The Ufo Silencers: Mystery of the Men in Black (11 page)

BOOK: The Ufo Silencers: Mystery of the Men in Black
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The first of a series of UFO sightings which culminated in the abductions happened in the eastern part of
, on Thursday night, August 2.

That same night, one hour later, similarly-shaped UFOs were reported in
Northwestern Kansas
Southwestern Nebraska
, 1150 miles southwest of
. Articles about the sightings in the Norton,

Kansas Telegram and the McCook,
Gazette were sent to CUFORN headquarters by
member John Mus- grave. He sent them as part of his monthly UFO clipping service.

CUFORN, founded in December 1977, is a group with 55 members in five countries. Its membership is restricted to persons with expertise in dozens of scientific fields. CUFORN's policy is to avoid contacting the media which distorts, ridicules, fabricates and exploits UFO events, especially in major cities. This leads to crank phone calls and harassment of UFO observers.

In order to avoid this, the names of three girls and one of their mothers have been changed in this article. The three girls are Sarah Hines, 14, Cathy R., 14, and Jackie B., 11. They and Jackie's mother filled out the appropriate CUFORN sighting report forms, CE2's and one CE3 form.

The incidents involved seven teenagers, 13 parents and one young boy. They saw six UFOs, two of them arrowhead in shape. At
9:50 P.M.
, August 2, Sarah saw something in the sky nearby and told her two girlfriends to follow her to the field nearby, which is owned by Ontario Hydro. Two lights were hovering low near high tension power lines. The two objects rose when they arrived, one heading south, the other north. From his house window, Cathy's father saw one of the objects at
9:50 P.M.
He later refused to fill out a sighting report form. When the two objects had left, Cathy sighted two arrowhead-shaped objects, which appeared to be moving backwards from the northwest at
9:52 P.M.

A minute later, Sarah and Jackie observed a cigar-shaped object. It was black with white lights around the periphery and a green light at one end. The cigar was following an arrowhead-shaped UFO at about 500 feet elevation. The cigar emitted a sound like a generator operating at low power.

An oval-shaped object appeared at
9:55 PM
. It had a green haze around it and had four curved legs longer than the body of the object. There was a dull red light on top, red lights along the bottom and yellow lights around the circumference. It appeared to hover over the senior public school roof, two blocks northwest of Sarah's home. This object was 12-15 feet in diameter and about six feet in height, excluding the legs. Another girl, Jodi, saw the object over the roof. When she approached the wall of the school, she felt paralyzed and began to cry. The seven teenagers on the school grounds were soon joined by their parents. The parents said they did not see the oval object, only the arrowhead and cigar objects. The teenagers said the crickets in the vicinity stopped chirping during the incident.

The oval object lifted off the roof about 30 feet, hovered again and then disappeared from sight when its lights went out at 10:05 PM. Immediately, the sound of the crickets was heard again.

Sarah normally sleeps four to five hours a night, but this night she slept 12 hours with no dreams.

On Friday the 3rd at
9:50 P.M.
, the same observers plus Cathy's mother, a friend, Bill MacMillan and Jackie's brother, Ernie, went to the field, which is adjacent and to the east of the school grounds. Again, the sounds of life in the field seemed to stop. No cars were seen or heard on the normally-busy street, which led to
, three miles to the north.

They saw an oval object the size of a football field at a 300-foot elevation. It was flat, dark and solid appearing, with large checkered patterns and three large "fans" of 50-foot diameter beneath. The entire object turned over slowly, rose and headed south very slowly.

10:00 P.M.
, Bill and Ernie observed two large arrowhead objects at about a 500-foot elevation north of the field. The angle of elevation to the observers was 50 degrees. One object seemed to explode silently. The pieces separated as if a jigsaw puzzle was being taken apart. The object's total size was now doubled by the separation of the pieces. This object and the intact object were now separated by 200 feet.

Sarah had an urge to go alone to another field
/4 miles northeast of the Hydro field. Sarah walked, as if in a trance, to the other field. There she saw four bright lights hovering at about 500 feet elevation at
10:10 p.m.
Sarah returned home and again slept 12 hours with no recall of dreams.

10:30 P.M.
that night, Cathy dialed the telephone operator and asked her whom to call to report a UFO sighting. The operator suggested she call the Ontario Provincial Police. She spoke to David Craig, an OPP public relations officer. He called an acquaintance of his who knew Joe Muskat, CUFORN Co-Director and President. Muskat phoned Sarah on the 5th. That night he visited and interviewed Sarah and her mother Alice, after notifying Co-director and Secretary Lawrence J. Fen wick.

Events began once more at
9:50 P.M.
on Saturday, August 4. The same teenagers, along with Jackie's father, went to the Hydro field. Jackie's mother, at this time, was walking a few blocks away and saw an arrowhead object heading north at about 20 miles an hour about two feet above the street level.

Just after her observation, the people in the field watched two hovering arrowhead objects for about two minutes. Then, at 500-foot elevation, the objects all headed eastward "like a flash."

