The Ufo Silencers: Mystery of the Men in Black (19 page)

BOOK: The Ufo Silencers: Mystery of the Men in Black
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Much of humanity is influenced by these fallen angels of darkness and this has created all the negative thinking and deeds which have marred the original beauty of life. A person once told me that she believed that there is no such thing as evil—that if God is good and if God created everything, then everything is good, and there is no evil. My answer to her was this: Yes, God is good, and when God made all things He saw that it was good. However, it was the rebellion of the angels, and later humankind that caused the evil that is so evident around us. God gave all beings—angel and human, the mental and emotional power for good, but these beings misused this power to generate all types of negativity, including wars, slavery, deceit and violence. The evil thoughts of corrupt men and spirits continue to plague the Earth.

In my own experience, I have met several individuals who were representatives of a group known as the "Great White Brotherhood" or "The Masters of the Wisdom." These great beings walk among us to guide humankind into higher levels of thinking and progress. Some of the people who direct mystic churches and organizations are channels for the Masters of Wisdom. I also wish to add that leaders of nations who believe in the freedom of all are representatives of the Brotherhood of Light. An example of this is our own nation, the United States of America. This great nation was founded under guidance and inspiration of the Kingdom of God, and His blessing continues to flow to us in our generation.

I have also crossed paths with representatives of the Brotherhood of Darkness, who have tried to hinder and oppose my work for God. While growing up I kept seeking the right path and means by which I could fulfill my divine mission that I knew was assigned to me. However, at different crossroads of my life were individuals who tried to steer me in the wrong direction.

Dear friend, take heed to my warning: when you are on the path of Light you become a marked person for the Brotherhood of Darkness; you may have a friend (so called) who may, in all appearances, be a normal human being—but beware, if they seek to influence you to neglect or depart from your path of Light they are (knowingly or unknowingly) working for the cause of the Brotherhood of Darkness. Some people who appear very normal, may in fact be one who has sold their soul to Lucifer and live for the purpose of blocking the chosen of God. Some of these individuals have crossed the point of no return and are what is known as a "soul-less one" or an M.I.B. (man in black). The Brotherhood of Darkness does exist, and if you give in to their influence, they will cause you to miss the purpose for which you were born.

I would like to share a more recent experience with you: When I completed my recent book, The Final Solution, the Brotherhood of Darkness tried to BLOCK its publication. To begin with, there were all types of problems which arose during the months in which I was writing the book; personal difficulties, of which I cannot explain, setbacks in schedule planning, mechanical problems with office equipment, and other annoying events which delayed the completion of this book. The negative forces did not want this book published. May God ever bless my publisher, Timothy Green Beckley, of Inner Light Publications. He was a constant source of encouragement in getting the book out to the public. On the day that it was completed, I was directed to take a train from
New York
to deliver the manuscript in person rather than mail it. On that day, I witnessed another great demonstration of the eternal conflict between the forces of Light and Darkness. I will now share the details of that experience with you.

As I stood on the platform of the station in
, I suddenly felt negative energy at the back of my head, trying to push me off the platform, and onto the tracks. With such intensity of spirit, I called from within my inner being on the name of Almighty God and the Masters of Wisdom, who assist me. Then I felt a release of the negative force, turned around and saw two men staring at me. These men were very well dressed like businessmen, but their clothing was all black. There was something evil about their very presence, and when my eyes met theirs, it was like looking into the eyes of Satan himself. These men were representatives of the Brotherhood of Darkness, sent to destroy me so that this manuscript would never reach the publisher.

I invoked the great power of the Light of the Christ to surround me, and a few moments later, the train arrived and I was on my way to
New York
. Mr. Beckley and I enjoyed a time of fellowship as we planned for this and other works to help humankind, and soon I was on my way back to the station for my return trip to
. At this time one of the Messengers of Light manifested and encouraged me with a gesture of blessing in my determination to do my work for the

Before giving my closing remarks and words of blessing, I want to tell you of a recent vision. It was late at night and I was working on a forthcoming book, when suddenly, the scenes of the room vanished and a great multitude of people appeared. These people looked fearfully at a great light which appeared and became brighter by the second. And then it was as though an intense heat emanated from the light and their clothes melted off them, and they stood naked before this great light. Then I noticed that a mud-like substance began to form over the bodies of these horrified souls, and they began to scramble violently to escape the light. Suddenly a voice said, "These are the souls of them who have failed to enter the path of Light, to bring about the progress of their own souls, some through slothfulness, others through dedication to evil principles. The closing of a Cosmic Day and the Great Judgment is near. Therefore, tell the people that now is the time to look within and find the
. It is time for souls everywhere to awaken to their true nature in relation to the cosmos."

Dear friend, I strongly suggest that you read my book, The Final Solution, published by Inner Light. It reveals life's mysteries in a simple, yet profound manner, which will give you the power to overcome your problems and take control of your life. You will receive, with your copy, a lovely crystal heart which the Masters of Wisdom have inspired you for protection and good fortune. And now, I pray God's blessings come to you in every way. May the Light of God surround and protect you, and may peace be with you always. Amen.


