The Ufo Silencers: Mystery of the Men in Black (4 page)

BOOK: The Ufo Silencers: Mystery of the Men in Black
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The mystery of the strange death on the Mohawk, the disappearance of neighborhood pets, the weird poltergeist phenomena and the sightings of the UFOs themselves have never been explained. They are part and parcel of the flying saucer mystery.


Physical Evidence

If a common denominator is to be found in any of the MIB cases, it appears to be that these individuals are greatly concerned with any physical evidence, any piece of actual hardware being in the hands of contactees. It almost appears as if they are determined to confiscate any material which could easily prove UFOs to be real at any cost—even death! We can't forget soon enough the Maury Island case, which involved "slag," or let's take, for example, the story Brad Steiger relates: "Late one evening in mid-February, 1968, I received a long distance phone call from a close friend of mine who is a traveling salesman for a large automotive parts company. 'Hey, Brad,' he said, after telling me that he was calling from a city about 300 miles from my home, 'Would you believe that I'm in the midst of a damned saucer flap? A mother and daughter say they saw a UFO in their field. Several farmers have been seeing UFOs land regularly. Hell, the locals here drive out on certain evenings and watch the things hover over high-tension wires. Everyone in town, including the cops, take the things as a matter of course.'"

Brad asked his friend to investigate first hand and report to him in a few days. Two nights later the salesman called back. He had managed to track down the various stories and was astonished at the high level of intelligence shown by most of the witnesses. His entire manner of conversation had changed as well as his former skepticism about UFOs. He asked Brad several questions which led the concerned researcher to believe that he had somehow had a bout with the MIB. Informed it would probably be best if he left the town, he told the
author that he was going to stay on and would call again the next evening. "The next night his call never came. At
I tried calling his motel and was told that my friend had never checked into a room at that roadside inn," Steiger recounts. "I persisted and told the clerk that my friend had been registered there for nearly a week. At last, she found the card, expressed amazement that it had been pulled from its regular place in the file. I was unable to make connection with him that night. The next morning I was comforted to hear his sleepy voice answer my call. He had just begun to fill me in on what he had uncovered when we got cut off. It took my operator five minutes and three channels to re-establish our call."

"When the call was finally completed again, the automotive parts salesman told Brad that he had been given "something" and would have to stay over another night to complete his investigation. What was this something? Three days before, a farmer had given him a specimen of a metal which the man had seen falling from a UFO. The farmer had kept one for himself. "Two nights later I was surprised to find my friend at my door. He had driven nearly 300 miles out of his way to come to see me; he looked terrible. Dark circles rimmed his bloodshot eyes and it was apparent that he had not slept for quite some time. He told me that he had returned to his hotel with the specimen only to find two men waiting in his room for him. They had already gotten the farmer's piece and wanted his."

Standing before Brad, trembling in fear and rage, he wanted to know what all this meant, and how the men knew he had the metal specimen to begin with! "Besides being specific about what would happen to me, if I didn't give them the material," Steiger's friend said, "They told me it was for the good of 'my family, my country and my world.'"


An Amazing Landing

A parallel account was once described to me by the late Gray Barker, who was president of Saucerian Books, publisher of various flying saucer volumes. He heard about the case while attending a convention for audio-visual products. Striking up a conversation with one of the sales personnel, the man Mr. Barker was speaking to related a saucer incident involving the MIB, which he had personally encountered during the course of his work.

While waiting to talk with the principal of an elementary school in
, his attention was drawn to a drawing on a bulletin board in the hallway, captioned "My True Flying Saucer Story."

Asking some of the children who were walking through the hall what the illustration was all about, he managed to put together a truly weird story in which one of the seventh graders, Robert McCallister, actually claims to have possessed an artifact given to him by some UFOnauts.

The youth was trapping coyotes during the Christmas holidays, hoping the bounties he would collect would add to the fund which would help send his scout troop to
Salt Lake City
for a state meeting. Checking his traps in an isolated area, he suddenly came upon a strange circular vehicle hovering about six feet above the ground. His first thought was that it was one of the governments "hovercrafts" he had seen in Scholastic Magazine, an educational school publication, so he had no qualms about approaching to a few feet of the contrivance. The machine made no noise. It was about 15 feet in diameter, and had triangular-shaped ports about three feet apart. No person seemed to be inside or about the craft.

Then from behind some rocks emerged a rather odd group. Three persons, tall, their heads encased in helmets like divers wear, held onto a cable, onto which was attached, about ten feet off the ground, a kind of chair, which seemed to be floating, as if attached to an invisible balloon. On the chair sat a smiling, apparently aged man, with striking silver hair and a wide smile. The silver-haired man wore no helmet, no uniform but a kind of blue flowing tunic, and sandals. Moving as if they did not notice him at all, the three "floated" the chair to the machine, in which a door suddenly opened, through which the chair floated. Two of the men also entered the door floating upward to it. When the door closed, there was no indication any opening had been there.