Also at
9:50 P.M.
, Sarah felt compelled to walk away from her friends to the field northeast of the Hydro field. All sounds of life seemed to stop. Sarah crossed the road to the field without looking for cars. She said she had the feeling that there would be no cars and there were none. There usually is some traffic on the street even late at night, since it is a main
North-South Street

Upon reaching the field at
10:05 PM.
, she saw an arrowhead object move off the street to the field and in front of her. It settled slowly to a height of two to three feet above the foot-high grass. She walked to within two feet of the object. Suddenly she saw four shadowlike figures emerge from the object and hover in a semi-circle two feet above the ground. The figures were four feet tall, football-shaped, one and a half feet wide and less than an inch thick, like wafers.

She looked at them for one to two minutes and passed out. She recalled being on the UFO and observing the general area. She also saw a man in a blue suit walking a dog. She remembers waking up in the field 15 minutes later at
10:20 P.M.
, stretched out on the ground about 15 feet south of where the object had been.

Again, upon her return home, she slept 12 dreamless hours. Muskat asked her why her face was orange-red. She said, "You won't believe this." He asked her if she had any other marks on her body. She said "Yes." She showed Muskat her right hand. One pin-prick mark was clearly visible on the inside of her index finger and a one-eighth inch diameter elongated red scrape mark with a pin prick inside it was on the base of the thumb. These marks healed in five days' time with no medical attention.

Her mother said Sarah's eye pupils were dilated and that she had washed off some of the redness on her face the next morning. She had done this out of curiosity and fear. By the morning of the 5th, the dilation was gone, her mother said.

Muskat asked Sarah "What was the thing you said I wouldn't believe?" She replied, "I was onboard a UFO."

Muskat, Sarah and her brother, Jay, went to the site, where they saw a triangular area of depressed grass which had a grey pallor as if the chlorophyll had gone from it. The measurements that Muskat took there corresponded very closely to the description by Sarah. Muskat photographed her hand, the matted-down area and called Larry Fen- wick and Harry Tokarz.

All three went to Sarah's house to ask for further details. Following this, they proceeded to the field. There, she showed them approximately where she had awakened. During the search for the exact location, Sarah noticed a nickel and a penny lying on the grass. She searched her pockets, telling them she had eleven cents the previous day. She only found a nickel in her pocket. This money was found at the location at which she had awoke, 15 feet from where the grass was matted down and dried out.

On August 7th, Claude Freeman, CUFORN member and pilot, was asked to get a Geiger counter to check for radiation. That night very heavy rain fell, preventing use of the Geiger counter. On the 8th, Freeman and Henning Jorgensen, CUFORN radar and electronics expert, took radiation readings, while Muskat obtained soil samples.

The readings were 1.6 to 1.7 higher than the normal background radioactive scintillations. Geiger readings were taken in areas as far as five feet away from the depressed area. The readings ranged from 14 to 19 at that distance. Inside the depressed area, they ranged from 23 to 34 scintillations per minute.

Muskat interviewed Cathy on August 9th. Cathy described her observations of August 2nd. She said the arrowhead object had a red mist around it. It was silent and, inside the red mist, the surface appeared white and smooth. It hovered and moved up and down slowly. She said that at arms length the object would have been the size of an automobile.

On all three nights, the weather was clear and warm. There were many stars in view and the moonlight ranged in intensity, from dull to bright. There were a few fluffy white clouds on the night of August 2nd. Cathy said the arrowhead object came from the northwest on August 2nd. She said there were six objects in view that night. She also noted that the wind was almost non-existent, and was from the southeast. The edges of the arrowhead object appeared sharp. "The bottom looked like pipes on the bottom of a car."

Sarah said that on the sightings of the 2nd, she began to cry while she watched the oval object and could not believe what she was seeing. Cathy also said that on the 2nd, she saw an "orange-red ball of fire." Cathy said that on the afternoon of the 4th, some friends helped her get up on the school roof, where she saw oil and half-square marks. These were no longer visible a day later, when investigators arrived.

CUFORN contacted a doctor who specializes in hypnosis in
. Regressive hypnosis sessions took place on October 10, 18 and 24, with Sarah’s mother present. The doctor’s name is omitted here as he does not want to be bombarded by phone calls from persons who wish to have regressive hypnosis. He prefers to be contacted by CUFORN.

The following is a summary of the tape recorded regressive hypnosis sessions. For coherence, a few statements made in the second session are included with those of the first session.

October 10, 1979
: Sarah said she was taken on foot through the UFO's wall. The interior was brightly and uniformly lit throughout and sharper than regular lighting. Sarah detected the odor of chicken. Her hands went through everything she touched, except for an ordinary cat from Earth. She was told they had been "growing it" onboard and it was to be released eventually. The creature had not done any tests on the cat, which roamed around freely on the UFO.

She said there were seven shadowy creatures on the UFO and that she could see right through them. They were long and oval, like large American style footballs and were four feet tall. They appeared crystalline. Each was of a different, but strange color. They told her telepathically that they had taken her for tests to see what humans are made of. They said they had been on Earth before and would return when she was 25. She felt she was onboard for "what seemed like a year.

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