The Real Trap Wives Of Memphis (5 page)

BOOK: The Real Trap Wives Of Memphis
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Legacy and I walked into the condo followed by Makayla, who was outside flirting with the delivery boy. He was sexy with his young ass. Pizza aroma scented the entire condo as Makayla walked in and turned on R Kelly’s
When A Woman's Fed Up
. Legacy placed a huge bag down on the table, then grabbed her a slice of pizza. The atmosphere was slightly depressing. I couldn't take hearing that damn R. Kelly right now; especially when there was trouble in paradise in my own house.

Makayla fixed all of our plates and I mixed us up a famous batch of my sex on the beach. We all sat down at the cherry wood dining room table. We all brought our own little décor skills to the condo and my contribution was animal prints. Our leopard place mats and napkins matched the floor-to-ceiling picture of leopards in the wild that I paid damn near a rack for. The all-white living room had a zebra rug in front of the fire place and was the only color in that room. Makayla turned the music down.

“So Makayla what's going on? Spill the tea,” I said.

Makayla was about to respond but was promptly cut off by Legacy. “I just need to know who I'm killing today. I came prepared.”

“It’s nothing like that y’all. It’s just that….”

“I just need to know why we were called because if Davion put his hands on you, then you know what the fuck it is. Matter of fact, pass me that bag Alisha,” Legacy said.

I could barely lift the bag, causing Legacy to roll her long lashes. She slid it effortlessly across the table. She drained the rest of her drink and placed her cup on the table before opening up the bag. She pulled out a chopper and both Makayla and I ducked.

“Legacy please put that shit up somewhere before you accidently pull the trigger with your trigger-happy ass,” Makayla stated gripping her chest.

“First tell us who we are killing tonight! I’m ready and I never make any mistakes when it comes to shooting.”

“We are not killing anyone. Davion and I got into a big fight this morning, so me being the big bad wolf that I am, I burned up most of his shit,” Makayla said.

“Makayla tell me that you didn't do that?” I spoke up. “I get mad myself, but that’s crossing the line. What all did you burn up?”

Makayla used her fingers to start counting shit off as Legacy poured herself another drink. I drained my glass and held it up for seconds as well because Makayla had lost her damn mind. I knew this wouldn’t end well. After refilling our drinks, Legacy placed the chopper back inside of the brown bag.

“I think we need to take this talk into the living room so I can get comfortable,” Legacy remarked grabbing her plate.

“I am so damn tired of Davion’s shit,” Makayla said.

Legacy and I rolled our eyes to the ceiling. Legacy patted the seat next to her. Makayla sat down, placing her plate onto the coffee table.

“Okay, I swear you got it twisted,” I remarked, no longer able to hold it in. Both Makayla and Legacy looked at me with eyebrows raised.

“What exactly do I have twisted, Alisha?” Makayla was serving me major attitude, but I wasn’t one to bite my tongue and she knew that.

“You have the game twisted. I swear it's no use crying over spoiled milk. You have to play the game the same way it plays you. Do you feel where I’m going with this?” A blank expression crossed Makayla’s face. Legacy took note and shook her head.

“So the simple fact that I want my love to come first instead of second to the streets means I have the game twisted?” Makayla asked. “No ma'am you are wrong and I know I have the right to feel this way!”

“Kay, put your big girl panties on. You’re over here acting brand new to the game. Open your eyes, wipe the crust away. This is what happens when you fall in love with a dope boy. The hustle comes first and you should know that out of all people.”

“Can I get an amen,” Legacy chimed in.

“Amen!” I replied.

“I'm tired of this life style,” Makayla remarked, taking a bite of her pizza. “I know it doesn't have to end the way it started. This is not the life I want for my future children. Tell me that y’all want this shit forever and I will kindly shut up.”

“Kay, we all get tired of this lifestyle, but it's a lifestyle we chose to live. Tell me the real reason that you are you trying to back out of it now?” Legacy questioned.

“Well now I'm choosing to un-choose. Is that so crazy? The late nights and early mornings just ain’t my shit no more. I un-choose this shit!”

“Aw hell naw! She bout to start bein’ a cry baby,” I teased. “I don’t understand the problem. You like what the fuck this lifestyle can bring you so you gotta sacrifice something.” Makayla was starting to irk me with the whining.

