Read The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) Online

Authors: Stephanie Hudson

The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) (108 page)

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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“We don’t go that way
” I motioned towards the guarded door and she frowned.

“Not me, I want to make an entrance
” And with that she went up the steps alone and fearless. One thing I did envy was her confidence. I mean
she had it oozing from every pore and you could tell that by everything she did. I turned around and was still shaking my head when I got to the door.


The new sound made me flinch back. Was it me or did the guards just speak to me? I looked up at their faces and realised it was true, they had just spoke. It had been both deep and heavy accented. Eastern European I think. And for once they didn’t look so fierce. One, I think, even smiled...well sort of.

It was kind of crooked to one side but he added it with kinder eyes and the other one even winked at me. I ended up laughing out my

I walked past with them both looking amused and it didn’t take me long to realise why. Last night! Last night I had been drunk and had a go at the both of them for never saying
o to me. Oh dear, me and my big drunken mouth!

Of course now
by the time I got to the VIP
I was blushing like a priest in the lingerie section of M
arks and Sparks
! I walked through the back tables again like I had done last night and my eyes scanned through all the bodies to get to the man I was looking for. I found his chair empty and this night was starting to mirror the one before. Well
at least I wasn’t inebriated. However, unlike the night before, an extra guest sat at th
eir table in the form of my arch
nemesis Hilary.

She was smiling and fake laughing which meant she wasn’t quite getting the Demon welcome I was hoping for. I was too deep in my melancholy to watch where I was going and like last night I walked into someone. Two strong hands came out to steady me and the feel of them holding me tightly had me trying to remember to exhale.

“A beauty blushing and falling into my arms, must be my lucky night
” Draven’s voice mused and the sound of his velvet tone had me close to swooning. Of course it also had me blushing more and when he saw this, I swore I heard him groan. His hands flattened to my skin and he moved them up my sides making every bit of my flesh bump up with tingles, even under the thick material of my jacket.

“Come with me, I want you
” His voice was deep and
guttural which indicated his ‘
in abundance. I swallowed hard and tried to focus on simple functions, but in the arms of a God, who could? 

“I can’t, I’ve got to work and my boss might see
” I teased but by the way he tightened his hold on me, he meant business. I gulped again and kept my eyes down watching his chest rise and fall with heavy breathing. He was wearing a
navy suit,
with waistcoat, white sh
irt and red tie that made him look like he just walked off a photo shoot for the world

s sexiest man title.

Draven had a wide frame, thick with more muscles to count but in his suits it always made him look slimmer and more powerful in a different way. He screamed authority with every thread he wore and he was definitely one man that wore the suit not the suit wearing
the man

“Your BOSS does see you and if you don’t come with him now he will just take you and I think those perfect rose cheeks of yours will explode with shame at the sight of me throwing you over my shoulder and having my way
” His eyes burned into me and started to search down the length of me like he was going to devour me where I stood..... Ok so
ulping again.

“You wouldn’t!” I said in whispered desperation but the look on his face told me I was wrong.

“Wouldn’t I? Are you willing to take that chance little one?” He looked down at me and I shyly looked dow
n to my feet at the sound of the
pet names he was giving me. I think I preferred “Vixen” to “Little one” But I had to admit, it did sound endearing. 

When I didn’t respond he
bent over and in one swift movement he put my waist to his shoulder and tightened his arm around my legs to hoist me up and over before I could say boo to a goose! I squealed out a little scream but he just laughed heartily in return.

“Draven! Put me down!” I said as sternly as I could while being this turned on and embarrassed at the same time.

“Umm, I don’t think so, I like the view and besides it puts you at the best height for...” I was about to ask what when I felt his teeth on my cheek closest to his face and I squealed again.

“DRAVEN!” I shouted but once again he just laughed off my reprimand. Meanwhile everyone in the VIP was witnesses this and some laughed at the sight. Draven was un-affected by their stares and even sounded somewhat proud of the sight at having a squirming girlfriend in his arms like a fireman.
I couldn’t help feel heat
my skin as the whole of the upstairs continued to watch
our every move. I noticed new faces that I had never seen before and realised most of the old faces I had become accustomed to
were no longer sat at their usual tables.
I was however happy to see my cousin’s face turn a strange shade of scarlet along with another blonde at the table...Aurora.

Ok, so being over Draven’s shoulder did have quite a few advantages, the most obvious being the way he made me feel below but also seeing my rivals red with rage was somewhat satisfying!

We stopped and I turned round to see him place two fingertips to the glass and it opened to let the cold night air in. Thankfully
I still had my jacket on but it still took my breath away, and in this temperature you could see it leaving me. I think he
felt me shiver because he squeezed
before lowering me to the ground
and sp
me round so that my back turned. I
found myself situated
the stone wall
and pinned by one hot horny male
. I braced myself for the cold to penetrate my jacket
as he walked me backwards
but he placed a palm against it before backing me up completely. His eyes concentrated for a split second and then stepped into me closing the space between us and pressed himself up against me, now making me feel the immense heat from both sides. He still had his palm out to the wall and soon his other joined in blocking me in. Not that I minded but it was once again making it difficult for me to remember how to breathe.

