing how arousing
this would be to those observing it.


She asked the young man if he would volunteer
to help her with her demonstration, to which he jumped at the
chance, clearly getting involved in this dream. When he was
standing next to her, she started to undo his trousers and pulled
them down. Then she pulled his underwear down revealing a semi-hard
cock, dangling between his legs. Candra then grasped hold of his
cock, bending down in front of him.


”Now, the male penis is easily enlarged when
a person of the opposite sex, handles it in this way,” she said,
jerking him off slowly, and watching his cock grow in her


He looked down watching his cock being
handled, overjoyed to be part of this demonstration.


”Then if we take it into the mouth, he will
become very excited,” she said, putting her mouth over his


He moaned as he felt her mouth surrounding
his penis, and then pulled back slightly as his shaft hit the back
of her throat. Her nipples were fully erect, making him stare down
at her breasts. She started to jerk him off, making him feel like
coming all too soon, her lips still covering his bell end. Then he
came, his cock momentarily coming out of her mouth, and losing some
of his cream onto her cheek. She quickly got it back into her mouth
and swallowed the rest of his cum.


”That shows what can happen when you get
really excited,” she said, standing back up.


Then she sat on the desk, asking him to point
out the woman’s vagina; he stood between her legs his cock getting
hard again, and gently parted them. Then slowly pulling down her
panties, he revealed her pussy. She then asked him to show how he
would make a woman climax. He started by rubbing her vulva, and
then stroking the hood of her clitoris, and when she leaned back he
pushed a finger deep into her pussy, making her moan with


After finger fucking her for a few minutes,
he then bent down and started to lick her clit, using both hands to
pull her pussy lips apart, he then inserted his tongue as deep as
it would go, making her thrust up her hips to meet it. By now his
cock was rock solid, so she climbed off the table, and then turned
around and leaned over. He didn’t need to be told what to do next,
for she could suddenly feel his cock entering her pussy. She
reached over to the other side of the desk, in order to hold
herself steady.


His back and forth motion getting quicker and
quicker, as she started to scream out with the pleasure he was
giving her. Her juices making the inside of her legs extremely wet,
as he continued. Then before he could cum, she let it out and
turned around, quickly taking her top off and bending down. She
placed his throbbing cock between her breasts, and started to tit
fuck him. Her own juices made it slip easily between her breasts as
she held them together. Then he came, the sperm hitting the
underside of her chin, and falling back onto the top of her bust,
with the second load finding its way into her mouth. His third was
only a trickle, as she relaxed her breasts, and sucked him dry.


Then the dream was over, and once again we
were waking up.


”I thought it was good, but not as good as
Conrad’s,” said Abby.


”Yes, I agree,” I said, thinking that all I
had to do now was give a reasonable dream link, and we could


I was about to give them something they
hadn’t as yet seen, because I’d practiced this secret of mine,
after every dream link that week, and I was sure I’d gotten it down
to an art. I had even informed the Dream Reaper that my dreams were
not to be taken as the real event, as I was trying to perfect
something special. He had told me that my dream linking would not
be seen until I had informed him it was going to happen. We fell
asleep soon after that, with me looking forward to the day


Chapter 16


The whole village was by now confident that
we would win this contest, for as they greeted us on the morning
after Candra’s dream link, they shouted out my name, placing a huge
weight on my shoulders. I couldn’t fail them, if I did I wouldn’t
be able to face them again, Abby tried to lift my spirits by
nudging me, and saying ‘go get um tiger.’ I smiled knowing she
meant well, but I couldn’t get the responsibility of this contest
out of my mind. That was the price I paid for wanting to go last,
and now I wasn’t so sure it was such a good move. I was asked what
my surprise would be, but I wouldn’t give anything away, telling
them that they’d have to wait and see.


Mine would be the last dream link, so I had
to make it a good one. I’d been practicing something that nobody as
yet had tried, and hoped that it would impress them all. Not even
Abby knew my secret, for I wanted to surprise her as well.


The day went by all too quickly, and before I
knew it I was ready for bed, and hearing Abby say ‘good luck.’


Once asleep I proceeded to find the right two
houses, once there I entered one house to find the young lady I was
looking for. I entered her dream, to find her dreaming of lazing in
the sun, with a cool drink in her hand. Then I tried my surprise,
knowing that the whole village was watching me. I fixed her dream
in a sort of pause mode or holding pattern, and then proceeded next
door, once there I found the second young lady, and entered her
dream, she was dreaming about horse back riding.


I merged the two dreams together, still in
control of the dreamer next door, and then changed the scene. I was
now a salesman, while they were both my next clients. The game
began. They were both dressed in short skirts and tight tank tops,
with figures that suited them both; I started my sales rep bit.


”These are our best sellers,” I said, taking
out a pair of crotch less knickers.


They reached out to touch them, both of them
accepting this dream without any qualms.


”Um, very nice, can we try them on?” they
said together.


”Yes, please let me help,” I replied.


I then got down on my knees, and slipped my
fingers beneath the panties one of them was wearing and
deliberately brushed her pussy with my fingers, and then pulled
them down. She sighed deeply. She stood there looking down, her
eyes watching every move I made, and then stepped out of her own
panties, and revealed a nicely shaved pussy. I then slipped one
then two feet through the crotch-less ones, and pulled them up,
with her pussy clearly visible.


”Why crotch-less,” she said, innocently.


”It’s so that your partner can do this,” I
said, rubbing a finger around her vulva.


She pushed her hips forward slightly, wanting
me to go further, but I wanted to play first.


”Can I try them on?” the other one said.


”Of course you can madam,” I said, trying my
hardest not to spoil the fun.


She started to remove her panties, while the
one wearing the crotch-less pair removed hers. At that moment I had
both their panties off, and then being handed the crotch-less pair
I slipped them on the other girl. Pulling them up I ran my fingers
all the way up her legs and thigh, making sure I brushed past her
pussy. She had a lovely trimmed triangle of pubic hair, with none
covering her pussy lips. She grabbed my hand, placing it over her


”Do the men, rub it here?” she asked, running
my fingers through her pussy lips.


”No it’s more like this,” I said, inserting a
finger deep into the moist hole.


She gasped, saying she would have a pair, and
then I stopped and stood up.


”This next item is a negligee and is
guaranteed to get your man hard, and excited,” I said, pulling one
out of my bag.


I had thought this one up from an old memory,
of seeing something similar in a dress window, but there, it was on
a dummy. I held this skimpy looking and see through negligee up,
and then asked if they would like to try one on. They both nodded,
and started to undress. I produced another negligee from my bag. By
the time I turned back they were both naked, and reaching for a
negligee. I couldn’t help but stare, as they both placed them over
their heads, their breasts were standing tall, full and erect.

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