The Righteous: The Unsung Heroes of the Holocaust (66 page)

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Swedish Legation (Budapest): its efforts to help Jews; an Arrow Cross attack on

Swedish Protestant Church (in Berlin): a focal point for helping Jews

Swedish Red Cross: negotiates release of Jews; ‘White Buses’ of, Photo

Swiecice (Poland): two Jews hidden in

Swiss Children’s Aid (Secours Suisse aux Enfants): rescues Jewish children in France

Swiss diplomats: help Jews (in Rome)

Swiss Legation (Budapest): rescue efforts of; an infirmary established by, to save Jews, Photo

Switala, Stanislaw: shelters seven Jews

Switzerland: border guards of, xx, a Jew reaches, xx, a police officer in, helps Jews; an offer to flee to; a journey from Poland towards; German Jews reach; escape routes to; fourteen Hungarian Jews sent to; Jews brought from a concentration camp to; a train on its way to, Photo

Swolchen (Holland): a Jewish boy finds refuge in; Photo

‘Sypek, Julia’: an assumed name

Szabo, Oszkar: saves Jews in Budapest; Photo

Szalasi, Ferenc: seizes power in Budapest

Szapira, Dana: hidden, with her mother

Szapira, Lusia: in hiding

Szczebrzeszyn (Poland): the fate of a Righteous Pole

Sztajer, Abraham: in hiding; avoids being shot

Sztehlo, Pastor: his rescue efforts; Photo

Sztehlo, Ilona: ‘a heroine’

Sztojay, Dome: protests against deportations from Hungary

Szwajcer family: given refuge in Italy

Szwajcer, Josef: rescued, then shot


Tanner, Jana: recalls Righteous acts

‘Tante Co’ (Dr Nicolette Bruining): a Dutch rescuer

Taquet, Marie: shelters eighty Jewish children

Taratuta, Aba and Ida: obtain information about a rescuer

Tarnopol (Eastern Galicia): acts of kindness in; the fate of Poles who hid Jews in

Tarnow (Poland): an act of rescue in; Germans in, help Jews; a factory in, gives protection to Jews

Taschdjian, Aram and Felicia: save a Jew

Tau, Tove: saves Jewish children

Taubenfeld, Alicja-Irena: rescued, with her cousin

Tel Aviv (Israel): a letter from, thanking rescuers

Telgte (Germany): a Jewish girl protected in

Temple, Shirley: an actress to be emulated; emulated

Tenenbaum, Mordechai: his archives guarded

Tennenbaum family: saved

Tennenbaum, Fanny and David: find refuge

Terboven, Josef: rules Norway

Teressa, Mrs: saves two Jews

Terlouw, Henny: a Dutch rescuer

Théas, Bishop Pierre-Marie: denounces deportations

Théis, Pastor Edouard: rescues Jews

Theresienstadt Ghetto: food and clothes smuggled into; parcels posted to; deportations to; Danish Jews in, protected

Third Reich: ‘shrinking’

Thomassen family: Dutch rescuers

Thônes (France): rescuers in

Thrace: Jews deported from

Thys, Dr: provides false documents

Tieze, Suse Lotte: recalls a Righteous act

Tikotin, Ilana (Ilana Drukker-Tikotin): in hiding in Holland

Tikotin, Steffi (Steffi Robertson): in hiding in Holland

Tilburg (Holland): rescue efforts in

Times, The
(London): reports French opposition to deportations

Tirana (Albania): Jews saved in

Tiso, Father Jozef: orders deportations

Titsch, Raimund: an Austrian, helps Jews in Poland

‘Tivoli, Maria’: an assumed identity

Tluste (Eastern Galicia): rescuers betrayed near

Todorov, Tzvetan: reflects on rescue in Bulgaria

Toebbens Factory (Warsaw): Jews in

‘Tolek’: the story of his rescue

Tomka, Gustav: helps rescue Jewish slave labourers

Tomkiewicz family: shelter a Jewish boy

Tonelli, Dr Sandor: hides forty Jews, in Budapest

Toronto: a survivor emigrates to; rescuers honoured in

Toth, Helena: secures the release of seven Jews

Toulouse (France): an escape through

Tourinnes-St-Lambert (Belgium): two Jewish boys find sanctuary in

Trananricz (a Jew): liberated from prison

Transnistria: deportations to

Trashinski, Iosef: saved

Trawniki concentration camp (German-occupied Poland):; and an act of rescue

Treason or Honour
(documentary film): and Jews in hiding

Treblinka death camp (German-occupied Poland): an escapee from, given refuge; rescuers perish in; deportations to; a ‘humanitarian’ act during the journey to; an escape on the way to; revolt at

Trembowla (Eastern Galicia): an escapee from, finds refuge

Trepman, Paul: recalls the ‘Angel of Majdanek’

Treptow, Ernst and Maria: rescuers, in Berlin

Trier (Rhineland): and a Righteous German

Trieste (Italy): escape from; escapees from, in hiding in Assisi

Trikkala (Greece): most Jews in, saved

Tripiccione, General: refuses a German appeal for help

Trocmé, Pastor André: rescues Jews; Photo

Trocmé, Magda: helps rescue Jews; ‘How could we refuse them?’

