The Trinity: The Ashland Pack Series (27 page)

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covered in blood, luv.”

“I don’t
care, come here.”

grabbed Selena and hugged her, kissing her face and lips. Selena didn’t care that she was getting
blood all over her. She wanted her

“We need
to leave now, before someone returns. I don’t have the energy to fight right now if more come,” Adrianna said
as she was leaning against Samson.

Declan and
Damen were upstairs watching. Cade
walked downstairs carrying a wet towel, handing it to Selena. Afton picked Selena up and carried her
up the stairs. They left as quickly
as they had come.

On the way
back, Selena told them who the Master was. She cried because it was her brother, Magnus McPherson. She thought he was dead, killed in a car
crash fifteen years ago.

explained that Magnus wanted to control the world. “He wanted to make us his
slaves. He wanted to capture
Adrianna so he could control everyone else. He is mad,” Selena whispered.

“Why, Selena?” Adrianna asked.

“He blamed
the humans for killing his mate. A
man breaking into her house killed her. She scared the man and he shot her. They caught him days later. The trial wasn’t long, but instead of the death penalty, the man got
life. He says justice is weak with
the humans. He blames them for not
killing the man.” Selena took a
deep breath. “He plans on taking
the humans and making them his puppets. He plans to kill all of the people on the jury. Then he is going to kill the man who
killed his mate. I told him that it
wouldn’t bring her back, but Magnus wouldn’t listen. He doesn’t care. He is too far-gone to the dark
side. He is using black magic and
it has taken control of his soul. He drained most of my powers, taking it for himself for capturing you,
Adrianna. He promised that you
would be his new mate.”

Cade and
Samson growled. “Over our dead
bodies,” Samson bellowed. Cade
concurred with Samson.

“You don’t
understand, Samson. My brother has
a gift that he is now choosing to use for the dark side. His hate and taste for revenge is some
of the most powerful tools in his arsenal. He is very powerful and now he has a lot of my powers. I can’t get them back unless he is
dead. My brother has gone mad. He is no longer in control of his
soul. We have to stop him. If he succeeds, it will tip the balance
of our world toward the dark side and life as we know it will be gone.”

hugged Selena tighter to his body. “Sleep now, Selena. You need
to rest, my luv.”

The ride
back to Adrianna’s house was quite. Everybody was in their own thoughts. Adrianna didn’t know if she was strong
enough to stop Magnus. She was
scared for the first time. She
didn’t know if her power could keep everyone safe.

Selena was
put to bed at Adrianna’s house. She
would stay at home because she was too weak to fight. Adrianna sat by Selena sleeping while
Afton went to take a shower.

was staring out in a daze when Selena touched her hand. “Oh Selena, are you okay?”

“Yes luv,
I will be fine in time. Adrianna, I
have taught you everything I know, but I don’t know if it will be enough to win
against Magnus. He has the dark
side with him. He will yield so
much power. I’m sorry that I can’t
help you, Adrianna. I have failed

Selena, you haven’t failed me. Now
it’s time to trust me. Don’t count
the lights out yet. I still have a
few things up my sleeve.” Adrianna
smiled and kissed Selena’s hand. Afton walked back into the room. “Okay, you rest now,” Adrianna stated as she got up and walked to the
door. She pulled the door open but
didn’t turn around.

“Selena? I love you, Mom.” Adrianna walked out the door.

burst out crying with Afton consoling her. Adrianna had called her mom. Nothing was sweeter to hear from Adrianna. She couldn’t have kids so she had raised
Adrianna and felt that she was her daughter.

went into her bedroom to take a shower and get ready for the party. She needed something that would look
good, but something she could maneuver in. She would wear her coat so she could easily conceal her sword. Cade and Samson came into the bedroom
when she was putting on her clothes.

“We need
to talk. Sit down, baby,” Cade
said. “Listen, I know you are the
but you can die and we won’t
allow that to happen. You must
promise us that you will not go anywhere without us. Together, we are a powerful group, but
when we are separated, we could lose you or one of us. You heard what Lilly said. I was off fighting somewhere else and
Cade was off fighting two vampires. You were all alone, baby. We
have to change the outcome of this. We have to stay together.” Cade and Samson looked at Adrianna with lust filled eyes.

“I will
always be with you, but I see that look in your eyes, boys, and we don’t have
time for that,” Adrianna giggled as she tried to get up from the bed.

pushed her back down, hugging her tightly. Cade put his arms around all of them, hugging them both. “Remember, together, the three
Musketeers, all for one and one for all.” They all laughed at Cade’s comment, but it was true,
together they would win
. Adrianna thought about that while she
sat holding her mates.

As Cade
was leaving the bedroom, he noticed Mace walking out of the bedroom where
Selena was resting. He had a
determined look on his face. Mace
looked at Cade, but no words passed between them. Cade knew. Mace was worried they would all

came to living room. Afton was
going to the dance because if he didn’t it would look suspicious. Percy was left at the compound where
they found Selena, making sure nobody returned there. When Adrianna looked around her, she saw
how everybody was touching each other, holding hands, as a family should. She said an extra prayer that she could
protect her loved ones as they went into this battle.

whatever the outcome, don’t let Magnus take me. Don’t allow him to use my powers. Promise me you will take me out before
that happens. Because if he gets
me, he will not hesitate to take possession of my mind and use me against all
of you,” she stated to the group, looking her mates in the eyes. “Promise Me!”

“I can’t,
angel,” Samson whispered.

“I can’t,
my love,” Cade said as he hugged her. “We can’t hurt you.”

“Well, the
rest of you then.” Adrianna
laughed. They all laughed but knew
that Adrianna wasn’t joking.

They drove
to the party in silence.