“No one sees the struggle, they only see the reward,” Makayla whined. “I'm tired of the struggle between me and his precious beloved streets.  I don't know what to do, which is why I burnt up his shit.”

I was about to take that but Legacy beat me to it. “Let me tell you what you do, because evidently you need a little more direction before you self-destruct. Cuz bitch if you do self-destruct then me and Alisha can't help you. Davion will probably leave your ass then and I'm not making plans on getting close to another bitch if he does decides to find a woman more down for the cause. You need to stop tripping. You think you the only bitch with a problem?”

“You really ain’t,” I replied high-fiving Legacy.

Legacy took another sip before going on. “Honey, we are all tired of their shit. Jacori put me in a real bad head space this morning. Coming creeping up in the house washing his balls and shit. Fuck was that all about? I don’t trip about another bitch because I am me, but we agreed he would keep it one hundred and not lie to me. I could leave him alone and be good by myself because I ….” She hesitated. “Put it like this. A bitch like me is high maintenance. I may rock a taper in the morning and a 28 inch at night. He needs to understand that I’m not letting no one take what I got. If I gotta miss out on some quality time every now and then, I will take that.”

“I’m hearing you loud and clear, Legacy,” Makayla assured. “And I’m down for the cause. I’m just fed up.”

I dramatically slapped my forehead because she was still missing the point. “I got stuck being the ride-or-die once again with Kortez.”

Makayla and Legacy exchanged glances before turning back to me. I continued. “How ‘bout Alonzo broke in while I was off some pills? Of course the whole shit got blamed on me and come to find out Kortez had a surveillance system he didn’t even think enough of me to tell me about. Ain’t that some shit? Thank goodness we can chill out here without being up under their watch.” We had to all clink glasses on that one.

              “I just can’t believe Alonzo crossed Tez like that,” Legacy stated as she walked into the dining room grabbing the pizza box. She opened it on her lap as I dug in my purse for my weed.

              “Honey him and his nasty ass girlfriend Plum got they ass whooped. He had TV’s, jewelry, and all kinds of other shit in his closet. Like who hits they next door neighbor and keeps the shit in their house?” I questioned rhetorically.

              “A dope fiend,” Makayla and Legacy answered at the same time. We sat there laughing for a second but I had to make sure to drive my point home to my girl.

“Okay, Mrs. I’m-Down-for-the-Cause. Here's what you have to do; ignore him.”

“Ignore him?” Makayla repeated. “That's your golden plan for me Alisha? Really?”

“Yes. See, silence will kill him more than you burning up his stuff. Not saying that he won't be mad with you because he will be furious. And he’ll probably flip out on you, but thinking he has lost you will destroy his pride, hurt his heart and fuck with his ego. He will be devastated like he lost his best friend; watch…you'll see, and if that doesn't work then leave him like you want to do now!”

“I guess it won’t hurt to try it,” Legacy winked agreeing with me.

“I’m serious bitch,” I urged. “Chill here for a few days then go try it out and watch what I said. It will work and you will be calling me letting me know that you owe me some money. Bitch so you might as well give me $100 now.”

“I gotta go with Alisha on this one, Makayla,” Legacy said. “You’re the most sensitive out of all of us. If he starts screaming on you then you liable to break-down. You gotta make that nigga miss you and know that you mean business.”

Makayla dabbed at the corner of her eye with a tissue before extending her arms. “I love y’all bitches,” she replied, as we lean in for a group hug.



               As I drove home I replayed the day’s events. Laying my hands on Plum when she rightfully deserved to be slaughtered had me on edge, but for now I would grant her some passage. Next time I wouldn't be so nice to the ill-mannered bitch. Sometimes it was difficult for me to not act like a juvenile delinquent when it came down to my husband. I know one thing though…today was my last day popping pills. I promised myself to stop popping because of Alonzo. He could have done anything to me while I was sleeping off those Xanax pills. And although Kortez did do major damage to Alonzo, I'm just glad he didn't kill him because that would have been a case against us and we couldn't afford them boys all in our business. We needed peace and prosperity in our life…no drama if we could help it.

