Read The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) Online

Authors: Stephanie Hudson

The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) (100 page)

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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no can do ladies, the order comes from above
” He said and RJ leaned in and whispered

“What, God?” Mike nearly wet himself
he laughed that hard, then he nodded behind us to the VIP making it time for me to drop the
‘English charm’,


but it looks like your boyfriend doesn’t like
drunken Keira
” He said smugly
making us both frown.

“Oh dear, looks like he’s still mad
” RJ said finishing off her drink.

“Hey we’re off, you coming?” Jack had come up to u
s and once he saw the state we were in,
he frowned like the sight of us having legal fun was prohibited.

“Oh great, one drunk
sister to contend with!” He glared at me like this was all my fault and I glared back. No doubt Hilary had spread even more lies about me.

“Kizzy! You

drunk!” She said pretending to be horrified. Not long ago this girl was thrown out of college for smoking weed in class! I bet that story she’d missed when chatting to the gullible Jack!

“However will I get home now?” She said like some pathetic English damsel in need of a knight.

“Don’t worry, I will see you get home, even if others
don’t seem
to care!” Jack snapped at me. I was trying hard to come up with the greatest of come backs but in the end I jus
t grunted like some strange
fairytale troll. Jack rolled his eyes
while RJ leaned over into my ear and said

“Good one

They started to walk off and I shouted out to them.

“ do I get home?” I asked in a pleading voice that I hated to hear.

I can’t take you, I’m at my limit as it is. Besides you should have thought of th
at before you got tanked up. My
sympathies to Draven!” He said coldly before leaving with the others. RJ waved over Jack
as now he was supporting most of her body weight.

“Great!” I said out loud earning me some weird looks by depressed Goths. Ok
so this was unfair, no
t all Goths were depressed but Hell,
I was bitter. In the space of a couple of hours I had nearly been kidnapped, pissed off my boyfriend and lost my best friend to my arch-nemesis.

It was not a great start to anyone’s week. 

Of course
I knew what I had to do now
, I had to face my Demon
! I walked back to the bar and plonked myself down with a sigh. There was nothing else I could do, I had to go back up there or I would have nowhere else to stay. I considered waiting till everyone had gone and sleeping down here
but then I would just
looked like the coward I was. I wasn’t even sure Draven would let me stay? I mean after all the times I had seen Draven angry
this was the worst. I mean him shouting at me I could take, I could handle that but silence...That I wasn’t used to from Draven. My guilt was over whelming but now it made it worse. Did he know that I was drunk? I sincerely hope

“You ok?” Mike asked me quietly
as though to pull me from my sad state. I just shrugged my shoulders like a child and hopped off the seat.

“I guess I’d better go now
but I will see you later, thanks Mike
” I said before drag
ging myself over to the staircase
I knew well. I weaved through the moving bodies that were making their way to the exit. Of course
it was closing time and I was the only one moving this way. The band were getting their stuff ready to leave and I nearly fell over a guy

s drum kit that was littered around the floor ready for packing away.

“Whoa there, easy girly
” A man said keeping me up straight. He wasn’t much higher than me but his spiked Mohawk more than made up for it.

” I said giving him a drunken goofy smile.

“No problem cutie
” He said
winking at me. Bless him, at least he thought my behaviour was cute...hopefully he wouldn’t be the only one tonight
I thought as I reached the guarded door. Once again the two guards that always manned this door stood, arms folded. Of course as usual they didn’t say anything to me which really got my back up.

“You know a
Hello, H
owdy, even a bloody head nod wouldn’t go amiss!” I said throwing my hands up dramatically. They both frowned at me then looked at each other for the answer. Neither said a word which made me screech out a “Grrrr, forget it guys
” I then pushed past them, not caring about a reaction. It was one of the first times I got to open the doo
r before they did. I stormed up
stairs, panting all the way. I stopped at the closed door at the top before going in. It took me back to my first time and how nervous and unsure I’d been.

When I walked through
my eyes quickly searched out Draven’s table but my heart dropped when I saw his space was empty. I don’t know why
but the next person

s space I went to was Aurora’s. It was wrong of me, I mean I trusted Draven right? Then why did my heart plummet when I saw that she too was missing. I decid
ed to walk around the back so that
no one would see me. Everyone was far too busy to notice as I walked round with my hood drawn over my face. Of course I didn’t look so inconspicuous when I kept bumping into chairs.

” I would mutter as I snaked in and out of the back tables. I turned my head to say another sorry for knocking some poor Demon

s jacket off the back of his chair making him mutter something back I couldn’t understand. That’s when I bumped into my first Draven.

