The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) (106 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Hudson

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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“Just leave me alone!” I said at him
making his usually soft features turn cold. I pulled my bag strap back over my shoulder and half jogged to my first class. I know I wasn’t being fair but I couldn’t stop thinking about what Hilary had said to me. I know Jack wouldn’t have said most of the things she said but he must have said something. Could I be sure that Jack was the friend I always thought he had been? Now I wasn’t so sure. Man I hated her so much it made my head ache!

where’s the fire?” I turned before I went through the door to see RJ’s pink hair next to me. She looked like I felt. Her eyes were deep set in sleepless bags and no amount of makeup would cover up the same hangover we shared.

“Just trying to get away from the new couple
” I said an
d nodded to Jack and Hilary who
were walking hand in hand. She rolled her eyes and walked with me inside, obviously wanting to get away from them as much as me.

“I tried to tell him about her poisonous ways but he wouldn’t listen. Did you know she has already infected him into believing a load of bullship about you

“Bull....ship?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“Ah I’m trying this new thing out for my mom. She wants me to curve on the bad language as my sister has started swearing
saying she gets it from me! So I have replaced a few words like fudge instead of fu

“Yeah, Yeah I get it!” We both laughed and thanks to RJ
it was a nice little d
iversion to make me forget the ‘Hell
cat beast and the beauty Jack

! I didn’t want to talk about it anymore, especially since my first class was with the dreaded Reedinator!  RJ walked me, bless her and it reminded me of my first week here. I don’t know what I would have done if it hadn’t been for meeting RJ.

In there
I found Sophia in our usual seats
filing nails she didn’t need to file.

“What’s up home bird?
” She said trying on a street vibe. I was laughing once again.

“Umm...well I’ve been better but what’s with

in the ghetto hood


“I knew you needed cheering up
” She said as I took my seat.

“I’m down with tat!” I replied trying the same but if you

British and not from Essex
it’s quite hard to do.

“So I gather the bitch is still a thorn in you behind
” I groaned my answer.

“I understand and I see only one solution to this girl

“What’s that...violent crimes?” I only half joked.

“Nope...Demon introduction. I think it’s time I met this cousin of yours

I could say only one thing

Fudge, yeah!”









Chapter 46

Thank The Devil F
or Demons.



My history class didn’t go quick
but at least I had Sophia there with me to help keep my sanity in check. I had to submit my assignment and held my breath as I mad
e my way down the steps to Reed’
s desk. Sophia hadn’t
handed in anything but just made him think she had. She offered the same service for me but I declined.

“I have this crazy idea of passing this class by handing in
” I had said before getting ready to leave.


right...that is just so crazy!” She mocked and I couldn’t help shaking my head in laughter. Sophia was one of those people that was so infectious to be around that it was hard to remember any problems I had. She had a wa
y of making them fade into the ‘not important’
part of your brain. That’s where Hilary was right now....way back there, w
ere my mind just said “why do we give a shit?”


smiling at yourself again
” For this she received a little flick on the arm making her giggle. We walked down to the front and I watched in amazement as she handed him a newspaper making him think it was her assignment, of course t
he newspaper deserved an A star, e
ven though it really was a lousy paper. Of course the biggest stories were
about the Draven
s themselves but considering no one really knew anything about them, there really wasn’t that much printed holding their name.

I remember reading the paper and scanning it for any details about them but they were mainly only mentioned when they donated to a charity or paid for any new construction the town benefited from.

I handed my paper over and Reed looked over it as if he wanted to throw it in the bin before even reading the first line. I gulped as those beady eyes found mine and then returned to his laptop without saying a word.

“Did you see that, the way he looked at my work, like he knew
it would be rubbish or something?
Could you read his mind....he’s going to fail me right...?” I whispered to Sophia as I trailed behind like a blubbering fool.

“Don’t be paranoid Keira. He was actually looking forward to reading it
” I frowned unconvinced.

“What? It’s true. Anyway forget about Reed, we have bigger fish to scare

“It’s fry....bigger fish to fry
” I corrected but she just looked at me fro
m the side and gave me a confide
nt smile.

“Not to
day it isn’t
” She said in a way that displayed the true nature of what she was. I was close to feeling sorry for what she had in store for my cousin....well, almost!

We were soon outside and I found myself glad that my cousin was nowhere to be seen, that was until my phone started up and Abba filled the courtyard we were sat in. When I saw it wasn’t a number I recognized
my heart sank.


where are you?” Hilary’s voice grated on me even when she was putting on the nicey, nicey act, that’s how I knew she was still with Jack. I explained where and I heard her repeating it over to Jack.

