The Trinity: The Ashland Pack Series (7 page)

BOOK: The Trinity: The Ashland Pack Series
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stood up on her paws then shifted into her human form. She laid her head on Mace’s
shoulder. “Yes Bubba, I

Mace and
Adrianna stayed like that for a couple of hours. Mace talked about Ashland and all the
goofy stuff that had happened. Mace
could always make Adrianna laugh. Adrianna knew that Damen McDonald was also watching their backs while
they talked.

ran back to her room to change after her run with Mace. She left her room and went to find Afton
so he and Selena could explain everything to her before another day ended.


Chapter Five

later met again with all the Alphas and the Vampire Council. He informed them about Adrianna being
. He answered questions concerning the
validity of being the true
. Then he informed them that he would be
moving the headquarters to Ashland. Adrianna didn’t accompany Afton to this meeting. She was trying to avoid Cade and
Samson. She sent her Seconds
instead. Adrianna checked the area
several times before the meeting started just to be sure. She watched from a side room just in
case something happened again. Afton had cut the conference short, advising everyone that he would
reschedule another one in Ashland in a couple of months, once the move
occurred. All the Vampire Council
and Alphas left the Oakland Resort traveling back home to their own lands. Mace, Cade, and Samson were the only
ones who stayed behind. Cade and
Samson both couldn’t leave yet, they needed to get this mating business under
control before they could go home. At
least that was what they kept telling themselves.

had one class left with her Protectors and Guards. They would graduate her course then
leave to go back to their pack or clan. Adrianna was the best teacher there was. She knew what talents the students had
just by being around them. One of
her class’s involved students role-playing. This was the class the students hated
the most because Adrianna would call in her team and they would play the bad
guys in the skit. Adrianna would
watch the students and see how they reacted. If she thought they were not going full
throttle, then she would become the bad guy and wear them out. There was always one student who tried
to test Adrianna, thinking they could best her since she was a girl. Adrianna didn’t know that Mace and Damen
were watching her class. Cade and
Samson had been separately searching for Adrianna when Selena told them she was
teaching her last class at the Resort. Cade came into the room and sat by Mace and Damen. A few minutes later Samson walked in,
sitting on the opposite side of the room away from Cade. They watched as Adrianna instructed the
students on how to take out a bad guy. Peter was a wolf from Cade’s pack that was in the class. He was always a clown. He was goofing around when one of
Adrianna’s Protectors tried to take another student down. Adrianna was observing when the wolf was
caught laughing in the corner with some of the other students that had already

called Peter to the floor next, but this time she was acting like the bad
guy. Peter kept smiling at
Adrianna, not taking it serious when she would come at him. Adrianna stopped the class then
addressed Peter, “Peter, I will give you one more chance to take my class

looked up then said, “I can’t help it, Adrianna. It’s hard to take you serious and not
laugh.” Everybody in the class got
quite. They couldn’t believe Peter
had spoken to Adrianna like that.

okay, big boy, let’s make a deal. If
you can take me when I come after you, then I will pass you in this class, and give
you one hundred dollars. Now here
is the best part of the deal. If
you can’t take me and you find yourself flat on your back, then you will start
taking this class serious and I will give you an opportunity to come to the
advance classes before the end of the year.” Adrianna’s advance classes were highly
sought after and were hard to get into because so many people wanted to take
them. She only had a few slots.

that’s fine with me. I’ve always
wanted to get you on your back, teacher,” Peter said as he smiled at Adrianna.

just smiled at the arrogant wolf. She knew Peter could make a good Protector, but with an attitude like
his, he had no place as a Protector. Peter was on the other side of the room when he started inching closer
to her. Adrianna could always
figure out what direction the Protectors would go. Adrianna tried to act like a person who
was being guarded. Then Peter ran
at her trying to get Adrianna off her feet, when Adrianna flipped Peter over
her back putting him flat on his back. The whole class burst out laughing. Peter got mad and ran at Adrianna again. This time she went lower picking Peter
up and throwing him against the wall. He was no match for Adrianna. Peter was getting angrier, which only made him make more mistakes. He walked up to Adrianna this time and
swung at her, trying to hit her in the face. The whole class couldn’t believe Peter
was acting like this. Adrianna
grabbed his arm-twisting it behind his back. The pop could be heard around the
room. Peter went down yelling
out. Adrianna had popped Peter’s
arm out of the socket. The pain
showed in his face as Peter grabbed his dangling arm. Adrianna went down in front of Peter
looking at him without saying a word.

“You broke
my arm,” Peter whispered out of breath.

“No Peter,
I didn’t break it, but I popped it out of the socket. I can put it back, but before I do, I
want you to listen very carefully to me.” Adrianna looked at Peter, knowing he was in a lot of pain. Wolves could take a lot of pain, but
they would need to shift into their wolf and they weren’t allowed to in this

“Tell me
Peter, what did you learn from this test?” Peter looked at Adrianna confused and not knowing how to answer.