UFO Terrorists of

Antonio Huneeus is a top flight investigator with many worldwide contacts. Even before it became "fashionable," Huneeus, through his many "diplomatic ties," was corresponding with Eastern block and Asian investigators. Even from behind the "Bamboo Curtain," the last stronghold of communist censorship, he has managed to extract important news of UFO developments, including the following MIB "attacks" in mainland




Though the vast majority of UFO cases recorded in China consist of purely visual sightings, there are relatively few Close Encounters of the Second Kind (CE-2), where physical evidence such as landing marks or interference with machines is caused or left by a UFO; and still fewer instances of Close Encounters of the Third Kind (CE-3), as well as abductions and cases of alleged contact with aliens.

One fairly obvious reason for this gap is that Chinese UFOlogy is still in its early infancy—publicly acknowledged only since the late 70s. Nocturnal lights in the sky or daytime sightings are still considered a controversial matter. Surely, space aliens would seem like something too outrageous for a country where the media is under heavy government control and communism is the official ideology—nowadays enforced in the so-called People's Republic at the point of a gun, if necessary.

The fact that CE-3's are not reported widely in
, however, doesn't mean that they don't exist at all. They do! The problem, again, is that they are not reported in the Chinese press or hardly even in the specialized publications like CURO's Journal of UFO Research. Therefore, they are quite hard to track down, but not impossible. In Shi Bo's
and Extraterrestrials, a landmark book published in
in 1983, there is a whole chapter entitled, "Humanoids and Close Encounters." However, only four such cases are detailed out of a total of some 130 UFO reports contained in the book.

Curiously enough, two of these cases are somewhat related to the Men-In-Black (MIB) category of the UFO folklore; particularly one incident in 1963, when the MIB warned the witness to remain silent about a UFO sighting. Then there is the close encounter with a strange, big-headed man who was wearing a helmet. The chapter's final section is about a psychic and contactee who claims to have visited a flying saucer three times. Hardly original in the U.S., in China this is explosive stuff.

The oldest case reviewed by Shi Bo took place in 1963 in the outskirts of the city of Yangguan in Shansi province. Li Jing-yang, a security officer in a military factory, was interviewed by journalist Wang Shili, about an experience he had with Men-In-Black when he was six years old, the day after he and some friends had seen "a shining, silvery disc hanging stationary and silent in the air very close to them. It was about seven or eight meters wide and shaped like one plate reversed on top of another plate. No portholes or windows were visible. It looked hermetically sealed and its metallic surface was very smooth." Since UFOs were at the time a subject totally forbidden and unknown to the Chinese people, the boys surmised the disc had to be some kind of new aircraft.

On the following day, however, the boy was stopped in the middle of the street by "a very tall man dressed entirely in black," who interrogated him as to whether he had seen the disc the day before, pointing even to the exact spot in the sky where the object had hovered. As the boy responded affirmatively, the MIB warned him "never to tell anyone else what he had seen," refusing to let him go until Jing-yang promised that he would keep the secret.

"I recall that I was worried, thinking about this unknown character," continued Jing-yang. "His skin was dark and I was surprised by the aspect of his face and intonation. Several people saw him; everybody was talking about him but no one understood his gestures." Yet the most striking similarity with American reports of MIBs emerged at the end of the interview, when Li Jing-yang stated that "the man in black was walking in a mechanical motion; he spoke, but without moving his mouth and he disappeared suddenly as he turned a corner." "When the journalist asked him if he could have been a normal person, Jing-yang responded, "Its possible, but I swear that everything that I've told you is true."

The second MIB report took place in Gansu Province on July 29, 1974. Ke Jungzhi, a student at the construction workers' polytechnic at Lanzhou, kept the story of the "luminous black man" to himself until he began reading about UFOs in the CURO Journals few years ago; he then finally sent an account of his encounter to ace UFOlogist Shi Bo, who included it in his book. At the time, Jungzhi was a member of a workers' brigade operating in Tengkeli Desert in China's northern Gansu Province.

"On the evening of July 29, 1974," wrote Ke Jungzhi, "I was going to eat at the restaurant reserved for the young personnel from the city on duty in the fields. As I walked around a rice field, I suddenly spotted a man all black, some 30 feet in front of me. He seemed tall and robust, with a height of about 5.9 feet. I couldn't discern his facial features, since it was very dark, yet the black man was plainly visible in the darkness because his whole body was faintly luminous."

Thinking at first that the black man had to be a peasant which had come to inspect the irrigation system, Jungzhi shouted and asked him to identify himself. The MIB remained silent and motionless and then, "began to glow more brightly, disappearing suddenly between the tall grass." The student looked at him, but couldn't find a trace of the mysterious visitor. Although he didn't say a word about it, he heard that "two days later, at precisely the same spot, the chief of our brigade encountered a faintly luminous black man." Only after reading an article about MIBs in the
in the fourth issue of
's Journal for UFO Research, did Jungzhi finally decide to report his adventure.

In 1981, Shi Bo received a letter from the city of Chongqing, in Sichuan Province, which contained a story of a CE-3 with "a man with a big head," dressed in a "space suit" like a "metallic coverall." The incident had taken place ten years earlier, but the witness—an old peasant named Zhang Rongchang—had died in 1972. Shi Bo requested further information from his correspondent, receiving eventually a more complete account from the old man's grandson, Zhang Chuanxiu. In the second letter, the grandson related that towards the end of August, 1971, his grandfather had arrived one day very upset to his house at lunchtime, telling his family and neighbors that, "I saw today a man with a big head."

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