“We will be there in five, Jack has been called into work so you have to take me home now
” I knew she was still trying to sound fake in front of Jack but even he must have heard the cheek in that demand.

“Well I still...” And that’s when she hung up leaving me to finish that sentence with only Sophia as my audience.

“Have classes
” I finished weakly. 

“She hung up didn’t she?
You know I don’t think I’m going to like this girl
” Sophia looked half delighted and half furious at the idea.

because giving how fast my cousin works, pretty soon she will have sucked everyone I know into her twisted lies and God only knows what
they will think about me then?

“I gather you

referring to her most recent work
” Sophia nodded past me and I turned to see Hilary and Jack both walking, arms locked, in the distance.

“How’d ya guess
” I asked sarcastically.

“Oh I don’t know, maybe the fact that I can smell the hate for you, coming off her like cheap perfume.” I turned my eyes to hers to find them glowing with the same hate. I suddenly felt wary about introducing my cousin to my Demon friend but before I knew it, Hilary’s
voice was making my skin crawl and grating on my last nerve. 

“There you are, you’re so hard to spot in a crowd, being so short and all
” She would have carried on but the sight of Sophia had her stopped dead in her tracks. Sophia was, as always, in her designer wear that screamed money! She was one of the most beautiful creatures the world had to offer and when coming faced with her for the first time, she often took your breath away. This is what happened now and I couldn’t help but smile. Hilary had always been a jealous person by nature. Never being satisfied with what she already had, but trying to take or crush what those around her had, that she wanted!

No one seemed to be saying anything so I decided to intervene.

this is Sophia
” I said trying not to look at Jack but finding
hard when he seemed to be searching out my eyes. I didn’t understand why
but I got the distinct impression that he wanted to talk with me. Whatever the case
I didn’t fold. I was still too hurt and felt far too betrayed to give in now. If he wanted to believe Hilary’s lies over what our friendship meant then that was just fine!

“And this must be Hilary, nice to meet you
of course I feel like I already know you
with everything Keira has told me about you
” Sophia said this with a sharp tone of knowing in her voice and I don’t think Hilary missed it. She just stared blankly at her
as if still in a state of uncertainty. Surprisingly
it was Jack to break the tension.

“Hi Sophia, I’m Jack, I’ve seen you around but don’t think we have ever been introduce
d proper
.” He said being his usual ultra
-friendly self.                  

“Hi Jack, o
f course I have heard a lot about you too. You’re one of Keira’s best friends aren’t you?
She’s always saying what a truly great friend you are.

The way she said it made Jack look down at me with sorrow in his eyes. As though he had just been reminded of the fact and felt my betrayal for himself. I looked away and gave Sophia a warning look which
made her smile.

how do you two know each other then,

cause no offense
but you don’t look like you would have much in common!” Hilary had found her voice and unfortunately the shock of Sophia’s beauty hadn’t curved her wonderful way with words. She looked back at me with my baggy jeans and overly big jacket that made me look like I had dressed for an expedition. Her eyes floated back to Sophia’s delicate little frame that was dressed in winter chic. A designer red, fitted coat and black leggings that disappeared in fur trimmed boots. Looking at us both side by side then she was right, we looked like unlikely looking friends indeed.

“My brother Dominic is in love with your cousin
” She said as simple as pie. I coughed out a word not even I knew and Hilary looked like she had swallowed a bug. Meanwhile
Jack looked hurt and turned his head to one side as
trying to hide a reaction already seen.

“Your brother is Dominic Draven, Keira’s boyfriend?” Hilary asked as if to clarify it clearer.

but that’s not why we

re friends, it’s only how we met
.” Sophia said,
clarifying herself.

“Well Kizzy C
I have to give it to you, you certainly work quickly with the locals. If I didn’t know any better I
would say that the Draven
consider you one of the family.
” Hilary said this as an insult but one disguised as a compliment.

“We do, but where are my mann
ers, you should come up to the VIP tonight after Keira’s finished work to meet us all... properly

“WHAT!” I shouted by mistake, making everyone, including pe
ople not in this conversation
stop and stare at me. I decided to try this diplomatically instead of screaming.

“Do you think that’s a good idea, I mean, you know how your brother li
kes to keep his business private?
” I was pleading with her mentally but she ignored me and looked at Hilary more closely.

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