“Well, I
guess you could say that I just got my ass handed to me,” Peter said.

“Yes you
did, but the best thing you could and should’ve learned is that anger has no
place as a Protector. You tried
acting bad and thinking you could take me. Peter, you were not sent to this class to play but to learn from those
that have the knowledge to help you save whomever you are protecting. What if you were protecting Cade, your
Alpha? Do you really think he would
have you on his team to play around and not to take this seriously?”

finally understood what Adrianna was trying to teach him. He looked up at Adrianna with shame on
his face. Peter looked around the
room seeing his Alpha staring back at him. He knew then that he had screwed up and in front of his Alpha too. Adrianna took hold of Peter’s arm and
jerked it very quick before Peter understood what she was doing. He screamed out because it hurt just as
bad popping it back in as it did coming out.

stood up and held her hand down so she could pull Peter up. Peter felt like a heel, but he offered
his hand to Adrianna. She pulled
him up and told him to get back in line and go through the role-playing again. Peter was relieved she hadn’t dropped
him from the class. He just hoped
his Alpha would allow him to redeem himself. That was what everyone loved about
Adrianna. She didn’t make them feel
stupid or embarrass them when they messed up in her class. Adrianna didn’t have an ego
problem. She left her pride at the
door and continued to teach her students.

never looked back. She knew Cade
and Samson were watching her. She
didn’t want to face them yet, so she walked over and gave instructions to her
Protectors then slipped out the back door to hide from her mates.


Chapter Six

Supreme Alpha’s staff was preparing to leave for Ashland. Supreme Alpha Afton Mackenzie was giving
orders to his staff about the move, while arranging the move with Mace. During the past two days, Adrianna had
been busy getting the Protectors ready for the journey. Plus, she was still trying to avoid Cade
and Samson.

Mace had a
building that needed some work done, but he felt it would be the perfect place
for Afton to move in to. The
building was an old hotel that had been for sale, but never restored or updated. Mace’s cousin, Jamenson McDonald, would
be restoring the old hotel getting it ready for the Alpha and his staff.

hired on other construction workers from Cade Maxwell’s pack in order to get
the hotel ready in time. Jamenson
knew the Supreme Alpha and his staff would be arriving in a few days. They had a lot of work to do to finish
the renovations.

Mace would
not leave until Adrianna left. He
didn’t want her to be left behind without him. He didn’t want her to be lonely. He had felt the added pressure she was
feeling with everybody looking at her as the
. Word had
already spread through the packs the
had been found and it was Adrianna. Plus, he knew she needed him since Cade and Samson wouldn’t leave until
Adrianna left.

Mace knew
Adrianna wanted to accept both Cade and Samson but she was fighting it. The mating pull would only get worse
until she finally consummated their mating. Mace stayed close to her in case he
needed to separate the two idiots again. Mace knew Cade was very experienced in sex and guessed that Samson was
too, but Adrianna was an innocent and he didn’t want them ganging up on
her. Mace sat back, watched to see
if they would work together and try to capture her heart instead of pressuring
her for just sex.

Cade knew
he should return home, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave. He knew he couldn’t leave Adrianna. His parents talked to him and advised
him that if he felt the mating pull, then he would eventually go mad if he
stayed away from his mate too long. Cade couldn’t see any other choice in the matter. He had to mate with Adrianna. He knew she was young and inexperienced
but he could teach her what she didn’t know. He just needed to make her understand
that he was her mate. Cade knew he
had his work cut out for him. Plus,
he had to worry about the damn Vampire.



The next
morning, Cade found Adrianna sitting outside writing down notes about things
she needed to accomplish before she left for Ashland. Cade sat across from Adrianna, waiting
for her to acknowledge him.

looked up at Cade but never smiled. Cade smiled at Adrianna then asked, “Is it really that bad to look at

couldn’t help but smile, “No Cade, you’re not that bad to look at.”

laughed which made Adrianna laugh too. “I’m sorry Adrianna, I can’t help the mate thing, but I’m not sorry that
I found you either. We wait our
whole life for our mate. I know
this has been a bad week to find this out, but remember I will always be by
your side when anything bad or good happens. That is what being a mate is for. I won’t push you, but I do ask for you
to give us a chance.”

Cade stood
up while talking, moving closer to Adrianna. He sat down next to her then asked, “If
you permit me, I would like to have dinner with you tonight, just you and

felt her skin getting warmer. Her
body ached for him. She could feel
it all over her body. She wanted
Cade Maxwell and she always had. Adrianna looked at Cade then said, “I guess that would be okay.”

then.” Cade slowly leaned over and
brushed his lips over Adrianna’s lips. “So soft,” Cade murmured. Cade got up and left before he jerked her up, kissed her hard and then
threw her up against a wall and fucked her.


BOOK: The Trinity: The Ashland Pack Series
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