              I pulled up to my house and stepped out cautiously. I was slightly paranoid not knowing what to expect after what happened earlier. I was relieved when I didn’t see Kortez’s black box Chevy in the driveway. Once I stuck my key in the door I slid inside quickly before locking the door behind me. The smell of weed hit me like a ton of bricks. Kortez was sitting on the couch breaking up some loud. “So you finally decided to come back huh?”

I sat my purse down before settling in next to him. Kortez handed me the weed and cigarillos to roll up. I rolled three blunts then lit one. I took two long pulls of the blunt; it made me feel so alive. As I inhaled the smoke I had the urge to cough, but breathing through it helped me keep it in like the pro that I was.

“Damn Alisha are you going to pass it to me or not?”  The weed was so good that I didn't notice that I was hogging the blunt like a true stoner.

“My bad boo. You know that I'm used to smoking by myself because you're always gone.”

“Don’t start that nagging. Just admit you don’t like sharing wit’ ya blunt-hogging ass.” Kortez snatched the blunt from out of my hands.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I asked as Kortez took a pull of the blunt then put it out in the ashtray.

“I’m good. Mind telling me where you were though?”

“No, obviously something is wrong with you,” I pushed. “You are over here snatching shit from out of my hands like you Debo or somebody.”

“So you ignore my question? Cool. I said that I am good, though, so leave it alone.” Kortez took another pull rudely blowing smoke in my face. I wanted to slap him, but I knew better. He had never hit me but his choke game was brutal.

“No, I'm not leaving anything alone because you are lying to me nigga. I can see right through you. I know you all too well…or have you forgotten that?”

              “I'm not lying. Stop trying to work my nerves right now. Stop trying to find something wrong with me. Stop trying to make an issue out of nothing at all before it becomes a real issue.” Kortez spat with venom. His phone vibrated and he grabbed it, smiling before he texted back. That shit made my blood boil. Clearly somebody had his attention as he started putting the blunt out.

“Fuck your nerves, Kortez, because if there was nothing wrong then why are you putting out the blunt while we are smoking together? And who the fuck do you keep texting? You know what? Let me see your phone.” I held out my hand and he laughed at me.

“Girl, go on somewhere…actin’ like you my mama.” Kortez was smiling a little bit too hard for me, which indicated he wasn’t taking me serious and that made me mad.

“Kortez, what female got you all in your feelings, smiling and shit like that? It surely isn't me, so who is she? Don’t lie to me either because I will find out. I know that you are texting a bitch.”

“Mane, stand down with the bullshit and quit assuming things. You really are killing my vibe with the insecure shit. Straighten up.” Kortez ran his hands through his dreads the way he always did when he was lying. With all the strength that I had, I slapped his phone directly out of his hands, causing it fall to the floor. From the impact, I knew that screen was cracked. He quickly picked it up off of the ground to survey the damage.

“You see this shit?” he yelled. Alisha, don't you ever in your pill-poppin life slap shit out of my hand. Do you understand me? If you ever pull this shit again you will regret it!” Kortez threatened.

“Fuck it! If you wanna be on some hoe shit, then two can play that game!” I stormed past him headed to go get my clothes when he jumped up and snatched me by the back of my arm.

“Let me go, Tez! Let me go before I fuck you up!”

“No Alisha. Sit your ass down somewhere. Hit the blunt again or pop you a pill.” I hated when he talked to me like I was an addict. That shit got up under my skin.

“Sit down for what? There is nothing left to say! I hope you been strapping up when you steppin’ out! You love more than these damn streets nowadays!” I yelled as my chest heaved. I could tell my pressure was high as I felt a headache coming on. My nostrils were flaring like a bull and I was ready to fight him. He saw that I was not about to back down.

“You know what? Fuck it I'm out. You on this little girl shit and I don’t have the patience or time to go there with you tonight.” I stepped in front of him, nostrils flaring. He didn’t even deny that Plum’s unborn twins might be his. Kortez pushed past me so hard it almost knocked me down. I was hoping he would leave, but he hesitated and turned to walk upstairs. Once I heard the bedroom door slam behind him, I grabbed my shit and left. Fuck him and this house because I didn’t need either one.


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