The man remaining outside approached Robert, and placing his arm about him, led him all around the craft, speaking in a strange language and pointing all the while at various features of the craft, such as a protruding antenna-like device and a thing like a rudder. All the while, Robert thought that perhaps the man might be a Russian astronaut and remembered he had read somewhere that Russians were friendly people. He was enjoying the strange experience and when

asked why he wasn't afraid he said there was no reason to be. Finally the man noted a ball point pen in the boy's pocket and pointed to it. Robert undipped the pen and handed it to the man, whereupon the man withdrew a piece of very thick paper from an inside pocket and scribbled with a pen on it. He handed it back, whereupon Robert motioned him to keep it. The man smiled and seemed to be delighted with the small gift. Then he reached inside his pocket again, and withdrew a somewhat similar object, and exchanged it with the boy.

Just then the door again opened and the man floated up to it and disappeared, after waving for Robert to move back. He retreated a few yards, then turned to watch the craft again, but the door opened again, and the same man once again motioned for him to move further away. Robert retreated for about a hundred yards, and then turned to observe the machine, which was then rising slowly and soundlessly. Suddenly it shot upward at incredible speed.

When Robert breathlessly told his story to his parents and older brother they laughed at him, and told him he was too old to be making up such stories. Then he took the object the "spaceman" had given him out of his pocket and showed it to them. It was a black plastic tube, all in one piece, with a glass or plastic point at the end, and with an opening from which a sepia-colored ink flowed onto paper when written with.

When school resumed after New Years, Robert brought the pen to school and told his classmates about his experience. The teacher, while not believing his story, allowed Robert to pass the pen around. Unfortunately, by the time Mr. Barker's acquaintance found out about the incident, the "pen" had already been "lost."

After showing it all through the school that day, he was doing his home work, alone at his house. His older brother was at basketball practice; his mother and father had taken two younger children with them to the supermarket.

There was a knock at the door. A small, obsequious, smiling man, stood there, making motions along with talking in a weird gibberish language. Then the man exhibited a "deaf mute card," the standard item offered for sale by deaf solicitors, showing hand signals, which is the deaf alphabet. Robert figured the man wanted a contribution, and he motioned for the man to wait there while he went back into the living room for some change. When he offered the coins to the man, he would not accept them, but instead pointed to the card and made various signals. Then he motioned toward the pen in the boys shirt pocket and indicated that it be given to him to write with. As soon as Robert handed him the pen, the man clutched it in his fist and ran around the house at a remarkably speedy gait. Robert heard a car motor rev up behind the house and the screech of tires "burning rubber."

Gray concluded his story to me by stating that an investigation disclosed that nobody else in the neighborhood had been solicited by deaf mutes. The young student told his story at school the next day, and his classmates were disappointed his "outer space men" had been stolen. They collected some money and brought him an expensive pen and pencil set, which he exhibited proudly to the salesman when interviewed. Thus, the search for physical evidence hit another snag.

After observing a UFO form this symbol in the sky, a UFO witness from
told his family about what he had seen. The next day—though no formal report had been filed—the man was visited by a strangely-dressed MIB who told him to remain silent—"Or Else!"


The UFOnauts Are Here!

Do alien visitors from other worlds walk among us?

According to Philadelphia researcher Milton L. Scott, at times the television show, The Invaders, which was popular some years back, seemed to be just "a bit more than a concoction of a science fiction writer's vivid imagination; the kidnappings, murders, and sabotage being done by David Vincent's adversaries with the opposable pinkies are the same things being done by their true-to-life counterparts." Or so says Mr. Scott.

Furthermore Scott points out that the difference between the television invaders and the real aliens is that there are no funny-looking fingers to make them easy to spot. Thus in order to carry out their various acts while on Earth, it is necessary for them "to resemble us as closely as possible." In order to do this they need not "involve themselves with using some fantastic hypno-screen that 'clouds' our minds to their true, gruesome appearance" because they are no more gruesome looking than Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, or Ainus.

Because of their Earth-like appearance they are able to carry on various acts of "espionage" without being detected.

How does a planet wage an undeclared war with yet-to-be invented weapons against an enemy who is not supposed to exist? Milton Scott says: "You might start off by alerting the nation's power companies to the ever-present danger of sudden blackouts, and advising those stations to close each and every switch within reach when they detect a gigantic surge of power racing down the lines from an unknown source."

Or: "You might also make noble-sounding pronouncements of peace and friendship to the world—hoping that whoever is listening outside our civilization believes it. You could sign treaties among nations to ban wars in outer space; clutching at the powdery straw con- tactees have left to us in hopes that flying saucers invading our skies really are big brother-type angels who shed tears over our savage nature.

"You could even build giant radio telescopes to send messages beaming across space: 'We are really nice fellows. We can't hurt you. We only hate each other. Don't hurt us.'"

Scott asks: "Then what to do you do when the blackouts keep occurring, and the deaths and the kidnappings continue to mount?

"You could explode nuclear bombs high in the atmosphere in the hope that the radiation will disrupt the machinery of the saucers or even kill their occupants. You could even test your theory by having the bomb explode in the vicinity of a satellite—like the Transit 4-B satellite, and when the satellite suddenly stops sending signals, you could congratulate yourself on a theory well proved. Then, what do you do when the satellite suddenly comes back to life five years later—and starts rebroadcasting again?"

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