The Ufo Silencers: Mystery of the Men in Black (9 page)

BOOK: The Ufo Silencers: Mystery of the Men in Black
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"Firstly, persons coming from the same general ecological framework would probably see a given UFO in generally the same way. Secondly, there are cases where persons of totally different backgrounds sight unidentified aerial phenomena (example: the Rev. Gill incident). Further study of these special cases would be needed before a full evaluation of this consideration may be given."

Just what then are the mechanics of inter-reality travel?

"At this point we can see several trends in the evidence. First, if UFOs are indeed in some way manifestations of vehicular activity, then it would follow that some form of vehicular inter-reality transmission is possible. Secondly, we have the above mentioned matter of 'reality warps.' Thirdly, there are the indications of fixed transfer points, such as the Holes at the Poles Ray Palmer often mentioned."

Another question which came to our mind was: "Why do some UFOs appear hostile, and others not?"

"In our opinion, some UFOs appear to be hostile, some do not, and others appear to be indifferent. Using 'reasoned speculation,' one may assume from this that we are dealing with at least three different groups of entities. This seems consistent with the Shaverian concept of dero, tero and 'elder races.' It is also consistent with our own experience in that there do seem to be three possible basic points of view on a given question: pro; anti; and neutral."

We then asked Allen Greenfield how he might approach the various contact cases in light of his theory.

"The alternate reality can shed a whole new light on cases of alleged contact with alien entities. The idea that contactees have been honestly reporting things as they see them is not new. Dr. Leon Davidson some years ago posed this idea in relation to Adamski's case, but attributed the deception to the government. The flaw in this is the widespread nature of these cases, and the lack of real motivation.

"However, the AR theory can provide a much more plausible rational explanation. For example, if we accept the ecological premise, we can easily see how a contactee, having a legitimate experience, will hear from the space people what he wants to hear. We can also see why persons from more sophisticated backgrounds might have less sophisticated experiences.

"The problem of deliberate deception can be dealt with in either of the following ways: An individual chances upon a landed UFO. The entities aboard are not welcoming company, so they tell the unfortunate passerby some cock-and-bull story and send the poor devil on his way.

"The other instance would be the planting of deliberately contradictory stories with various contactees in order to keep a state of confusion about their nature in effect. Either of these instances are plausible.

"The 'Men in Black' type cases might have connections in the same vein. Here there might also be an authentic element of knowing too much about flying saucers,' although at least in the famed Bender case, it hardly seems possible that Bender knew all that much. In fact from his magazine of the period, one would be inclined to say that Bender seemed to know very little about UFOs."


UFO Witness Abducted By Agents of Terror—The Men in Black Strike Once More

We will not reveal to you in what Eastern city Patricia Hyde currently resides. The cracking in her voice as she tells her tale of personal terror is sufficient reason for us to believe that the last few years have been a living hell for this young woman. For Patricia is the first to admit that it took her quite a long time before she was able to go about her everyday business without looking over her shoulder at every little sound, paranoid that someone—or something—was keeping tabs on her movements.

Before July 1972, Pat Hyde hadn't thought much about UFOs. Sure she had read articles in the popular press; however, still in her early twenties, she had more pressing matters on her mind. But on the humid summer evening when it all began, Pat was to have her consciousness altered and at the same time leave herself open for harassment by the sinister Men in Black, whose sole purpose seems to be to "silence for good" those individuals who have had close encounters with other-worldly intelligence and are not bashful about keeping their experience a secret.

It was around
9:00 P.M.
and Pat was in the front seat of her car attending an outdoor movie with her mother in
when something unusual in the twilight attracted her curiosity.

"It started off looking kind of like an ordinary star in the evening sky," Pat began her fascinating narrative. "But as I watched it move across the heavens from north to south over the giant movie screen, I began to realize that the object could not be attributed to any astronomical phenomena, as the bright yellowish light was tumbling toward the earth in a falling leaf motion.

"When the object got directly over the car I couldn't see it any more so I got out of the parked automobile and strained my neck looking upward, interested in knowing if it was still visible to the naked eye. At this point, I saw a white light—a ray—shooting out from beneath the object. The best I can describe it is to say it closely resembled a searchlight beacon in that it scanned the ground near where I stood before eventually landing directly upon me."

Pat was understandably frightened as the eerie beam was cast down onto her body. Looking up directly into the blinding light the witness was almost positive that she could make out the bat-like shape of a huge craft hidden behind the brilliant glow that made it difficult for her to see.

"The light stayed on me for only three or four seconds, I would estimate. Then it continued to move along the ground as if it was searching for something." Pat says the only sensation she got from being enveloped in the light was a feeling of "warmth." For the duration of her experience, Pat's mother was trying to make her get back into the car. "She was almost hysterical, near tears. People in the other cars were caught up in the emotion. Someone yelled, 'Is it a helicopter?' —I knew it wasn't and my curiosity got the better of me. I just wanted to watch it, so in awe was I of this object."

Suddenly the beacon of light flickered out and the object itself got dimmer and dimmer. "The yellow glow faded and then went straight up into the air out of view in a matter of a second or two."