“Opps, my fault
!” I said before looking up swaying.

“Keira?” Vincent’s kind face looked down at me now that my hood had fallen back.

hey Vince
” I said trying to act cool but considering I never called him that I wasn’t fooling anyone. He tried to frown but couldn’t keep the amusement off his face.

“Don’t suppose you have seen your big, angry bro around this shindig have ya?” I asked making his shock at hearing me speak like this deepen his eyes. He even laughed making me giggle.

“Come on happy, I think you need some air
” He said taking my arm to steady myself.

air is good
” I said and followed my blonde shepherd. Once outside
the cold air hit me making me feel more lightheaded than before. I turned round and nearly lost my footing making Vincent reach out to steady me. We both turned round at the same time, making it so I was facing the night with my back to the door. He moved from holding my waist and decided ho
lding my arm
was safer.

“Feeling better?” He asked softly
which was nice to hear after bei
picked on all night...picked on, man I sounded like a child!

“I’m fine really and I know what you’re thinking!” I said trying not to let the hiccups free that I could feel brewing. He smiled at me and then crossed his arms over his alive he was sexy! No, what was I thinking...wrong Draven.

“Oh really?” He asked dripping in smugness.

“Yes, you think I’m drunk, but I’m
” I said trying not to fall on the spot.

“Umm that may be more convincing without the hiccupping and swaying but whatever you say
” He was teasing me and it made me smile.

“I thought you were supposed to be the good one?” I mocked making him laugh.

“I’m not the one drunk
” He replied.

“Ssshhh, don’t say that, Draven might hear you and then I will be in even more trouble!” I said holding my finger to my mouth to continue the “Ssshhhing

“He already has
” A voice said behind me
making my han
d cover my mouth. Vincent glanced
over me and looked like he wanted to burst out laughing. I think I would have kicked him
if he ha
d. I turned round to see my boyfriend stood there with his arms folded and as usual...frowning.

“Ah shit!” I said making his frown deepen. This was enough for Vincent and he let out a series of raucous laughter.

“Thanks for the heads up
Vinnie boy
” I said making Draven’s, face flash a moment of amusement. (my Draven that was)

“Anytime Keira dear, have fun you two!” He said as he walked past me but before he left, he whispered something in his brother

s ear. Draven didn’t respond but just closed his eyes briefly. Then we were left alone.

“Ok, come on, let’s have it
” I said motioning with my hands.

“Have what exactly, because I thi
nk you have had enough to drink?

pussy cat!” I don’t know why I said this but
Hell who does when their drunk?

“Pussy cat?” One eyebrow rose at the question.

it’s just a saying, I’m not calling you a cat!” I don’t know what was going through my head but I’m pretty sure I meowed after saying this...Umm the look on Draven’s face only confirmed my fears.

“Anyway I
not drunk...more like tipsy
” At this he snorted out his disbelief.

“Doubtful Keira, I have monitored how much you have had to drink for start
s and I know your limits

“Better than your own
no doubt
” I said thinking what a good come back it was but then remembering this evening
argument and the look on his face
it so wasn’t!

“Umm, I didn’t mean that...sorry

“You know, you have a dark and deadly tongue when you want to
but I never took you for being cruel” Ok that hurt!

“Oh my God! Draven
this is stupid. If you really think I’m that bloody innocent than leave me now because I’m not! Look I’m not claiming to be bloody perfect...far from it clearly
but I don’t want to be pers...umm that word...”


“Yeah that one, one of those every time I make a mistake. I am human after all!” I said finishing it with a hiccup. Apart from forgetting words and swaying, I think it was a pretty good speech.

“So you’re sorry?” He asked in truth.

“Oh jeez, get with the program, Of course I am for Christ
sake, I have been all night!” His eyebrows knitted together and I frowned back at him, at least I think I did.

“Without the profanities

“Oh shut up you fool!” I shouted at him
getting angry
that he wasn’t big enough to accept my apology
without making me ju
mp through hoops! He looked dumb
founded at my outburst but I didn’t care.

“Me the fool?
that is rich coming from your state!”

“Ok so I’m drunk, so bloody sue me!”

“I thought you were tipsy, which is it Keira?” He folded his arms again but looked like he would be ready to catch me at any minute.

“See there you go again...all foolish and such. Of course I’m drunk! But it’s not like it’s against the law...I’m a...umm adult
” I said trying to fold my own arms but I wasn’t sure I made it.

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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