Troglia, Gimmy: takes refugees from Italy to Switzerland

‘Trojan Horses’: endanger rescuers

Trondheim (Norway): a church protest in; an escape from

Troostwijk, Jehoedah: reflects on his rescuers

Troostwijk, Menno: arrested and deported

Tunis: Italians protect Jews in

Turin (Italy): a Jewish mother and daughter from, given refuge; Jews from, find refuge in a remote valley

Turka (Eastern Galicia): a Jewish girl hidden in

Turkey: Jews helped to escape to

Turner, Ilana: and a Polish girl’s gift

Tursz, Dr Michael: saved by a ‘legendary’ rescuer

Tworek, Kazimierz and Janina: save a Jewish child

Tygodnik Powszecbny
(newspaper): and a Polish ‘benefactor’

Tykocin (Poland): Poles murdered in, for sheltering Jews

Tyrol (Austria): and an act of rescue

Tyz, Grzegorz: helps Jews in hiding


Uccle (Belgium): Jews in hiding in

Udine (Italy): a safe haven in

Ufryjewicz, Father: helps save a Jewish family

Uhniv (eastern Poland): Jews given refuge in; and a monastic refuge

Ujvari, Sandor: helps Jews in Budapest

Ukrainian Catholic Church: an appeal to its head

Ukrainians: and collaboration, xix; ‘bestiality’ of, xix; acts of rescue by; hostility of; murders by; ‘humanitarian’ acts by; and a ‘decent Gentile’

Ulkumen, Selahattin: saves fifty-two Jews on the islands of Rhodes and Kos

Umschlagplatz (Warsaw): deportations from

‘Uncle Piet’: a rescuer

‘Uncle Stefan’: a rescuer

Ungvar (Hungarian-occupied Czechoslovakia): a rescuer from

United States: takes in Jewish refugees; ‘Visas for Life’ exhibition in; rescuers settle in; survivors emigrate to; a letter to; Jewish children sent to (1941); lectures about the Righteous in; a Dutch rescuer in, recalls her family’s rescue efforts; a rescuer dies in

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (Washington DC): its photo archive

United States Office of Strategic Services: reports Norwegian efforts to help Jews

Unoccupied Zone (of France):
Free Zone

‘unsung heroes’: of the Holocaust

Ural mountains: an escape to

Urbanek, Zdenek: helps Jews

Uritskyi family: saved

Usach, Dr Juliette: in charge of a children’s home; with some of her Jewish youngsters, Photo

Utrecht (Holland): acts of rescue in; a son reunited with his father in


Vabulis, Yanis: saves a Jewish woman

Vacquiers (France): rescue in

Valence (France): an act of rescue at

Valent, Paul: in hiding in Budapest

‘Valik’: a less Jewish-sounding name

Valle Santa (Italy): refuge in

Valle Stura (Italy): refuge in

Vallingegno (Italy): Jews given refuge in

Van Ameringen, Tirzah: with her rescuer, Photo

Van Berlikom, Jet: saves Jewish babies

Van Binsbergen, Marion: a Dutch rescuer

Van Daan family: in hiding

Van den Berg, Albert: a Belgian rescuer

Van der Fort, Hannah: finds a hiding place for a Jewish boy

Van der Heijden family: Dutch rescuers, their tragic fate

Van der Putten, Gerrit: a policeman and a rescuer

Van der Stoel, Hetty and Martinus: rescue a baby boy

Van der Vaart, Dirk and Neels: Dutch rescuers

Van Dyk, Jan and Tinie: hide a Jewish girl

Van Eerd-Mutsaers, Adrianne and Annie: Dutch rescuers

Van Gestel, Adrianus: a rescuer, shot

Van Hessen, Edith (later Edith Velmans): goes into hiding

Van Live, Geertruida: saves Jewish babies

Van Lohuizen family: give sanctuary to two Jewish girls

‘Van Meerhaegen, Jeannine’: an assumed identity; Photo

Van Odyk, Pief: visits Jews in hiding

Van Oosten family: give refuge to a Jew, in Holland

Van Roey, Cardinal: intervenes

‘Van Tijn, Juliette’: an assumed identity

Van Tongeren, Jacoba: a Dutch rescuer

Vanger, Richard: his rescuer

Varena (Lithuania): a priest in, tries to comfort Jews

Varese (Italy): an act of rescue near

Varnavina, Valentina: saves a Jewish child

Vatican: distresses Reich Security main Office; shelters Jews; protests against deportations; rescue efforts of its representative in Budapest