“Is that for me?” I asked shyly, still not being able to look up at him.

“I do not like it when you are cold and this is the
only private
place I can have you alone. Unless you will agree to come back to our bedchamber with me?” He said raising one eyebrow. 

“No, Draven
I’m here to work remember
” I said more sternly giving my shyness a back burner. He laughed making me cross my arms, which wasn’t easy, giving the small space he gave me. 

“And you are willing to leave me to your cousin’s devices alone, unprotected and without your body to comfort
me?” Now I was the one laughing at his raised eyebrow that looked sexy as Hell when he did it.

“I think you will survive, besides you can thank your sister for that! I don’t know what she was thinking” His evil grin told me he did.

“Come on, out with it
” I said making him raise his eyes in surprise.

“I do believe you have developed the talent of reading me too well, I will have to watch myself around you.” His velvet voice teased. 

“I also have an in
built stalling detector and guess what’s buzzing
” He laughed again and his hands came up to hold my face. He leaned down and claimed my lips to his. He deepen
the kiss when I tried to move and with that I couldn’t resist. I was soon getting lost in his mouth and the way he moved us both had me so close to saying

with work, let’s go
big boy

His hands started to move from my neck and find the zip to my jacket. I could barely hear the sound of my jacket being opened to reveal my body over my heavy breathing. Man
I wanted him and when I felt him smile in
kiss I knew he had heard that part in my mind.

I soon wasn’t the only one breaking our locked lips as I let out a gasp at the feel of my body lifting. He had grabbed my legs so quickly I barely felt him move. He had pulled them apart and stepped his body in their place. He then wrapped them around his waist s
o that
his body held all my weight. I was pinned to the wall and his arousal became clear. Actually it was as clear as being prodded with an iron bar! He then slid his hands up my shoulders and down my arms to pull the sides of my jacket away revealing my heaving chest. He stopped what he was doing to stare down at me making me self-conscious.

“Is something wrong?” I asked now getting worried at his frozen hands and hidden expression. His features were in shadow but it was easy to spot his smile as his perfect teeth flashed white.

“Wrong? Why would you ask that? That word should never be allowed to be used when you are around.” He sound half amused and half deadly serious, which was such a contrast, it was confusing.

“Then why have you stopped?”

“To admire
my Vixen. I never thought a woma
n dressed more like a man could turn me on to the point of embarrassment.” I frowned and shook my head to disagree but with one hand rested on my behind to hold me up the other was free to pull at the tip of my tie. He was right, I guess I was dressed more like him than myself. Minus the jacket of course.

“I remember the night you first wore a tie, in fact
I kept it. Not being able to keep all of you, I decided I could take a part of you to remember
” I closed my eyes at the memory he spoke of and for the second time this night I was reminiscing.

The feel of his fingertips running down my neck made me arch my head backwards to give him further access. The shirt I wore was a cross over so it didn’t reach my neck and the tie I wore low so the knot rest
between my curves. Curves he was now trying to explore.

“I want to take you inside and make you mine completely, will you let me do this?” He asked, which was a first. He started kissing my neck as if to seal the deal but I had to remain in control. I wanted to hold onto the small amount of power I had and decided no matter how horny I was I would show some restraint. I wanted Hilary to see that I did work in the VIP and not just spend all my time being felt up by Draven. So with all the will I had, I said the words my body disagreed with.

“No, Draven I have to work
.” It came out like
the lie it was. My skin wanted his touch, I was craving for it to the point that if he merely said the word “sex” then I would find my release. However
my words didn’t seem to register as he continued to taste me any way he could. It felt so good to be under his hands after the day I
had but every time I was about to cave and let him have his way with me, I saw Hilary’s face pop in my head and knew I would never hear the end of it if I left with Draven. So with one last effort I reached up to push at Draven’s chest. At first he didn’t feel it so I tried a different approach. I concentrated on letting some of my barriers down and shouted out in my head

This made him react. I could see the shock in his eyes as he let me go and let my body glide down until my feet were touching the ground.

“I’m sorry, I’m not sure it meant to be heard as a shout. I just know that if I left now, without working, I wouldn’t ever hear the end of it with Hilary
” It all came out in a mumble but he seemed to understand me, I think maybe he was getting used to it.

“And you care
why?” He said seriously, now being the one to fold his arms. He didn’t look very happy with me and felt like chuckling at how spoilt he was being. So instead of giving him an answer he wouldn’t understand I just raised myself on my tiptoes and put my hands on his face.

“I love you Draven but don’t be spoilt
” And then I finished with pulling his face down so that I could kiss his nose, however I only just managed to reach his chin. He was still frowning but it had soften
him a little. I tried to turn and move out from his stance but when one arm flashed out like it was spring loaded
I stopped dead and sighed.

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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