The whole
town was at McDonald’s Pub. The
parking lot was filled to capacity. Everybody cheered when Adrianna walked in. There were signs hanging all over the
wall welcoming Adrianna home. People were dancing and eating from the buffet line when the Protectors
walked in behind Adrianna. Afton
and her mates stood close to Adrianna not letting her out of their sight.

almost let herself feel relaxed but she knew something was going to
happen. She needed to stay
focused. Jamenson, Aunt Jessie, and
Uncle Mel were there to greet her. They hugged and kissed her, welcoming her home. They had put out a huge spread, the pack
always did. Adrianna made her
rounds talking to pack members she hadn’t seen in a long time. They talked about how she looked like
her mother and how much they missed them. Nobody had anything bad to say about Mace. They bragged on how he was a great Alpha
like their dad. Uncle Mel asked
Adrianna to dance. Cade and Samson
didn’t like the idea because there were so many people on the dance floor, but
she told them it would be okay since it was her Uncle Mel.

was spun around the dance floor with her Uncle Mel. They were laughing when he jerked her to
the side entrance, pushing her out the door before anybody saw what was
happening. Once outside, Magnus grabbed
Adrianna. He cast the spell rending
her unable to move. He picked her
up and carried her to the SUV that was waiting.

Samson and
Cade were standing by Afton when Samson looked out on the dance floor looking
for Adrianna. “Where is she?” Samson demanded.

Cade and Samson went on alert looking for Adrianna. They started pushing people to the side
looking feverishly for her.

Afton went to the podium, picking up the
microphone. “Turn the music off,”
his voice commanded and the music went off. “Where is Adrianna?” It was quite as a mouse inside the
Pub. “Check outside.”

went outside and saw Mel standing next to the building. He was just standing there, looking off
into the parking lot. Cade and
Afton came outside when Samson ran to Mel.

“Where is
she? Where is she?” Samson shook Mel.

“He has
been glamour, look at him,” Cade bellowed.

grabbed his face, making Mel look him in the eyes. “Mel, snap out of it. Now!”

blinked a few times as if he had just woken up. “Mel, where is Adrianna?”

“He took
her. I’m sorry, I couldn’t stop my
actions. He said something about
Seige Field. Please forgive

yelled ‘Phase two’ and everyone sprang into action. Declan ran back inside and told the
Elders to implement Phase two of the plan. They told everybody to line up and get ready to evacuate. Declan ran behind the bar area and
pulled the latch, opening the door on the bottom of the floor. Mace’s parents had added an underground
tunnel when the Pub was built. Nobody except Mace’s parents knew that underneath the Pub were tunnels
from the Underground Railroad. They
were all over town. Two Protectors
stayed behind, getting people in the tunnels and to safety. Cale’s grandfather built the town and
the tunnels since he was a part of the Underground movement. He never owned slaves on paper, but he
employed them and got them to safety. Those that stayed with him were granted the change for their
service. Pinky and Abraham McDonald
were still part of the pack and were consider Elders.

acted like she was still asleep, lying on the ground, giving her family enough
time to get to Seige Field. She had
already put a spell on herself, knowing that Magnus would cast the spell trying
to render her movements. He needed
her asleep so he could take her powers. Adrianna heard someone approaching. She laid there listening to the conversation. It was Magnus talking to another

“Is the
bomb ready?” Magnus asked.


“Then blow
it.” Magnus demanded.

heard a big boom; it was so powerful the ground shook. She knew that it was McDonald’s
Pub. The Pub was gone. She prayed that everybody got out in

everyone in place?”

Master, they are waiting for the others to arrive.”

then, let’s start the show. They
have arrived.” Magnus bent down and
picked Adrianna up, holding her close to his body.

Cade, Samson, Damen, Jamenson, and all their Protectors and Guards ran out of
the woods toward the field. They
had parked at Adrianna’s house according to plan. When they came out of the woods into the
clearing, they spread out. Magnus
raised his hand to Adrianna’s neck, stopping her family from coming
closer. Cade looked behind him. He heard movement coming from the
woods. Josh Pevington came into the
clearing along with thirty of his Protectors. Felix Ross was also with them. There were ten witches and warlocks with

smiled at Josh. “About time my

“I never
will turn down a fight. Plus, I owe
you one. I met my mate. Liv Cord is my mate, so I needed to
protect her pack as she called you and Mace,” Josh said as he looked over at

you, Josh.” Mace stepped out of the
woods behind Cade and Josh.

“Well, I
guess you could call this a Mexican standoff, except that nut isn’t Mexican,”
Josh said.

family waited for Adrianna to make her move.

my pets. I see you have been busy
getting more support. However, it
was uncalled for. I have all the
cards in my pocket. You see, I have
. She will be my mate soon and I will
control her powers. Ah, Felix, it’s
so nice to see you again. I will need
your services very soon.”

“Magnus, I
wish I could say the same about you, but I think I will keep my magic,” Felix

“Oh what a
pity, I thought for sure you would come over to the dark side. You told me that it would consume my
soul. Well it has, and it is
great.” Felix could see Magnus’s
eyes and he was crazy. “I have more
power than any of you. This
beautiful lady will soon be my mate, so sorry boys, she is mine.” Magnus laughed.

Founder, the wolf who escaped through the window at the Oakland Hills Resort,
walked up beside Magnus. He smiled
at Mace thinking he held all the cards.

Selena was
waiting in the woods, she was being held up by Jacob. She knew Adrianna would need her soon.

pulled Adrianna’s body up, holding her closer so her feet were on the ground.

“Well now,
let’s get this party started.” Magnus chanted and Adrianna was standing. She appeared to be asleep standing
up. Magnus backed up a few steps,
holding his hands up toward the sky chanting. The wind was blowing, thunder, and
lightening could be seen and heard. Magnus thought that Adrianna was under his spell and never looked down
at her.

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