Vatican Legation (Budapest): rescue efforts of

Vatican Radio: reports papal injunction favourable to Jews

Vavrusevich, Mikhail: helps Jews

Vavrusevich, Nikolai: hides a mother and daughter

Veesenmayer, SS General: a protest to, in Budapest

Veitch, Bronia: and a remarkable act of rescue; and a second act of rescue

Venice (Italy): an arrest in

Vénissieux (France): Jewish children rescued from

Venlo (Holland): a Jewish girl finds refuge in

Verduin, Grietje: her Righteous act

Verillac family: save a Jewish boy

Vermes, Gabor: in hiding

Verona (Italy): an arrest in

‘Verschoor, Corry’: an assumed identity

Vershovsky, Major Senitsa: tries to protect Jews

Vesili, Refik: helps hide eight Jews; reflects on the motive for rescue; with two of the children in hiding, Photo

Vichy France: Jews leave; Jews deported to; agrees to German deportation demands; dismisses a general who refuses to round up Jews; round-ups in; internment camps in; a supporter of, becomes a rescuer; Jews smuggled into; Italians oppose anti-Jewish measures of

Vidal, Juliette: helps Jewish children escape to Switzerland

Vienna: a Righteous diplomat in; a police sergeant from, helps Jews in Poland; a Jewish woman helped to travel to

Villa Emma (Nonantola, Italy): Jewish children find refuge in; Jewish children smuggled to Switzerland from

Villata family: give refuge to a Jewish family

Villefranche-de-Rouergue (France): a Jewish girl given shelter near

Vilna (Vilnius): its Lithuanian populace, xvii; rescue in

Vilna Gaon Jewish State Museum (Vilnius): honours rescuers

Viollet, Father Marie-Jean: helps Jews escape

Virgin Mary: recalled, by a rescuer; her statue decorated

Vis, Laurens: helps hide Jews, in Holland

Vis, Rudi: and his father’s funeral

Vitale, Ada: recounts her family’s rescue

Vitkauskas, Arejas: a rescuer

Vitkauskiene, Julija: a rescuer

Vittel (France): Jewish internees at, receive help

Vlastaris, Dimitros: helps the Levis family

Vlora (Albania): Jews hidden in

vodka: policemen distracted by

Voice of Piotrkow Survivors, The
: and a saga of rescue

Voiron (France): a betrayal at

Volhynia province (Poland): Jews saved in; a German rescuer in

Ethnic Germans

Volos (Greece): most Jews in, saved

Voorschoten (Holland): an act of rescue in

Vos, Aart and Johte: rescuers, in Holland

Voss (a German farmer): seeks to betray

Vrba, Rudolf: one of four escapees from Auschwitz; recalls an ‘honourable’ block leader in Auschwitz

Vrbova, Gerta: reflects on ‘appalling’ Slovak behaviour, xviii–xix

Vught concentration camp (Holland): a rescuer killed in


Wachalska, Anna: helps Jews

Wachtel, Dr Haim: saved

Waclaw (a Polish resistance fighter): provides forged documents

Wagman, Maria: given shelter

Wagner, Meir: describes Swiss rescue efforts in Budapest

Waisvisz, Elisabeth (Edna Heruthy): in hiding in Holland

Wajsfeld, Marcus (Mordecai Paldiel): and his family’s escape into Switzerland

Waka (Vilna District): a meeting at

Waksman, Roger: given shelter

Walbrzych (post-war Poland): and a parting of the ways

Wallach, Jaffa and Norris: saved

Wallach, Pinkas and Anna: saved

Wallenberg, Raoul: his arrival in Budapest; his list of ‘protected’ Jews; and safe houses under Swedish protection; distributes protective documents; helps protect International Ghetto; averts a massacre; disappears; a portrait of, Photo; a photograph taken from his car, of Jews released from custody, Photo; the ‘Latvian Wallenberg’ the ‘Italian Wallenberg’

Walter (a Viennese): helps Jews

‘Wanda’: a young Jewish girl’s assumed name

Wander, Dr Gerhard: helps Jews

Wander, Gerhard: recalls his mother’s help for Jews

Wander, Jacoba: helps Jews

Waniewo (Poland): two Poles murdered in, for sheltering Jews

Wannsee Conference (January 1942): designates Jews for deportation

Warsaw (Poland): an orphanage in; hiding places in; a Jewish woman taken for safety to; acts of rescue in; Jews helped to reach; a Jew found protection in; Jews from, interned in Vittel; a Jewish woman from, in hiding in France, victim of an SS reprisal; a ‘decent Gentile’ in; hatred of the occupier in

Warsaw Ghetto: a Jewish girl from, finds sanctuary; escapees from, given refuge; girls being deported to, escape and given sanctuary; acts of rescue in; the destroyer of, moves to Greece

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