Pat says she got back into the car, but never got to finish seeing the movie as her mother was too upset and wanted to be taken home. And while Pats mind whirled with the realization that she had been subjected to a very important experience, her mother refused to discuss their sighting, saying that it continued to frighten her. "My Mom even had nightmares about this for a long time afterwards. She would dream

that they were coming to get her and take her up in the ship or something. In the nightmares I was always standing outside of the car telling them to come on and land."

Being inquisitive, Pat found herself asking a lot of serious questions. "I sincerely wanted to know what other people had experienced, if there were others beside myself who had encountered such things." The witness went so far as to keep a note book in which she jotted down information derived from interviewing local residents who had also observed UFOs.

I gathered some really interesting data," Pat proclaims. "There was this one elderly man who had been sitting on his front porch when he looked up in the early afternoon sky and saw what he initially thought was a jet with sunlight shining off it. He watched the object travel across the sky and then it stopped and moved in closer and came down to within a couple of feet of the ground. He told her he was frightened so bad that he almost had a heart attack. He didn't now how to handle the experience so he ran inside to call the police and the Highway Patrol came to his house right away. On their way to talk to him, one of the patrol cars nearly ran off the road, as this strange craft was sitting practically in the middle of the road."

Like others who have had encounters and contacts with UFOs, Patricia yearned to relate her story to someone who would not think she was crazy. Sometime after her bewildering experience she wrote to a small UFO organization located near her home and that's when the really puzzling chain of events started happening one right after another.

"I met this man on the street in front our house one afternoon. He said he wanted to talk with me, that he was a reporter who knew what had happened, and was quite interested in UFOs himself. Almost immediately he started talking about all these strange things, UFO propulsion and so forth. He told me he could teach me how to build a UFO and invited me to his house for a demonstration. I thought he was kind of a nut and I got a genuinely eerie feeling about him, so much so that I even avoided shaking hands with this man. He sort of scared me and I never found out for sure how he learned of my interest in UFOs. He claimed my mother had run into him one day in the supermarket—she supposedly knew his wife—and when the subject of flying saucers came up in the course of their conversation she mentioned my sighting. At the time I didn't think too much about this as we lived in a rather small town and most people know one another."

Pat said she got the impression that the man was evil and meant to "freak me out." He went so far as to indicate that she should refrain from talking about what had transpired at the drive-in theater. "I got the feeling from him that I should keep my mouth shut from now on."

After the man had visited Patricia several times, a truly peculiar thing occurred which continues to alarm her to this day. "I was in the backyard when I saw this car driving by. I noticed it was a black car and it slowed down as it passed by the house. The car had tinted windows and so I couldn't see inside. The car went around the corner and I returned to working in the garden when I heard the sound of a car engine being gunned as it came around the block. It was the same car and this time it came to a complete stop at the curb and I could see several faces peering out from behind the darkened glass windows."

Staring transfixed at the strange vehicle, Patricia's hypnotic gaze was only broken by the sound of the phone ringing inside the house. "I hurried to answer it, anxious to get indoors where I would be safe from whatever was threatening me. I perceived a definite feeling of evil intent about those inside the black car." Lifting the receiver, Pat was startled to hear the voice of the strange man who had come to see her about her sighting. He was screaming, "What are you trying to do to me? Why did you send those men out to run me off the road?" After calming him down, Patricia was able to draw from him the fact that he was out walking when suddenly a car came barreling around the corner, headed directly for him. He had to literally make a dive for the curb, or he would have been struck down and probably killed, since he estimated the automobile was traveling at least 70 miles an hour. "As he got up and brushed himself off he said he was able to see inside the car as it drove off and that there were three men in the vehicle. He claimed they were all Oriental looking."

Interested in getting to the bottom of the mystery, Patricia hung up the phone and decided to drive over to the man's house. She had written the address down in her notebook and had actually gone by several times in her car and had noticed him either in the yard or on the porch. "There wasn't any doubt that he lived there. However, when I got to the house it was locked tighter than a drum." The neighbors told her they hadn't seen signs of anyone around the property for a while, though she found this hard to believe since she had just spoken to the man on the phone minutes before.

Pat was naturally puzzled by the bizarre sequence of events surrounding the strange black car, as well as the disappearance of the strange man who had frightened her. She wasn't at all familiar with the fact that other individuals who have close encounters with UFOs had also gone through similar experiences.


Life Goes On!

In the years that followed, Pat left home to join the Navy. Upon leaving the service she moved to
, and got a job working for the FBI as a typist.

"I want you to understand that I didn't go around talking about my interest in UFOs during working hours," she explained. "There weren't that many people who I felt were open-minded enough to relate my experience to." Patricia pointed out that the federal government doesn't have the reputation for hiring kooks and so she kept her UFO activities pretty much to herself.

"Late one night I was already in bed in my small apartment when there was a knock at the door. I got up and cracked the door open only an inch or so, leaving the chain lock in place. There standing in the hall was this Oriental man. At first I didn't think it too strange, because I had an Oriental friend and this man called me by name. But it's what he said next that really shook me up. 'Miss Hyde, you will stop investigating flying saucer si'\ just looked at him kind of funny and said, 'You must be crazy,' because I'm not the type of person to be frightened so easily. Next he said something to the effect, 'I'm telling you, you will!!'"

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